Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1429: Quiet and strange

The underground river spreads to the darkness ahead, the air humidity is extremely high, and the source of the waterfall makes a huge echo, which makes people feel dizzy and bored. ↖ I took Dr. Ruan Li quickly to a dry place, but the rock and soil here were also bubbly and soft, and half of the footprints would be left upon stepping on. And leave traces. Dr. Ruan Li shivered, and his face was extremely ugly, as if he was about to die, making me feel that the fire must be raised as soon as possible.

I opened the suitcase beside her. The waterproofness of the suitcase is excellent. We have been soaking in water for so long that the contents of the suitcase are not wet at all. Dr. Ruan Li tried to untie the infiltrated clothes with shaking hands, but failed after trying several times. The dismal situation was unbearable. I have taken out the blanket and quickly stepped forward to help her unbutton it, take it off together, and then wrap the blanket around her.

The humidity here is still heavy, and the naked eye can see the water mist rising and falling under the lights. There are water plants and some small shrubs growing in the underground river, but no dry natural combustibles can be found. I cut a large handful of turf and wood, and poured out all the things in the suitcase that could be safely burned. Then I picked up a few large stones and piled them into a fire pit, smashed several lighters, and took oil to ignite . After a busy day, the bonfire finally rose, the smoke was quite big, and the smell was very unpleasant, but it finally got a little warm.

There is also a little wind in the underground river, but it is unclear where the air flow starts, and the skin is difficult to feel, and can only be judged from the tilt of the smoke. I placed Dr. Ruan Li upwind, piled the damp grass and trees by the campfire, and spread the damp clothes on the stones.

The heat of the campfire is transmitted in the air, and the mist mixes with the smoke and becomes more dense. Dr. Ruan Li's tremor gradually stopped, and his complexion gradually became bloody. I melted the chocolate with a quilt, wrapped it in clothes and handed it to her, and then I dealt with my own affairs. I do n’t know exactly what to do next, but generally I walked along the underground river and crossed the border between the peninsula and the mainland, and found another exit. but. The direction of the underground river may be extending in all directions. Wherever it is safe and where it is dangerous, how to confirm its position relative to the ground needs more information.

All in all, reaching this underground river is a crucial victory, but it is still far from being at ease. Dr. Ruan Li may know something about the underground river, but something more specific. Still on her friend "Gus". If we can't find "Gus", we must try our luck.

Moreover, the red lady encountered before reaching this underground river, and the series of strange situations that only I can see clearly, are suggesting that the 51st district is not ignorant of this route, and may have Some kind of profound intention. I will not mention it for the seminar, but. Our actions are by no means secret.

These concerns, I did not tell Dr. Ruan Li. After all, even if it is said, there is no better solution. Even if this route is dangerous, it may be a loss at the end, but other routes are not better.

"You also have a rest, Achuan." Doctor Ruan Li's voice finally calmed down.

I responded. Put on dry clothes, took the melted chocolate by the campfire, and sat quietly beside her drinking.

"If Gus is there, we can bring more things down." Dr. Ruan Li said: "According to the original plan, we should take an air bed. Rafting along this river can save a lot of time, but Now, we can only walk for a while, and then see if there is a chance to make a raft. "

"Gus has been here, has you explored forward?" I asked: "How does he know that this underground river leads to the interior?"

"It was just sampled for measurement, and then calculated through data and experience. He studied geology before graduating from college and changed his career afterwards." Dr. Ruan Li smiled, and seemed to remember the things he met in the past. Dr. Ruan Li said that Gus is indeed a good friend, but now I can't maintain trust in this missing person. No, it should be said that except Dr. Ruan Li, I am wary of anyone on the peninsula. Even if Gus is really a sincere good friend, but if he is just an ordinary person, there are countless ways for him to do things that are against his heart. However, I certainly cannot express this doubt and alertness in front of Dr. Ruan Li.

"We don't have a map of the underground river, and if we encounter a bifurcation, we don't know where to go." I just asked new questions calmly.

"Look luck. It's at least safer here than on the ground." Dr. Ruan Li also showed a distressed expression, but soon let go, she said: "My luck has always been good."

Her statement is very familiar to mysterious experts like me. Intuition and luck are the most important things, aren't we people? Mysterious events are inherently unpredictable, and it is impossible to plan ahead for possible problems. In fact, if this underground river is also engulfed in "mystery", then all the information obtained by any scientific exploration has also been nullified.

My answer is actually clear about whether this underground river is involved in "mystery". There must be some kind of "mystery" here, and it is artificial "mystery". Otherwise, the girl in red will not appear here. But to ask me, what exactly did she want to do, and why the previous strange phenomena did not show aggression, I cannot answer.

In this case, in addition to looking at luck and adaptability, what else can be done?

If I can, I hope I can meet other mysterious experts here. If I can talk, there is always a way to think about it, and even if I can't help, I can get some information. The lady in red is like a ghost haunting me. I think she is avoiding me and Dr. Ruan Li. The attacks she carried out before were not even more tempting than the power she might have. I prefer to think that it is a show.

If the other party is serious and completely confronts us with the idea of ​​killing nothing, the pressure on me will be at least ten times higher.

I quietly thought about it, and threw the slightly dry grass and trees into the campfire. Ten minutes later, I drank the last hot chocolate in one breath. Dr. Ruan Li stood beside him, took off the blanket, picked up the dry inner and outer clothes and changed them. I know that she no longer wants to stay where she is.

"If the food we bring is frugal, you can stick with it for a week." Dr. Ruan Li said while filling the water bottle with the water of the underground river. "Gus has tested that the water quality here is still within the drinking standard. However, as you go further, no one can predict how the water quality will change. "

I helped to pack up the luggage again. Originally full of two suitcases, now two thirds of one suitcase was completely burned. I wondered, after dealing with the remaining third, what is the use of this empty box. In fact, if temporary data hedging occurs in this underground river, it is possible to use a four-level magic pattern to transform the structure to make a ship. My expected opponent is a girl in red. But in the first few collisions, the temporary data hedging generated by her mystery could not reach the level that can be used.

Dr. Ruan Li put on tight-fitting sportswear for easy movement, and tied his hair into a ponytail with a rope, which looked much younger than the researchers in the white coat before. Picking up the lighter suitcase in one hand, picking up the flashlight in the other, greeting me, and walking along the river. I quickly put the searchlight on my forehead. Lift the suitcase and catch up.

Dr. Ruan Li and I are not the only living creatures in the underground river. Plants and fungi are not scarce. And some strange creatures also constantly appear in the field of vision. They are mostly quiet, vigilant, and mostly reptiles. Some of these creatures at a glance know that they are variants of certain animals on the ground, but some are completely unseen. Dr. Ruan Li seems to be also novel about this, and from time to time sighs sighingly and marvelously.

These animals and plants all show strong photophobia, when the beam of searchlight passes by. You will always see large and small silhouettes spread out, and the leaves of many plants curl up. We walked here as if outsiders broke into a closed village, being watched and tempted. Was also scared. Dr. Ruan Li looks very relaxed on the surface, but his eyes and movements are a bit of a surprise.

This unfamiliar environment is enough for ordinary people to feel the unknown and unpredictable threats that are usually difficult to experience. However, it is precisely this environment that seems to have left Dr. Ruan Li too free to think about unnecessary things. She attributed all the abnormalities she had seen before to the abnormality of her mental state, and this abnormality of mental state was the result of the erosion of white Claudia. I think she may feel that she is dead soon, and she will soon become a "madman" like other patients. I want to comfort her and unblock her, but as an expert in white Claudia, none of the comfort I give as a patient will have much weight.

We are just like this, walking back and forth, one foot at a time. I can use quick sweep to speed up the process, but there is an intuition that prevents me from doing that. It is difficult for me to make this kind of intuition clear. It seems to appear suddenly in my mind. It is an unfounded idea. Perhaps there is no evidence to prove it is correct. It may even disappear after a short while, but it does remain in my mind There are traces.

After walking for more than twenty minutes, the source waterfall of the underground river has been completely left behind by us, even if we look back, we can no longer see it. The sound of the waterfall hitting the water can no longer cover the trickle of the underground river. Dr. Ruan Li may not really feel the abnormality, but in my chain judgment, this underground river is constantly humanized and upstream, they are like dead bodies abandoned in the water, quietly hairy.

The underground river is like giving a huge transportation pipe to transport these human figures from the downstream. I have tried reaching into the water to salvage them, but they are like illusions, passing through my palm. In addition to running water, there is no touch at all.

As expected, the first fork soon appeared in front of us. The channel was divided into two, but it was not so difficult to choose, because the depth and width of the two channels were different, and the water quality was also turbid. , A clean place. Dr. Ruan Li led me to a more spacious river, but before I turned it over, I glanced deeper in the shallower river. Darkness can deceive my naked eyes, but I cannot interfere with the chain judgment. At this place, the human form is piled up like garbage, making people feel that the river is blocked there.

What is the origin of these figures? My doubts are deeper. I do n’t know why, although they look like corpses, I think they will come alive at any time.

No, it should be said that even if it is alive, it is not a rare thing.

We searched along the river all the way. Although no danger was encountered, the scenery gradually became monotonous. Even when we spoke, we felt that the topic began to dry up. Mental fatigue is more obvious than fatigue. I feel a little abnormal because I am not an ordinary person. The mental state of mysterious experts is much tougher than ordinary people. However, my own specificity has not made me perform better than Dr. Ruan Li. As if there is some kind of "mystery", I forcibly absorbed my energy.

On this day, we only rested for a total of three hours, but when Dr. Ruan Li stepped into a new branch again, she exclaimed: "How, how is it possible!" At a lithosphere, looking at the traces carefully, I also noticed that it was obviously portrayed by people.

"What is this?" I asked. The trace is like a symbol, but only half of it remains.

"The mark left by Gus ~ ~ Dr. Ruan Li seemed shocked by this. But I didn't understand why she was shocked. Gus disappeared. Perhaps the mark proves that he came to this place by himself. Although we were a little embarrassed when we came in, but Gus, who has been here once, can certainly be easier.

"Something happened, right here." Dr. Ruan Li's expression became serious, and he said with a firm tone.

"I don't understand." I don't quite understand why Dr. Ruan Li was so surprised and so determined.

"I have agreed with Gus that if you don't see us, you will never enter this underground river." Dr. Ruan Li turned back and stared at me. "I believe in him more than anything unexpected. Will obey this agreement. "

"Maybe he can't control himself." I said.

"If you break the agreement, you will die." Dr. Ruan Li suddenly said in a weird tone, "For whatever reason, once he enters the underground river without encountering us, he will definitely die."

Her statement is almost like a curse, but talking about the curse or something is completely inconsistent with the style of the scientist warrior she usually shows. (To be continued ...)

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