Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1454: Brushed

After the appearance of Luna, Alienated Youjiang, Sitianyuan Gaya, Novsky, and Repeater Marceau, Father Edward, whom I have always been concerned about, finally made his debut. ↑ The timing of his choice is very subtle. From the current situation, the only person who can stop him is me.

He did not conceal his meaning. What he said about the connection between the Saya virus and Blackwater, in fact, I have long speculated, but at this time it was just confirmed. However, in his smiling and relaxed expression, the indifference shown was cold.

In his mouth, the person who died in this repeater was like a loot. In fact, I also understand that this is also true for many mysterious experts, but it is only him and the four days courtyard gamma coconut who are actually taking the entire world of repeaters as raw materials and taking action. I can understand why they think so, and I can find reasonable reasons for their actions to stand on their standpoints, but this does not mean that I endorse such ideas. I admit that when I do n’t approve, it ’s not rationality, but almost all of it is the denial of sensibility and subconsciousness.

Because, if you stand in the perspective of Doomsday Illusion, you can treat the world of repeaters so naturally, then, from the perspective of the reality of the hospital, can you not treat Doomsday Illusion with a similar attitude? It is true that few people in the Doomsday Illusion are aware of the reality of the hospital. However, this is not the reason why the Doomsday Illusion is a reality and the world of repeaters can be completely denied.

At least, I can't admit such an attitude. If I admit it, it is like denying my efforts in the world of repeaters in the illusion of doomsday.

I can no longer tell where the dividing line between reality and illusion lies, because, in my story, they are entangled with each other, influence each other, and give feedback to each other. Just like the two sides of the Mobius ring, like a tail-biting snake full of hints. In many cases, I cannot judge the extreme and cruel means. Judging from the interactive effects of multiple worlds, is it right or wrong?

However, the only thing is that I have always insisted. If you kill someone, you must shoulder this responsibility. It cannot be regarded as an illusory existence. Just like what happened in this world of repeaters, Si Tian Yuan ’s Gacon turns the people here into black water. This behavior is correct or wrong when it comes to the end of the illusion and even the reality of the hospital. I cannot be accurate. Judgment, but when doing so, she did not regard these people as real people. Such an attitude is the most difficult for me to accept. Today, I think the same thing about Father Edward's attitude.

At this moment. I finally understood that when I once had the idea of ​​"reconstructing the entire repeater with the consequences of the possibility of crashing this repeater world", when I also used Doomsday Truth in the deepest night Some doctrines of how to teach the inhabitants of the gathering place to comfort them in despair, what difference between themselves and the doomsday truth.

The Doomsday Truth Church regards the end as truth, which may not be completely wrong in concept; they either actively or passively kill human life. Promoting the end, perhaps from the perspective of the reality of the hospital, can be regarded as this is the reason for their existence, and it cannot be rationally called an error. I had the same extreme idea. I have used similar means. In those desperate circumstances, the signs of the end are bound to inevitably, in the pain of never relief, the breeding of any negative emotions, many of my practices. Can also be regarded as unscrupulous.

However, the attitude towards "people" is precisely the difference between Doomsday Truth and me.

Leaving aside the concepts of reality and illusion, as much as possible to treat everyone I meet as a person is the bottom line I have always insisted on. Even for those crazy believers who face the doomsday truth, I have always tried my best to treat them as a person, or a desperate and crazy person, or a stubborn and superstitious person, or a self-inflicted person, Analyze their behaviors with human behavior, understand their inner changes with human psychology, and take their lives with the concept of "killing". Either way, I rarely see them as illusory beings. Even if they are called "monsters", the concept of "monsters" is still based on the concept of "people".

In addition to the "final weapon", any existence called "monster" is not alienation and extension of human beings for me.

However, I may be too accustomed to such a bottom line and forget that there are many things that look like people and do not regard themselves as human beings. There are also many people who insist on beliefs and do not regard others as human beings.

Whether it was Father Edward who appeared at this time, or the previous four-day courtyard Gacon, they were at least the second kind of people. They may have their own ideals and perseverances, and they must do what they have to do, but for these reasons, they will treat people as pure "resources" rather than the same life as themselves.

I suddenly wanted to understand that the story of the ruins of the ruling bureau appearing in this doomsday illusion does not imply the act of using people as raw materials, but implies an attitude of using people as raw materials to create fog. The gray fog technology produced is just the behavior performance under this attitude, not the essence.

What I have seen and experienced happened in the realities of hospitals, doomsday illusions, and repeater worlds, those that are gradually tending to the doomsday fate curve, those plots and results that are full of both visual sense, the reason there is a The feeling of "the world line all ended to the same end point" is precisely because, behind the tragedies, no matter how many reasons, conspiracies and coincidences, it is not the most essential reason. It ’s the attitude that does n’t regard yourself as a person or others as a person. This attitude may be explained by various reasons. However, there are always many reasons, but it leads to results. Yes, it has always been an act with a certain attitude.

In the reality of hospitals, "viruses" alienate lesions, and patients constitute "doom illusions." The illusions of doomsdays reciprocate. At a certain stage, mental integration devices and personality preservation devices were generated, and repeaters were born from this And the world among repeaters. This process implies the process of deterioration of the disease, and implies the instincts of physical abnormality, personality fission and life-saving, but in fact, the most essential driving force among these changes is the alienation of thought and attitude.

The patients with doomsday syndrome will continue to deepen one by one. In a constantly desperate situation, because of the deterioration of physiology and spirit, alienation of thoughts and attitudes occurs, which is to prevent them from being freed from the body. It is also impossible to get the source of spiritual relief.

Doomsday syndrome will produce various complications, but these complications may be difficult to cure, but what really makes people feel that doomsday is coming is actually the changes in thoughts and attitudes that are gradually arising from these diseases. There may be medicines to treat physiological diseases. However, the inner alienation is irreversible.

The really scary part of the "virus" is not that it can make people's bodies collapse, make people suffer from various mental illnesses, make people unable to distinguish reality and illusion, and there is no cure. It's not because of its infectious, latent and unobservable characteristics, but when people are facing terminal illnesses like "cancer", they can still face it with a strong heart, and they can save the rest of their lives. Treated as despair. At the time of the "virus" attack, it is difficult for patients with doomsday syndrome to do this. Instead, those seemingly strong wills and stubborn beliefs seem to become the source of despair and the motivation for inner alienation.

I don't know how complicated the "virus" is, which drives every patient to feel that "the end is coming", but this desperate mentality and the result of alienation. It is reflected in almost every patient. Compared with most patients, Gaochuan is not only a physical one, but also a special one psychologically.

When I want to understand these things, I can no longer tell what kind of emotion I am at this time. I think my heart is like a calm lake, but under this lake, it is violently violent and rolling, because it is too muddy, too hot, and can not distinguish fine things. I was just silent. Repressed and silent, the mask covered my face and my heart.

I have never blamed anyone, nor have I hated anyone. In more cases, I am just pure anger, pure sorrow, and simple disapproval of certain people and things. However, such an attitude, probably in front of others, is just a fool.

The behaviors and attitudes of Si Coconut and Father Edward made me angry, but what made me feel more sad was that my thoughts can only represent myself. What I see and think, only I can agree. I regard them as human beings, on the basis of human beings, as "monsters", but in their eyes, in addition to themselves, perhaps even myself, are just a kind of "resource" to realize desires and ideas. . This difference in thinking and attitude is the reason why I cannot integrate into them, and they are also rejecting me in the end. If all patients with Doomsday Syndrome will become like this, then, whether it is Doomsday Truth or whether it is driving the Doomsday or rejecting the Doomsday, only the direction and means of action are different, but the nature of the action that leads to the action, It's actually the same.

Therefore, it is not only the doomsday truth religion, but also an important material to promote the end, and other mysterious organizations and mysterious experts are also one of the materials to promote the end. Therefore, from the past to the present, the interaction of various mysterious organizations and various efforts that look good, in fact, it is impossible to stop the end, but it makes people feel that their own behavior is actually pushing the end, which is deeply stuck in it. In despair alienation. Eventually, the mysterious expert will also become a member of Doomsday Truth.

What seemed to be a very complicated situation suddenly became clear and organized. It seems that what I have seen in the past and the inexplicable and mysterious situations encountered have lost the veil of concealment.

Father Edward couldn't see through the anger and sadness in my heart. He seemed to have some misunderstanding of my silence.

"Consult with you." He said, "You don't have to do anything, you can make me and Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut become enemies. You also know that no one will spit out the fat in his mouth The fat has been swallowed and has been dug out of the belly. "

Although it sounds reasonable, in fact, when I heard it, it was the most idiot and meaningless nonsense he said since he met him. It is true that the value of Blackwater is enough to trigger confrontation between the two parties. However, since their ideas and attitudes are essentially the same, the possibility of compromise and cooperation is the highest. On the contrary, they are fundamentally opposed to them, and even can be said to be out of tune with me. In the end, they will still be the enemy they work against.

Father Edward took away a part of the black water from Si Tian Yuan Gamma Coconut, and Si Tian Yuan Gamma Coconut occupied all the black water alone. Which is worse? Compared to the commonality they will inevitably promote each other, the conflict caused by Blackwater is insignificant.

I don't want Father Edward to get black water at all. Even if he snatched food from the coconut palm of Si Tian Yuan, I calculated the 51 area. Moreover, he said before that Sitianyuan Gamma Coconut had already detached from this peninsula. Whether this situation is still open to question. Even where Luna will be imprisoned, even if the Coconut Palm in Sitianyuan is an extremely important combat power, it does not mean that it will be easily released, and can her own ability really leave the peninsula without knowing it ?

The timing and purpose of Father Edward's appearance are subtle, and this subtlety is also not deliberately created. How much information he brings is really not at all certain to me ~ ~ I can't confirm them at this moment. There are not many things I can do, and it is very simple. Just like the original determination, no matter who comes up, they will be overthrown. Only when they are overthrown can we fully plan. In this way, no matter who comes first, which one is next to which goal, it does n’t matter.

Dealing with Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut is to fight, against Father Edward, of course, it is impossible to solve it with just one mouth. Father Edward wanted to say a few words casually, and let me sit and watch him absorb the black water. Such words, thoughts, and behaviors completely subverted the impression I had accumulated about him.

I think that Father Sissen would not say such a thing. Of course, if he said it, it can only be seen as that he was indeed deeply influenced by Father Edward.

I was silent, and the black water on the earth fell into a strange silence, as if gestating something even more terrifying, but its cessation was also my chance to turn my blade to Father Edward.

I put the blade upright and put it on my chest.

Upon seeing this, Father Edward sighed and said, "Kick the stone away with violence, and your feet will hurt." His body suddenly swelled. (To be continued.)

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