Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1432: Ghost in Red II

The girl in red moves like a ghost, she suddenly came here, and suddenly went elsewhere. Her movements are not fast, but appear directly from one point to another, it looks like the space moves, but this This kind of movement is not her most troublesome "mystery" at this time. ︾ When the lady in red shoots again, it seems to cut off her thinking.

The sharp arc, where it first appeared, was in my imagination. Maybe if you do n’t imagine, you wo n’t get hurt, but this is not to stop yourself from thinking, it will not exist. This is the power of conscious walking, people will think, even if it is subjectively aware that they should not want anything, but the subconscious mind is still active. If even the subconscious activity can be stopped, then the body will naturally stop, if the subconscious does not stop, then the mystery of conscious walking will be shuttled among them. There have been many descriptions of this situation in the mystery of the Central Duchy.

The power of this kind of conscious walking is so clear, it is like the night sky has lost the stars, and only Yuehua falls from the sky. Even so, I still think that the red girl's killer will not come from ideology. The combination of my quick sweeping and the ability to walk consciously is enough to let me escape this blow.

My quick sweep can be faster than consciousness, and it is my own consciousness that I serve as a reference. As far as my cognition and physical activity are concerned, it is divided into consciousness drive and instinct drive, but when the two reach a certain theoretical height, they are actually the same driving force. In my thinking, the concept of "body" is more pure and does not include the concepts of survival and death. Activities and stillness are just a tangible presentation.

In this way, when my speed is faster than self-consciousness, it is not the self-germinating thoughts and instincts that let the body move. It is an invisible high-speed channel formed by rapid sweep. That is an external frequency, a fluctuation, and the transmission of vibration in an invisible presence.

This transfer is like a net. Lifting a knot, the other knot will also follow ups and downs. I got there.

The fluctuation of this web has no fixed speed, but also includes all speeds. Therefore, once the concept of speed exists for something, it will fall into the web. The red lady ’s own movement has no speed, but her attack does, even when it first appeared, it showed this speed in consciousness-its form is a flash in my mind. The arc of death-it must not be able to catch up with me.

The result is as I guessed.

I am moving. I can see clearly what is the sharp arc that exists in intuition and imagination-just two pointed kitchen knives. When attacking with it, the light of the campfire shines on the knife body, making its track bright . I didn't avoid it very far, just letting the must-go route blocked by a folding knife.

Without any force coming, the violent and sharp offensive came to the moment when the blade touched. The smoke disappeared. It's even unsure, between the blade and the blade. Whether it has really fought. This touch of nothingness made me intuitively react and moved away from the place with a quick swipe. Sure enough, the figure of the red lady appeared where I had stood-she suddenly appeared from above the head and fell Light as a feather.

But suppose I did not leave the place. That must be a heavy blow. I couldn't help thinking.

The sound coming from the darkness in the distance was clearer. It was like the roar of the wind, completely overwhelming the sound of the underground river. I didn't chase down, just fixed Dr. Ruan Li firmly beside me. People who rely on high-speed mobile combat if they cannot resolve the combat within three to five seconds. It means risk, or even failure. The confrontation between me and the lady in red didn't even use the zero and one second. Three or five seconds is enough for us to make hundreds of attacks. However, my instinct told me that the red lady who appeared in front of me is still not all of her.

The lady in red is a weird existence. When it appeared before, it was an inconceivable imagination, and it was through my imagination that it was presented in such a physical and flesh-like form. But is it really made of matter at this time? The characteristic mystery of the fifty-first area is the nature of the black smoke face, which is very similar to the gray fog. Smoke and fog are distinguished by basic particles in conventional science, but it is difficult to judge in the "mystery". How much is the difference between black smoke and gray fog.

But there is one thing that I am willing to believe. Black smoke is also an intermediate state between spirit and substance. The face of black smoke gives the character of "human" on top of black smoke, and then reaches the "non-human but "Thinking" weird.

There is a clear difference between the mystery of the girl in red and the "child of destiny". However, the people in the 51st area must also have the support of repeaters, and they must also master the mystery of the smoky face.

I'm not surprised at all by the ghost of the girl in red, because when you look at the mystery of the smoky face, you will realize that there must be a connection.

Because of this, I do n’t think I can kill such things by speed alone. Just as I couldn't kill Novsky, the "son of fate", by speed alone.

Currently blocked by the girl in red, this development actually has obvious signs in the mysteries of the previous stages, and there is nothing to sigh. The most important thing is that when it is impossible to judge its goal, the safety of Dr. Ruan Li is the highest priority. Maybe this underground river can't pass anymore, but if we want to use the underground river, we just have to save ourselves. I accompanied Dr. Ruan Li here to protect Dr. Ruan Li. So, if you want to gamble with Dr. Ruan Li ’s safety, whether I can break through the red lady ’s interception, I am unwilling.

I am not afraid of the lady in red, but when I try my best to deal with her, the protection of Dr. Ruan Li will be weakened. For me, this is the upside down. The short confrontation before has made me confirm the power of the red lady. If it does not take the lead in the next step, I will not be provocative as before.

I am not smart enough to come up with a better way, nor do I have the advantage of being able to persuade each other. The only thing I can do is to let it know that I am great, and then show weakness, back off, and be alert while letting it know that I have no intention of becoming its enemy here. of course. The worst result is that it came here, originally for Dr. Ruan Li, or it insisted on fighting me.

However, since the worst result can be considered. Of course, I have a solution. "Mystery" is very wonderful. As the only Level 4 Mageweave messenger in the world, I have more than just quick sweep, chain judgment and conscious walking.

I did n’t move, and the lady in red stood opposite. The underground river meandered, and the whistling sound in the darkness grew louder and closer, overwhelming the underground river. After the flowing sound. It seemed to turn into a surge of water again. It seems that there is another river that replaces this naturally formed underground river.

It's just that this new surging sound is not as clear as the underground river feels. It is sticky, heavy, and crowded, and it is described by feeling. It is more like a mudslide. The underground river channel trembled in this peculiar voice, and cracks appeared in the stone walls. It seems to collapse at any time.

"Gao Chuan ..." The girl in red recounted my name again. I don't think it was calling me, but only two words.

After a pause, her voice became stable, no longer as a whisper as before, as if a more obvious will came to her. With the stability of the sound. She also has a more life-like flesh and blood feeling, a little bit, from ghost to a flesh and blood human.

However, even if it feels more like a human, it is still not human. This is my instinct. And I also believe in my intuition.

"We have been thinking for a long time, how to fight an enemy with absolute speed." The girl in red suddenly said: "Originally we thought that as long as we become faster, it is more than enough, even more than the concept of" fast " It suffices. In the end, even the so-called speed must be abandoned. However, we found that no matter what, an existence cannot completely abandon the concept of speed, because without speed, it also means no activity, no activity, whether it is consciousness or Nothing can exist. The world is moving, and movement is also the essence of life, so speed becomes a topic that cannot be avoided completely in any case. Ultimately, if you want to defeat an extremely fast enemy, you must still become Faster, but since we have observed you so far, we have not found a faster existence than you. "

I can understand her words, because some of them are exactly what I think. My cognition and trust in quick-sweeping is also based on the philosophical view of "the operation of all things", which is full of the characteristics of the central duchy. In fact, my contact with mysticism was the first and the most contacted. It was the mysticism of the Central Duchy, and the mysticism of the Central Duchy mostly extended around this philosophy.

I only heard the lady in red continue to say: "There are constantly fast things coming to you, but no matter whether we think that has reached the theoretical speed, you can still be faster. Maybe the theory we know is There are loopholes, but we ca n’t fill the loopholes, we ca n’t see the truth, and we do n’t have time to speculate on the truth. So, we simply assume that in this world, no speed can exceed you. Gao Chuan, you are standing The monster at the apex of the concept of speed. "

"And then?" I asked, in fact, even if she didn't say it, I knew what she wanted to say. Because, the idea of ​​the fifty-one district she represents is not only what they have thought, other people have thought about it, some have tried it in front of me, and I have been thinking about how to crack the quick sweep. From the day I was born, my speed-sweeping super energy has been constantly evolving with my thinking. I sometimes feel that if I do n’t think about it, speed-sweeping super energy will always be just the way I just got it. .

Now, I will no longer feel uneasy because the enemy is thinking about it. Because, I was thinking too. Thinking people, never fear other thinking people.

"Then, on the basis of this assumption, we developed a series of strategies." Red Lady said: "Many people have used this strategy, but still did not beat you, we think that maybe the pattern of implementers is too The family is so angry that it is too narrow to apply strategies. "

"So, now you have a more atmospheric layout?" I listened to the surging sound and said, "Just like now?"

"Yes, now." The girl in red said, "I'm going to try, because it's already hard to find such coincident moments in time and place, no, maybe it can't be said to be coincidence, but for me, it is coincidence , Is not important. You are here now, and I have met all the conditions, this is the most important. "

I am silent.

"Just, before that, I have a question." The lady in red asked.

I continued to remain silent.

"What is your relationship with Gaochuan in London?" She said.

"It turns out that." I suddenly realized that the goal of the 51st district was not me. Even if it was arranged for me here, it still aimed at the prostitute Takakawa in London. We have the same name, similar faces, and similar abilities, even if they also have many differences, but these similarities are enough to be confusing. Presumably many people are trying to understand what is my relationship with another Gaochuan, or what is it.

Because, as Gao Chuan, he has unique qualities ~ ~ must not be concealed in the illusion of doomsday.

"I am Gao Chuan, Gao Chuan is not me." I used the most classic machine front in the Central Principality's mystics to describe it this way. Whether she can understand it has nothing to do with me.

However, the girl in red nodded as if enlightened, saying, "It's really strange, but I didn't expect it to be such a relationship." Her words made me feel a little abnormal. The girl in red, Maria, in all her impressions of Gaochuan in the past, she was a Western woman. Even if she had also studied occultism, different ethnic cultures and living environments would have an impact on her own research. To understand the mystery of the Central Principality, we must first have a clear understanding of the philosophy of this region.

So, how does Mary in red really have this kind of cognition? Despite the size of the world, it is not surprising that such people appear, but my instinct tells me that behind this, there are more secrets of the lady in red. And this secret is also closely related to what the 51st district wants to do.

The surging sound became stronger and stronger, and the rock above her head began to crack and fall, as if an underground river channel was about to collapse, but the girl in red didn't have any action. Her previous form had proved that she was not afraid of being buried at all. it's here. Her hints are already obvious. I stepped into this underground river, which is exactly what she has. (To be continued ...)

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