I had a dream, not a nightmare in Las Vegas, probably not a ghost nightmare, but even in a dream, I'm pretty sure that this is a nightmare. In this dream, my consciousness is clearer than at any time in the dream. The pictures flowing around me are beautiful, white petals are flying in the sky, and I am in this sea of ​​flowers, but I feel there is a certain A deep fear is hidden behind this beautiful picture. It seems that the flying white flowers also herald a death and despair.

That is a sense of restraint that I can't get rid of anyway, making it difficult for me to take steps. I want to get out of this sea of ​​flowers, to escape this despair that erodes my heart, I can use all my energy, and my feet seem to be filled with lead. I don't feel tired, just, my feet don't listen.

I am very familiar with this fear. When I face the "virus" and the "jiang"-or when I feel that they are facing them-this deep, inescapable, full of erosion The fear will spontaneously appear as if it has been hidden deep in the body and heart, and I have not noticed it until I feel their coming.

"White Claudia." I heard someone whisper in my ear.

I do n’t know who is speaking, there is a sense of familiarity, but it is very vague, and I ca n’t locate someone I am familiar with: Is it Dr. Ruan Li? Is it Zhenjiang? Is it Fujiang? Or, is it "Jiang" itself? Of course, this voice is also very much like my own voice.

I want to recall why I had such a dream. However, the things that I thought I could remember were so dimly unbelievable that I couldn't help but ask myself. Is the "clear consciousness" that you feel at this time true?

My thinking is like stepping on a one-way street. I think that shouldn't be the case, however. It is completely impossible to turn the thinking around, or to go to another route.

My thoughts seemed to be doomed from the beginning. It ran on a destined track. This feeling made me feel more and more. When you start to think, it is when you are the most stupid.

However, thinking is wonderful. When I think about it, I always feel that I have a way to escape and save the sadness and despair. Of course, whether it can be done or not is actually another matter. However, if you don't think about it, I think I will always be immersed in this fear that seems to lead to the abyss.

"The first word is dream,

From a deep sleep,

Quietly bring out my inner secret ... "

The sound rang again ... intermittently, but differently than before. The sound seemed to disappear from the wind, and the unheard part melted in the air. The white petals are still flying, I am taking a heavy step, looking for the origin of the sound, it seems to appear directly in my mind, it seems to echo in all directions, sometimes close, sometimes distant, but I think There is an exact sound source. I want to find it. I don't know what it is, but I think maybe it is called "Jiang".

"... downstream to find the key.

Walking down the river to the end, you will eventually reach the "Li".

Those who hold the key should follow the following record to go to the ideal town.

The first night. The living sacrifice selected with the key ... "

The sound is still ethereal and elegant, and the scene of petals is full of psychedelic beauty, but the content is gradually unknown. I have a strong hunch, which makes me unable to hold my ears to listen. However, I can't do this, it is like there is another will in the body, and when I resist, this will become clearer.

I suddenly remembered that I was a mental patient.

"Who am I? I'm Gao Chuan." Of course, I haven't changed.

So, who is the person who speaks to "Gao Chuan"?

The answer to this question could have been blurted out, but when I was about to answer it, the answer suddenly disappeared from my mind.

I only know that the more I pursue this issue, the more fearful I will become. However, this increased fear also seems to mean that I am getting closer to the answer.

I had to listen carefully to this misty voice.

It sang: "... On the second night, the rest of the people, torn up the two people next to each other. On the third night, the remaining people, praised my noble name ...

I don't understand who this pronoun specifically refers to, or what it refers to.

Immediately afterwards, the content began to change again:

"The second word is wind,

Let me swing my wings and fly towards God ’s arms,

Counting the sad past that has passed away,

Another golden apple fell ... "

where? I stopped and felt that the sound source was nearby. I wander around, but as always, it is a plain of flowers, and white petals fly like frost and snow into the air. I felt exhausted, and immediately fell to the ground, and then my body lay down.

"The third word is hope ..." I suddenly felt that this was actually my own voice.

"Ninth night, the witch recovered, and no one survived. On the tenth night, the journey ended and ended in the ideal land." The voice became not like my heart, it came from behind, I felt someone behind Before I looked back completely and looked at each other clearly, the corners of my eyes seemed to reflect the other person's figure. Then, when I turned around completely, there was nothing but flying petals behind. The master of that voice disappeared like a bubble.

"Do you believe me?" The voice asked again behind him. This time, it was clearer, as if it was Dr. Ruan Li's voice. I remembered it. She did ask such words. I couldn't answer and was silent. Now, I am just doing this nightmare.

"Nguyen ... mum ...?" I dare not turn my head, as if I had to see it just now, it would disappear.

"Do you ... love me?" The voice rang again, but there was no longer a clear feeling like before. It seemed to be still Dr. Ruan Li, but it seemed to be transformed into something else ...

"Jiang?" I still didn't look back, just asked. In my mind, another memory emerged:

"Obviously, the" Jiang "in the story was created by you as a template." Dr. Ruan Li once said.

I couldn't respond at the time, but I didn't think that Dr. Ruan Li was just wishful thinking. The feeling at the time was so ambiguous and embarrassing that I wanted to refute it subconsciously.

"Jiang and Dr. Ruan Li. It's not the same person." Such a refutation seems to be taken for granted. However, I did not do so.

The voice behind became very weak, like breathing, only to show that it exists. I didn't look back. Just answer this: "I do love you, Jiang. I hope, you exist."

Then it disappeared.

I woke up suddenly from my dream, completely unbuffered, suddenly. The scene in front of me changed from the flying white Claudia petals into a strange ceiling. It was also at this time that I was sure that the "consciousness" that I felt before was just an illusion. Is really sober.

There is no sense of ignorance just waking up, the thinking is sharp and fast, but the emotions are expanding and appear empty and sad. The fast-turning thinking cannot completely fill this empty and sad feeling. I think I have many things to do, but I don't know what to do first and where to start. There is always a stupid self. No matter what you do, you will only taste the taste of failure and despair at the end.

No, I can succeed, and I can do what I want to do, if there is no such persistence. What is the point of what I have done so far? I thought of it this way, turning over and sitting up, I could not help but savoring this negative and decadent thoughts and emotions, and then, in this way, let myself be dominated by some kind of cruel reason.

I don't have much time to waste in this self-satisfaction.

When the emotions were sorted out, the window was already clear, and the morning light spilled into the room was orange-red, gentle and magnificent, making the exquisitely decorated room suddenly filled with a fresh atmosphere. I went to the matching bathroom to sort out my appearance, and when I put cold water on my face, I felt very clear-headed and more awake. I supported the sink by the table and looked at myself in the mirror-suddenly, I felt that I seemed a little strange to what it looked like in the mirror. How long have you not looked in the mirror? I couldn't help thinking.

The self in the mirror is different from the self in my mind in many details. For example, I was thinner than I thought, and my face was paler, my body looked weaker, my arms were slender, and I didn't feel strengthened by the fourth-level magic pattern. The obvious pathological state, I think, is more like Gao Chuan's body in the hospital. Of course, compared with the body in the hospital, there are still some differences. At least, the person standing in front of the mirror is not a disability.

"Full limbs and clear mind." Isn't this better than the worst? I twitched the corner of my mouth and smiled at myself in the mirror, and he gave one back-what should I say? I think that the sick young man can still get a little extra points in appearance.

Last night, Dr. Ruan Li said a lot to me. Those contents were probably the cause of the nightmare I had before. My heart is more shaken than I imagined, and the basis of intelligence and observations clearly obtained from "Reality of the Hospital" is already very reliable. Although I did not fully feel that the "hospital reality" was the real reality, and there were some hesitations, but I never thought about it. At this time, under such an environment, a situation that would forcefully reverse the world view would occur.

I can't repeat what I said, what Dr. Ruan Li said last night, but the impression left by those contents is deeply imprinted in my heart.

This world may be different from what I always thought.

"Virus ... Jiang ... doesn't exist?" I exhaled deeply and dried my hair vigorously with a towel. Before that I stuffed my whole head under the tap.

However, even though "viruses" and "jiang" do not exist, the world in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li still fails to escape the doomsday crisis, and there is still another kind of existence that has replaced the position of "pathogen". Although the position on which Dr. Ruan Li ’s truth is based is different from the position on which my prior knowledge of the world is based, it is clear that after careful discrimination, there are actually many situations in which there are real objects and shadows between each other. Relationship.

I sorted out the uncomplicated situations that I still remember. For the time being, I will not mention what "true" is. Dr. Ruan Li said before that the world still conforms to the "End of the World in 1999" situation. Moreover, compared with the previous doomsday illusion, the current world-whether it is the repeater world or the real world-is in a more intuitive doomsday state, because. The real date at this time is actually mid-1999.

This answer also means that before the mysterious spread, the world has already begun the end of the process, not that the mystery has contributed to the end. If you take the earlier perspective. To see what Dr. Ruan Li said, it probably associates the doomsday process with a "Nazi conspiracy." The Nazis controlled this Las Vegas repeater. If the doomsday process of the world of repeaters had begun before our invaders entered, it proved that in fact the Nazis intended to directly cause the repeater to collapse. .

but. When Dr. Ruan Li arrived, the situation was not so simple. Even if what I have seen and experienced, many of them are hallucinations, but they must also have the foundation of reality and cannot be fabricated out of thin air.

She proposed to me last night: "Why don't you try to believe me?" I can't give a clear answer to this question. However, it is undeniable that when I tried to believe the world she described, many doubts of the past suddenly became bright.

Even so, I always thought that the temporary data hedge space attached to the illusion of the end is actually the real world. Such a statement still cannot be accepted by people at once. Dr. Ruan Li let me read my diary, which had a huge impact on me. I did n’t think about it at the time, but now think about it. It ’s not impossible to make use of the power of “mystery”. However, is it a bit too mean to use such a "no matter what is puzzled. Push to mystery" approach?

I had to think about what would be true if Dr. Ruan Li said. But as a result, the blow to me must be great.

However, Dr. Ruan Li's interpretation of the problems of this world and mine, like the "hospital reality", has a very clear and true foundation.

"White Claudia ... the origin of everything?" I muttered to myself and pushed out the door.

Today, Dr. Ruan Li intends to take me to a nearby observatory. She intends to use "the existence of a macro universe" to prove that her world seems to be real. And I also think that if she can really do it, she probably can't refute her. Even in the "hospital reality" that was once close to the truth, the place I am in is nothing more than a lone island hospital.

When I left the room, I felt the "mysterious" breath. When the chain judgment started, the breath disappeared. I cannot, like Dr. Ruan Li, assume that this world is real, and there is no mystery. In my cognitive ratio, although Dr. Ruan Li's blow is effective, it is still not enough to replace his previous views.

I know clearly that Dr. Ruan Li will continue to force the truth she knows into my brain. The reason to participate in the seminar and conduct research transactions with Dallas is to complete this matter. The reason for using such a fierce method is precisely because the time in the world is running out. She needs a hero to save it all.

Dr. Ruan Li is not very optimistic about my rescue operation, whether it is the story in the diary or the reality in her eyes. "

I have no reason to hate her. When she stared at me, I couldn't resist being such an experimental object.

To put it simply, what Dr. Ruan Li does today is no different from the "hospital reality" in nature.

Because once again talking about heroes, the truth about the world of repeaters, and the "doom agent" mentioned by Dr. Ruan Li, I can't help thinking that Carmen once claimed to be an agent.

I remembered our conversation when we first met him:

"What is this place?"


"Why send us here?"

"To save the world."

When he mentioned the illusion of doomsday, I was a bit skeptical.

I began to summarize the information I got from him. There are many people like me who are drawn into this world through special channels. The reason why we are here is because this guy who calls himself an agent wants to save the world. His tone is as if the real world will become the same as here at some point in the future.

I don't know how many people he is looking for, we are like brave candidates.

Yes, the Mageweave messenger, also known as the sky-chosen. In the past doomsday illusion, it is probably the responsibility and responsibility of the brave candidate. Of course, not all brave candidates will eventually become brave and brave It will also be predicted to die and fall in the face of the doomsday truth. In fact, in the past doomsday illusion, a "brave man who saved the world" does not exist.

I know how difficult it is to become such a hero. When even "what does the world look like" is ambiguous, what a weak slogan is "save the world".

However, it seems that Dr. Ruan Li is now ready to throw a bet. Her toughness, sincerity, and resolution, I have strongly felt from her actions and thinking. Therefore, I did not refuse, even if I still could not stand completely from her perspective to see what she believed to be the "truth", but I couldn't refuse her, especially on the point of "to save the world, to be a hero".

Today, I am about to break the silence and tell her my real thoughts.

It's not about "what the truth" is, it's just that she needs me. She needs me to believe in her and help her. She puts everything she has on me, so I must respond to her positively. She may be able to find other people, maybe not, but I think she can think of me at this time and expect me. This is the most gratifying thing in a series of bad things.

As Dr. Ruan Li said, if you can't find a way to save the world from the original world view, you can only bet on your luck. Why not try to believe her and see if there is a new way?

I knocked on Dr. Ruan Li's door, and after she answered, she pushed open.

Dr. Ruan Li didn't seem to sleep all night, his face was full of exhaustion, and when he looked at me, his calm eyes were covered with melancholy. She still seemed to care about what was said last night. She was the one who opened the "truth", and it was me who suffered the impact, but it was me who finally adjusted first.

"Achuan?" Dr. Ruan Li pulled on his coat, and the air conditioner in the room turned on a little low. "Why is it so early?"

"I think about it, mother." When I closed my eyes and opened it again, all the distractions disappeared. "I really can't tell where is reality and where is illusion. I can't deny that I am in Everything written in the diary, so far, has not been a fictional story for me. But, even so— "I paused and said clearly:" Since my mother needs me, then, I am very willing to believe my mother. It may be difficult to do, but I will work hard for a while, and then, in the process of hard work, find the correct answer. "

Dr. Ruan Li was stunned. Although she started to say those words last night, she didn't seem to think about it. I would say this to her in this tone at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~.

"Mom has also read diaries, read those, the secrets in my heart, if there is a force that prompts me to remember things I should n’t know, then, moms who also know those contents must understand me How did you treat this world? "I said," I do have my own plan, and I always feel that my plan is correct ... No, I have to do it. But, since my mother needs me, I am willing to Give up that kind of plan and try again for the sake of mom, the possibility that I cannot understand. "

"Achuan--" Dr. Ruan Li's voice was a little trembling. She widened her glasses and stared at me, as if waiting for me to continue, saying the words she wanted to hear.

"Since my mother thinks I might do it, and chooses me, it proves that I really have such a chance. Even if I do n’t know, how many times I still have a chance to fail, but even if there is a chance, I I do n’t want to miss it. And, no matter what the world of repeaters is, I do n’t want my mother and Sakuya to die. I hate such a doomsday! ”I said firmly.

"Let's save the world together! Use mom's method!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please use mobile To read.)

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