Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1418: Blast Special II

The last time I met Novowski, I was still in a disadvantageous position. If Fu Jiang was not involved in the war, I would probably be exhausted. However, when I met again this time, it lost in an instant. I do n’t think I ’m stronger than before, but I used to do my best in the past, but I just tried my best. It ’s hard for me to understand what Fu Jiang called “simple battle”, but now I ’m personally Realized it. Even in the past, I used to fight under overload, but the overload I feel today is very different from the past.

Overload will make people feel fear, and the never-ending mysterious power will also produce great fear after every logical thinking. This kind of fear is too deep, and sometimes it is undetectable by the subjective consciousness, but every action of the body will be restrained by this kind of fear.

Fear is a manifestation of self-defense instinct. It resists every behavior that may destroy itself. For fragile human beings, it is a safety barrier for every normal intelligent life.

I know that this fear is extremely important for survival.

However, I deeply feel that when I break through this fear and go beyond the subjective consciousness of "doing my best" to fight, it actually means that I have really reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

Even now that I have defeated Novsky, I have no joy, and the great fear has never been eliminated. This kind of fear is so chaotic that I ca n’t even distinguish the origin of it, but the body is no longer trembling, not because of overcoming the fear. Just because there is no room for trembling.

In my body, fear seems to be the strongest force. It transcends all thoughts, transcends pain, transcends despair. Beyond hope, beyond all good thoughts and evil thoughts. I feel that both the body and the soul are in this fear, and if I can, I do n’t want to bear it all again, but I suffer it all. Is it because I have no choice?

Because it is something that cannot be done with all one's best efforts, it is necessary to reach a deeper darkness than "best effort".

I heard Novowski. This is also painful and full of incredible feelings. Only at this time is it called Novsky, who is more like a person.

I threw it on the ground. Hearing it as if breathless, he shouted hysterically: "blame, monster! You monster!"

I am so sensitive to emotions like "fear", so I can feel the intensity of the emotion that permeates his heart more than ever. It is obviously a monster. Like humans, it regards me as a "monster". Our position. It's like turning upside down at this moment.

It suddenly became so fragile, as if it was strong in the past. It was just a joke. But for me, no matter how it behaves. I can't be shaken by anything. Because, fear has filled my body and mind, making me unable to think about these things.

I just moved my wrist, and the incredible power swept through the ashes, and a new serrated sword was condensed in my hands. I shook the knife sharply, and the sawtooth made a sharp noise and began to rotate.

Mars splashed again. I do n’t know if it ’s my illusion. The serrated sword on this side seemed more fierce than the one in the past, it was like a monster chewing. The harsh and sharp metal friction sound is the sound of its teeth rubbing against each other.

I stared at Novsky. It has no facial features, but it makes me feel that it is avoiding my sight. In this doomsday illusion, there shouldn't be much to fear, but the fear that it exudes at this time is like a cowardly person seeing something terrible.

My left eye was beating wildly, and if there was a non-existent voice, it sounded in my heart and in my ear.

I ignored it, I just stepped up step by step.

Novsky seemed to have exhausted all his strength and got up from the ground to escape. In the last battle, its actions were difficult to capture even with chain judgment. However, its movement is now a very straight line in the chain judgment, as if it can only escape along this straight route, and cannot turn left or right.

All its movements are so clear, compared to the fear that filled my body and mind at this time, the taboos it once brought are as small as dust.

Fearing it, it is becoming weak. And myself, who is more fearful than it, seems to have become stronger.

I wiped my nosebleed again, this time with blood stains on the corners of my eyes. After wiping away, everything I saw in my left eye was stained with blood.

I no longer feel pain. However, the "injured" phenomenon itself calmed my heart. The power that accompanies fear is inherently terrible. It is impossible to appear on humans at all. I carried it and survived. If there are no side effects at all, then, did I Is it no longer human?

When I became like this, I felt that I was losing many things that I must have. When fear completely overwhelms everything, people can no longer feel their own hope, despair, blood and melancholy, they have always been in a state of calm, with nothing but fear, then I am nothing but one. A horrible incarnation.

Suddenly, I understood why Novsky, who had become a monster, behaved more like a person when facing me at this moment.

That must be because, at this moment, I am more like a monster than it.

I ca n’t see myself clearly. I think I ’m still a humanoid figure, and I have n’t become something weird from appearance, but maybe what Novowski sees is not my appearance, but a more essential one. s things. I have been accustomed to this kind of thing, or in this state at this moment, it is regarded as normal, but it can be put in its eyes, but it is not the case.

So, at this moment, what kind of image is me in its eyes?

Novsky ran fast, however. In this straight line, invisible high-speed channels connect us to each other.

Where can this go? I asked silently, of course there was no answer.

I carried the serrated sword and shield and ran again.

Novsky's figure flickered, and every flicker made me feel. It did some things, but in the observation, the effects of those things were not reflected at all. For it, perhaps it has been avoided as much as possible, maybe. In its cognition, he is not escaping "in a straight line". However, in my observation, it was only the figure flashing, otherwise. It neither disappeared nor changed direction suddenly.

In scientific theory, "dimensionality reduction" is very scary, although various formula theories can be used to analyze, what will happen to the existence after dimensionality reduction, what kind of situation will it face. However, because no one has personally experienced it, so to the world after dimensionality reduction. It's just in imagination.

I call this force of Novsky "dimensionality reduction", but whether it is actually "dimensionality reduction" in scientific theory is certainly impossible to confirm. because. The origin of this power is mystery.

Because it is "mysterious", even if something happens in front of you, you can't really understand it. You can only feel and adapt. Treat it as a fait accompli.

When the mystery of entanglement exceeds a certain limit, all phenomena are ambiguous. Unreasonable and difficult to explain. Can not be analyzed with logic. This is what I feel most deeply in this battle.

Three breaths, I have caught up with Novsky. I do n’t think I ’m speeding up, but I do n’t think that Novsky runs too slowly. In fact, how fast are you and Novsky? Because there are not enough reference objects, you can no longer judge by observation. The only thing that can be confirmed is the situation of "catching up Novsky in three breaths".

Novsky screamed. Everything around him seemed to be torn apart, revealing something behind. Once again, I observed the altar altar as if it had been hiding behind this curtain. Novsky's body was tilted a bit, and it finally changed direction, and the serrated sword that I waved only wiped his body. Even so, Novsky was still like a fluffy puppet, which was blown by the hurricane and was immediately lifted to the ground a dozen meters away.

Novsky looked embarrassed. In fact, it can't make an "embarrassed" expression, and there are not many wounds on its body. It can only be said that I feel that it has such an "embarrassed" breath all over its body.

I did not continue to pursue, because other movements have appeared in the observation of the chain judgment. I ca n’t describe what kind of performance it is. The stereoscopic image composed of points and lines in my mind is very complicated. These points and lines are constantly changing, complex and regular, and this complex law is actually because of the new The phenomenon of movement produces some kind of fluctuation. This kind of fluctuation, like this kind of complicated change, is like a piece of wood hidden in the woods.

I can feel the new wood appearing in the woods, but I can't judge where the wood is. If the new movement is being produced, if it is brought by a mysterious expert, then the other party must be very strong.

The source of the movement is becoming clearer and clearer, because their movement becomes stronger because of the proximity. When I noticed them, the observation of the chain decision has marked them individually.

One hundred meters, eighty meters, sixty meters ... Then, it penetrates into the clearest fifty meters. They jumped out of the top of the mountain, each occupying several positions, overlooking the situation inside the altar. At this time, even without judging by Liansu, I can feel that my eyes are focused on myself and Novsky, who is a dozen meters away.

I inserted the serrated sword on the ground and looked up at these new intruders. The mountain altar is so important, and it is not only occupied by the 51st area. Everything going on here is related to all mysterious organizations and every mysterious expert who have entered the nightmare. Therefore, I am not surprised at all. See others at this time.

A group of long-lost acquaintances. Including the characters in the team who are regarded as the leading figures, such as the commander-in-chief "Rivet", he did not expect that he was here.

Marceau and Father Edward finally appeared.

Their positions in the illusion of doomsday are different, their ideas are different, and even they can be regarded as hostile. However, they come together, and they have joined forces to find trouble. I think that their eyes, like the spotlight, swept back and forth on Novowski and stayed with me most of the time.

"It looks terrible, the son of fate in the 51st district." The same team, once a companion, but now a female mysterious expert who can't name it.

Novsky was just silent, and he seemed to have no intention to justify.

"It's an unexpected deviation that led to a terrible monster." The person who looked like the light of the torch stared at me.

"The ceremony is about to be completed. Before that, we had an agreement." Rivet said, "It doesn't matter how big the deviation is, as long as the ceremony can be completed."

"However, it seems that District 51 still has no ability to complete the ceremony." Another person said with deliberate sarcasm: "We are not willing to come to pick peaches voluntarily, but, if we do not come, you look like you want to Killed by Mr. Gao Chuan, Novsky. "

Is this group of people appearing to ensure the sacrifice ceremony? However, whether this is the whole reason or not, it is reasonable. Although the plan itself was carried out by the parties in a tacit agreement, as far as I know, no verbal or paper covenant has been agreed, but even if I did not know it, what changes have occurred, I do n’t think it should be. Surprising situation ~ ~ This group of people appear here, can you prove that the 51st district is already exhausted?

"It's up to you." Novsky said suddenly, disappearing into place. I can catch up with him, but I have to guard against the emergence of everyone, which is not lacking the same level as Novowski, and even more powerful monsters. If you have to fight, it must be more dangerous and cruel than the fight just now. However, from their attitude, as long as I don't continue to do things that damage the ceremony, they will continue to remain silent.

Indeed, in terms of the needs of the parties and the situation to be faced, fighting at this moment is not worth the gains. Therefore, when Novsky first appeared, he was also talking to me, but I didn't want to talk to him at all. The previous battle has caused many cracks in the altar. The huge magic circle has been cut into pieces. It is still running, but it cannot be judged whether it will be in the subsequent battle because it is bigger. Was destroyed.

"Mr. Gao Chuan, your anger is out, how about being quiet for a while? If you want to hit it, you will be able to beat it more happily later." The rivet told me first.

I didn't answer, but just pulled up the serrated sword, resisting it on my shoulder and walking towards a corner of the altar. (To be continued)

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