Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1415: The Power of Liberation 2

I don't know when my feet were covered with the mud of this graveyard, as if there was a pair of strong hands under this mud that grabbed my ankles and prevented me from moving.

The frequency of generating phosphor fires in the cemetery has become more and more intense. Afterwards, like a volcanic eruption, a large cluster of phosphorous fires formed a beam of light and soared into the sky.

The bizarre phosphorous fire seems to have just been born. Their source is not underground, nor is the disintegration of corpses. In the observation of the chain judgment, it seems to be born in the air, because the small particles in the air have changed. The reason why it is called "phosphorus fire" is only because of its appearance and color at first glance, it is very similar to the phosphor fire produced after the corpse dissociated.

But are these flames without temperature really phosphorous fires? In this nightmare of ideology, there is no need to think carefully.

In this nightmare, it seems that any existence may be ignited by phosphorus fire, but even if it looks the same thing, it may not be ignited. When the earth and sand were ignited, they did not burn a large piece. These flames were like flowers blossoming on the ground. When the trees, flowers and grass are lit, even the plants that are very close to each other are still not affected. It looks like there is a huge torch a few meters away. When hordes of grotesques are ignited, not every grotesque is burning. The burning grotesque and the non-burning grotesque collide with each other, and there is no spread.

When we mysterious experts are ignited, it is like all things in this nightmare. Some are burning, others are not. The burning people let out a painful wailing. They hugged their heads in pain as if a drill was being stuffed into their brains, and their bodies, like plasticine, were rubbed by invisible hands and constantly deformed.

What is not ignited is in a burning scene. There is a weird sense of isolation, and one cannot help but feel that there must be something special that makes these things behave so independently.

Mysterious experts without burning try to extinguish the flames of their companions. However, no matter how he did it, he could not eliminate this kind of burning. The pain in this kind of burning could only watch his companions undergo further changes. Everyone's face is more or less shocked. Despite past experience, every mystery expert knows that in such a huge and mysterious event, weird and unintelligible situations can happen, and when prepared psychologically, the mystery expert can often The strange phenomenon is more calm before.

However, the scene in front of us is not just how strange the "phenomenon" is, it is more. Before it happened, there were already all kinds of hints, it was subtle, and it was full of erosion to the mind. Just "burning everything" will not shock mysterious experts, and it really makes everyone feel this kind of emotion. I think it is like the wind here is full of madness and despair, and this phosphor fire, although there is no such strong negative emotion. But it also has some kind of spiritual erosion.

From the birth of phosphorous fire to the scene lit by phosphorous fire, it is like a kind of self-memory repeating, like the melancholy in my later years. It is quiet, but not deadly. It also carries some kind of heartbeat, but it does not erupt as hot as it was in its youth. Just like the fire itself, it expanded rapidly, but it just burned slowly. There is no temperature.

"This is ..." a mysterious expert who had not been ignited made a sound.

"It turned out to be ...!" Another mysterious expert who was also unlit suddenly looked at me.

And I already knew why they looked at me like this.

Everything that is lit, whether it's trees, sand or gravel, weirdness, mystery expert, or the body is rubbed like plasticine, is gradually becoming a unified and familiar image. That is my image, the younger me, the older me, the same age as me at this time. One by one, "Gao Chuan", is being formed in the burning. The thing that was ignited was not "Gao Chuan", but everyone who saw this scene felt that this was "Gao Chuan".

They, they, are becoming my way.

As a result, the mysterious expert became a "painful Gaochuan sculpture". The trees became "Takagawa of the human torch." The weird people described as "Hundred Ghosts at Night" became "a group of pilgrims like Gaochuan." They constitute a more bizarre and shocking scene: "Gaochuan", who can't see the head at a glance, wears a black robe and forms a long line, surrounded by Gaochuan-shaped torches and sculptures, and slowly walks along the mountain path to the altar at the top of the mountain. .

"How could it be all Gaochuan? Why is it Gaochuan?" Such questions were asked, but no one could answer them. The connector said that they had guessed the relationship between "Gaochuan" and "The Deepest Night", and that many ritual links were based on this guess, but when there was a closer connection, with this kind of When the extremely superficial scenes appeared, I saw extremely puzzled and incredible from their faces.

Perhaps, my connection with this deepest night really exceeded their expectations.

"I see." A female mystery expert murmured not far from me: "The biggest deviation is here." She suddenly shouted to all mystery experts who can maintain normal conditions: "The biggest The deviation is not because we overlooked something, but because we miscalculated the degree! "

Her voice was still echoing, and everyone's eyes were all focused on me.

Then, when she had just finished speaking, she suddenly gave a stern and sharp laugh, not knowing what was going on, and suddenly rushed down the mountain, looking like she was crazy. Her back was soon swallowed by fog and flames. After that, the air here seemed to freeze for a few seconds. Suddenly, in the direction of this crazy female mysterious expert running away, there was a scream of fear. As soon as this sound was heard, it made people feel that she must have encountered some terrible misfortune.

What the **** is attacking her? What made her scream like this? What made her spirit so exciting, it was like going crazy?

No one speaks, like no one knows the answer.

The strange silence is making the atmosphere around me sinister.

"In the end ... what happened?" A mysterious expert suddenly asked, as if he was asking me, as if he were asking others.

Several people tried to find out what was on my face. But I am also baffled, and it is not entirely clear what exactly happened. They may wonder if I am pretending, but I know it myself. This ignorance is not disguise. Of course I have thought about it. There are many clues in the deepest night, all of which imply a very deep relationship with me, but. Such a change as before is also unexpected.

I haven't even figured out what this change implies from a higher level of consciousness.

However, the connector and Anna who had stood beside me originally. Has quietly distanced me. My position in this group of mysterious experts has been completely isolated. This is just the case, in fact, it does not make me feel unexpected and unacceptable, because, I stand among them, not to be friends with them. It is also very clear that we cannot be friends in this deepest night. Even if you can talk, have cooperation, or still save a love. But in terms of things to do, I am their enemy.

The current isolation is nothing but the expected situation.

They seem to have some scruples, but just cautiously confront each other, and it seems that they did not intend to start fighting with me immediately. This also follows my thoughts, because, I also want to look at what changes will happen. So, when I can move, I turn around and leave. No one kept it, even the connector and Anna, watching me with a puzzled and alert expression, even if they turned their backs on them. I can clearly perceive the hostility and scrutiny in sight. I do n’t blame their sudden changes in attitude, as if they have completely forgotten our past friendships, and I can understand them completely, and I do n’t feel sad about them.

We are just looking at the same changes from different perspectives. From different perspectives, to understand the time we spent together.

"Where are you going? Gaochuan." The connector suddenly shouted behind him.

"Mountaintop." I said.

I carried a shield, a sawtooth sword, and a quick sweep formed an invisible high-speed passage meandering ahead, opening a different route from the "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk". Those seemingly dangerous, no roads, in front of the quick sweep , Just a smooth road. I was galloping along this smooth road, and the "Gaochuan" in black robes were not far away. I didn't know when they had held a candlelight in their hands. When I subconsciously looked, I found out, They looked at me one by one. Their moving speed is as if they are about to solidify in front of the speed sweep. Only the movement of "turning one's head to stare" is always synchronized with me in the speed sweep.

They stared at me, making me creepy.

They look like myself dressed up in another way, but they cannot give me any sense of "they are me". The sense of identity, that the other party is himself, is exactly the biggest difference between Takagawa and London.

What are these things? Their "Gaochuan" appearance cannot be aimless, and it must have a close connection with me, but I do not recognize them. If it is all "Gaochuan", I should not have this feeling, because, the reason why I exist is precisely because the birth mechanism and mind of "Gaochuan" are highly unified.

The "Gaochuan" who can't give me a sense of identity in front of me seem to be saying that in addition to the mechanism of the birth of the "Gaochuan" personality I know, there are other mechanisms in operation. However, in addition to having no sense of identity, I do not feel any rejection of them. In addition, their existence also gives me a sense of "danger".

I ca n’t describe this kind of danger, nor can I estimate the intensity of this kind of danger in advance. I just feel that their existence is abnormal. It ’s not that they should n’t exist. Reflect the "feel".

This kind of thinking makes me seem to have a new hazy idea.

Are things that exist but are not reflected by force?

My observation of the vision of Doomsday Illusion is not just from the internal state of Doomsday Illusion, but also from the physical and psychological level of a patient with Doomsday Syndrome.

Is there anything on the physical or psychological level that exists but does not reflect its role, is a seemingly redundant component, but it is impossible to really separate it?

In the tower in this nightmare, in the black seat that seems to be connected to the reality of the hospital, how does the information obtained have to be related to the scene in front of it?

Before I found the answer, I had rushed to the top of the mountain and settled on a high mountain rock around the altar. And this place is not alone with me. Of course, it is not the "Gaochuan".

Before entering the altar, the ranks of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk split into five tributaries, re-disintegrating from the "Takagawa" figure into a phosphorus fire, and submerging into the five vertices of the "Pentagram" pattern.

Several people in military uniforms stood at the corner of the altar, watching this phenomenon solemnly. These soldiers are not Nazis, but they have such distinctive characteristics of national institutions. Of course, people will feel that they are from the 51st district. The actual situation is probably the same. The altar has been renovated and the pattern of the magic circle is newly portrayed. I used to come here once in advance, and the altar at that time gave people a feeling of "mutilation" or "unfinished", and now it has been completely completed and operational ~ ~ However, this magic circle The style is not the style of the 51st district at all. No, it should be said that the 51st District does not use this magic array full of old-style mysticism. On the contrary, the Doomsday Truth Church is very familiar with this magic circle. It is inevitable that people still feel that the Doomsday Truth Church assisted the 51st district to complete the completion of this altar.

The cooperation between District 51 and the Doomsday Truth is too deep. It is like that the District 51 has become the hands and feet of the Doomsday Truth. In another name, it will accomplish what the Doomsday Truth will intend to do.

The soldiers in these fifty-one areas should also be mysterious experts, but it is really rare for the mysterious experts who follow the military guidelines. The 51st district has done a lot of work in human resources.

They were not moved by my appearance, as if they were not at all worried, as I would destroy the ongoing ceremony here. I don't think they really treat me as a harmless guy. According to the connector, the mysterious organizations of the parties acting here have carefully considered my situation and considered my relationship with the Deepest Night. As the main party responsible for the 51st district, of course it is impossible to do it without me. the study.

So, what gives them confidence, thinking that I will do nothing? (To be continued.)

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