The black water was squeezed from all directions, and I waved my long knife to stir the water flow, and used the gallop to take up the vortex to make more space for the rapid swept. ● ⌒, the use of black water in Si Tian Yuan ’s coconut palm is very similar to that of Father Sisen ’s air pressure control. However, the nature of liquids and gases is different. I noticed that it is easier to deal with black water than it is with air. The black water is full of extremely negative emotions, which affects consciousness at all times. The black water itself has extremely strong corrosive ability. These characteristics are naturally more variable than pure air pressure control, but I hide in The fully covered armor constantly absorbs the aftermath of data hedging, and the armor is slightly modified for these characteristics. After excluding the influence of the black water characteristics, only the mass of the massive water body needs to be dealt with.

For most people, the quality of black water is unbearable. However, the control of Sitianyuan Gamma Coconut clearly does not reach every drop of black water. Only by personally breaking into the black water of the Taotao River, can one realize that the use of black water by Si Tian Yuan's coconut palms is only an extensive model. The black water transformed by more than 4 billion people is really huge, which is why Sitianyuan Gamma Coconut has always used only huge mass to squeeze its opponents.

I was stuck in the black water, but as long as I wear this impenetrable armor and supplemented by high-speed movement, it can produce a huge disturbance force to destroy the fine control of the black water in the four coconuts. I suddenly felt that even if I didn't rescue the mysterious experts in time, they were more likely to survive after being swallowed by the black water than I had estimated. Basically, as long as it can withstand the quality surge of black water, there will be more opportunities to find flaws and break out of the water.

However, being able to disengage does not mean that you can defeat the Sitianyuan Gamma Coconut. Her black water definitely not only interferes with human sanity, erosion, and pure quality. Moreover. In this turbulent black water, it is really difficult to find the coconut palm of Sitianyuan.

I have two assumptions about the state of Si Coconut at this time: the first, she has been completely integrated with the black water. Black water is already its body, so to eliminate her, you must completely evaporate all the black water; the second kind, she is still a core of existence, but it is like a piece of wood hidden in the forest. And constantly move in the black water according to the actual situation, in order to eliminate her, except to evaporate all the black water, it is better to lead the snake out of the hole unintentionally.

In view of what I felt in Blackwater, her application and control of Blackwater, I prefer the second hypothesis. However, how to lead the snake out of the hole is still a problem. The observation range of my chain judgment has been farther than in the past, but if the Si Tianyuan Gamma coconut is cautious enough, it may hide deeper. Since Blackwater is not her body, it only causes damage to Blackwater. Not enough to hurt her.

In the most conservative situation, the life-saving ability of the Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut may be far superior to every mysterious expert present.

I used the most violent offensive to break through the black water and tried to traverse each area covered by the black water in the shortest time by quick swept to make up for the shortcomings of the observation range of the chain judgment. Theoretically, as long as I am fast enough, as long as Si Tian Yuan ’s coconut palms are hidden in a corner of the black water, they will inevitably be scanned by the chain decision that is constantly moving before the reaction comes over.

however. In the black water, the rapid sweep is also under tremendous pressure. In the absence of foreign references, the acceleration effect of the rapid sweep itself is greatly weakened. Although black water has many differences in nature compared to air. However, the mystery possessed by the black water itself is unmatched by normal air. This kind of pressure that mystery brings to me is increasing every second, even making me feel. No matter how fast I go, I have to take more than twice the pressure of the previous step without taking a step.

I know very well that under normal circumstances, I do not have the power to absolutely defeat the Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut. I just have an immature idea that black water is not endless, but maybe for me, it is still as heavy as the sea, but Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut is not the sea, she has her own thoughts and emotions, has Her own goals and struggles, although her human nature is cold and cruel, but the weight has changed more than the non-human form of her at this time, and it is more full.

Her personality, her goals, her emotions, and some changes in the external environment make it impossible for her to hide in this black water all the time.

Whether or not I can find the flaws of Si Tian Yuan ’s coconut palms depends largely on how much pressure I can put on her. However, the external fighting situation has been changing all the time, and these situations not only put pressure on me and other mysterious experts, but also on the Sitianyuan Gaya. As long as Si Tian Yuan ’s Gaya did n’t give up cooperation with District 51, the pressure on District 51 would also be transferred to her.

Si Tian Yuan's gamma coconut looks comfortable and cruel, but in essence she still can't get rid of the shackles of organization and society. The external environment is constantly changing, and she is tightly bound like a chain.

Conversely, if she breaks free of these yoke, her risk will also be greatly reduced. Because, without humanity and sociality, she will lose the motivation to do what she has to do. Maybe she seems to be more free and full of unpredictable dangers, but this danger will not have enough power to drive .

In my opinion, I do n’t know how long ago the past has been invested in Japan, and finally chose the Shitianyuan Gaya Co., which cooperated with the 51st district, there is a huge flaw. It's just that the flaw I'm chasing must be revealed at a specific time, and it will undoubtedly require some luck. On the contrary, the method Dr. Ruan Li once mentioned is more secure, and it directly causes harm to the black water, which is more thorough than pulling out the four-day courtyard coconut palm from the black water.

No matter what kind of tactics to the coconut palms of the Four Heavens Courtyard, it takes more time. I knew from the beginning that when I entered the black water and tried to draw the snake out of the hole, the most meaningful thing was still the coconut palms of the Four Heavens Courtyard Her actions were contained so that she could not fully invest in her plan. No matter what plans the Si Tianyuan Gamma Coconut has, if it can not be carried out at will, it is beneficial in a certain latent sense.

It is true that Si Tian Yuan's coconut palm is a very powerful fighting force, and it can play an extremely important role in containing and countering the alienation of Youjiang and Luna. however. This is just one of the best possibilities. No one can control the thoughts of Si Tianyuan ’s own coconuts and the 51th district. She has the ability to make a huge impact on the battle situation. However, what kind of influence it still has is still on her and the plan of the 51st district. From this perspective, all the actions of Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut against the alienation of Youjiang and Luna may also have a great negative impact on the plans of others. When comparing the disadvantages and benefits. I do n’t think I ’m going to be condemned by others for constricting the coconut palms of the Four Heavens, because I never felt that my political thoughts, overall views and wisdom were stronger than everyone present. Instead, I could Considered, I think other mysterious experts will also consider.

I broke into the black water, not just against the conspiracy of Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut. It is also a temptation to other mysterious experts, and after entangled for three or four seconds, the facts prove that my judgment is correct. No one intends to stop me. More people's eyes are placed on the alienated Youjiang and the Moon God. Instead, the battlefield between me and the Sitianyuan Gadeo is isolated.

I once again created a huge vortex, flying into the sky from the hollow of the vortex. The black water swept down from a higher place, and then split a large number of linear torrents from the water on the ground, spraying into the air in a crisscross pattern. Avoid the waves. I feel like I am a petrel, swimming in the storm.

Si Tian Yuan's coconut palm has never appeared, and I have been in danger in the black water several times, and I am not acting. Although Si Tian Yuan's coconut palms still exercise extensive control over Blackwater, but whenever I change tactics and transform equipment, Blackwater itself gradually adapts to these actions, and then regains control of the initiative. Even so. Even in the case where it seemed that I could be hit hard with just a little effort, Si Tian Yuan ’s coconut palms had n’t done much.

Where did she hide at this moment? Is it underground? In the black water? Is it far from this main battlefield, or is it just observing in the battlefield? Since she was hit by the alienated Youjiang to the ground, she has not shown any human form again, and there is a strong sense of conspiracy to blame in my intuition. .

From my point of view, the four-day courtyard Jia coconut, which is maintaining a stalemate with me, has broken away from the frontal battlefield. Alienated Youjiang and Luna are fighting vigorously, and it seems that we are being ignored by everyone here.

After I got rid of the black water, the black water did not come close, nor did it show signs of sweeping another battlefield. I floated in the air, looking down at my feet, but saw that the flow of black water gradually stopped, and the violent waves quickly calmed down. Without a few breaths, the black water was like a dead lake, and it was like solidified gelatin.

I do n’t know what the idea is for Si Tian Yuan Jia Coconut, but, if I continue to attack, it also makes me feel that there is no decisive winner. The calmness of Si Tian Yuan's coconut palms, this stalemate is not bad for me. As long as Si Tianyuan ’s coconut palms are quiet, Dr. Ruan Li can get enough time to study the drugs against black water.

I didn't continue to attack, I just wandered around the black water, trying to sense the existence of the coconut palm in Sitianyuan. However, Si Tian Yuan's coconut palms seem to have evaporated.

"She's not here anymore." A voice came from behind me, no need to look back. I also knew that it was Father Edward, and his voice had a unique style like a drama character. He had been silent before, and this time he appeared, obviously with some conspiracy.

However, I kind of believed his words.

"Where is she?" I turned around and asked.

"Outside." Father Edward hovered beside me, he had no wings, just stood in the sky, but gave a down-to-earth sense of stability, "The woman put a huge pressure on her, so she left this Peninsula, to make more black water. There are more than two billion people in this world, but there are no more people who can stop her. "

I can hear that the "that woman" in his mouth refers to alienating Youjiang, but it is also because of this that it makes me feel that this statement has a strong credibility. It is also because I feel credible that I feel extremely heavy. What Si Tianyuan ’s coconut palms do in this repeater is probably more extreme than I thought.

"So, what are you going to do?" I asked again. Every time Father Edward appeared there was a purpose, and of course this time was no exception. He did not participate in the battle between Shitianyuan Gaya and Luna. When Sitianyuan Gadeo and Alienated Youjiang confronted him, he did not participate. He took a leave of absence and left the peninsula. He appeared when others were entangled with Luna and Alienated Youjiang. He knows the small movements of Si Tian Yuan Gamma Coconut, which proves that he has been paying attention to her, and I have reason to believe that what he has to do must be related to Si Tian Yuan Gamma Coconut, and there must be a relatively stable environment.

And since he speaks to me, it may also mean that he has confidence to keep me stable.

I want to hear what he says.

"The black water of the coconut palm in Sitianyuan is a variant of the smoky face ~ ~ and the smoky face originated from the Trojan virus cultivated in the 51st district, the pathogen and basic information of the Trojan virus, It was obtained through the Doomsday Truth. "Father Edward smiled and said to me:" How do you think the Doomsday Truth has these materials and pathogens? "

"... It's you !?" I already had this hypothetical inference, because in memory, the pathological effects of Trojan virus and Say virus are too similar. In this doomsday illusion, Father Edward is the creator of Saya.

"It's me." Father Edward nodded and said, "I'm the one who promoted the development of the Trojan virus in District 51."

"Do you want these black waters?" I realized at once that the Trojan virus was simply a variant of the Saya virus, and it was a variant created by the promotion of Father Edward, and its existence must be owned by Father Edward. Special meaning.

"It's not what I need, it's Saya." Father Edward said with a calm expression, "For example, these black waters are like vaccines and nutrients to Saya. But I'm not going to destroy and 51. The district ’s cooperation agreement, so, I took 4 billion yuan, and Sitianyuan Jia coconut can take the remaining 2 billion yuan. "(Unfinished.)

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