Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1430: Don't die

Dr. Ruan Li ’s trust in her friend Gus is beyond my comprehension. Maybe I can compare my heart with my emotions for my loved one, but it ’s hard to have this on Gus Kind of emotion. √∟, Dr. Ruan Li ’s trust in Gus seems to be the basis for her to detect some abnormality.

"Why do you die if you break the agreement? Mom, what did you do to him?" I couldn't help asking.

"It's not what I did, but he once said that, and I believe him." Dr. Ruan Li settled and explained to me: "When Gus discovered this underground river, he encountered something, He did n’t tell me what it was, just told me that if I decided to leave this underground river, he would prepare for me, and as long as we did n’t meet him, he would not enter the underground river, once violated With this agreement, he will die. "

"It sounds very mysterious. Mom, do you believe him?" I said.

"Yes, he is a trustworthy person." Dr. Ruan Li said: "I don't know why he said that, but there must be a reason I don't understand. Since he said that, I will believe him."

I really didn't expect that Dr. Ruan Li had such a good friend in the seminar.

Dr. Ruan Li said that Gus would not enter the underground river alone. Once he violated this agreement, he would die before entering. Dr. Ruan Li is not a mystery expert, and I do n’t think she will do anything with this friend Gus, so why did Gus die? Was he something wrong, or did he keep his promise to the point where he would use his life to maintain this agreement?

I have also used my life to maintain certain things, and I understand that there must be such a person in the world, but I do n’t know Gus, and I have n’t even seen him with my own eyes, so. I can't imagine him like this.

I can only keep silent about Dr. Ruan Li's claims, because Dr. Ruan Li's trust is also very unusual in my opinion. Moreover, my confidence in the Gus friend is definitely not as strong as that of Dr. Ruan Li.

"Gus is dead." Dr. Ruan Li touched the mark, and she suddenly stood up. Say to me: "We dig here."

I was surprised by her decision and felt it was a sudden decision. However, Dr. Ruan Li ’s decisive action made me feel that there was no way to dispel her thoughts and I could only move forward to help. We found branches and elongated stones, pryed away the stone with the imprint, and then dug away the soft, wet mud underneath. After digging a few times, the wet mud below collapsed suddenly. It seems that there is a huge hole below.

"Don't dig! Get out of here!" I shouted to her because the chain judged how intense the activity below was.

The collapse of the wet mud was very rapid. The collapse of the chain even showed obvious cracks where we stood. I quickly pulled Dr. Ruan Li away, and the front foot just moved.

I grabbed Dr. Ruan Li and rushed out 50 meters away, and the vibration of the entire underground river channel gradually subsided. Looking back, there was only one deep, deep hole in the ground. You can't see the bottom even if you take a flashlight. The darkness has a very clear sense of flow, and Dr. Ruan Li and I looked at each other. I remembered the dark filaments that overflowed before entering the water for the first time. Roughly Dr. Ruan Li thought of the same scene. The shock came and went quickly, and its severity even made me think that this section of the cave was going to collapse. However, this river channel was only cut off by the deep big cave, and the river was poured into the cave, forming a long Long waterfall.

We are on this side. It was completely isolated from the side when it came, but the water level in the river channel on our side did not drop and the flow direction did not change. Dr. Ruan Li and I walked around the big cave. Feel the flow of the underground river. Although there is no water on the side of the cave on our side, the flow of the river gives people the feeling that there is water coming up from under the cave and continuing to run along the channel.

It was so weird that even Dr. Ruan Li frowned straight, unable to draw a careful and logical conclusion with his scientific knowledge.

"It's not an illusion." Dr. Ruan Li took her hand out of the river. She initially seemed to think that she saw such an incredible scene because her spirit was eroded by white Claudia, but now she has denied it by herself a little.

For me, this is the manifestation of "mystery", but this reason does not make sense to Dr. Ruan Li, so I said, "Is it a matter of space?"

The problem of space can be created by "mystery" or "science". The incredible scene in front of me is just a phenomenon that can be explained from different angles. However, for Dr. Ruan Li, it is probably "a phenomenon that follows the natural sciences".

However, Dr. Ruan Li did not pursue this. I know very well that she has never worked harder on sciences other than psychology and biology. This kind of specialization is also one of the reasons for her extraordinary achievements in the scientific field of her specialization. Just like now, it is her common sense to describe the situation in front of her with big and empty "space transformation", but what kind of scientific space theory is beyond her attention.

"This may be why Gus is making marks here." Dr. Ruan Li said.

This conclusion is too light, but I have nothing to say. Why does Gus make a mark here, what exactly does this mark want to tell us, or is it to hide or deceive, is not understandable to us now. Digging at the mark left by Gus, the result triggered some kind of mechanism, and then this big hole appeared, no matter how it was thought, it was by no means an accident.

"We can't go on." I told Dr. Ruan Li. However, this is a lie, relying on the speed of super power, I am confident that I can try to explore below, but why should I do that? The reason why we are here is to move forward along the underground river in order to cross the border between the peninsula and the interior. Our front road has not been cut by this accident. If we are still on the other side of this big hole, of course we can only choose to enter the hole or go back. However, the current situation is that our retreat has been severed and we must continue to move forward.

The worst situation. Of course, there is a dead end ahead, and then we can't move forward or backward, and we must find another way to get out of this underground river.

"Let's go, mother." I pulled Dr. Ruan Li up. She seemed to want to solve the mystery of Gus. This big hole was like a tempting puzzle. Under the flowing darkness, I don't know what weird things are. Or a magnificent scene. The other side of the darkness is unknown, scary, and full of imagination. Unknown makes people discourage, but imagination makes people covet.

I dragged Dr. Ruan Li to continue to move forward, I can feel her footsteps hesitant, but under my toughness, I finally stayed away from the big hole. I walked fast. Maybe in the feeling of Dr. Ruan Li, I was like a child of fear. Want to escape from the unknown.

The winding river is not straight. The darkness in the ground limits the scope of the field of vision, so there is an illusion that you have been walking forward. In fact, when we left 30 meters away and looked back, we could only vaguely see the outline of the big hole, and this vague. It is the illusion that what the naked eye sees is left in the mind. We did not really "see", but only the impression that it stayed there.

Fifty meters further forward. Dr. Ruan Li's footsteps finally lightened up, probably away from the big hole, so that her rocking heart finally made a decision. I feel at ease here. There are too many strange things along the way. Although the itinerary is not tortuous, it makes people feel that the enemy is lurking. I don't know what the other party is thinking, but he hasn't launched an attack on us.

This ambiguousness surrounded by hostility is like tapping lightly on the side of a porcelain jar, listening to the sound, and detecting certain important details in this way. It makes people feel that the other party is using the details of these details to make some preparations, and it is because people do not know what the other party's purpose is, so it makes people feel uneasy.

The lady in red, a large number of human figures that cannot be seen by the naked eye, and the large voids that appear at the Gus mark. These abnormalities are like fragments of a puzzle. An invisible hand is joining these fragments one by one. If I said that when I first came, I felt that Dr. Ruan Li ’s escape plan had three layers of opportunity, but now I feel that there is only one layer left. The preparations made by the enemy here seem to be more complete than what Dr. Ruan Li has done.

I began to feel that choosing the underground river as a breakthrough was no easier than choosing to break through from the ground.

Dr. Ruan Li seems to have noticed something, and his face has always been very dignified.

After a long walk, we chose a dry and hidden place to camp. Judging from the time of the timer, another day soon passed, and after avoiding the big hole, our subsequent journey was very stable. However, the journey of the underground river is so long and dark. As time goes by, the psychological pressure is increasing day by day. Dr. Ruan Li and I checked the water and food we carried again and decided to use the underground river ecosystem to be self-sufficient. However, the animals and plants here are so rare that it is difficult for Dr. Ruan Li to distinguish what can be eaten. Which is not.

As always, I made a fire, and threw the picked and hunted ingredients on the hot stones. Dr. Ruan Li took out a label-filled notebook from the suitcase and looked. This is the data collected by various experiments that she used the equipment of the seminar. I can't understand it, but I understand what Dr. Ruan Li wants to do. She intends to collate the relevant data after I took the park and further design mass production of the park.

This repeater world is getting closer and closer to the end of the illusion, and I have a feeling that I am participating in the details of the evolutionary history. However, it will be destroyed before this repeater world becomes another doomsday illusion.

I waited for the food to be cooked, and I ate everything. It took ten minutes before Dr. Ruan Li swallowed. Dr. Ruan Li intends to have a sense of resistance, but I can now use her physical fitness to suppress her without any worries. Dr. Ruan Li can only smile bitterly, but for me, this expression is better than the expression of pain.

"If we are following the route Gus calculated, then we will leave the peninsula in three days." Dr. Ruan Li frowned and ate grilled fish made from odd-shaped fish. How disgusting, "Thinking in the best direction, we've already traveled halfway."

I know very well that this kind of remark is just a kind of comfort for adjusting psychological stress. I am not so vulnerable, but feel that Dr. Ruan Li needs this kind of words to regulate himself. She is just an ordinary person. Although she has encountered many storms in the past, she will not be as thrilling as this time. When I was fighting with other mysterious experts, she was also struggling with many smart people. After completing the experiment with each other, she also wanted to find a way out. Just like me against multiple mysterious organizations, she used only a small amount of capital to fight a whole seminar.

However, since we insist on the idea of ​​conflicting with everyone, it is helpless to become such a situation.

Unable to distinguish between day and night in the underground river, Dr. Ruan Li felt tired, so he rolled up his body with a blanket and lay beside the campfire. I ca n’t sleep, and I ca n’t sleep. Dr. Ruan Li is an ordinary person or a woman, and his physical fitness is simply not enough to support the task of vigil. I found the favorite camel brand cigarette from the suitcase ~ ~ took one, fiddled with the campfire, lit it, and smoked quietly. Chain judgment has been unfolding, monitoring the movement within a radius of 50 meters.

Unconsciously, I felt a sense of sight, like a certain moment in the past, like myself, guarding someone in the dark night and smoking quietly. Even if it is in a different place, I usually do n’t feel anything, but at this moment, it seems that even breathing, heartbeat and smell have become familiar.

The fire was beating, and there seemed to be scenes in the flames. I could not see clearly but there was a faint illusion. I was immersed in it unconsciously. But I didn't think about anything, my heart was so calm.

In this serenity, something suddenly jumped, like leaves falling on the calm lake, and ripples. I suddenly woke up and threw the half of my cigarettes into the campfire. This movement was felt by the chain judgment, and it was something foreign, which disappeared before the chain judgment outlined it. That is certainly not an ordinary underground creature.

Suddenly, a kind of cold grew from the air. Dr. Ruan Li made a dreaming sound, his expression was a bit painful, and the body wrapped in a blanket curled up like a nightmare. I stepped forward and grabbed her hand. She didn't wake up as before, but instead seemed to sink deeper and deeper in a nightmare. Then, like subconscious, she also grabbed my hand. (To be continued ...)

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