Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1428: Underground river

Dr. Ruan Li and I have been diving, the darkness and the cold deepened, and Dr. Ruan Li shivered on my back. I felt that her body was becoming stiff. It was not the lack of oxygen but the pressure and cold. "I don't dive fast, because I have to feel the direction of the water and look for possible caves on the side walls. Dr. Ruan Li and I are not clear about the details of the friend "Gus" who found the entrance of the underground river. For him, it may be just luck, but for us, it is quite a hard job, even if the chain judgment can be used to observe fifty meters Fang Yuan's situation, but as the dive deeper, the surrounding area of ​​the water pool also quickly increased. When the dive is about 20 meters, the chain judgment cannot cover the edge at once.

I was following the power of the vortex in a circular arc. Dr. Ruan Li was also using the searchlight lights to find possible clues. However, the searchlight lights were no longer visible to the naked eye five meters away. The physique of the Level 4 Mageweaver allows me to stay underwater for a long time, but Dr. Ruan Li is just the physique of ordinary women. The pressure of the dark water is not only psychological but also physiological. .

When I felt that she couldn't support it, she began to rise, and the power of the vortex dragged us. If it was only Dr. Ruan Li, he could never escape this suction at this depth. Although I also intend to rush into the bottom of the vortex, guessing that the entrance is likely to be there, but before checking all the possibilities, directly into the depths of the vortex can only be regarded as the last resort. Both Dr. Ruan Li and I can feel the power of the vortex. The further down, the more we cannot look back.

After another minute, we finally floated to the surface. Dr. Ruan Li, who was stiff, shivered and took off the oxygen-bearing respirator, as if the wayfarer in the desert was about to die of thirst, and finally smelled a trace of water. The sound of breathing is like drying all the lungs. I took her back to the shallow water, and then untied her from the back, put it on the raised part of the rocky shore, and took the blanket from the debris without water to wrap her tightly.

There is no way to make a fire here, there is water under our feet. Water is constantly splashing on top of the head, and the heavy rain makes no place to really shelter from the rain. It didn't take long for the blanket that wrapped Dr. Ruan Li's body to become heavy due to immersion in water, and there was no longer the original warmth. Dr. Ruan Li barely breathed out. I saw her face turning blue. If it was in a really safe place, I would stop her from going into the water, but now, let her stay on the shore alone. Instead it makes people think it will be dangerous.

According to the best idea before launching, we may find the entrance of the underground river immediately after launching, but obviously luck is not so good.

I took out the chocolate, compressed biscuits and kettle, and shared it with Dr. Ruan Li, her face only slightly improved. The bad situation kept us silent. What should we do next? In fact, we have already discussed it. The first launch can float, but the second launch. You have to dive all the way into the whirlpool. This is a gamble. But in my opinion, Dr. Ruan Li stayed on the peninsula and faced a gamble.

"Two thirds of oxygen remains." Although Dr. Ruan Li's face was not good because of the harsh environment, she did not lose her confidence. She calmly checked the respirator and oxygen storage bottle and said to me: "According to Gus's statement He was in a half-dawn state until he entered the underground river. At that time, he had not brought any tools and oxygen supply devices. So, from the perspective of our dive, we did not find the entrance before, then the entrance Shiyou is not there. The deeper you go to the vortex. The faster you dive, it is possible that the entrance is really at the bottom of the vortex. "

I bit the compressed biscuits and nodded. In fact, we don't have much choice. There are not many ways to leave the peninsula, no matter which way you choose, you will inevitably bear unknown risks.

"I don't know what happened to Gus." Dr. Ruan Li sighed. "We had agreed to escape together."

"Actually, it's our luck to be able to get here without meeting the people in the seminar." I said, "The disappearance of Gus is weird." I think it's a nonsense to open my eyes. The emergence of this means that we are in big trouble. However, Dr. Ruan Li didn't seem to know what was happening at that time. No, maybe for her, she just saw the illusion without any threat.

Dr. Ruan Li rubbed his temples with his fingertips and looked up into the depths of the stream. Suddenly, I noticed that her body was tight, as if she was taken aback. Before I started asking, she stared at the place and said to me, "Achuan, is there anything there?"

My chain judgment has been unfolding, and the chain judgment has not observed anything superfluous. Even so, what can avoid the chain judgment, but it will always exist what is not visible to the naked eye. I couldn't help looking in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li. The depth of the stream was completely opaque, just like a mass of ink that could not be dyed. The previous darkness also made people feel hairy, and people couldn't help but imagine some horrible and unknown Things, but at this time, the darkness seems to creep, like water waves are moving, which makes people feel wrong, but it makes people feel a faint rhythm.

The darkness seemed to become a living creature, stretching its body, and at first it seemed to drift with the waves, but the more it stared, the more it felt that the living creature was stirring the stream, and then the stream gradually stirred up. Dr. Ruan Li and I couldn't help but stand up. I saw that the darkness seemed to be slow and fast. In a blink of an eye, it had risen to the surface of the water, and spread against the water in all directions.

This piece of darkness seems to be densely woven from an extremely thin black silk thread. The spread of darkness is the growth of these silk threads. After crossing the water and climbing the stone wall, you scramble for it, and within a few breaths, you have come to our front. I quickly picked up Dr. Ruan Li, and then the dark silk thread passed beside me, but walked around a meter away from our foot, full of a sense of consciousness.

A few more breaths, except where we are under our feet, where we can see, we are completely covered by this qualitative darkness.

Neither Dr. Ruan Li nor I know exactly what this is. Although there is a strong sense of danger, its avoidance cannot make us immediately determined to attack it. No one knows, if this kind of thing is stimulated, it will attract bad luck that is not there.

To me, this is certainly a mysterious phenomenon, but in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li. But there was another look of detection. If it were not in such bad conditions, she might try to collect some samples.

Although darkness avoided the two of us, I could not feel the goodwill from this mysterious unknown. I touched the place covered by darkness with my hand, and as I moved, the darkness spread out like I wanted to avoid, exposing the original surface of the mountain wall.

at this time. The two suitcases at the feet were covered in darkness.

I tried to pick up the suitcase, and the dark threads scrambled away one after another, but when I really grabbed the grips, they rushed insanely again, engulfing the suitcase again. I have never seen such weirdness, but since even the red lady has appeared, it is not impossible to appear such unknown things.

I didn't feel nervous, but Dr. Ruan Li screamed in a low voice. Her eyes have fallen back on the creek. I have also seen it. I only saw the girl in red floating on the water, and the tip of her low toe touched the water with a trace, and the dark filaments that swelled and spread made people think that it flowed from the inside of the skirt.

After a flash of thunder, the red lady completely disappeared from her eyes. However, in the observation of the chain judgment, many human figures appeared in the depths of the stream, as if they were suspended in the water. As if drowned, a still and eerie gesture. As if not affected by the underwater vortex at all.

These human figures remind me of the "water ghost" often mentioned in occultism.

After the girl in red disappeared, Dr. Ruan Li broke the suffocating silence and said, "What is that? Did you see it? A Chuan."

I nodded.

Dr. Ruan Li's complexion suddenly became worse. I think she may feel that her erosion by white Claudia has become serious again, and the medicine she wants. It also failed to play out on me at this time. According to the best case, we should not have seen these strange things.

"We are going into the water." Dr. Ruan Li suddenly decided to arrive.

"Immediately?" I asked

"Immediately!" She said without hesitation, she broke free from my arms and stepped on the ground again. She was about to step into the darkness that permeated here. But the darkness receded before she landed, leaving enough ground to fall. The deliberate avoidance is even stronger. She walked forward a few more steps to confirm this.

On the contrary, after Dr. Ruan Li left, I noticed the darkness around me. It seemed that as long as she left further, the darkness would do something to me. I can imagine that it was definitely not a good thing.

Dr. Ruan Li soon discovered this and returned to me.

I have long speculated that Dr. Ruan Li ’s identity with this Las Vegas repeater is unusual, and the dark active evasion seems to be proving this. The reason why these darkness reacted to me before was probably because the distance between me and Dr. Ruan Li was too close.

I quickly reorganized the equipment, re-attached Dr. Ruan Li, who was wearing the respirator, and tied it back to the back according to the last method. After lifting the suitcase, I walked into the water. Wherever we passed, the death of darkness was withdrawn. Even so, the darkness in the water was so thick that even the searchlight could not extend the beam to more than five meters. If the distance exceeded one meter, only the hazy outline remained.

I feel like the two of you have entered a monster's belly.

The dangerous feeling gradually became richer with time. As soon as I entered the water, I completely gave up my resistance to the vortex, but accelerated down the depths along this force. I have tried to use speed sweep, but beyond the unobservable distance, the invisible high-speed channel cannot be formed at all, and I can only take a short sprint. I am a bit skeptical that this is a trap set by the red lady in order to target me. In this way, she tries to weaken the threat of rapid swept superpowers.

The dark thread cannot block the chain judgment. In the chain judgment, it is originally a kind of "non-existent" thing. However, compared to the dark thread that can not be observed by the chain judgment, the water still appears in this water area. It is invisible to the naked eye, but it can be used to determine the observed human form.

Like corpses floating in the water, the number of these humanoids is gradually increasing as we dive. They surround me and Dr. Ruan Li, face to face one by one, making me feel that they will rush up at any time. These weird onlookers were creepy. I accelerated the speed of the dive. Dr. Ruan Li ’s respirator kept making a dull grunting sound in my ear. It was also the only thing I could hear in this dark water the sound of.

The power of the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the buoyancy is gradually disappearing. I feel like I fell from the sky in an instant, and in the moment of falling, the face of the searchlight shines, and a face facing us emerges. Dr. Ruan Li's body was originally stiff, and at this time it was even more trembling.

Immediately after that, the air poured into my nose and throat, and I felt as if I was free of some kind of power.

The water disappeared from our eyes, but a huge roar echoed. We were thrown in the air and planted in the water hole below. The light of the searchlight became normal, and I could see clearly. From the place where we fell ~ ~ the water flow turned into a waterfall and poured down, hitting the water pool and setting off a burst of water mist.

Doctor Ruan Li and I fell into a hole in the ground. The water on the ground turns into a waterfall and flows into the pool, which is the source of a river. If there is no heavy rain, this river course may be dried up, but at this time, the current is rushing, washing the rocks, and rushing towards the unclear front.

If we do nothing, we will be driven by the current and keep moving forward. However, in front of it is the reef group. At the current speed, ordinary people will break several bones, and if it is the key part, I am afraid that it will die. I carried Dr. Ruan Li to the shore, her face was not good, but she was full of excitement.

"Just, that's right here, we ... look for it, find it! Achuan, we find it!" She murmured while trembling.

"Don't be too excited, mom. We have to find a dry place to start a fire." The source of this underground river is filled with mist, which is not a good place to stay for a long time.

I was carrying Dr. Ruan Li all the way, and the humidity of the air was rapidly decreasing. Although there is no place where there is water, it will not dry out. However, I just want to find a place where I can make a fire. The road ahead is still long, but Dr. Ruan Li's physique is unable to persist in the damp and cold. (To be continued ...)

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