Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1409: Reunion

The gathering place was covered with a thick layer of ashes. On the road, on the roof, on the trees, the ashes still burning Mars seemed to be ignited. However, if they did not burn completely, some flames would be blown up by the wind The ashes are extinguished, and the flames are burning again, and so on. There are weird everywhere, and some of the weird corpses have not been completely reduced to ashes. Fierce fighting started in the shadows, but they are rarely exposed to the range of direct attention. In today's gathering place, there are very few things that can be called "people". Crazy hunters hunt for crazy weirdness, but it is no longer out of duty, or to show off its own strength, etc., but is only driven by a crazy and desperate emotion. Even if their form has not been alienated, their hearts can already be regarded as no different from strangeness.

I walked openly on such a street, and buildings around it kept collapsing, revealing strange figures, and then a sharp roar came. Sometimes it is weird to be flies, and sometimes the crazy hunter is flies, but the former has more chances. In the observation of the chain judgment, the number of crazy hunters is far less than the weirdness. However, the strength difference in the monomer is also very obvious. However, crazy, they only have each other in their eyes, only I am isolated, even if they will fall in front of me, their eyes have never stayed with me.

They climbed up and snarled at other enemies. This strange scene suddenly made me realize that I had become a bystander. It is also useless to intervene in the battle, and there is no way to restore them to normal. The gathering place will destroy itself in such a frenzy. It is already an indisputable fact-no, except me, the only thing intact is the chapel.

However, although the appearance of the chapel has not changed or burned, it seems that all battles have been moved away from its place under the control of an invisible hand, but the alienation inside the chapel happened under my eyelids.

The two people in the chapel cannot be strictly defined as "human beings". The humanoid system is part of the color center. The girl's details have not been understood so far.

Only one person is left. Although I don't want to think that way, there is a voice in my heart.

I have no attachment to this gathering place. Because, all my fetters here have disappeared so far. The sacrificial ritual destroyed what I wanted to protect, but I couldn't bear the idea of ​​hatred at all. I just feel extremely painful and sad. Sad not only for this helpless self, but also for others who must guide this sacrifice ceremony.

Maybe they do n’t feel sad, they feel that all plans are in accordance with their own thinking, so even if there is sacrifice, but for a great mission, or to pursue the truth, so. Even if it caused such a terrible scene, even if it was absolutely necessary, it must be done.

Yes, I think, among those people, there are people who do not feel that their behavior is "justice", but at least they will think that this is something they must do and must bear. I have no position to blame them. In the past, when someone said, "This is not my fault, it's the fault of the world", I always feel that the other party is overspeaking and shirks responsibility. It is a tender and fragile expression in my heart, but when I looked at the illusion of doomsday, the choices made by the people in it pushed the process of the end in desperation, and I felt deeply. "What is the fault of the world" is how right, so sad, and how terrible the answer is.

If a person makes a mistake, there may be a chance to correct it, but if the "world" makes a mistake, people will not even have the opportunity to make a correction.

When you ridicule the idea that "everything is the fault of the world", you must pin your vision of "don't want the world to be wrong".

But here, such a vision does not exist.

There is no hero.

There is no justice.

There is no saved person, and the saved person is not completely saved.

No matter what kind of person you want to save or what you want to destroy, it is like "unforgivable sin" in religion.

Everything is broken in an orderly manner, and people themselves also exist in this broken sequence.

Pain, nothing more than pain.

Despair, nothing but despair.

All hope and happiness will eventually become despair and pain.

I don't know how long I can last, but, I believe, no one can last longer. The deepest night is just another sequence of doomsday processes.

My plan is still in progress, and many people's plans are in progress, but of course, these plans cannot be all correct. My bet is that my plan is more correct, more thorough, and can bring a bright future. I believe that if someone who has planned one after another with the heart of salvation is in the same mood and thought as me.

Then, we collide, kill, love each other, and then hurt each other. Only when a certain person finally reaches the end of the plan can he know whether he is wrong or correct.

Unbelievable, what a sad destiny, but thinking about such a destiny, but with the same degree of good memory, I can summon up the courage to advance towards a future that is already too bad to be bad. .

I walked out of the gathering place, the gathering place was behind, and suddenly a huge flame erupted at a certain point. Then, the flame spread towards a wider area until the whole gathering place was covered. The current gathering place, viewed from a distance, is exactly the same as the gathering place of the illusion of the doomsday truth.

At the moment of the ceremony, before the gathering place began to burn, something like a ghost, like a pilgrimage team, poured out from the mountain forest, gathered on the mountain road, and meandered towards the top of the mountain. And now, they still exist. This team can't see their heads at a glance. When I approach them, they don't care about my arrival at all, as if I were just an insignificant background for them.

They wore black robes and even covered their faces together, so although they thought they were "probably humanoid", they could not confirm what was under the black robes. Almost every one of them is more than two meters in size, standing in front of me like a giant after another. They recite inexplicable chapters. Actually, there was no sound. Only the wind was roaring in the forest. Besides, all the sounds of nature. The sound of life has disappeared without a trace. Perhaps it was because of this silence that I heard their recitations in a trance, which was like a hallucination.

I waved my serrated sword, and scattered one of them. Its shape dissipated together with the black robe. But did not provoke any reaction from the companion, and then the guy behind followed up, filling the position of the dissipator. If I just cut my sword and block this road to the top of the mountain, would their movement be blocked? I have thought about it, but it makes no sense to do so. There are so many of them that it is impossible to confirm the quantity at all, and then they are blocked. Will it interrupt the sacrifice ceremony?

The sacrifice ceremony is also a useful part in my plan.

My plan has reached this point, I have lost too much, I have lost everything I can protect, I have tried my best, and now there is no reason to stop the ceremony.

I followed the team and started towards the top of the mountain.

Passing the tomb of Gaochuan halfway up the mountain, I saw more people than I had ever seen before. You can feel it only from the breath, are powerful and organized mysterious experts. They stood alone in the cemetery, neither admiring the dead, nor digging the grave. Just standing there, watching the long ghostly team. Then, I looked at some of them, and their existence seemed to tell me that it was the place I should go.

I follow the idea in my heart. Walk towards them.

Most of the people here do not know, but there are also people who know, such as the people of the Internet ball, the people of the torchlight, the mysterious organization formed here is only a small part of the total number of people, and it is more strange People, I guess, at least half of them are from the 51st district.

They didn't have any unexpected expressions about my arrival, let alone pay attention, as if I were just an unimportant little chatter. However, perhaps they really just think about it-a four-level Mageweave messenger, in front of such a mystery, in the coming larger mystery, only a faint existence.

"Where is the person of the doomsday truth?" I asked the person who walked beside the connector, the person standing next to her, and Anna, an acquaintance of the torchlight. Because what I did amounted to betrayal and caused huge casualties in the team, most people would not look good to me.

Before I did that kind of thing, I already had consciousness, but rather it was an accident that there were people in the team who could talk.

"I don't know, we tried to suppress them, but they can hide more than expected. In fact, they are so strong that they don't need to hide at all." The connector answered quietly, and then asked, "Are you all right?" As I said, you should n’t be involved in the matter here. The huge organized power gathered here can not be interfered by a four-level magic pattern, are you still so stubborn? "

"Yes, I will do it even if I go back in time." I did have bruises and bruises, whether it is the soul, but compared to the deep despair brought about by the "virus", the shock I suffered at this time was nothing. . In the final analysis, I have always acted in despair. I have suffered more horror than the connector thought. These secrets are not understood and understood by everyone.

"It's really stubborn ..." The jointer sighed. "But, it also makes people feel scared. You really survived. With this level of strength as an opponent, you still survived well. Your heart, hey. , Like a monster. "

I shrugged.

"It's thanks to us." Anna plugged in the side: "Our deviation, but there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, so there is no miracle that happened. Speaking of it, when I first joined the torchlight, I valued this point, really The miracle is that deviations occur under absolutely impossible circumstances, and deviations bring more possibilities. "

"Is it a miracle?" I said quietly: "Everything in front of me is far from a miracle. The footsteps of the end are always approaching and methodical."

Anna took a deep breath and looked more tired than the connector. She said a little arrogantly: "No way, although it is a deviation, but if the opponent is tolerant of the nature of the deviation, we are like little bugs. . "

I know very well what everyone is talking about. Although there have been conflicts on specific matters, as a faction, the goal of every action is not only for one or two mysterious events, but for the terrible future of "the end". There are attempts to resolve the "doom" step by step by solving mysterious events. Of course, there is the method of guiding the mysterious time and interfering with the "doom" from the level of detail. If the harm of a mysterious event expands, it can delay the arrival of the end, or solve the end, and the head of the online ball will definitely not be the mother-in-law.

Mysterious organizations have never been synonymous with benevolence and justice. The thoughts and actions of mysterious experts have always been cruel under the persecution of the environment. ~ The problem is that no matter how to deal with the mysterious event-it is good to promote, Either solve or interfere-there is no slight change in the "doom" from the situation. This can be clearly felt by all mysterious organizations with prophets.

Perhaps, what they are doing in the 51st district, even if they are cooperating with the Doomsday Truth, part of it is out of "want to see what kind of influence they can cause", so they ignore it with the attitude of "taking care of the overall situation", right? . However, judging from the emotions of the jointer and Anna, the result of such a bystander is also very failing.

As I said, the doomsday process is not slow or methodical, and it has been accelerated or slowed without the resolution or expansion of one or two mysterious events. This kind of orderliness is like carrying out a certain fixed procedure, so that people feel the pressure multiplied. Because, this means that all interventions so far are useless.

"It was destroyed in the end. Although I thought about it as a shelter for survivors from the beginning, it turned out to be a tomb for everyone." Anna stared at the fire at the gathering place at the foot of the mountain and muttered. Say.

"No, a child was rescued. It was a girl." Seeing Anna's expression, I felt that it was necessary to let her know about it. (To be continued.)

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