Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1413: The slit between dream and reality

Hearing sounds that normal people cannot hear and seeing things that normal people cannot see, but for normal people, these sounds and pictures are "non-existent", specifically, they have no effect on them. …. … But patients with doomsday syndrome must bear the impact of these non-existent voices and things on themselves. The initial research believed that this is a phenomenon that the action on the psychological level is fed back to the physiological level. It is a hundred times simplified. It is a high-intensity hypnosis. Of course, there are many phenomena in it. In general, this should not exist, but the general phenomenon is similar.

Conversely, because of abnormal changes on the physiological level, resulting in psychological and spiritual changes, it is not too difficult to understand.

Mutual feedback on changes in psychology and physiology, promote each other, resulting in the suffering that is not understood by outsiders.

The original research on "viruses" and "dooms syndrome" is just so far. Researchers have also tried to adjust the physiology through drugs through this route, adjust the spirit through psychological physiotherapy. Some expected effects can occur. However, things are not so simple. The treatment in a theoretically effective way not only did not produce the expected effect, but also contributed to a further deterioration. No, or should be said, it is a variation of the condition.

When mutation occurs, all the theories of therapy in the past are overturned, just as people find classic physics and can use it to serve life. Suddenly, a fundamental rule of the world ’s basic rules has occurred. Changes, and to make classic physics completely ineffective, we must start over and repeat the accumulation of hundreds of years to find a formula that describes the new basic rules of the world.

For any researcher, such a change is undoubtedly a heavy blow, however. Soon, they realized that whenever they found a theory that could correspond to the current situation and try to apply it. Those things that correspond to the theory have changed again. If it is only one time, it may be regarded as one's own mistake, and two times can be regarded as a coincidence, but every time it is so, it is necessary to make people feel a fear as if there is something invisible. Watching myself, like playing with it, hurriedly pushed the sand castles piled up. For it, it was as simple as raising hands and feet.

What kind of thing is he facing? This kind of thinking, after in-depth contact with patients with doomsday syndrome, and even to understand in detail, after all the descriptions of "viruses" in the database, it will come to mind uncontrollably. In people-oriented wisdom. It is very difficult and unacceptable to form an "over-understanding" opponent. This is because the practice of overestimating "viruses" without limits will make all your thoughts and actions seem meaningless. This meaninglessness and the meaningless unknown cause extreme negative emotions.

The psychologists deployed in this hospital not only serve the patients with doomsday syndrome, but also serve the researchers themselves. Transcendental thinking cannot be imagined. And understand how terrible things they have to face, but because of this, it makes people feel like an abyss of fear.

Fear, despair and madness. It has always been the theme of this hospital. It is also the reason why this hospital must be established on an isolated island. When was the hospital established, and when did research on "viruses" begin? In fact, people working in hospitals are not very clear.

Huge and extreme negative emotions spread on the island in a small social structure. This is what every psychologist knows. And this is not just a problem that has just emerged, as long as the research on "viruses" and "dooms syndrome" continues, it cannot be avoided. It is also the responsibility of the researchers to try to ease and suppress such emotions. There are many inhuman rules and regulations in the hospital, and some of them are even conservative, just like the secret groups in the Middle Ages, and even remind people of cults. No one may say, how many people are active in places they cannot see during the day and night, and how many such places are invisible.

The unknown that these man-made can create is not useless or superfluous, nor can it be simply called "tumor tumor".

If you want to survive in this hospital, you must sometimes face it, and sometimes you must ignore it. If the orthodox school is white and the underground groups for secret activities are black, then there is also a huge gray area to reconcile these two colors. The hospital on this isolated island carries too many secrets and becomes very complicated. However, the composition of this living environment is entirely caused by "viruses".

"Virus" is like a magnet, and the changeable heart, surrounded by it, has created a terrible shell. This is not a person, or a group can simply break. At first, there was probably a calculation that "in order to prevent a nuclear bomb from being thrown into an isolated island hospital and violently eliminate everything." However, the nuclear bomb also requires a person to press the launching twister, and it is the heart of the person that leads the behavior of the person. Nowadays, it is also a question whether the idea of ​​"dropping a nuclear bomb" can be unified and can be implemented.

Several times, I heard that I was afraid of it, and I was going to destroy everything here, but in the end, Gudao Hospital still exists. When people thought that it would continue to exist as always, the signs of destruction appeared directly from inside the hospital. Not only inside the hospital, but the outside world is no longer as peaceful as it used to be.

"The virus is active."

This is the only answer that can be given after such a long time and effort in the hospital. It can be described as furious and unsatisfactory. But what is the solution? If it is a movie, there may be a dramatic turning point that may save everyone from fire and water. But where is this dramatic turning point?

No one can be sure.

Everyone lingers in the unknown fear.

Dr. Ruan Li is very clear that there is a clear dividing line between the past and the present situation. Perhaps anyone who knows more about the insider can feel this boundary. It does not mean a complete death, but it is regarded as the death of common sense. With the passage of time, this feeling is becoming more and more clear.

Even researchers who don't believe in "feeling", use statistical methods. It is also possible to verify the probability of this change in a series of things that have happened over a period of several months.

What kind of existence does "Gaochuan" exist? Why would he be such a dividing line? What happened to him was invisible to the naked eye. Doesn't the theory analyze the changes in advance? These problems are related to the secret of "virus", and all researchers who try to analyze "Gaochuan" have such a clear or fuzzy, but there must be an idea.

Dr. Ruan Li believed that she was one of the researchers closest to "Gao Chuan", and this experience eventually became her job to take over the deceased. Become a high-level capital of the hospital research team. However, even she had to admit that she actually did not know much about the person "Gao Chuan". Of course, if she considers "Gao Chuan" as a teenager, her psychological knowledge is sufficient to complete a relatively complete objective description. However, in the process of this description, she can feel and constitute "Gao Chuan" This person, this one exists. It's not just "a human teenager". In the depths of his physiology and psychology, there is something else hidden. Many people have tried to contact this kind of thing and analyze this kind of thing, and "Gao Chuan" himself signed a contract and volunteered to become an experimental body to cooperate with various studies in order to complete the antidote like "serum".

"Gaochuan" does not set limits on research, and researchers also cherish this particular sample and prove its value as much as possible, however. This close relationship between doctors and patients now seems to be one of the reasons for the destruction of the hospital itself. Dr. Ruan Li experienced a terrifying scene in the underground research room of the lurker. A sudden and terrifying force, in an unobservable way, killed many people to describe it, just like the performance in a horror movie, which originally existed only on the screen, just a picture of signal transcription. Suddenly got out of the screen and turned into a terrible entity.

Since then, the atmosphere in the hospital has deteriorated. The duration of the onset of Doomsday Syndrome patients is getting shorter and shorter, and its alienation is more rapid, and the number of infected people in the hospital is also rising. These conditions are deliberately covered up, but they cannot completely leak a trace of wind.

When Dr. Ruan Li noticed that he was also suffering from Doomsday Syndrome, the sense of depression and terror that came with Doomsday became clearer. For a while, she observed every normal person and didn't think the other person was normal, but pretended to be normal like herself. Every day, there were people who had met a few times or had conversations, and suddenly there was no sound. When observing, I always think that many of my acquaintances are inside.

Then came the dream, dreaming the same one, but couldn't remember clearly. Even if you are awake, you will suddenly fall into a trance. When it feels painful, it is accompanied by realistic and dark hallucinations. At the beginning, Dr. Ruan Li was only anxious about being suspicious, but now, even the anxiety has been worn away, leaving only numbness.

Dr. Ruan Li believes that, in fact, people who can maintain normal appearance just like themselves also have this numb mentality like themselves. However, numbness can't save anyone, maybe it can be further, let people think calmly, but, from multiple perspectives, it is still a highly toxic soul.

Dr. Ruan Li constantly used his psychological knowledge to adjust himself, but it didn't help much.

Just like now, she saw another person in this closed, theoretically only laboratory, there was something else, it, or him, standing in the corner. The room that should be illuminated by the light is not as bright as you think. The shadows in the corners are clear, but it does not make people feel inconsistent.

He seemed to be in the shadow, and he seemed to stand out from the shadow. Even if Dr. Ruan Li regarded him as non-existent and implied his own psychology, he could not completely avoid paying attention to him.

"Gao Chuan ..." Dr. Ruan Li sighed, and finally gave up this practice of seeing nothing. She turned around and looked at the shadow in the corner, and the figure in the shadow, the silhouette was so familiar.

"You look like a ghost now." Dr. Ruan Li said to herself, and the things in the shadow did not respond to her words as if it just wanted to stay there.

However, Dr. Ruan Li suddenly realized that there was not a phantom called "Gaochuan" in that corner.

I don't know when I will be surrounded by this ghost-like existence.

Is all Gaochuan, but the appearance is not clear, only a faint outline, accompanied by his shadow, at this time, has covered the entire laboratory. The sound of the machine's operation, the blinking indicator lights, and the metal and non-metal casings have all been transformed into an old and ancient look.

Dr. Ruan Li felt that his place was not a modern high-tech laboratory, but a **** research chamber in the Middle Ages. Bloodstained everywhere, familiar equipment, also transformed into other devices with similar functions, but old-fashioned and spooky. The "Gaochuan Replicas" were not lying in the cabin, some were dismantled and hung on the wall, some were lying in a coffin without a cover, some were lying on a bloody, stone bed like an operating table, UU read a book www.uukanshu. Some of com just sit in front of themselves and stare straight at themselves, of course there are people behind them, but Dr. Ruan Li has a deep horror and dare not look back.

Dr. Ruan Li just smoked cigarettes. She did not respond to such a scene, nor did she intend to respond. The response made at the beginning made her somewhat regretful. You should not sigh and say the name "Gao Chuan", perhaps such a terrifying illusion will not occur. Based on her understanding of the patients with Doomsday Syndrome, she is very clear that she admits that this illusion must happen something terrible.

However, even if I tell myself in my heart that all this is an illusion, I can't thoroughly hit the bottom of my heart to deny everything in front of me, because the air, breath and touch here are so real. Dr. Ruan Li knows that in many cases, "what you want to believe" has nothing to do with "what you really believe in", and it is not that you decide not to believe what you do. Your subconscious will definitely follow such a decision.

Dr. Ruan Li just smoked in silence.

She already understood why the teenager always looked silent while Gao Gao was still alive.

Because, besides silence, there is no better way to deal with it. (To be continued.)

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