Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1433: Kuroshio

The surging sound became stronger and stronger, and the rock above her head began to crack and fall, as if an underground river channel was about to collapse, but the girl in red didn't have any action. Her previous form had proved that she was not afraid of being buried at all. it's here. ↖ Her tips are already obvious. I stepped into this underground river, which is the right place for her.

Here, no matter how fast my speed is, the range that I can move is still in this underground river. Limiting my mobile space is indeed a way that many people can think of. However, it was the first time I encountered an underground river as a trap.

"Do you know why I told you so much? In fact, you can continue to run forward." The lady in red said.

I was silent. Because, as long as you do n’t run out of this underground river, you are still in a trap, so it does n’t matter if you run or not. The key lies in what other means the opponent has next.

"It's a real person." The girl in red said, "I'm talking to you, delaying time, but even if you don't delay the time, you can't escape. Today, it's time to bury you."

"This is not necessary." I stared calmly, the darkness in front of the underground river, there was like a membrane, and now there is a great power, about to break the membrane.

It is a feeling that the darkness collapsed when it was said that it was coming soon, but what you see in front of you is like the darkness is washed down by some kind of power, and then it becomes a liquid, or rather, it becomes a A kind of black sticky water. The black water filled the cross-sectional space of the river channel, like a flood that broke the embankment, and rushed towards us.

There is no room for movement ahead, and the space is filled with black water. There are countless human figures in the black water, and they are silent as if they were stuck to asphalt. Unable to climb ashore, no matter how struggling, can only be dragged back into the black water again and again. When I saw such black water, I found a mystical description similar to this black water in my memory. It is this description that makes a flash of light flash in my mind.

"You are not Europeans and Americans. You come from the 11th district of the Central Duchy!" The mystical description similar to the black water in front of you is from the ancient Japanese yin and yang philosophy books that combined your own Shinto religion. The name is called "Kuroshio", which is the three core and mysterious collections of "yin", "spirit" and "water".

The place where the girl in red appeared, her appearance, and her name are what made me illusion that "she is a Westerner." . This guy's cognition of mystery is probably based on the mystery of the Central Duchy and ancient Japanese Shinto. all. In order to understand what I am saying, this surging black water can be created.

The red lady's body shape is changing, and her hair is becoming darker and softer, which is more in line with the classical oriental aesthetics. Even if the clothes on the body are still red skirts, the temperament of the whole person is completely in the style of the 11th district of the Central Duchy. It was elegant, soft, and spooky. The airflow between us became irritable. The sudden wind blew the long black hair. Exposing a delicate Asian face. Her face was as pale as white powder, and her lips were as bright as blood stained, no eyebrows, as if she were born, or she might be shaved.

As long as it is someone who has an understanding of the culture of the country "Japan" that once existed in the past, the posture of the girl in red will definitely not make him mistaken for people in other regions.

And she was full of cover words before. The truth behind it, at this moment, suddenly ran through in my heart.

"The goal of District 51 is both Las Vegas and Asia. Is it the Central Duchy !?"

"Japan will never compromise." The lady in red said to me in this way. She waved her hands, and the black water rushed, so she kept the rushing posture, standing still twenty meters away, blocking the entire underground river. However, I know very well that she is not showing mercy, but she is accumulating strength. When the rush of black water is stifled, the wave-like strength is piled up one by one.

What follows must be a powerful blow that is more in line with the meaning of "Kuroshio".

Doctor Ruan Li and I do n’t know what ’s secret behind us, blocking the retreat tunnel, and the Kuroshio that blocked the channel in front of us. The underground river we ’re in is unknown how deep it is from the ground. As the lady in red said, here is the most courageous trap so far.

"May I ask, what is your real name?" I asked calmly. Although the front and back roads were cut off, not going to the sky, and the deeper ground below, I still had no cards to play. The scene is so huge "mystery", the temporary hedge aftershocks leaked are also huge, it is true that even if these exhaustions are exhausted, it is impossible for me to smash the whole Kuroshio, but just to protect myself and Dr. Ruan Li, I Still feel awkward.

Therefore, compared to running away, I hope to be able to set more details about the other party. The girl in red is called "Maria" in her impressions, but the situation at this time has proved that she may not be a pure American national. She is working for District 51, but her position may not be on the side of District 51.

The identity of the 51st district and the past is just a guise. There are no extra people here, and the scene is that she has the upper hand. According to psychology, if she really has a more ambitious goal, such as "Japanese independence", she only worked silently in the 51st district, even risking huge The risk of volunteering to become an experimenter in the 51st district to study the night of Las Vegas Valpus. Well, her psychological pressure must be great, and now there is no one left or right. It is the best time for her to release this psychological pressure-just like in the story, the villain always likes to treat the lamb before the final blow. Your own victory is the same.

There is no need for plot here, but the lady in red itself has such a psychological need. In order to save enough power, she also has the time to do so. Of course, if she can really hold back, I will have no loss.

"Four heaven courtyard coconut palms." The pale red face of the lady in red showed a cruel smile. This face with no eyebrows, scarlet lips, and the pale face form a strong contrast. She raised her hand and controlled the stormy black water. The human figures that appeared from time to time in the black water were like tortured ghosts in hell. All this creates a terrible, but malicious, full of oriental mysterious charm.

"Is Japan ’s independence so important? After being incorporated into the Central Duchy, the Eleventh District has been stable for decades. Whether in politics or in life, the people have not been ill-treated. As far as I know. I ’m satisfied with the move to the Central Duchy. ”I ’m not wrong. Although I did not return to the Central Duchy after the recovery of this Doomsday Illusion, whether it ’s the history of this Doomsday Illusion or other History and development trends in Asia are roughly the same. In another impression left by Gao Chuan, Gao Chuan also had a personal experience in life. The Eleventh District is also an important local division in the Central Duchy, in terms of the principle of national integration. The Central Duchy has extremely rich experience. The eleventh district ’s sense of identity with the central principality is even among the best in all provinces.

Although before the arrival in Las Vegas, there were terrorist incidents that caused troubles under the banner of "Independence of Japan" in the Central Principality, but from the perspective of the polls in the 11th district and the surveys conducted by many media In general, the people in the 11th district are generally disgusted with those who launched those terrorist attacks, and they do not have much recognition of the slogan "Independence of Japan".

"For me. It's important." The girl in red, Ga-con, said calmly: "This is what I want to do, and do other people's things? This is my philosophy. My goal, I have struggled for many years. , Paid a huge price, even if you are only responsible for yourself, you must have a result. "After a pause, she said:" I know you are saying my words. But it does not matter, the time has come, regardless of success or Failure, you are just an outsider. "

I also knew very well that she was right. I have no influence in the Central Duchy. Influential is another me, Gao Chuan of that prostitute. And as soon as I set foot in Asia, I would immediately become the target. Recognized by friends and family in this Doomsday Realm, it ’s not me Gaochuan. For them, I am a fake, and even for some people, I may only be seen as another prop that Gao Chuan used to divert his attention.

"However, you are also Gaochuan, and you have to deal with it properly." Ga coconut has a cruel smile on his face. "It must be admitted that the real Gaochuan is a tricky figure. Therefore, it is necessary to accumulate experience on you, the fake Gaochuan. Whether it is ability effect or personality in essence, you are so similar. And your failure will also herald the failure of the real Gaochuan in London. "

For me here, is it just another preview of me? I know exactly what is the difference between me and another Gao Chuan, but I must also admit that the connection between us is deeper than anyone thinks. However, even if there is such a connection, I do n’t think that Jia coconut ’s approach is correct. Even if she can beat me, it is very ridiculous to use her experience to fight against the body of Gaochuan. Because, there is an obvious difference between me and another one's ability, and the supporters behind each other. However, not everyone can see this difference.

What's more, even if it is the current situation, it doesn't mean that I have no choice but to sit still. Huge power continues to flow into Level 4 Mageweave. I was doing the same thing when Gamma coconut procrastinated and accumulated strength.

"Then, goodbye, fake." Gaya coconut's expression calmed down, as if sentencing, and waved his hand down.

Suddenly, the intercepted black water roared down like a flood that broke through the dike. The human figure that is constantly emerging in the black water struggles to appear on the tip of the wave, and stretches out countless hands, as if to pull all the creatures in front of him into hell, turn it into a part of themselves, and jointly endure the never ending pain. It engulfed the four walls, engulfed the river water, engulfed the trembling animals and plants, and engulfed the girl in red. I carried Dr. Ruan Li all the way to the huge hole in the back, and jumping down was obviously not a good idea. However, to bear the impact of this Kuroshio on the front, let ’s not mention those humanoids like evil spirits, even if it ’s just water flow physics. The impact on the death is enough.

If every arrangement of this trap is meaningful, then the emergence of black water and burrows obviously have a certain relationship, and some chemical reaction will inevitably occur afterwards. It may also be a dead end where it seems to retreat. I think that black water will be injected into this unseen underground cave, perhaps relying on rapid swept along the two walls of the underground river to return to the other side isolated by the underground cave, but the same huge crisis may need to be faced.

Rather than facing the temporarily unknown crisis, I am more willing to face these black waters. I do n’t know if my choice is correct, but in this case, it can only be proved by the result after the event. I carried Dr. Ruan Li down the hole, and my grandma was firmly stuck on the wall ~ ~ The fourth-level magic pattern gathered the aftermath of the data hedge, and in the blink of an eye, a huge drill was formed on my arm.

In less than a second, the drill bit drilled a gap in the inner wall of the edge of the hole enough to accommodate two people. As soon as I took Dr. Ruan Li's forefoot into the hole, the black water fell close to the roar, and a brain poured into this bottomless hole. The gap where Dr. Ruan Li and I were sealed was sealed by a huge drill bit, and the dizzying wailing from the black water could still be heard. The bit has been rotating, but it can only defend the front. The chain judgment can observe that these black waters are quickly seeping from the rock and soil above.

The huge drill shoots a lot of silk thread on the part of my elbow. Before the black water penetrates completely, it wraps me and Dr. Ruan Li together, forming a huge and hard cocoon. The black water finally touched this shell, and I could feel a very severe corrosion ability, perseveringly eroding the giant cocoon. At the same time, Level 4 Mageweave was also in my mind, and began to adjust the characteristics of the giant cocoon shell. The erosion of black water quickly reduced to an extremely slow level.

I counted in seconds in my mind. After about five minutes, the pressure from the black water began to subside. If you stand on the surface of an underground river and withstand the scouring of this black tide, even if you build a defensive facility that only accommodates two people like this, it will probably be washed into the underground cave. The height I chose on the inner wall is very cute, just avoiding the sharp edge of the Kuroshio. (To be continued ...)

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