Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1431: Ghost in red

I guarded the campfire. + ◆, there is only such a light in the dark underground river, but the light becomes thinner ten meters away, and eventually it is engulfed by the darkness farther away. In this serenity, something suddenly jumped, like leaves falling on the calm lake, and ripples. I suddenly woke up and threw the half of my cigarettes into the campfire. This movement was felt by the chain judgment, and it was something foreign, which disappeared before the chain judgment outlined it. That is certainly not an ordinary underground creature.

Suddenly, a kind of cold grew from the air. Dr. Ruan Li made a dreaming sound, his expression was a bit painful, and the body wrapped in a blanket curled up like a nightmare. I stepped forward and grabbed her hand. She didn't wake up as before, but instead seemed to sink deeper and deeper in a nightmare. Then, like subconscious, she also grabbed my hand.

I think this kind of scene is very strange. Although no substantial enemies have been observed, the subtle breath is flowing, and it seems to be suggesting something that makes it impossible to determine whether it is dangerous or safe. I am more inclined to this feeling, which is a dangerous intuition, so I plan to do something.

I shook Dr. Ruan Li's body vigorously, screamed in her ear a few times, and then pinched her nose, but I couldn't wake her up. I opened her eyelids, the pupils illuminated by the light were godless, and Dr. Ruan Li's body twitched again. Although it feels weird, but it is very consistent with the "mysterious" style.

I can't help but think that the attack has already started, targeting ordinary people like Dr. Ruan Li. Before, Dr. Ruan Li seemed to exclude all mysteries, neither contact nor be violated by mysterious forces, but now, there seems to be something wrong. She is gradually being drawn into "mystery".

I once guessed that the reason why Dr. Ruan Li appeared in this world of repeaters is precisely because she has a crucial identity in the Las Vegas repeater. The changes in her body can naturally be linked to the changes in the entire repeater. Before all mysterious organizations promote the mystery of this world of relays, but it has not affected Dr. Ruan Li, then. Could it be that after Luna was pulled out of the nightmare Las Vegas, the mysterization process of the entire world of repeaters accelerated again, reaching a point where even Dr. Ruan Li could not completely resist it?

Whatever the reason, if I don't do anything to Dr. Ruan Li now, I'm afraid her condition will continue to deteriorate.

I lifted Dr. Ruan Li's head, supported her eyelids, and stared at her eyes. Dr. Ruan Li's situation makes me think her consciousness is very confusing. I am not a true conscious walker, and the use of the power of conscious walking has quite harsh conditions. I rely on staring at other people to initiate conscious walking against this person. usually. Ordinary people can also meet these conditions, but Dr. Ruan Li's current situation simply cannot make a conscious eye contact.

I opened her eyelids, but she was in a deep nightmare. Her body is like a thick shell, completely losing the function of triggering consciousness and waking people, but like a cage for imprisoned consciousness. Even if I deliberately use pain to stimulate her, it has no effect.

People who can do this are in my understanding. Only the conscious walker.

The enemy is a conscious walker!

I stood up suddenly, at the same time. A cold wind blew through my back. Before I turned around unconsciously, I saw a pale and transparent arm around my neck and hugged it. Although there was no real touch, there was a very clear Feel. This is not an illusion.

The things behind it are posted, I think it is a woman, no, maybe it should be said, it is a gloomy ghost. I didn't look back. The air rushed across the ear, as if it was drizzling against the ear. The darkness in the distance was like a hard curtain, but at this moment it flowed as if the stone had turned into sand. The sand collapsed, slipped, and flowed. It seemed to make a sound, but I could not hear it carefully. It seemed that the sound of water flowing also changed into the sound of quicksand, and then, the sounds of the activities of animals full of natural fun disappeared.

After the animal's voice disappeared, other quiet noises disappeared little by little, becoming completely silent and full of strange and terrifying atmosphere.

"Gao Chuan ... Gao Chuan ..." I vaguely heard this sound, as if it was born out of silence and nothingness, and it went straight into my mind, giving me the illusion that it was the thing behind it calling--yes, She, it, then something, the evolution of this feeling is extremely natural and extremely strange. Now, I am not sure what hugs me.

The chain judgment cannot accurately observe its existence. It is like a ripple that appears after the fallen leaves float into the water. The ripple will disappear after spreading, and it will also disappear in the observation of the chain judgment. It hugged me and grabbed my neck and neck, but my skin didn't feel any touch, or that the flow of air rubbed against the skin, just like its touch.

I felt cold behind my back, but that made me sweat coldly. The best proof of its existence, not the evidence of illusion, is just my naked eye. I can see such a transparent arm that almost needs to be integrated into the air. To imagine its body.

That is the image of a woman with a beautiful figure, but to say how beautiful it is, it can only be said that when I unconsciously unfold the imagination along this arm, it is as beautiful as this imagination.

I suddenly knew who was behind me. The emergence of this consciousness is not sudden, like the result of spontaneous thinking, but I feel that it is not completely spontaneous. There is some kind of power to guide my thinking.

"... Who am I?" I seemed to be able to hear it say so, but, in fact, it did not speak, but made up the scene in my mind. And when I imagined this voice, I suddenly had an intuition, in fact, I should not have imagined it. However, under the mysterious power, who can fully grasp his mind?

I can't do it, so one answer is filled in my mind-it's Mary in red.

At the next moment, I saw that the arm that wrapped around my neck changed from translucent to solidified. It used to be like a mist, but now it is like complete flesh. Immediately. I felt the touch and bullying of that wonderful body, her breath came from my ear, and then there was temperature.

It finally became her! All the thoughts stirred in my mind were determined to be the result at this moment.

Her arm shrank suddenly, trying to pinch my throat. Then sharp things, straight into my waist. On the occasion of a thousand troops, the quick raid launched, all the attacks were a meal, I was about to fight back, but she suddenly disappeared. When it appeared again, it was already ten meters away from me.

This type of movement, which does not have the concept of speed at all, is like the transfer of space. But I am not surprised at all, because in this illusion of doom. When Gao Chuan was only one, she had already seen this lady in red and knew her strangeness and power. At that time, my cognition remained in my heart with a vague impression, making me unable to feel strange to it.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." I looked at the girl in red 10 meters away and flicked the folding knife, throwing the blade out. I know very well that I will meet this time. It's not as good as the last meeting. Although it is not clear what kind of "mystery" the other party made, the previous anomaly occurred. but. The other party had already been active in the Las Vegas Repeater or the Valpus Night, and what she knew must be related to the power of the repeater.

Although the current activities of the 51st district are centered on the "son of fate" Novsky, this is a force on the bright side. Nor does it mean that there is only one representative of Novsky in the 51st district. Compared with Novsky, the lady in red has more time to contact the repeater, even the time of its existence and the events it has experienced. And the qualifications in the 51st district are more than the half-way guy of Novowski.

Judging from the previous confrontation, the mystery of her existence is not under Novowski, and even more strange from a certain angle. When she hugged me in that spooky gesture, I was not unable to fight back, but I didn't think of counterattack in the first place. As a half-conscious walker, I know exactly what the reason is-my consciousness and thinking are disturbed.

Has it become a conscious walker? I couldn't help thinking. Looking at Dr. Ruan Li who was caught in a nightmare and was unable to wake up, he became even more certain of this guess.

The girl in red was once like a ghost, like a wraith, and it was difficult to judge whether it was life or death. In the past, Gao Chuan had experienced her past in the form of "dream" and "illusion". Her origins, but did not have completely correct information.

Now she stood in front of my eyes, still with long hair shawl, red skirt and body, the breath was full of maliciousness and grievance, and was suddenly observed by the chain judgment, and suddenly disappeared into the observation. I'm not sure if the naked eye sees her as she really is, but from the perspective of mysticism, in the face of such an existence, what the naked eye sees is often unreal.

I'm not surprised at all. Why did she start to treat me and Dr. Ruan Li now? Because at the moment, I feel that there is no doubt that I have fallen into the disadvantage. This result is enough to prove that her choice has been considered and prepared.

"Gao Chuan ..." The hazy voice echoed in this river channel, and I could not hear it at all. Was it the voice of the girl in red in front of me?

Although the chain judgement cannot fully observe the lady in red, it is no problem to lock Dr. Ruan Li. That's why I'm not worried that she suddenly took away Dr. Ruan Li in a strange way. I took a few steps back and carried Dr. Ruan Li, who was in a nightmare, on his shoulders.

"Do you want to fight?" I stared at her and said, "You can't stop me."

The lady in red still hung her head and did not speak. Instead, there was a weird voice in the darkness ahead. I had a feeling that it was not the sound of animal activity in the underground river, but what this voice represented The number is also extremely large. The sound became louder and denser, as if crowded together, and a brain came to us.

"... Try it." I seem to hear the lady in red say this, but as soon as I change my mind, the sound seems to have never appeared.

The next moment, the girl in red disappeared from my observation, silent and extremely sharp, in my intuition, in my imagination, turned into two arcs, as if to cut off my body, cut off My thinking cuts off those perceptions that guide physical activity. Human activity is a combination of inertia, reaction, and thinking. These two arcs that suddenly appear in the imagination are to cut off these things and make the body unable to move.

I am more certain that this is the power of conscious walking.

If it is placed earlier, even if I can use my mind to guide the speed sweep, it will move faster than any tangible thing and reach a relatively fast speed, and I cannot escape this blow. However, I also have the power of conscious walking given by "Jiang", and my quick sweeping is not only faster than observable tangible things.

I can be faster than consciousness, and it is not the lady in red that is used as a reference at this time, but myself, my own consciousness, and the two sharp arcs that appear in the imagination ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Before the thinking and consciousness were cut off, the quick swept super energy had already been launched. In the invisible high-speed passage, even if my body cannot move, there is a force pushing the body.

The attack on the lady in red is weird and mysterious, but this attack cannot directly kill my consciousness, leaving only a shell-like body. It will eventually act on it. The attack on consciousness is just for restraint Prey, so that it can not escape the targeted attack only.

Or, I am betting that her attack is such a thing. The battle with the "mystery" as the core is the same thing. The so-called knowledge and knowledge is just a kind of self-consolation. There has never been any mystery expert who can ensure that the "mystery" of the match is known in advance. You can judge in a short period of time in a sudden battle.

Every battle is a big or small gamble. Only those who care for their luck can survive all kinds of strange and strange mysterious forces that cannot be known in advance.

This time, I bet again. The attack on the girl in red is indeed still the core. Simply attacking consciousness is an authentic means of conscious walker. The practice of the girl in red just proves that she, like me, is only a half-hanger of conscious walking. With such power, it looks powerful, but it can only be used to assist. (To be continued ...)

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