Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1404: Sleep forever in dreams

Under the blood moon, the ashes fell, and the mad and desperate wind blew, the broken steps and the leaves swirled, and slowly moved around the feet. Inhuman corners came from the dark corners of the alleyway, hoarse and crazy, full of offensiveness, even if they were not directly seen, it was enough to make people understand that these weirdness had been peeping. I do n’t know which hound that ran from the house jumped out from behind the wall. It had lost half of its head, but its eyes were covered with the other half of the head. If it is a normal dog, it will die completely before it becomes this look.

However, death is no longer eternal in the sacrifice of this deepest night. The killed person, the weirdness of being killed, is being reborn in the observation of the chain judgment. The lack of parts in their bodies does not prevent them from getting up from the ground. The human form is no longer meaningful to them. Therefore, they do not need heads and limbs. Alienation causes them to gradually lose their original shape and structure, and the original weakness No longer a weakness.

The wicked dog-like weirdness became huge, standing three meters high and standing five to six meters long. Not only the evil dogs, but also the birds and the human body are becoming huge, and the seemingly spacious rooms have become narrow and fragile toys for them. They pushed down the wall and bumped hard, and almost half of the rooms would collapse. Ordinary swords can't harm them. When their bodies hit the sharp things exposed in the ruins, only the sharp things are damaged.

Faced with such a weird body, surrounded by mystery, I do n’t think that the people in the gathering place have any power to fight back. The original sacrifice power failed to penetrate all the rooms, but now, after a minute, the weirdness has grown enough to destroy those seemingly sturdy rooms. If the owner of the room refuses me to enter, I still cannot enter. ,however. Even those places where the crazy and desperate wind cannot penetrate, it is difficult to survive the huge and strange impact of the body. It seems that these weirdness have further changes precisely for these well-sealed buildings.

The fear that permeated the air became rich again. I heard more screams, and people could n’t believe that they thought they were enough shelter from disasters, and they collapsed like building blocks. However, even so. I still think that the people in the gathering place will not be killed in this way. Not everyone hides, but only in the room above the ground. If they choose the cellar from the beginning, they may still be able to stick to this. A wave of sacrifices.

In the sacrificial ritual, the speed of alienation is very fast, and the mystery it possesses cannot be overtaken even by using quick swept, because the two are like different fields. and. Quick swept cannot resist and cure alienation, just as I have no way to deal with the alienation that has already appeared in girls. The reason why I am not alienated by myself is because of my high mystery.

There are too many dead people, and even death is not their final ending. The sacrificial ceremonies of the doomsday truth religion are acquiesced by the mysterious organizations of all parties, and its purpose is not to put people and animals in this gathering place Turning into a monster, the alienation in front of you is just one component of the sacrifice ceremony. It is difficult to resist, like a disaster, but it is really just a prerequisite for the next large-scale changes. An adjustment.

It's just this kind of weirdness, even if the figure becomes huge, it will definitely not be my opponent. The trouble is that I must also pay attention to the girl's changes. To be honest, she has also begun to alienate is also dangerous. The girl can still save her mind so far. When she sees that gigantic and huge weirdness, she will also be very scared. Although she has no eyes, her own alienation still seems to allow her to "see" the outside world. But then, it is also possible that this inexplicable observation method will make her fall into even greater fear.

In mysterious events, the act of "observing" itself has always been one of the direct ways of terrorist attacks. People are limited and confused by their facial features, and they will do crazy things that are unimaginable. What impressed me the most was the Saya virus. People eroded by the Saya virus will be distorted in all senses of the foreign objects, and even the mind will be completely distorted, and eventually become a part of Saya.

However, in today's doomsday illusion, Father Edward, the true producer of the SAY virus, is more handy than dealing with the alienation before him.

I thought of it this way, shifting my body a little bit to avoid the weirdness that jumped out from behind the ruined wall, and cut it in half with my backhand, and after a while, it would regenerate in this two-half posture, but Now it looks like it is completely dead. Immediately afterwards, a weird dog-like weird front and back encircled me, trapping me in this narrow tunnel. They are not completely irrational, at least during the battle, they will obviously make some tactical actions. However, such actions are not meaningful at all.

I can jump on the wall at any time and use a quick swipe to break away from this encirclement instantly. However, on this night, of course, it is better to knock them down completely. I hope someone is paying attention to the situation here. If I defeat the weirdness, I hope that people hiding somewhere will have the courage to run out and rush to the chapel, which is the safest place I think. I am alone, how many people can I rescue even if I only work as a porter? Maybe I can walk through the whole gathering place in a few seconds, but there are also many people who resist me and weird, because of the erosion of their minds, who have become unreasonable.

Even if I forcibly take them away, how many people can I take away at a time, and how many round trips and searches do I need to rescue people who might be alive? In the final analysis, although I act fast, in the face of such changes, it is not a big advantage.

I appeared next to the weird dog in front of me in the next second. Before it could react, I picked it up with a serrated sword and smashed it **** the ground, creating a huge movement. I have been doing this all the time, so there is a constant flow of weirdness toward me. Relatively, people who escape from other places will also become safer. I think so. However, I am not sure about the situation. .

Letting most of the weirdness move closer to me, and then I will kill them together is the best way I think. but. Different people will have different ideas.

I have heard the swearing of someone. He swears at this tragic fate and hunters like me. Although I think it is only me now. It is the real hunter, but this gathering place did contain other hunters before. After arriving at the gathering place, these hunters were like everyone else. Hiding in certain buildings, resisting the approach of others, they have lost the hunter's mentality, even if the skills still exist, but their hearts are not stronger than ordinary residents.

There are also some weird religious elements. When I passed by their hiding place, I was immediately driven away by Yan Yan. I can be sure that some of them have also alienated, but. They insist that they can solve it and reject my interference. And I do n’t think they really have a solution.

In this gathering place, there are many acts that are very unwise to me, and there are all kinds of ugly ideas. . They close their hearts. It is impossible to listen to any good intentions, or even misinterpret good intentions as malicious.

The dog's weird slap is like a slow motion, showing in my mind, a combination of fast swept superpower and chain judgment. Let me be like a fish in any orderly behavior. In the blink of an eye, the sawtooth sword divided them in two, and their screams made the girl tightly cover her ears, her face pale.

When I came to the place where the familiar young women and men who had never seen before lived, the house where they were hiding had collapsed. The lights have not been extinguished, but when you look out of the window, you can feel the mess inside. I shouted a few times, just when I thought they were all dead, so when I was about to turn around and leave, the figure of the young woman appeared by the window.

"Cough ... you're here, hunter." She seemed to be wounded, and her figure burned on the glass was painfully bent.

"Let me help you ...

"No, no one can help me. This is destiny. Even if you are rescued now, there will not be any change in the future." The young woman's tone was full of calm through the destiny. She knows many things, but I'm not sure what she thinks, she can only imagine that she is a pessimist. In fact, when the doomsday is displayed in front of people, pessimism is a normal emotion.

"Oh ... cough ... you still have a child." The young woman coughed again. "Do you think you can save her?"

"I don't think I am trying." I replied in a deep voice.

"It doesn't make sense." The young woman said, but she didn't seem to want to argue, and she asked the topic: "Are you going to the chapel?"

"That's what I think is the safest place now." I said.

"But it may also be the most dangerous place ... cough cough ... in the end the most terrifying, more terrible than death ..." I heard her deep breath, "You will know, hunter, sometimes , Death is the salvation that fate has given to each of us, and living ... coughing ... will only become more desperate and more and more fearful. "

"Your injuries must be treated." I think she's a bit bad.

"It's useless. It's too late. I'm going to die ... cough ..." The figure on the window stood up, seeming to be closer to the window. She seemed to be looking at me and the girl. "I knew I would never be able to pass The deepest night this time ... cough ... but that's fine ... I just want to choose my own death. "

Let's just say, her figure shook hard, something collapsed and made a heavy sound, and then, like a strong wind blowing through the hall, making a clear sound, her room suddenly became very incomparable Bright. In less than one breath, I saw that the flame was drilling through the cracks in the doors and windows and spreading throughout the house. The fire was swaying in the strong wind, and the delicate figure of Juanxiu stared at me and the girl in the flames.

The sound of wind and fire engulfed most of her voice, and the only thing that was communicated to us was only a slight cough, and there was already a cheerful laughter: "... cough cough ... hehehe ... I can choose death ... Cough ... but you? Hunter ... leave here to do what you want to ... cough cough ... all tangible things will be destroyed, all activities will be stopped ... cough cough ... I will enter Dreams that won't wake up ... "

A dream-like voice was blown away by the wind. I woke up suddenly, and the figure of the young woman had completely disappeared in the fierce flames.

The low roar from the other side, I turned my head and saw a tall, deformed body that suddenly broke the wall and jumped to the front. It has lost its original appearance as a normal human figure, but since it came out of that building, it is the wicked man. What he looks like now is much more miserable than a young woman. Perhaps the young woman was right, and it was already her luck to choose to die. At least, she will not become the ugly thing in front of her.

Standing weirdly, he threw a fist at me. It has a total of four arms ~ ~ Four consecutive punches, so fast that even the air is compressed, making a huge roar. However, for me, this level of attack is still too weak. When he folded his fists, I already carried the **** one of the arms, and then took a big step forward and waved the serrated sword.

The wildly rotating saw teeth screamed happily, biting this huge eerie neck. Its neck and neck are covered with sarcoma and thick cortex, but it is like butter in front of the serrated sword.

The blade chopped off the entire neck, and under the blessing of the quick sweep, cut the flying head into countless pieces. I jumped over the headless body. After landing, I didn't look back. The young woman's words seemed to unravel me, I was just a hunter. Even if I do n’t attract the sheep-headed demon, there will be more conspiracies, and this gathering place will be caught in the tragedy. In fact, I have known this result for a long time, and I am grudged, not because of my ignorance, but because it is part of human nature. As a human being, I still feel sad and sad about what I cannot do. Pain, even if reason reminds me, this emotional fluctuation is actually unnecessary and useless.

Soon, I caught up with a group of survivors who had fled. They had a total of eight people, all of them adults, but under three strange siege, it seemed dangerous. Their fear is one reason, and the other reason is the mystery of the weirdness, so that the means that ordinary people can counterattack have failed. (To be continued.)

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