Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1407: Childhood salvation

I want to save many people, but who did I rescue in the end?

Like me, I want to be a hero, but it really is not even a "dark hero". A person's efforts are not always rewarded, but even if the rational acceptance of such an idea, once magnified into the misery of more people, it feels like "Why is there no reward?"

These are helpless things. Human beings always have limits, so human beings can only hope for the existence of "gods" and "heroes". If there is really such a hero who has the ability to save everyone, then I think it does n’t matter if it ’s not you, as long as there is such a hero, to save the world and complete such a fact.

But there is no such person. There is no such good thing.

Everyone died, and those who didn't die were lingering.

The person in front of me is either crazy or desperate, destroyed by extreme emotions, lost his mind, and becomes like a machine, or hysterical.

The only child whose spirit is still normal is beginning to deteriorate from the outside, and will eventually end with alienation of the mind.

If you have to choose one of them.

If you make a choice, you can save one of them.

If I can be a hero of some people.

Maybe, I, Gao Chuan, can at least save a person, and use my own will to save the one I choose. As in the past, I failed to save the number of people I hoped to save, but in the end, it was not completely nothing.

This is not to give up the minority for the sake of the majority, but to save the objects that they think are most likely to be saved and must be saved. This decision can be said to be full of selfishness, which is completely arbitrary judgment, and I cannot guarantee the correctness of this judgment.

If I am wrong, no one will stand up and blame, all the consequences can only be borne by me. I feel my sin, this sin is so heavy.

I can hardly breathe.

But aren't heroes the ones who want to stand up at this time? Although others do not want to be the chosen side. I hope that I have the right to choose. However, being selected is not necessarily a bad thing, but becoming the person who makes the choice. Not necessarily happy.

If I am not a hero, I hope that a real hero stands up. His choice must be correct. He must lead everyone to the best ending. It is really an idea to shirk responsibility and pressure.

But the truth is cruel.

In front of my eyes. No one else can stand up at this time. The only person standing here who has to make a choice is me, only me, only Gao Chuan

The options are here: a child or a group of adults, a child who is alienated or a group of crazy desperate patients.

I hugged the girl tightly in her arms, her body began to emit an unpleasant stench, and her skin became nauseous and sticky, as if she was hugging someone no longer. It is something indescribable. However, I still can't let go. Even, I feel that hugging her is the only comfort I can give myself.

"... hiss ... brother ... brother ... hiss ..." she called me so.

"I choose her." When I said this, tears kept pouring out. I can't describe my mood, but that is not despair or redemption, nor is it hope. The turbulent emotions make tears unstoppable anyway. In tears blurred. I vaguely saw that my tears fell on the girl's skin, and the mutated skin seemed to be gradually returning to normal. I am not sure if I have seen the illusion.

"Child" is meaningful. Not only for this deepest night, but also for this sacrificial ceremony, for me.

"Accept instructions and confirm the will. The sacrificial person is the fourth-level Mageweave messenger Takakawa." The humanoid system is like a reading program, followed by a series of unintelligible pronunciation. Because of the ups and downs of rhythm and tone, it was probably also a language, after which her voice returned to normal, she stood up and walked to the podium of the chapel. As she got up, all the people sitting on the benches dropped their heads, even those who had just entered the chapel, also looked pious.

At the same time, the organ music plays grand and sacred enough to cover up the disaster that is happening outside the chapel, making people think that the inside and outside of the chapel are like two worlds.

Where did this sound come from? I have confirmed that this chapel does not have these instruments and no extra manpower.

All this is mysterious.

The interaction between humanoid system and people is as if they have done countless times before. It wasn't until this time that the humanoid system showed the identity that it has been staying in this chapel like a nun like a doll. It's as if I were just a fake priest, and although she never showed it, she was indeed the real host of this chapel.

She ascended the high platform to face the prayers of all believers. As soon as she raised her hand, everyone's eyes followed. And the girl and I seem to be forgotten in the corner of the world.

She speaks a language that I don't understand at all, but the calm voice is full of a weird power, and other people seem to come back and cheer in the same language. When did they understand this language? I have no idea at all, but, perhaps at this moment, some kind of mystery manipulated them. I felt a small hand pulling my clothes. I lowered my head and saw that the girl ’s mouth had changed back to what human beings should be. Only the black hole-like eyes were left, still annoying and frightening. . I tried to suppress this outflow of fear and disgust because I knew that it was not the child ’s fault.

"Don't worry." I said to her.

She buried her head in my arms. Once again I realized more clearly that the intellectual young woman said everything was foreseeable. She seemed to know many things, but she couldn't change her destiny. But in the end she chose her own way of death. Perhaps for her, this is the last and most meaningful fight. Coming to this chapel was a temporary salvation, but also a more terrifying beginning. The choices I have made, and everything that is happening right now, are proof of the correctness of this view.

I delayed the death of these people, but did not change the result of these people being sacrificed.

No, maybe even "delay" has not been completed. The sacrifice ceremony was still carried out as scheduled.

If there is a result, it is the girl in my arms. I hugged her tightly, and now, only she is a proof that I am "not nothing." I can't help but imagine. If I let this gathering place go unnoticed, even this girl would not survive, so that I seemed to be comforted.

But. Is there really no one, there is no other way to achieve better results than now?

Is not a hero, not sure if he can become a hero, but he is moving toward the hero's dream, is it so heavy? Am I doing something that I cannot bear? I don't want to think so, but my heart is constantly questioning.

The answer I can give myself. Only: Who else can do it except me? Who will do it? At first it was to advance towards the hero's dream, but at this point, it is no longer possible to retreat. It is not subjectively willing to retreat, but it is driven by a complex and terrible mechanism in various senses.

Heroes are not whoever wants to be worthy, nor do they want to be illegitimate. They are not illegitimate. This is not a beautiful dream based on personal will. It is a cruel fact that is happening in a cruel world.

At least, there is such a woman in this gathering place. I chose death in my own way, and there is such a child who can survive. In other places, under other circumstances, there may not even be such good things, it will only be more desperate and crazy?

I am in pain, I don't know the other Gaochuan. Has the prostitute Gao Chuan in London encountered such a brutal choice? No, he must have experienced it. Because, looking at Gao Chuan ’s encounter, there are not many similarities. It ’s just that at this moment, this choice is like the negative emotions of all the grievances, unwillingness, disappointment, etc. accumulated in the past, which exploded in one breath, which made me so. The heart shook.

I don't know what else I can say or do at this time. Because, I have done everything I can to do my best and rack my brain. My plan was not disturbed, only that I failed to save most of the people in this gathering place, but sacrificed most of them for a girl. It's just that I did what I didn't want to do. Isn't this the case?

But, it's really awful I can't help tears.

The humanoid system spoke loudly on the podium of the chapel. The people underneath responded enthusiastically. When the final voice of the humanoid system fell, the people who should respond to her began to swell. They suddenly woke up and found their own in horror. Mutation, however, they soon realized that they could not control it at all. They screamed, became brainless and crazy, their eyes fell on the humanoid system, and quickly turned to me and the girl.

Only three of us are normal at the scene, and relative to them, it is also special. This normal and special is like stinging their hearts and making them crazier.

"Death is not the end, and death is not withering. In the unknown and deep mystery, even the death itself will disappear." Then she turned to me and said in a sentence-like tone: "Good job, respected hunter, your pain and sorrow have been effectively conveyed."

"To whom?" I looked at her. In fact, I was not very hostile to the human form. Even if she gave such a cruel choice, the circumstances behind it made me unable to accuse her. Can I say that the decision to tie the color is wrong? Or is it the most correct way you think? My plan can only be promoted based on their plan. If there is no sacrificial ceremony, probably the situation I am facing will only be more difficult.

Yes, I am actually the beneficiary of the sacrifice ceremony. I have no position to blame, nor can I be sure of my emotions and rationality, it must be correct.

I never blame anyone, I just feel sad and painful for myself, nothing more.

I must cheer up, such a thought makes me have to straighten my back.

The humanoid system is very strange, but her own existence is very strange, with many mysteries. It seems that the humanoid system is not intended to explain. I ’m not surprised, let me know, if she wants to explain, I will also think about what secrets are hidden in her explanation. In this way, it is really endless.

"You are calm." The humanoid system said.

"Yes, I am very calm, because what I do is not what I want, but what I have to do. It is helpless and must be done." My surging emotions seemed to accompany those tears, It flows clean from my heart together.

"... Dear hunter, this is a part of the ceremony." The humanoid system was silent for a while, and suddenly said so.

"Am I necessary and critical?" I continued to ask.

"Yes, respected hunter, you have always been necessary and crucial." Humanoid Department said.

"Is there really a person who plans everything to this degree?" I asked.

"It's not human." The humanoid system said: "All this is destiny." After all, her expression began to fluctuate, and then her body began to fluctuate, just like the reflection of a stone hitting the water, and her voice was slightly different. , "Achuan, have you experienced this? This is the power of the script."

"I am like a character in the script, doing the necessary action?" I don't know why ~ ~ I smiled, but I didn't have any thoughts of laughter in my heart.

"No one can leave the script, but the script can also be tampered with." The humanoid system seems to be another person, looking at me directly, saying, "So, can you give up? You shouldn't appear, you are dead Okay, Achuan, you are just a phantom. You are out of the script, why are you coming back? "

I understand that the people in front of me are not the humanoid system. The person who talks to me is the color person, the subject behind the humanoid system.

"Tie colors?" I said.

"... Hmm." She seemed hesitant, but she responded.

"Maybe as you said, today I am just a phantom of the past, resurrected or something, in fact, I never thought about it." I finally understood why I laughed, because, this is not Anger and fear, but only, seeing the comfort of my family again. After all this hardship, I finally saw the tie again, and communicated in a more direct way And sadness was made up. To be continued.


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