Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1408: End of hunting period

The people in the chapel are alienating, and the humanoid reading is like pressing a switch. The desperate and crazy wind outside didn't blow in, and I couldn't feel the ominous blood of the sheep-head demon seeping into this place. However, suddenly a force was born from impermanence, as if this force was hiding daily In the breathing air, it is only at this time that it becomes active due to humanoid behavior.

People are expanding and distorting, from form to inner, as long as they see the scene of their alienation, there will be no doubt about this. They have not become dangerous monsters, and each person's alienation is different in appearance. It's hard to tell what exactly they have become, but they feel disgusting to the extreme. Even if they close their eyes, the ugly and inexplicable gesture seems to be imprinted on the retina and cannot fade.

They do not emit odors, but they produce an illusory taste in their senses, which is also indescribable, and makes the heart of the feeler feel like being in a swamp.

Gradually, it seems that their bodies are no longer flesh and blood, but something similar to flesh and blood. If it is necessary to compare with the known phenomenon, it is probably the flesh and blood erosion of the SAY virus. However, even the phenomenon caused by the flesh and blood erosion of the SAY virus is definitely not as profound as the alienation of everyone in front of it.

The entire chapel is contaminated. Ordinary people can never survive here. Probably just seeing these things, ordinary people's body and mind will also be eroded.

Today, I can still keep my mind, only me, the humanoid system and the girl in my arms. Contrary to the alienation of these people, the alienation of the girl has weakened, and has gradually faded-the illusion I thought before was actually not an illusion. The girl's skin is returning to a healthy color. Her body was still shaking, but it gave me a feeling that the pain was waning.

Girls and these people are like standing on both ends of the balance. Because of my choice, I rely on the alienation of these people. Infused the girl with the power to survive. I didn't feel this injection clearly, maybe it was just my imagination.

However, the girl's condition is indeed improving, which is an indisputable fact. I stared at the ugly alienation of people in front of me. I can't tell what kind of emotions I have in my heart. I only know that in fact I do n’t feel joy, it ’s just the girl ’s improvement, which gives me some relief, and the pain of my choice. It has never subsided.

I look at the humanoid system.

There is no change in the shape of the humanoid system, but the sound and expression become vivid, as if injecting soul into something that has no life. Of course, this description does not mean that the original human form is really just a puppet, but before that, she was indeed more like a puppet. I have checked that the human touch of the humanoid system is very real, of course, in a world of ideology. Whether the body is flesh or other substances, there is no essential difference.

I instantly understood that the people in front of me were not always humanoid. The person who talks to me is the color person, the subject behind the humanoid system.

"Tie colors?" I said.

"... Well." She seemed hesitant, but she answered.

"Maybe as you said, today I am just a phantom of the past, resurrected or something. In fact, I never thought about it." I finally understood why I laughed, because, this is not Anger and fear. It's just that, seeing the family's comfort again, after all the hardships, I finally saw the tie again and communicated in a more direct way-just that, it made me feel. His pain and sorrow were compensated.

"But this is not a question you want or not, Achuan, you have appeared and become a phantom of resurrection." The voice of the color is full of indescribable and complex emotions. (

"I'm very happy personally, although, maybe this is really not a happy thing." I stood up holding the girl, the girl's hand tightly grasping my lapel, she seemed very scared. I pressed her head on her shoulder to stop her from seeing the tragic conditions of those who were sacrificed. The changes there had become disgusting, and every second passed, it was becoming more disgusting. Fear is unknown.

"You have no chance, Jiang will fail. After this test, I have confirmed how strong interference can be made to the script." The color is like stating the facts, saying: "It can no longer be Do whatever you want, everything is developing in a super-controllable direction. "

"Jiang has no activity." I sighed in my heart. "It's the virus that is active, coloring."

"Sure enough, the differences are always with Jiang and the virus, but for me, I can't tell the difference." Xie Se said: "It erodes too much for you. Sure enough, since you were still alive, this erosion Is it too deep? "

I know that I can't persuade to tie the color, just like she can't persuade me. Our goals are so clear and the same, but thinking from different angles leads us to the opposite side. Even so, she is still one of the people I love. Everything I do, for her and others. In turn, I also believe that all she has done is to free me and others.

"For color, even if you treat Jiang and the virus equally, how can you be sure that your script is not part of its script?" I just asked.

"If you ask questions like this, it's endless." Xie Se said, "I'm sorry, Achuan, this time, Dorothy and I won't make any more mistakes, you will be free, everyone will be free. These days, hard Now. "

I want to say something more, but suddenly I realized that I do n’t need to say anything. My heart, my thoughts, have actually been conveyed to their hearts before I died, and they have been watching me. And my existence at this time also has its own judgment in their hearts. They no longer need my cane, and they can already walk. So, even if I'm not there, they will try to defeat the "virus".

My only concern is that if they fail again, can they swallow the bitter consequences of that failure? Unlike I have been wandering in failure, fear and despair, I do n’t know much about their actual situation, whether they have accumulated enough strength to mention it, even if they have reached the point of inhumanity, their hearts, and Can they always be as strong as they show?

After all, the battle will end one day, and it may be you who lose, then. Can they accept failure?

I applaud their fighting will, but I still feel worried.

"Tie color ..." I just read her name like this and watched her leave. The color is gone. The human form has once again changed back to its original appearance, just like a puppet. My condition at this time is not good, there is no tie color, or, I can not take the opportunity to attack. It's a bit lucky.

I don't want to fight the tie color at all. Similarly, I don't want to fight Dorothy and the other myself.

However, I also understand that that day cannot be avoided, even if it is not now.

If you think about it this way, the pain and grief at the moment are far from the end, such a tragic choice. It will definitely not be the last time. So, I have to cheer up, if the tears can flow, it would be really good, but, this is just a luxury?

I looked at the girl in her arms, her skin has receded from the non-human skin, the twisted shape has been restored, and the eyes of the black hole. Regained eyeballs. She looks so weak and petite, but full of possibilities for beauty. She was like the treasure left after this gathering place was brutally calcined. All beautiful essences are gathered on her.

At this time, I felt that my choice was correct-but this right joy may just be a perceptual illusion.

in fact. Whether it is correct or not is not something I can prove at this time. But at least, the girl now makes me think she can live.

How many people survive outside the chapel? I did not have much hope, the voice in my heart told myself that this gathering place has been completely destroyed. This girl is the only survivor, or the legend of the gathering place, the last redemption left behind.

Because of her survival, I felt redemption and felt that I was not a complete failure.

I asked myself, I tried to make more people survive and made many attempts. However, from the bottom of my heart, do I really think everyone can survive? Perhaps, such a question is also the reason for my choice. Even if there is only one person, just a girl, as long as one can survive, it is a very painful victory for me.

I can't save everyone, but I saved at least one child.

I still do n’t know what this child is called and why it appears here. She has such a meaning for the nightmare of the deepest night. However, I think it must be meaningful, and everything I have done before has failed and succeeded, and most of the efforts were finally burned, but it must not be in vain.

Looking up, the whole chapel is intertwined with flesh and blood, extremely ugly, just like a huge organ, constantly wriggling. No, is this the result of the sacrifice ceremony? Or is it just a part of it? What is the final body of this organ? I do n’t know these, but if this is only a part of the entire sacrifice, the remaining steps should be completed on the altar at the top of the mountain.

In such an ugly and disgusting environment, the only normal girl seems so precious. If I can, I want to accompany her until I confirm that she is completely safe. However, I still have more things to do, even if I let her go temporarily, I must do. If I do n’t do those things, it might make the girl ’s situation even more dangerous.

The time that I can exist in a nightmare is not certain, maybe sometime, I will wake up. If I wake up, then the battlefield will shift to the reality after waking up, and that reality must also be a continuation of this nightmare-the influence of the deep night, the mysterious organization of the parties in the deep night The action was not separated from the situation on the peninsula. Instead, the imminent situation on the peninsula was further developed based on the result of this nightmare.

In this nightmare, I rescued the girl, and in the world after waking up, there is also Dr. Ruan Li waiting for me.

I have never forgotten that this time before entering the nightmare of the deepest night, I took Dr. Ruan Li's "paradise" for modulation. In other words, any activity I have in the nightmare can be regarded as "Paradise" taking effect. Although it doesn't look much different from entering a nightmare in the past, it should be different.

I sent her to the humanoid system, stared at her, and said, "I'll give her to you, can I?"

I don't think so. The humanoid system will also deal with this girl. This is my judgment. If there is evidence, there is no actual evidence, but my understanding of the relationship. Judgment of the role played by the humanoid system. I made a choice, so in the end I lost a lot, but saved one.

A good, a possibility. A symbol. This girl may be like an ornament in a game that can only be watched but has no effect, but of course, the meaning of "child" cannot be generalized by the meaning of "ornament". What role does the girl play and what role will it play? I do n’t know anything at this time, and I do n’t plan to delve into it. She is still alive, which is the reward I get after doing my best.

"Yes, please rest assured. Dear hunter." The humanoid took the girl.

The girl unexpectedly did not make a big noise, just staring at me quietly. Does she understand what she is experiencing? Does she know the cause and effect? Did she think about her future? Or, just surviving, already exhausting her? I couldn't see any answer from her innocent gaze, there was a blank, as if I were to write it by myself.

My heart suddenly burst into courage, and the pain and sorrow that had been pervading in my heart would be suppressed. I do n’t know what I can do, and I ’m not even sure. Acting according to your own ideas, what will eventually lead to. In this nightmare, the mystery generated on this peninsula, there is "unpredictable deviation" caused by the resolute action of the torch light.

but. If you don't do anything, you are just so confused, sad, and painful, but it won't help. My plan has not changed, or said. This incident has been on the right track.

This is a cruel fact. My plan is the beneficiary of this pain, madness, despair and sorrow.

I don't want to pretend to be pretending to say something like "such a result is meaningless".

It must be meaningful. I said so to myself.

As long as I am still, my actions will be meaningful.

Similarly, as long as the girl is still alive, the former gathering place, and my efforts for the gathering place, it must be meaningful.

"I'll take the victory." The girl and I stared at each other for a second or two, rubbing her head without any hesitation, referring to the serrated sword and shield, and walked toward the gate covered in flesh and blood.

The gate was tightly closed to completely prevent outsiders from entering and insiders from going out. The flesh and blood cling to the material and fill all the gaps. The flesh and blood are still creeping and proliferating, as if to swallow the entire gate. However, when I approached, the flesh was torn and the door creaked and opened by itself.

I stepped outside the door, and the wind filled with madness and despair made my trench coat hunt and the collar erected. I kept walking forward and never looked back. I took off the beak mask halfway through, thinking about it, the responsibility I had when I put on this beak mask, and the story I wrote had already come to an end.

If this is a story-

The last hunter tried to bring hope to everyone, but fell into a conspiracy and destroyed the last shelter. Almost all of them were crazy, died, and became sacrifices. However, the hunter made a choice in the end. . This choice made a girl survive. This is a sad ending, but still retains a trace of possibility and beauty.

At first, the hunter turned the desperate madman into a believer, so that they could survive, but eventually destroyed them by himself ~ ~ If it can be done, of course, hope everyone will survive, and then If it is gradually reformed, it may allow desperate people to return to normal. However, this is not a comedy story. At the end of the sadness, if you have to make a choice, the last one to survive is not a group of desperate madmen. It is really good. The hunter thought so from the bottom of his heart.

When the deep night came, the last shelter was destroyed, and everyone, except for a girl, also became a sacrifice.

The hunter has come to his own ending.

But my ending is not here.

"Goodbye, old Hawke." I whispered farewell to the soul that I do not know exists.

I threw the mask into the wind, and for a moment was blown behind me by the wind of despair and madness, swirling, not knowing where it disappeared.

Now, what stands on this land of disaster is the real four-level Mageweave messenger, named Gaochuan, without any restrictions. (To be continued.


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