Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1427: Flooding

There are many impressions about the lady in red in my memory. ∈♀, there was a Valpus night in Las Vegas, the 51st district and the Nazi confrontation continued with this Valpus night as the center, and finally the Nazis were superior in technology and will pull The night of Valpus in Vegas is transformed into a repeater of today. Even so, the 51st district still lays out many secret methods in the process of spying on the night of Valpus, and the lady in red is one of them. She was originally studying humans in the night of Valpus, but in the process of research, in order to achieve a certain result, she lost the physical meaning of humans.

She used to have a name. It seems that after returning to the jurisdiction of the 51st district, she still uses that name, but this name that is meaningful to her is completely meaningless to others. The power she gained during the night of Valpuss, and even the relationship with the repeater, are her greatest characteristics at this time.

Therefore, the more visually titled "red lady" can refer to her existence.

The prostitute Gao Chuan once had a confrontation with the red girl in the night of Valpus, and then in the 51st district, he had a deeper understanding of it. However, that was all before the Doomsday Truth Repeater changed the world line. In today ’s doomsday illusion, the identity of the red lady in the 51st district may be different, but I think this difference should It will be so big that it will completely overthrow the understanding of her in memory.

However, no matter what happened to her in the past and present, when she appeared, it was a sign.

In my opinion, the girl in red is more representative of the existence of the 51th repeater and 51st will than Novsky, the son of fate.

Unexpectedly, she would appear in front of me in this way. No, maybe there is another possibility. She didn't deliberately intercept me and Dr. Ruan Li, but me and Dr. Ruan Li, and even the missing friend "Gus", bumped into the place where she was.

This underground river connecting the peninsula and the hinterland is in my guess because of the appearance of this red lady. It has some deep meanings that it did not have before. Mysterious events are strange, but not independent. Any seemingly unexpected and accidental situation is an inevitable clue. The girl in red in District 51 appeared on the escape path between me and Dr. Ruan Li. It seemed that the disappearance of friend Gus was involved. I could not feel any "coincidence" taste and goodwill.

This time, the way to escape from the underground river has become more intense, deep and cold in my eyes.

However, no matter how much danger is ahead. There are many signs suggesting failure, and since Dr. Ruan Li does not intend to give up, I have no stand to give up.

I will definitely not leave the peninsula with Dr. Ruan Li, probably because Dr. Ruan Li did not think about it, nor did he understand it. However, I hope she can leave. Even if only Dr. Ruan Li can leave here before the greater storm comes, it is a victory for me.

In this escape. The most important thing is not how small the chance of success is, but rather how persistent Dr. Ruan Li ’s heart is.

The SUV parked in front of the thorny valley. It is said to be a valley, but as you go deeper inward, the gap between the two sides of the mountain wall will quickly shrink. After ten meters, there will be only a gap for five people to line up and out. Taking the tools prepared in the off-road vehicle, I took the lead and carried the dogleg knife to cut off the thorns that blocked the road. There are so many thorns here that make me feel that the gap is almost filled. I doubt how the Gus friend found out that there was an entrance to the underground river.

"Something's wrong, mom." I went into the third. Turning his head and looking back, he saw that the way was once again blocked by thorns. I cut off these thorns before, but what they look like now, what they look like now. I don't see how they grow fast.

Dr. Ruan Li also discovered this. In fact, when she found this valley, she also began to doubt and asked me these questions. However, when his friend Gus described the underground river, he did not describe these anomalies.

"Why would you believe him?" My question, Dr. Ruan Li can only say that if he is not worthy of trust, then prove that there is no one in his personal relationship circle that he can trust. But today's situation has put a huge question mark on whether Gus is trustworthy.

What went wrong? No one can answer. Dr. Ruan Li still does not believe that Gus betrayed herself, because, she thinks it means her failure to be a man. But now, Gus's whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown. He seems to have suffered a disaster, but there is no way to prove it. His buggy and escape tools, as well as Dr. Ruan Li ’s vague impression of the underground river, are the keys that guide us here, and these keys look like bait for traps at this moment.

"Do you want to continue?" I couldn't help asking.

Dr. Ruan Li bit his fingernails and thought for a while. I noticed that although the way in has been blocked by thorns again, the thorns did not grow back at the position where I and Dr. Ruan Li stood. This means that the anomalies possessed by these thorns are not of the nature of "high-speed growth", or that they have a more complicated mechanism of judgment.

"Go on." Dr. Ruan Li finally made the decision: "It's really weird here, but it also means that there is a bigger secret, maybe this secret determines whether we can leave the peninsula. Since we have all come here, back again Going back will not make the situation better. "

Dr. Ruan Li was right, even if he left the valley at this time, he could not find a better place. Advancement is certainly unsettling, but staying in place or retreating is also in great danger. Did n’t we find this place precisely to avoid the danger behind?

I pursed my lips and waved the machete again to open the way to the deep valley. Five minutes later, the place where Dr. Ruan Li and I were located was called "mountain peak" rather than "valley". The standing and steep mountain wall is more than fifty meters high, and the gap between the two walls has changed from the original allow five people to advance side by side, to the width of two people also very reluctant to stand side by side.

Dr. Ruan Li and I walked one after the other, and the heavy rain washed the mountain walls. Converge on the ground to form a stream. The further you go, the deeper the stream will reach your knees in a moment. Even wearing the rain gear, the clothes of Dr. Ruan Li and I were completely soaked. Dr. Ruan Li thinks more and more that we are close to the underground river. And where we are, is a channel where the underground river water overflows the surface.

The heavy rain covered up a lot of sounds, and the chain judged the full observation of the 50-meter range, making me understand the situation of the two of us better than Dr. Ruan Li. The bushes of thorns at the rear have fully grown back, but even the chain judgment has not observed the dynamics of their growth, as if in a blink of an eye, these thorns will be there, those thorns that have been cut off. It was as if it had been erased with an eraser, and it would never be seen again.

I walked a dozen more steps forward, and suddenly my foot was empty, almost fell. I seem to be on the edge of a high and low boundary. There is a huge gap between the depth of the stream in front of it and the depth of the stream where I waded, and the intensity of the current is also significantly different. Before I stepped on the empty feet, I was dragged by a huge force, which made me almost lose my weight.

"What's wrong?" Dr. Ruan Li asked from the rear.

"The road ahead is weird," I answered. Pick a large circle of rope from the tools prepared by the missing "Gus" and tie a big rock. Throw it forward.

The stone hit the stream, was quickly engulfed, and the rope was constantly being torn. I use chain judgment to observe the sinking of the stone and evaluate the depth and velocity of the water. However, even if the length of the rope was used up, the stone did not touch the bottom. I pulled the stone back up. Check the condition of the stones carefully.

Dr. Ruan Li probably understood what I was doing, and did not urge, just asked: "How is it?"

"Maybe it really leads to the underground river." I said my judgment. Of course, if you are an expert in survival in the wild, you will definitely be more detailed than I am. It is also more accurate, but now only me and Dr. Ruan Li, and Dr. Ruan Li ’s knowledge and judgment in this respect may not even be as good as me.

"Maybe we need to go into the water and have the corresponding tools." I hesitated: "However, I don't know if we are going to dive deepest or have another entrance in the water."

"Gus is not strong." Dr. Ruan Li said: "According to him, it was very accidental to discover the underground river. If the entrance is here, under water, too deep, he is totally impossible to go It was. He did n’t bring tools with him, he could still come back alive, even if fortunately, it means, to a certain extent, where he can go. "

"From the perspective of the speed and intensity of the water flow, it is likely to be a vortex below." I said my guess, because it is a vortex, so it is worrying. The power of the vortex can allow a person who is not strong to go deeper, but it also means that if there is a dead road below the vortex, then the person who enters the vortex is considered dead. Neither Dr. Ruan Li nor I knew the specific circumstances of Gus finding the underground river. Did he enter the depths of the vortex, or did he find the entrance in a panic and inadvertently when he was involved in the vortex?

If it is a naturally formed vortex, of course I will not be afraid. However, the appearance of the lady in red and the abnormal shape of the thorn group all imply that some mysterious power is at work. Does this mysterious power allow the vortex itself to breed a certain kind of speciality, which is extremely dangerous for mysterious experts?

"We must gamble." Dr. Ruan Li said without hesitation. "We bet the depth of this vortex, which is the entrance of the underground river."

But she also believed that the water here was not completely caused by heavy rain, but that there was groundwater overflowing the surface.

Dr. Ruan Li and I are not geologists, so we cannot explain the seemingly contradictory situations here. As she said, every decision is actually a gamble with insufficient clues to make a judgment.

I hesitated for a while before making a decision: "Okay, let's try."

I tied Dr. Ruan Li to my back with a rope.

Although I am just a weak boy, just because I have taken Paradise, Dr. Ruan Li has full confidence in my physical strength and strength. And I don't need to think about her explanation anymore. Although from the past symptoms, the seminar ’s research is more inclined to realize the "paradise" that appeared in the past doomsday environment, but from the effect and feeling after taking it, I actually think that Dr. Ruan Li is specifically for My specially created "paradise" is closer to the "paradise" in the illusion of the past.

"Paradise" is not only a hallucination, but people are addicted to this illusion. If it is just that, then it is just an ordinary drug, and its similar products are not known in normal society. The difference between "paradise" and other psychedelics is that it can also produce a seemingly beneficial effect on the human body. In addition to strengthening the body, and even allowing people to acquire some extraordinary abilities, it is said that the effect of prolonging life is also very significant, which can suppress most of the pain, and has experienced the experience of many senior social personnel.

I don't know much about the specific situation. In the past doomsday illusions, I used "paradise" in order to use the overloaded power for a short time, but since "mystery" is considered by many mysterious experts as one of the biggest helpers of the expansion of the doomsday truth, It's not just something like drugs that can't get on the table.

Dr. Ruan Li has strong self-confidence in the changes that the "paradise" that he made can bring me ~ ~ I can feel that she really regards me as the key to escape from the peninsula, this trust and dependence , Actually makes me very happy.

I tied the waterproof searchlight to my forehead and stuffed my respirator into my mouth and Dr. Ruan Li's mouth. Throw away what you think is useless, and put the rest in a box. In this way, after launching, all I carry is just two suitcases. I also modified it with a longer rope, one end stuck on the stone wall, the other end tied with a hook, and hooked on my belt, to ensure that after launching a considerable distance can borrow.

"Are you ready? Mom." I asked.

Dr. Ruan Li, wearing a respirator, put on his swimming goggles and compared the ok gesture with me.

I jumped forward and jumped straight into the stream. Under the illumination of the forehead searchlight, the outline of the two walls can be vaguely seen. The further down, the greater the width between the two walls, like a trapezoid. At the bottom, there is nothing to see, only endless darkness.

Even if I don't take the initiative to go downstream, the water is pulling the two of us, plus the weight of the two suitcases, it is faster to dive than in the ordinary pool. (To be continued ...)

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