Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1414: Liberation force

readx (); The dead bodies of Gaochuan were placed indoors in various weird postures, the stale blood was scattered everywhere, and the scenery in the laboratory had been completely distorted. These corpses are so terrifying, and sometimes people feel that these corpses still have a breath, because their eyes do not look as dull as ordinary corpses.

Dr. Ruan Li felt that these Gaochuan bodies were staring at themselves as if they were talking to themselves.

She knows that all this is just her own illusion, and of course, the factors that produce such illusion are very complicated. However, if the name "Gaochuan" has not been mentioned before, perhaps the form of hallucination is not the way it is.

Dr. Ruan Li actually regrets it. Although she participates in the research of human nature as a researcher, she does not think it is an unacceptable thing, but from a psychological point of view, she never feels that she can Accept completely frankly. Any study of life will pay a price, and there will be sacrifices. It is enough to persuade yourself with this reason, but it is not enough to offset human's own social and moral concepts.

After all, he is still just a human being. Dr. Ruan Li was not hysterical. Although he was afraid, he had no more actions to overcome this fear. She just accepted the gaze of these corpses and silently tasted the fear in her heart.

Other patients with doomsday syndrome may see different hallucinations, but from a psychological perspective, despair, madness, and things that scare oneself will definitely not be encountered less than what one sees. Dr. Ruan Li couldn't help thinking that.

She silently smoked a cigarette, lit it, and smoked silently. Nor will they, like those who go to confess because of fear, count their crimes and make promises to the dead. Because she did not feel guilty, she rationally accepted everything in front of her and regarded it as a contradiction between her behavior and her moral concept, and this contradiction was amplified under certain conditions.

All of this is an illusion and an inner contradiction. It is regret and regret, it is a faint despair and madness, it is more around the name "Gaochuan". The various thoughts and thoughts generated are the feedback of thinking about the incredible things that I have experienced.

Looks so incredible, but if you think about it carefully, it can be completely explained by psychological theory. However, there are many cases of patients with doomsday syndrome. They are all warning her one thing-she must, and can only regard the scene in front of her as an illusion. She can't control the subconscious, but at least she can't let the subjective consciousness fall, otherwise, the illusion will produce a more terrible and more harmful scene.

Dr. Ruan Li has understood why the teenager always looked silent while Gao Gao was still alive.

Because, besides silence. There is no better way.

Even if you hypnotize yourself and warn yourself, all this is an illusion, but on a deeper level of consciousness, will you treat it as an illusion, your physical level, and whether you will produce further changes because of this resistance or acceptance, it is you The subjective consciousness is completely uncontrollable.

Dr. Ruan Li one cigarette after another cigarette, she didn't feel awake until there was no cigarette. It was as if he had been in a trance before. She calmed down and saw that the terrible scene had returned to normal laboratory. I actually only smoked one cigarette, however, even the cigarette butts were almost burned out. She quickly threw the cigarette butts into the empty ashtray.

Then. There is a feeling of vomiting.

She looked at the display, and the time on the screen exceeded the time required for "a cigarette to burn".

So, how long have you been in a trance? How many cigarettes did you smoke? The feeling of the body is definitely not like smoking a cigarette.

"It turns out so." Dr. Ruan Li said to herself.

The horror caused by the strange and contradictory situation, at this time, she alone bears it.

My condition continued to deteriorate again.

The indicator light of the machine suddenly went out. This is followed by the second and third. Dr. Ruan Li noticed a change in the data on the display screen. This change is difficult to detect by simply observing the initial data. However, the computer analyzes, screens, and processes these data at the same time, forming many subtle changes to show the overall Schematic. The schematics are enlarged to different scales, making those situations that are difficult to detect with the naked eye very clear.

Part of the change of the indicator light is not just to show the working status of the machine, but to remind the person who observes that some expected changes have occurred, and overly complicated changes that are difficult to evaluate. Today, these changes are forcibly increasing the power of the aroused operation, causing the temperature in the laboratory to continue to rise.

Dr. Ruan Li calmly poured himself a glass of water. Her task is not to analyze and process the data in real time, but to use herself as an experimental element and conduct a preliminary inspection of the collected data. However, this preliminary inspection does not need to draw a conclusion at all. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the equipment as much as possible, and to deal with possible unexpected factors flexibly according to their own experience.

Therefore, even if the indicator light and the data map have changed, it is completely outside her scope of work at this time. Instead, the increase in temperature made her more concerned. She confirmed the operating values ​​of the temperature control system, and went to the cabin where the "Gaochuan Replicas" were placed to confirm their status one by one.

These human bodies are "living", but it is not a common sense to describe the "living" of normal people, but only means that the physiological functions that maintain life are still functioning. They can neither walk nor breathe spontaneously, the activities of the internal organs and the flow of blood are carried out through auxiliary devices. Their brain waves are very active, but they were not so active, but they are closer to the low level of the vegetative state.

As for the appearance, although they are all humanoids, at the beginning, there were also nonhumanoids. The existence of the "Gaochuan Replica" is actually controversial, but it is indispensable. On the other hand, the related projects are also extremely complicated. The hospital has invested a lot of energy and material resources, but the final result can only be said to be "sloppy." As far as Dr. Ruan Li knows, "Gaochuan Replicas" are also divided into several types according to their uses, and these types in front of them are specially made for similar human trials.

Because "Gaochuan Replica" cannot completely reproduce "Gaochuan", before they become Gaochuan Replica, these people are also patients with doomsday syndrome and have their own appearance. But now. Their faces are approaching the familiar face in Dr. Ruan Li's memory.

The physiological changes of these Gaochuan replicas can already be observed with the naked eye, and the devices that describe their brain waves are also showing a more and more dramatic change in the form of waveform diagrams. The computer automatically matches the answer. Tell Dr. Ruan Li that these Gaochuan replicas are dreaming.

"It's a nightmare." Dr. Ruan Li said to himself, and returned to his seat again.

The experiment of "the deepest night" will surely cause this kind of change, even a higher degree of change. Only when such a change has occurred will this experiment make sense. However, even if these changes are digitized, it is difficult for people to understand what kind of changes have taken place in the "Gaochuan replica". Because there is too much garbled data in these data.

What Dr. Ruan Li can do is just wait.

After a while, Dr. Ruan Li felt sleepy and she insisted that she not sleep. Intentionally brew a large cup of strong and bitter coffee, and apply cold water to the face. However, before she turned off the faucet in the laboratory, the water flowing out became scarlet, thicker than coffee, and she settled in, and the scarlet disappeared again. However, she felt someone behind her again.

Is really enough. Dr. Ruan Li thought that all this was an illusion. Then, raise your head. As soon as I saw myself behind me in the mirror, there was indeed another person-that was another one herself.

Looks exactly, looks exactly the same height, but looks very different.

Dr. Ruan Li did not move. But the self in the mirror suddenly turned around to see the other self behind him.

Dr. Ruan Li struck a spirit, and everything returned to its original state. However, she felt that her arm was itchy and she could not help scratching it, only to find there was a handprint left there. It was as if someone had grabbed this arm hard before. Dr. Ruan Li confirmed several times and finally believed that this fingerprint was not his illusion.

She became more and more tired, and her pinching of her pain and the bitterness of coffee could not dispel this kind of fatigue. So she fell asleep beside the console.

The indicator lights went out one after another, and many of the Gaochuan replicas in the cabin began to dissolve into a yellow liquid, and then these liquids began to rotate. The automatic operation program opens the internal interface of the cabin, and these fluids are injected into a prescription well along the pipeline. After that, all the reproduced Gaochuan replicas will be injected into this square well.


The blood moon hanging high above is like a huge portal. The nightmare of the 51st district transformed into a huge urban magic circle with a smoky face. Las Vegas seems to be able to enter the deepest through the portal at any time Midnight. But everyone who witnessed this scene knew that what they were waiting for was not the nightmare Las Vegas, but the monsters hiding deep in the nightmare Las Vegas. Its existence is reminiscent of the Nazi conspiracy arranged in this repeater.

This peninsula sacrifice ceremony was to pull the monster out of an abnormal state and at an inappropriate time. The layout of the nightmare Las Vegas is just a part of the ceremony. The monster's power and threat are beyond doubt, so it is necessary to do such hard work.

However, in a short period of time, the transfer of the nightmare Las Vegas showed signs of stalemate.

"Isn't that enough?" I couldn't help asking.

"The key lies in the power of liberation of the deepest night." The connector did not cover up and said bluntly: "So we ripened the deep night. Even so, it is not easy to collect enough liberation power. Thing. "

"That is to say, most of the people who were sacrificed were only used as ripeners in the deepest night?" I confirmed.

"Yes." The connector said: "However, even the deepest night would have killed everyone. We used the sacrifice method to ripen in advance, destroying the normal process, so we are still alive so far."

Just when the connector's voice fell, I suddenly felt that the whole world seemed to be beating, rushed and strong, as if the heart was beating. Then, in the cemetery beside us, countless phosphor fires suddenly appeared. A mysterious expert accidentally touched these phosphor fires and immediately burned.

The flames that burned were so intense that the person next to the mysterious expert could not help avoiding it, but the mysterious expert who was burned seemed to feel completely painless. I felt that he was a little dull. Although the time was short, he actually had a chance to make other reactions, but he just raised his arms in a daze and looked at his body. Along with the mountain breeze, these suspicious phosphor fires were scattered in all directions. However, the expansion of the scope did not make the phosphor fires appear scarce, as if these phosphor fires were constantly growing.

"Hundred Ghosts Night Walk" was lit. Those black robes that had been alienated several times during the sacrifice ceremony, like the mysterious expert, were surrounded by huge flames all over their bodies. These flames were green, without any heat, and they looked extremely gloomy, making people feel , What would be a good thing.

'S own burning did not make them ashes. However, in front of us, the mysterious expert who was first ignited by phosphorus fire is no longer the original him. It is difficult to describe this kind of change. The most obvious change is the change in appearance. However, it is not just the surface that is changed, it also seems to be undergoing earth-shaking changes inside.

Mysterious experts are very vigilant, but the appearance and movement of these phosphorous fires are silent, and soon five more mysterious experts are forced to get caught in the phosphorous fire, and the whole person starts to burn.

People who have the ability to protect themselves no longer take it lightly. No, it should be said that they did not take it lightly from the beginning. It ’s just that the scene in front of them is not something that can be avoided with enough vigilance. People have moved out of the cemetery in their breath. Jointer and Anna are no exception.

However, although I intend to make a similar response, I have not succeeded.

I don't know when my feet were covered with the mud of this graveyard, as if there was a pair of strong hands under this mud that grabbed my ankles and prevented me from moving.

The frequency of generating phosphor fires in the cemetery became more and more intense, and then it was like a volcanic eruption. A large cluster of phosphor fires formed a beam of light and skyrocketed into the sky.

I don't have any feeling, even if it is burnt by phosphor fire, it doesn't burn like those mysterious experts. However, the burning mysterious expert screamed and screamed his lungs. They hugged their heads in pain, and the whole body was constantly changing like the rubbed plasticine.

More phosphorous fire, at a faster speed, with the momentum to cover the entire nightmare ride away.

Then, the trees were ignited, the ashes were ignited, the mud and soil were ignited, the running water was ignited, the weirdness was ignited, the mountains were ignited, as if everything could be ignited by these phosphorous fires, but not all of them were ignited. (To be continued.)

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