Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1405: destination

I think that if I describe the situation in Asia better, the heads of these adventurers will definitely consider entering Asia, but if the situation in Asia is serious, they will have the same idea, and even go to Asia to understand the situation in person. . Their own environment forces them to do so. I do n’t know if anyone or an organization started to take root in Asia before our whisperers appeared in front of these people. However, Asia will gather more and more foreign organizations, which is almost beyond doubt.

"We are from a city in the Central Duchy, where is our site. If you are interested, you can come and sit down. We welcome friendly guests. If you have business exchanges, you can also contact us. Of course, in the near future, we still don't plan to Launching activities outside Asia. "I introduced my club and distributed business cards to everyone. I feel like a salesperson.

"Same style." Muzzle turned the whisperer's business card and mumbled. I do n’t know what exactly the same style means, but he does n’t mean it.

Jung did not take a closer look. After receiving the business card, he stuffed it into his jacket pocket in a prudent and polite manner.

"Now, the meeting can start." After the greeting, the file let the two girls into the car behind, and put the terminal device on the ground. As she bent over to operate the terminal, I sat across from her clearly seeing the deep gullies lifted up by the low-cut vest under the open camouflage suit. But after a glance, everyone, including me, was attracted by the holographic image projected by the terminal in mid-air.

The terminal device emits upward light like a funnel. An egg-shaped hollow structure floated in the funnel. In the hollows, more linear structures spread like vines, and the outline of a city is drawn in the blink of an eye. It should be right in the city. Those house-like buildings are like matchboxes one after another. It is embedded in a mountain or some kind of tall object, which is similar to the bird's eye view of a mountain city in the normal world. But these matchbox buildings can be enlarged, and when we stared at it, it seemed that we were suddenly pulled in.

The vision suddenly fell from the sky and fell directly on a winding street. Only then did I find that the house was not embedded in the mountain, but the messy and dirty rooms were stacked one after another, forming a strangely shaped whole. Because the transparent line composition is too complicated. Looking down layer by layer, it was dazzling and disgusting to make me sick.

However, as the file began to adjust the way of browsing. Buildings outlined only by lines begin to be covered with a white skin. This white color is similar to that seen in trains and security guards, making people feel that this is the real situation.

This street is built on the outer edge of the building. Some areas are very steep, and the stairs about a few hundred meters away climb almost fifty degrees. In addition, there are many forks deep into the mountain. The holographic image began to rotate, and my field of vision seemed to be pulled by an invisible rope, and along the way I could see more openings that seemed to be windows or doorways. Not all are separated by a door, and sometimes you can see clearly what is in the hole. But what can be seen at this time is still a deep tunnel and more entrances and exits. If it is on the outer edge of the mountain. It may be possible to find the way to come, but once it goes deep into the mountain, it seems to have entered the nest of ants. The strange shape and completely unsatisfactory distortion of the structure make people accidentally lost.

"This is the thirty-three area, a giant underground hole excavated by man. There is no normal living area except for this huge one-piece building." The sound of the file rang in my ears.

"What does it look like outside the living area?" Asked the voice of the fire.

"It looks like a big bunch of twisted metal tubes." The file said: "I failed to download the structure there, but the largest pipeline can accommodate a Boeing passenger plane. In fact, the train we took Will enter the living area through one of the channels. "

"The destination is outside the living area?"

"Yes, but you can't go directly to the outside. If you enter directly, you probably won't find the exit anymore." The file said, and the progress of the field of vision began to accelerate. When we stopped, we stood in front of a crooked, fragmented building like a mountain that would collapse at any time. The building here exposes a reinforced structure, with patch-like steel plates, and a variety of tubes, like the nervous system, bare from the exterior of the building. At first glance, I feel that the seemingly high-risk building can still exist completely because the small building blocks that make up it form a stable overall structure in a delicate stacking manner.

"Although it's not the first time I saw it, I still feel very spectacular." I heard someone marvel, as if it was a fireman of the file squad.

"Look at the ground." Fire escape said.

So our vision bends downward. Under our feet, a huge and flat circular platform is presented, which is depressed downward from the ankle to the knee. The edge of the circular notch is very smooth, and the platform surface gives a smooth feel, but it clearly shows radial stripes starting from the center. Then, we looked up again at the distorted architectural mountain, and then we discovered that there were also many radial stripes in the surface of the building, and even in some visible internal structures. The reason why the mountain of this building is fragmented is that some of the "building blocks" that make up it have completely disappeared. Other "building blocks" collapsed along the gap, but it was better luck to get stuck before the complete collapse, forming a new Balance, or have been patched up by something, so you can continue to stand here.

"This building did not exist three days ago." The file said. The crowd did not say anything, and seemed to be thinking about her statement.

"There was a force erupting here, then a construction machine came, and then the second force erupted, and finally formed this weird building structure." The file said: "Although the text information cannot be obtained, the light can still be seen from the image. Judging that there had been fighting here, one of the parties used some kind of wide-area weapons, which caused this platform under our feet. These guys who don't know whether it is a person or something. From here enter the outer area of ​​the 33rd area. "

When she explained in this way, her vision was driven again, thrown into the building, and drove along a dark tunnel. after that. Our field of view is popped up with a holographic image, and we once again observe the structure of this area in a bird's-eye view. A green dot marked by the words of the ruling bureau replaced us and walked in a complex pipeline. Except for the scene around the pipeline, the structural drawings farther away disappeared. Eventually, the green dot fell into a boxy box.

I saw the file pointed at this box and said to everyone: "I believe that this is our destination."

"What do you think there will be?" Huo asked. "Maybe the guy who entered first and didn't know if it was a person or something has taken it away."

"I don't think the guy who has come first has finished everything." The file said seriously: "The safety network system still marks it as red, and it is not allowed to be consulted with permission below level 4. What do you think it will be?"

"District 33 is a civilian living area, and the arsenal will not be in that area. Since its security authority is high, it is likely to be an institute." Jung said most people's judgment.

"It's really weird. Judging from the previous structural drawings of the building, no nobles should live here." Fire escaped the collar, staring at the panorama of the living area suspended in the air, saying: "It's too messy, it's almost It ’s like a slum in the mountains of South America. "

"Probably a masterpiece of construction machinery." Father Sissen said: "Many places that once existed in aristocratic areas. If it is destroyed on a large scale, its structure will be completely transformed by construction machinery ... you all know that construction machinery Repairing the reconstructed structure is like a disordered cell proliferation. "

Father Sisen's speculation was agreed by most people. There will be no further objections, and everyone is ready to explore this local place that may be an institute. Expect to find some valuable things, but if only to obtain information. It will be a headache. Because it is not something a small organization can do to interpret data written purely in the language of the ruling bureau. If you sell a doomsday truth, you might be able to sell a good price, but as a hostile, before deciding to surrender to the other party, they would rather lose money than give up.

Therefore, in the so-called "value", the most useless is such incomprehensible data. Even if it can be interpreted, if you want to repeat these experiments, you must obtain more equipment from the ruling bureau or find a substitute. However, in either case, it takes a lot of time, manpower and material resources.

The file will start from the arrival station of this train, and the fragmented building that looks like the entrance will end. The map of the shortest route in this section of the road will be copied to us. Afterwards, Fire and Jung returned to their respective cars to convey relevant information to others.

Tracy and Gregia are back. I told her the general situation, not as detailed as a file, not to show them the map.

"The security system in charge of the Institute of Protection must be very strong." Cui Di said seriously.

"If the forerunner has been there ..." I said: "The security system must be damaged to some extent."

"I think that it is because the security system there has not been repaired, so there are only four levels of permission restrictions." Father Sisen interjected: "Generally, only three levels are required to enter the institute. The authority may be higher in some key areas inside, but if you just enter through the gate, I haven't seen any level 4 authority required. "

"You don't need to go to that place for permission authentication?" I confirmed again.

"No, permission authentication is like raising the credit amount of a credit card in a bank, as long as it can be done in a public terminal in the living area. Of course, it may be a little trouble to find such a public terminal in the 33rd area, because there is obviously It is not a normal living area. Moreover, not every public terminal has the authorization authentication function, just like not every local ITM cash machine has functions such as withdrawal, transfer, deposit, etc., there may be only one or Several. "

"It's troublesome." I mumbled.

"However, I still hope that before you enter the mysterious institute, you will be able to complete the authorization. This is good for you." Father Sisen said: "And, this is our original purpose, isn't it?"

"Miss File specified the meeting time." I glanced at the file and she was cutting her nails with a dagger. It didn't seem to hear our conversation.

"It's okay to exceed the assembly time. The first come first. Anyway, if we are going to that place, it is unlikely to find the second way." Father Sisen said.

"Everyone who arrives late will be regarded as an enemy." The file finally opened, and she glanced at Father Sisen and me. Say with a light tone: "This is to avoid someone trying to be a fisherman. Since you participate, you must contribute. Father Sisen, you are also a veteran, you know these roads, don't joke with new people."

"Have you heard?" Father Sisen shrugged humorously and said to me, "It is a necessary good habit to keep time no matter where it is."

"It's really troublesome." I couldn't help sighing. I didn't want to participate in this operation at all, although the pretend easily told Tritty some possibilities to make things better, but actually. I also think that the possibility of getting worse is greater. My intuition has always been accurate. This is a hallmark of the whisperer. This time, I still believe in my intuition.

Probably not going well. You will encounter some inexplicable things, and many people will die, so the dark instincts continue to sound the alarm in your heart. If you are far away from that place, you will be safer if you go back after the authority authentication. but. On the other hand, I feel that the mysterious research all the things I need.

But, what do I need to dominate? It seems that there are many things needed, but it does not seem to be necessary. I smoked a cigarette. Ignite and sip in a sip. then. Suddenly remembered, reminded the disappeared color classmates. Before jumping back to the previous world line through the gate of Destiny Stone, I must find the "spiritual integration device" and "personality preservation device". These two very strangely named items are related to my memory of the previous world line.

Are you really a jumper in the world? Although what happened recently can be explained in this way, I gradually accepted it. However, deep inside, there is still an uncertain fragment. It keeps asking me: Do you really believe in the so-called world-line theory?

I can't answer.

I have never seen the world clearly. Now the world is becoming more abnormal.

"Maybe there is something you want in that place." I said to Jinjiang so jokingly.

Omi just nodded, and she had not expressed her opinion just now. After entering the ruling bureau, she seldom said what she thought. She seemed to follow me like this. I sometimes feel that she does n’t really care if she can find materials for making time machines. That ’s just an excuse. She just wants to be with me. This kind of naive thought seems to be an illusion, but it brings a kind of beauty to my heart.

Is this deceiving yourself? However, what can prove that she really does not have this idea? I didn't ask her if this was the case, it would make me feel stupid. However, I hope to retain such a happy mood because of uncertainty, maybe that is why I did not go to the proof. I think this may be the feeling of first love.

I said to myself, you really fell in love with her. Not because she may create the gate of the stone of destiny for you across the world line, you just like her who is attached to her dreams. There seemed to be something I had lost on her, and I was not sure.

In their respective thoughts, the carriage fell into silence again. The train drove steadily forward, perhaps the calmest time on this journey. Gregia is no longer entangled with Cassis. After her impulse was interrupted by Tracy, she may have more mature considerations. When Cui Di closed her eyes, she took out her phone and typed on it. I asked her what she was doing, and she said: "Cassis said, after going out, he forgot what happened in the ruling bureau, and even if he got something, he might not be able to take it out. What happened and important information during the next period. "

Probably true. I saw that Father Sisen also pulled out an old sheepskin notebook from his pocket. Every page is well illustrated. The first few pages are filled with even small gaps. Several The place was covered with labels, and it seemed that the bulging ones could not be closed without the belt buckle on the book cover. What he is recording now. However, I did not see other people writing.

"What?" He looked up and looked at me with his glasses on.

"Is Cassis saying it true? I forget things here when I go out."

"Well, this is indeed the case." Father Sissen seemed to think of it, and said to me: "Although for most people, this experience is not worth mentioning, or it is better to forget. But if I really want to write down something, it ’s better to use a pen. If you use an electrical appliance, the chance of losing the record is relatively large. I have n’t said that I want to record, but her action seems to be saying: record it.

I think, what should I write? Is it simply to record the points of adventure in the ruling bureau? I let the pen spin between my fingers, and then I plan to write this experience as a wonderful story. As the text slides down from the tip of the pen, I look back at the people who are alive, dead, and separated. Gradually, I even feel that they will never disappear again. Even if those dead, it seems to be in another way, such as the way of the soul. , Surround yourself.

They whispered in my ear, and in the occasional trance, I seemed to hear the sound of the tide again, and saw the hand sticking out of the yellow lake.

There is a feeling of suffocation, breathing the air, but feeling that the air is like a thicker liquid flowing into the body along the nasal cavity. Maybe it was an illusion, and it soon disappeared. I looked up and found that Jin Jiang was staring at me closely.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"A bit strange," she said, not saying anything strange. (To be continued ...)

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