Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1434: Peninsula Data Hedging

Dr. Ruan Li and I hid in the inner wall of the bottomless burrow. Level 4 Mageweave used the Kuroshio data to hedge the aftermath to create a cocoon-like refuge. A certain kind. Level 4 Mageweave can use data hedging to make many incredible things, but the aftermath is just the aftermath. The data hedging caused by the mystery of Kuroshio must be larger than the aftermath at least in quantity. If you want to use the four-level magic pattern to fight mystery, there is an absolute critical point for the size of data hedging. Large-scale data hedging that exceeds this critical point can completely crush the residual waves that can be used by the four-level magic pattern.

I can't accurately assess the critical point of data hedging generated in each mysterious phenomenon, but intuition can blur and give a limit that I can bear. When I saw the huge black water coming in, I had already felt that I must not use the power of Level 4 Mageweave to confront directly.

The girl in red in red, or perhaps now called Sitianyuan Gamma Coconut, the black water produced by it can be explained by further morphological changes of the smoky face, but there are actually many details that are not clear . It is undeniable that this mystery has a natural advantage in this underground river.

Even if hiding in the inner wall, the small refuge is fully supported by the fourth-level magic pattern, and the strength of the Kuroshio can be actually felt by the impact and erosion of the black water on this refuge. This force hasn't hit us positively, just passed by, and the shelter has been put under considerable pressure.

I started to think that this underground river was originally prepared for the Kuroshio tide of Sitianyuan Jia coconut, and she made this Kuroshio, definitely not just to kill me Gaochuan, but to kill another Gaochuan, Furthermore, with the support of the 51st district, Japan is ready to prepare. Thinking in a more extreme direction, Dr. Ruan Li and I may not enter this underground river channel as she expected, and fighting me is only a temporary incidental purpose. Her real goal is probably to promote some mystery on a larger scale through the combination of the Kuroshio and bottomless pits. There is no actual evidence for this feeling, but from many details. But it is not unreasonable.

Si Tian Yuan Jia Coconut has admitted that his plan is not aimed at the Las Vegas repeater, but if he cannot make a difference in this repeater world, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get the support of the 51st District of the United States. She wants to realize Japan by herself. It is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Conversely, the third world war in the illusion of apocalypse is the fertile ground for national change. As long as external forces can be introduced, such as the 51 area with relays, of course, it has enough strength to seek national level Political intent. Moreover, in the global strategy of the United States, Natural and the Central Principality are rivals. It's also undesirable. Therefore, what the Si Tianyuan Gamma Coconut needs to do is just to show its ability.

So, what better battlefield than the Las Vegas repeater? Thinking deeper, maybe in the conspiracy of Si Tian Yuan ’s Ganoderma, Japan not only needs, but also further deviates from the clamp of the United States and becomes a truly autonomous country, then, she relays to Las Vegas The device is not completely without other thoughts. (No pop-up advertisement)

Since as much as possible to seize Japan's capital. Then, Si Tian Yuan Jia Coconut must have enough strength to seek these capitals. She now shows her savings without hesitation in front of everyone, she already has a strong intention to go from the background to the front desk. Then. There is nothing wrong with giving answers to the questions I have tried. Even, after this Kuroshio, will my Gaochuan live or die, will she reveal her intentions. It is equally unimportant.

Instead, it is a reasonable choice to show your muscles to the mysterious organizations in the world of repeaters in a terrifying posture. In terms of the current environment of the world of repeaters, even in a certain sense, the arrival of Sitianyuan Gaya is a mysterious organization of all parties. Because what everyone faces is a more terrifying Nazi.

The Raiders of Las Vegas Repeater has diversified meanings from the beginning, and each of us, whether betrayed or united, has not completely deviated from these complex meanings. We are friends, enemies, competitors, and coalitions, but no matter what kind, we are sitting on the same boat in front of the Nazis, who are targeted by the public.

When Si Tian Yuan's coconut palm guides black water to appear in front of other people, compared to their minds, it's as complicated as mine.

I counted in seconds in my mind. After about five minutes, the pressure from the black water began to subside. From this side pressure, I estimate the overall strength of the Kuroshio. If this black tide was eroded on the surface of the underground river, even if a defensive facility containing only two people was constructed as it is now, it would probably be washed into the underground cave. The height I chose on the inner wall is very cute, just avoiding the sharp edge of the Kuroshio.

The movement caused by the black water is so huge that the whole underground river can only hear the sound of rushing, bumping and pouring. If luck is good enough, it may completely cover up the actions of Dr. Ruan Li and me. I didn't choose to drill through Gengli in the first place, but I held Dr. Ruan Li and tried to wake her from a nightmare.

The activation conditions of my conscious walking ability will not give people the inconvenience under normal circumstances, but under the current circumstances it seems too harsh. I used all the methods that I could think of and used them. Dr. Ruan Li ’s condition seemed to be better. I could n’t see her, but I was so close to her and I could feel everything in her Minor changes, but even so, she still did not wake up.

The outside gradually became quieter, and I stopped moving too violently, listening to the movement outside. The roar of the black water began to subside, and it seemed that all of them were injected into the bottomless cave, and below the cave, a rhythmic fluctuation began to appear. This kind of fluctuation can't hear sound with ears, but it can be felt with whole body. It was like the hot magma was tumbling before the volcano erupted.

This feeling gave me an extremely dangerous hunch. I do n’t believe that Si Tian Yuan ’s coconut palm is totally unaware that we are hiding here. I saw her merge into the black water with my own eyes, and imagined that she could completely control the black water, and let the black water become her body, skin and eyes. So when Blackwater eroded the shelter, it also meant that she could detect the situation on my side. Then, under this premise, she did not make further attacks, which indirectly proved my previous guess.

The Kuroshio flows into this bottomless burrow, and will definitely produce further chemical reactions. Although Dr. Ruan Li and I managed to escape the positive impact of Kuroshio. But it was too close to this bottomless cave. The fourth-level Mageweave again guided the shelter to make shape changes, reconstructing it into a huge drill bit, and led me and Dr. Ruan Li to go deeper inward, and then dug out a channel diagonally above.

When the drill bit brought me and Dr. Ruan Li back to the ground. It was already three seconds later, and the extremely dangerous sensation behind the volcanic eruption became clearer. When I took Dr. Ruan Li away from the drill, I was immediately surrounded by an extreme depression. Under the scouring of the Kuroshio, the entire underground river is in a fragile equilibrium state that will collapse at any time. Natural ecosystems and water resources have also been cut off.

I don't have any other ideas, I just took Dr. Ruan Li to the depth of the underground river, away from this area at the fastest speed. After ten seconds or so, I do n’t know how far I ran, but the underground river still ca n’t see the end, but the river here has completely dried up.

However, what stopped me was not curiosity about the situation behind me, but because the vibration of the underground river channel became stronger and stronger. I have already felt that it will collapse completely. In fact, less than half a second after I stopped, a roar came in front of me, and another second passed, the shock wave wrapped around the dust. I was in front of Dr. Ruan Li, using a shield made of Level 4 Mageweave to block the flying sand. Just as the shock wave passed, the road at the time began to collapse.

This collapse is a chain, and the spread distance has completely exceeded my observation distance. I have an illusion, like a big hand constantly playing with this underground river as a rope. Can't escape. I thought so. Level 4 Mageweave exhausted the collected power to form a refuge again, surrounding me and Dr. Ruan Li.

Just before the shelter was completely closed, a huge black pillar suddenly rose in the direction of the bottomless cave. I think it broke. Enough to penetrate the surface, the collapse of the underground river channel has no effect on it, and I also had an intuition at the same time that Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut had reached the surface through this black column. The black column itself is not the mystery of the Si Tianyuan Gamma Coconut as the bottom card, but only a channel formed by the release of power.

Before the more intense shock wave arrives. The shelter has been completely closed. After another blink of an eye, I felt that the sanctuary was thrown up, constantly rolling in the collapsed underground river channel, impacting, embedding into a huge piece of rock, and falling because of the rock's breaking. The collapsed stones weighed heavily on the shelter. Had this shelter not been dense enough and thick enough, the remaining space could only accommodate two people, Dr. Ruan Li and me, who were hugging each other tightly, but Dr. Ruan Li, who is just a normal physique, might also be struck by this physical shock Injured.

At this time, even if you can't think, you can only know that you have been buried by the collapsed underground river.

After this wave of shock, I waited another two or three seconds, and there were no more unnatural movements. The fourth-level Mageweave twisted the side of the sanctuary to form a new drill bit, and then used full horsepower to drill towards the surface.

During this period, whether it is naked or chain judgment, only earth and rock can be observed. When we returned to the surface, although it was still on the peninsula, it was far away from the mental hospital on the island. But judging from the route, there is still a long distance from the border between the peninsula and the interior. I have exhausted the aftermath of the data collected, and the only good news is that Dr. Ruan Li and I do n’t seem to have to worry about being blocked again.

Because, when I climbed out of the shelter holding Dr. Ruan Li, I saw the black pillar that was so clear. It only rose to more than one hundred meters from the surface before it began to collapse, and scattered countless black rain fell from the sky. At the end of the black column, the four-day courtyard gamma coconut dressed in a red dress, suspended in mid-air, looked up to the sky. Looking along her line of sight, you can see that a part of the sky is showing a mosaic-like phenomenon. This layer of mosaic seems to cover something deeper.

Not only the sky is alienated, the alienation on the ground is more serious, and when I look around, I see distortions in several spaces. Some tall trees and rocks are like two phantoms that are not completely overlapping. . In some places, there are two crowns of the same tree. The ground at the foot also gives people an inexplicable sense of displacement. It clearly feels that they are walking in a straight line, but when they take a step, they cross a distance of more than one step, and they are not in a fixed position after standing.

The dense rain line fell from the air and was cut off halfway. With the rain as the background, the cross section became clearer. Immediately afterwards, there were sparse snow-like but grayish-black things emerging from the void and falling. I saw it at a glance and I knew what it was-ashes.

After the rain and ashes, there is a familiar gust of wind, with a sense of despair and madness.

I suddenly understood what happened on the peninsula. This was the expected situation—the immensely huge temporary data hedge, perhaps being generated across the entire peninsula, bringing things that existed in the nightmare of the deep night into this. In the reality of the world of repeaters.

Of course ~ ~ the strange mosaic of the sky, it is completely conceivable.

Luna is about to come here.

I picked up Dr. Ruan Li and swept in the direction of the border between the peninsula and the mainland. This is the last chance before the change is complete. The temporary data hedge has not completely covered the whole island, which means that the peninsula has not been completely closed by the "mystery". Once the temporary data hedging space is completed, then to leave here, you must find the "export", but this "export" is extremely complicated, it may be a phenomenon, a route, an item, if you can not find the "export" If you want to leave the temporary data hedge space, you must break the temporary data hedge space.

However, since this temporary data hedge space covering the whole island involves the "mystery" of the intensity of Luna, then its solidity is definitely not a four-level Mageweaver messenger that can be broken.

Therefore, the only chance to send Dr. Ruan Li to leave the peninsula is now. Even if there are other mysterious experts guarding the border, even some powerful traps and institutions are arranged, but as long as it is "mysterious", it will definitely be affected by such a huge temporary data hedge. (.


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