Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1406: Humanoid choice

I crossed the crowd and first came to the closed door of the chapel and pushed the door hard. The door was closed tightly, and there was a sense of panic from it. I know that most of the people inside are struggling with their hearts. They are patients and have many defects on the spiritual level, but they are not puppets without a mind. Fear is crazy, and despair. What is happening in the gathering place is too horrible. This horror is not only manifested in external phenomena and scenes, but also is a force that will erode the soul silently.

Even if I once cheered up the people inside, I also pretended to be a priest, but I did not expect them to treat me like a savior. I can understand the closing of the door, but I don't need this.

"Open the door!" I said.

The people behind me started to commotion. The closed door was a silent refusal. These people came here with a feeling of salvation. They could not wait to see this refusal. However, I am not worried at all, the door will continue to close tightly. This chapel is not a building that belongs to a certain person and cannot be accessed without the permission of the owner. The concept of "chapel" originally belongs to a more open and popular concept. Moreover, there is a humanoid system in it, and the others behind me should also be very important for the entire sacrifice ceremony.

Too many factors are doomed, we must be able to enter the chapel, no matter how it is, an extremely complex system that manipulates the entire state of affairs, the details are not mentioned for the time being, but the general direction will not be wrong.

I heard a small noise inside, maybe it was already loud, but when it came out, it was weakened a lot at once. I didn't intend to pay attention to what they thought, just as I was going to use a tougher method, the door was pulled open from inside. What is in sight is a more religious atmosphere than before I left. The patients who stayed in this chapel put on black robes, like real believers-my speech to them is playing Some functions. I am not sure. This effect must be positive and positive. In any case, it also borrows the doomsday truth. But as far as the current situation is concerned, although they are in a panic, they are still a little sober, and their attitude is relatively more positive.

"Master Father." Those who opened the door bowed their heads to me, and they seemed to really treat me as a priest. I didn't care what kind of mentality they were. Either way, it ’s better than not doing anything. I inserted the serrated sword on the steps and held up the diary around my waist—it was decorated like a religious classic.

"Let the people in the back, they need to be saved!" I said loudly.

As a result, people dressed up as followers gave way, and some of them greeted the team of escapers who were approaching. Although the team had some ripples, they still quickly pressed down and entered the chapel. The last one I entered. After I entered, the followers pushed the gate hard. Close it and put down the huge door bolt.

There was a lot of nuisance in the chapel. The old patients and the newcomers were divided into two obvious groups, each whispering. This atmosphere made me feel normal. I'm not saying that they are normal at this time, but in contrast, they are transformed. These patients before becoming believers, and those who closed themselves in the room before they escaped, appeared to be more abnormal.

The humanoid system is very eye-catching in this group. She was too quiet, and this quietness did not obliterate her sense of existence, but was like the most maverick one. She sat alone on the first row of benches, and she was the only one in the row. She just sat like this, like a doll out of control.

I walked over to her and sat down, inserting the serrated sword on the ground. After entering the chapel. I finally feel some peace of mind, although in theory the security here is only temporary, and there will be greater danger and terror here. I let the girl get off from my body. When I saw her at this time, I couldn't help but be surprised. I realized why the villagers looked at her as if they saw a monster.

Although the girl ’s body has not been dissimilated too much, the entire face has been completely deformed-originally she has lost her eyes and her entire orbit has turned into a dark cavity. Empty. The three voids constitute her facial features and also distort her original delicate face. At this moment, the girl is really like a monster.

Although the activity of the mouth was no longer visible, the voice of the girl came from the black hole: "Brother?"

"Don't worry." I rubbed her head and looked at the humanoid system, but it met the plain and indifferent line of sight of the humanoid system. I don't know when she had turned her head and stared at me.

"I ..." I was interrupted before she finished.

"Dear hunter, I understand your concerns and your thoughts. You now have two choices." The humanoid system said: "This child is special, and she can stand on top of the sum of other people's role alone. The sacrificial ceremony must be completed, and you, the respected hunter, in order to applaud your efforts, you can make a choice-to sacrifice this child, or to sacrifice to everyone. "

I was silent.

I have thought that the humanoid system stays here with a certain mission, but this straightforward statement is too hasty for me. I think the humanoid system might say such a cruel thing, but I haven't thought about it now. I can even understand why she said such things, as if the previous friendly relationship was an illusion—because, I did n’t think she would n’t be an enemy because she had n’t done anything redundant.

In other words, the chance of becoming an enemy is actually quite high. Temporary exchanges, respect and support are only a part of the entire execution process. This kind of thing is also well understood. What kind of feelings and ideas I have for her are actually not enough to interfere with her behavior, if she is part of the color center.

The humanoid system at the moment clearly knows what I want, and she has given her choices. In addition, I also know very well that she will not give more choices. Maybe there are other options, maybe not, she didn't say it, and I couldn't figure it out myself. Because I could n’t think of a way out, I finally regarded this chapel and her stay in the chapel as the last line of defense, did n’t I?

I was silent. Thinking.

For others, this choice may also be a headache, but driven by fear and despair. Probably not hesitate for too long. But I am very sober, knowing that once I make a decision, it is difficult to prevent the corresponding disaster.

Sacrificial child? Or sacrifice other than children? The words of the humanoid form prove how important and special the "children" in this gathering place appear on this deep night. however. Other than children, they also have quantitative advantages.

No matter which side is handed over, it is "sacrifice" to greet them.

This process of sacrificial ritual seems to require me to participate in it. So, how important role do I play in this process? To put it simply, if I refuse to participate, what kind of blow will it bring to the sacrifice ceremony? Conversely, if I were necessary, it was an important part of the sacrifice ceremony that was already selected. Well, no matter what I do, they will try to drive me to the present situation.

In this way, it is already an unavoidable fact to give up one side and make choices with one's own will, so that people on this side become sacrifices.

Despite this, I am still struggling.

"Respected hunter." The humanoid system spoke again. Her voice was as dull as ever, but it was more indifferent and cruel by the scene at hand. "Every minute and second today, there is a widening deviation. If you choose too late, everything will collapse. No matter who you are, any ideas will lose the possibility of completion. In the worst case, everyone together It is not impossible to become a monster in the deepest night, and then die unclearly in this way. Sacrifice is the only way to spend the deepest night. Someone will inevitably sacrifice and let other people's wishes come true. "

"There is absolutely no best of both worlds?" I asked, "Why must these people sacrifice?"

"There is absolutely no best of both worlds." The humanoid system said quietly: "They can not sacrifice, it depends on you, you can not participate in it, make no choice, let the development of the situation, but, respected hunter, you must bear to make Any consequences of choosing and not making choices. "

"I know, I know ..." It doesn't make any sense to lose temper with the humanoid system here, to insult and kill her. Maybe she will fight back, or not, maybe I can really kill her, but what can I get later?

I have had a hunch about the cruelty she said, but it is just a question of whether it is acceptable and whether it can be tolerated. My life is always like this, let others die or let yourself die, or everyone die, there has never been an option to be saved. I work hard, but there may be people who work harder than me. Even so, I have never heard of anyone who truly escapes this desperate and unfortunate cycle.

The humanoid is conveying a message: the deep night is not caused by the mysterious organizations of all parties. On the contrary, the arrangements made by the mysterious organizations of the parties in order to use the power of the deep night actually relatively weakened the deep night. Intensity, and if the sacrifice ritual cannot be completed, then the biggest possibility is that everyone caught in this nightmare will alienate and die. The sacrificial ritual itself is cruel, however, at this moment, it becomes like an "Ace" again.

The transmission of all this information is urging me to let me make a decision. Once I choose the sacrifice, the sacrifice ceremony will be fully on track, and the power of the deep night will be consciously and purposefully used by the mysterious organizations of all parties, thus taking away the dominance of war, not Now, like this, passively bear the erosion of the deep night.

I looked at the people who sat on the bench and prayed. The dialogue between me and the humanoid system seemed to be inaudible. They are just eager to live, even if they are mentally ill and do not understand the true face of the world they are in, they are also eager to live. I looked at the girl again. She had only one person. The change made her lose her pure face and became quite scary. There were only deep hollows in her eyes and mouth, and dense tentacles grew on her back. It makes people feel good.

"Brother ... brother?" The girl said, her voice had lost the crisp and soft beauty before. The hoarse voice was like a monster roaring in the abyss. Even if such a voice is coquettish and praying, it will not bring a little good feeling and emotion to the senses.

Even if the girl just sits there, it is like a cruel and malicious monster peeping at everyone.

However, this girl's appearance at this time reminded me of the people who had been rescued and eroded by the SAY virus. They also gradually alienated into monsters from the outside to the inside, but even so, some people still adhere to the bottom line of being human. The child in front of her is just contrary to her aesthetic outlook. Is her thoughts and emotions still normal? I couldn't help thinking.

"Dear Hunter ..." The humanoid system spoke again, interrupted by my hand.

"If you don't choose the option you gave, and I can't come up with another way, everyone will die?" I said.

"It's just this possibility. Maybe you can survive, respected hunter." The humanoid system said so.

"If only I can survive, it is really a big help." I suddenly relieved, "but this does not meet my plan." Everyone who enters a nightmare will die ~ ~ , A person who has not entered a nightmare will not die. The mysterious organization has invested considerable energy and manpower in this nightmare. Although they are not all coming with goodwill or friends, all they do is to fight against the Nazis.

Suppose they all died here, and if I survive alone, it means that I need a person to deal with the Nazis-no matter what I think, it is a worse situation than now.

Although you want to save the people in this gathering place as much as possible, it is impossible to really destroy the sacrifice ceremony. From the beginning to the end, my behavior is contradictory, because, sensibility and reason can't be disputed, even at the last moment, considering sensibility as a motive force, but in the end it still needs a rational choice.

In the end, who did I rescue?

I want to be a hero like this, but it really is not even a "dark hero".

No, maybe I can rescue a person, just like in the past, failed to save the number of people I expected to save, but, in the end, it was not completely nothing.

The options are here: a child or a group of adults, a child who is beginning to alienate or a group of crazy desperate patients. (To be continued.)

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