Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1417: High Wind Attack

A long time ago, when the super-sweep super energy was used, it was obvious that the resistance of the air could be felt, but this physical force gradually faded in the following time. ↖↖, with the deepening of "mystery", you will realize that more and more phenomena are moving closer to the idealistic direction, but even at this time, it can still be explained by disciplines such as quantum mechanics or philosophy. After that, I do n’t remember exactly at what time it was. It was a dividing line, and there was a difference between “mystery” and scientific theory that was difficult to deny even before it was understood.

I look at the "mysterious" gaze. Although it is still impossible to avoid the incorporation of scientific ideas and methodologies, I have become more and more inclined to an understanding that better fits the original meaning of the word "mysterious". What followed was that my ability became more and more powerful in actual combat, which made me the only one who was afraid.

Is like surpassing the speed of light. In scientific theory, surpassing the speed of light will produce many incredible phenomena. We must follow the law of conservation of energy in a broad sense, and the speed of surpassing the speed of light obviously makes me feel completely different. It does not follow any laws, not only because I cannot find the relevant laws, but because it has such a hazy feeling.

I don't know whether I feel right, but this feeling is undoubtedly terrible for people who have been baptized by science.

In the beginning, it did feel exciting, but this kind of thing that gradually deviates from common sense and imagination gradually expands and only brings deep fear. Just like falling into the abyss, if you can still see the starry sky, maybe fear can still produce a beauty of falling and self-destruction. However, if it is dark all around, you ca n’t see anything, just understand how deep you are. Fall below. I do n’t know where the head is, and even if I know that the result is death, the fear I have is definitely not just a fear of death.

My speedy superpower is such a "mystery" that scares me. It can even be said that it is compared with the rapid swept super energy. The essential ability manifested by Level 4 Mageweave—to a certain extent, to control the temporary data hedging aftershocks—has no such strong sense of fear.

Every time I use the speed sweep to reach a certain speed, if there is no power to stop, I will feel extreme fear. I know very well that it is this fear that restricts my subconscious play. Even if no one else stops me, I have been preventing myself from reaching that speed. In this sense, in fact, seeing the strength of some people can have an influence and restraint on my quick sweep, in my mind. It's actually a relief.

I hope that the super-sweeping superpower can let me defeat all the enemies, and I subconsciously long for someone to stop the super-swimming superpower beyond my inner limit.

However, this time, I no longer intend to restrain myself. Perhaps deep down in my heart, the idea of ​​subconsciously restraining the speedy superpower has not completely disappeared, but my desire for faster and stronger subjective ideas is so strong. It made me return to the reality of the hospital, the battle before the death.

I want to defeat all the enemies in front of me. It doesn't matter what he thinks, what he thinks. His strength, but only a simple one, must do his best, as if to drain away all his pain and anger, to discard all despair and hope, just to fight such a scene without wanting anything.

Maybe. In psychology, this is a rebound after extreme depression in mentality, and it is a subconscious release of stress, but such a theory is for me. It also becomes less important.

So, I did this.

It was so sudden, unreasonable, that the body naturally operated with maximum load or even overload. The high-speed chain judgment made my brain as painful as tearing, the nosebleed was constantly flowing, everything in front of me became twisted, the trees and rocks were alienated, and people were no longer human. Only the outline is outlined by dots and lines. The three-dimensional composition unfolds in my mind in a panoramic mode. Even the ashes falling from the sky have been described its movement state-not in a digital mode, but in A near-intuitive way made me understand that the movement of all things is inherently regular, and the monster in front of me called the "son of destiny" is the same.

Novsky also wanted to say something. The soldiers in the 51st area had not even left their eyes on the magic circle. I can analyze their mentality, but it really does n’t matter, because, at this moment, they are already frozen in the moment they are about to produce movement, and what kind of movement they are about to produce is also intuition-like intuition. Presented in my mind.

Yes, they haven't had time to react, but, I already know how they will react.

Novsky quickly twisted in the chain judgment, in the visual field of vision, it just turned into light. Light is fast, there is not much in the world that can exceed the speed of light, but this has no effect. At the moment it turned into light, my serrated sword had been swept on it. In my eyes, the sawtooth is "stationary" at this moment, and the light is "stationary." Then, the harsh sound of friction sounded, sparks splashed, and the beam of light suddenly hit the rock behind him.

The light is dissociating, and then the human form is revealed.

Movement, speed, the operation of these phenomena has become very strange in my eyes. They will come out at a certain moment, and they will go out at a certain moment, which is far from being as stable as seen in the past.

Yes, all of this, whether it is relatively slow or relatively fast, is unstable, but I ca n’t feel that I ’m affected, or, in fact, all the instability comes from me. It is not that they are unstable, but that I am unstable, or in other words, the rapid swept super energy is unstable. However, this instability did not make me feel "bad".

On the contrary, this kind of instability makes me feel like the inherent characteristic of the rapid swept superpower itself, but it is only so clearly felt at this moment.

"Okay ... Quick!" I seemed to hear Novsky's voice, but it was like auditory hallucination, because I thought about paying attention to what it said. At the moment of striking it, I have passed the invisible high-speed passage and swept past the mysterious experts dressed up by the soldiers. The serrated big knife cuts them off like a cream, these mysterious experts have no means of escape, I can feel it. When the serrated blade cuts the muscles and bones, the tiny resistance generated can feel the **** blood that stays in the air after the blood splashes.

Ashes and blood droplets are suspended in the air, but the blood splashed from the corpse. It was more like being pulled out of the corpse by a force. Static and moving, both exist in the observation of the naked eye and the chain judgment, as if the concept of "speed" around them is divided and manifested in different forms of phenomena.

Novsky detached from the rock, turned into light again, and swooped at me. I can feel that this action is full of complex emotions, doubts, incredible, surprise, and even a little hesitation. However, all this has not slowed it down.

It's just that my speed is still faster.

The sawtooth sword followed me as I turned and whistled in the air, colliding again with the light-like Novsky, and then the light spread out. It disappeared in an instant, as if crossing the space. Condensation suddenly behind me. It is a spear, a sharp blade, and a sharp tooth, and wants to pierce me and bite it into pieces. However, even if it wanted to hit me unexpectedly. It is still impossible to do so under the difference of quick sweep.

I slide forward, the body is pushed by the forces inherent in the invisible high-speed channel, and more power is placed on the rotation of the body again.

Spins more violently than any time in the past. Let the jagged sword fly, and collide with it again before the light penetrates the body. The rotating sawtooth is like a shark, entangled with light, biting, in the sputtering of sparks, there are constantly scattered light spots and sawtooth debris ingested into the air, and then solidified in the air.

It seems that except me and it, after a certain distance, the movement of the whole world is still.

I can't compare with Fujiang. Even so, this beam of light is still collapsing, and the figure of the human figure is looming. It seems to try its best not to be repulsed and resist tenaciously. The figure that was completely exposed lost its cautious expression with a wild expression. It rooted its legs on the ground, but it inevitably plowed deep grooves on the ground.

I have completely turned around. I can feel how much resistance comes from my arm, this force makes my arm tremble again, as if there is no strength to continue, even so, I just want to move forward, I want to knock it down. Am I still on the fly? I can hardly imagine what state I am in. I have forgotten the speed sweep and the observation, and there is only one monster in front of me.

I breathe and breathe hard until my lungs are not overburdened, and then roar. At the next moment, the stubborn resistance disappeared, and the figure named Novsky was cut in half from head to toe, and each flew to the sides, as if he were running away. I didn't chase, the ashes on the ground were hit by invisible forces and sprayed everywhere, and the sawtooth sword that fell on the ground also broke at this instant.

The blade was slowly spinning in mid-air, my feet were white, the ashes were gone, and the haze around was deeper, and nothing was visible to the naked eye, leaving only the scene of the points and lines constructed by the chain judgment Change in mind. I observed two beams of light that fled, one disappeared, and the other became humanoid.

Novsky's facial features have completely disappeared, leaving only a head with a sunken face. It is slowly climbing from the ground, and it is shaking while shaking. Even if it didn't speak, I could feel that it was radiating fear all over the body.

"How ... how is it possible?" It said: "You, you monster ..."

Monster? me?

I don't know why, and I didn't agree with it when I heard it say so.

The ground was covered with fissures, and the magic circle of the altar had become dilapidated. Even so, the campfire was still burning. The "Gao Chuan" who walked by the night of a hundred ghosts still had an endless stream.

I galloped again, and before Novowski made a retreat posture, he once again reached in front of him, and only half of the blade with the sawtooth collapsed was cleaved.

The moment before the blade touched Novsky, the hazy scene around him became flattened, and the image constructed in the mind of the chain was stretched. Then, Novowski appeared three meters away.

The knife emptied.

Everything in front of me, even my own limbs, have become different from the original, but the specific changes are indescribable.

Novsky has come up with the strength to suppress me earlier. In fact, it should understand earlier, if it does not have such power, it is impossible to defeat me. No, even now, it uses this dimensionality-reducing mystery, and I don't feel a bit at a disadvantage.

I haven't thought about how to reverse the situation and create a more favorable environment for myself, even in the face of the field that once suppressed myself in the past.

I threw down half of the serrated sword, and the blade shattered before landing. Even in this field of dimensionality reduction, the desperate and crazy wind is still blowing, and the falling ashes never stop.

I carried the shield and walked forward step by step. Novsky's condition is not good to me at all, even if it seems to feel that he has the upper hand. Indeed, I did not think of any way to crack this dimensionality reduction state, and it is very clear that it has incredible power in such a field, and what supports it is more likely to be the power of repeaters.

I just do n’t think about these things.

I just, go forward in silence ~ ~ What else does it want to say, but it has no mouth. Apart from the roar of wind, there was no more sound.

I wiped off the nosebleed that kept flowing.

At this moment, it disappeared, and the chain judgment could not be locked. The next moment, it appeared in front of me. There is no movement process in its approach, but the attack launched after the approach has produced a movement process. Even if this operation is extremely fast, as long as it exists, it cannot be faster than me.

As it reached out, I grabbed its neck, pulled it closer, and slammed it with its head on its sunken face without facial features. Its body shook, as if it had loosened for a moment, and this state was very clear, coming along the arm that pinched its neck. So, I hit my head on his face again.

This time, I finally heard it. This is painful and full of incredible feelings. Only at this time is it called Novsky, who is more like a person.

I threw it on the ground, listening to it as if breathless, shouting hysterically: "Strange, monster! You monster!" (To be continued ...) u

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