Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1670: Waking up or a nightmare

Gao Chuan suddenly opened his eyes. The gorgeous and complicated hollow patterns on the ceiling constituted an illusion of "rotation", which made people dizzy, but it was difficult to remove their eyes. [Gao Chuan ’s brain hardware cleared all the negative effects of physiology, allowing him to look at other places. However, the textures of those places were as if they were seen for the first time, and they had an indescribable feeling that they were layered, A trap is surrounded by a circle, between lines and blocks, between blocks, between voids and voids, as if forming a three-dimensional connection, not just printed on the plane of the wall and floor.

When entering this room, did these textures feel like this? Gao Chuanji is not clear, but from the recorded data, there is nothing wrong with it. As if it were the same thing, when I saw it for the first time and when I saw it for the second time, my feelings changed dramatically, making people think they were different things.

There was a feeling of bulge that squeezed Gao Chuan's head. He felt the nasal cavity was hot and a familiar feeling. He wiped his nose, and he saw blood stains. Even if the brain hardware has a high degree of control over the prosthetic body, it still can't stop these nosebleeds from flowing out, and the sore and swollen feeling is flooded in the brain, just like not long ago, his ability just experienced an overload operation.

However, one thing is for sure that he has indeed "woke up".

Before falling into the lake and walking to the shore, I saw three "messengers" on the bench and wandered around in the misty world. After seeing the Goth girl again, it was like a dream.

It would be nice if it could be regarded as a dream, however, Gao Chuan could not treat it as a pure dream anyway, and he had never given birth to facts. The blood he has left is enough to prove that this is not something that can be ignored.

What about the driver? Gao Chuan thought, crawling down from the bed. He did n’t want to jump out of bed at once, however, the vitality of the body seemed to be emptied. After the body was corporalized, the feeling that this body was hollowed out was very little ... No, it should be said that there was never Go for it. No matter how many kinds of injuries, even if you are beaten with powder and bones, as long as the will remains, the prosthesis will heal itself and work. Even if it is an overdraft operation, it will never fall off the chain at a critical time. This kind of "weakness" will occur. Case.

It can be said that as long as you can climb up, you will not only climb up, but you can immediately enter the battle.

However, the current righteous body seems to have no effect even if it is supported by will. The feeling of weakness is as if it runs through all the nerves and bone marrow. For the prosthetic body Gaochuan, this kind of feeling is particularly fresh, and it also makes people particularly vigilant. The data on the retina screen is still within the range of "normal" compared to usual. If you only speak from the self-detected data, this phenomenon should not appear at all.

Is this "weakness" an illusion? An influence with mysterious power? Gao Chuan speculated that some kind of force interfered with his consciousness and made him feel that he was in a state of "weakness". Therefore, there was no abnormal change in physiological data, but he was so weak in "feeling".

However, when thinking this way, another intuition denies such an idea.

This intuition always makes him feel that his "weakness" is real, and it is revealed from the bones, and those strong, hard, and tenacious ones used to be an illusion, an illusion.

Gao Chuan fell from the bed and wanted to stand upright, but he could not help but stagger.

He seemed to hear the sound of the water. At first it was a faint voice. Gradually, when he looked at the driver's bed, the voice became clear. He did n’t see the driver, but he saw a human figure, not covered by the quilt. The outline was completely exposed in his eyes, as if he was burnt, with iron wire running through his hands and feet, tightly tied to the big bed, and The bed was by no means the gorgeous appearance of memory, the rusty steel frame, the bed sheets covered with yellow-brown stains, the burnt black bed board, and the same rusty and spiky wire.

The scorched human figure seemed to be alive, his chest was undulating, and it seemed to be unheard of, full of painful wailing, and it would tremble from time to time, making people startle.

When Gao Chuan stared at the outline of the human figure, the outline of the human figure seemed to become himself, as if to say: his body was actually that terrible look, cruelly tied to the iron stand full of thorns on. Then, Gao Chuan heard a clearer sound of water, which was more turbid and heavier than the clear stream, passed through the long pipeline, entered the spacious pool, swirled at the pressure relief port, and was then diverted into more pipelines. Countless large and small spaces, sometimes upward, sometimes downward, sometimes straight in and out, sometimes

While circling away, the water slapped the side walls of these channels, squeezing the gaps that passed through, and a loud sound was produced.

Gao Chuan heard the sound of the water flowing, and the sound was similar to the human figure in front of him, as if to suggest something.

This originally gorgeous and warm bedroom turned into a weird residence in an instant, with too much information, squeezed on every inch of the land, unless the facial features are completely closed, do n’t listen, do n’t watch, do n’t smell, do n’t go Contact, otherwise, it will not stop the sore mind from swelling to produce all kinds of associations.

Scattered ideas, before being completely formed, are washed away by more thoughts and become the cornerstones of more ideas, but these cornerstones seem to never be completely formed. The day when they are completely structured, they will always be caught in the semi-finished product. Break down and break up.

Gao Chuan felt that he had thought a lot, but he did not have a clear idea to let himself know what he thought.

The driver is gone.

Gao Chuan still remembers that he found the three messengers, but the situation in front of him made him understand that he failed to bring them back. Let's not talk about why Father Edward and Si Tianyuan Gamma Coconut are here, and whether their presence suggests a certain situation for the Las Vegas repeater. All in all, the three messengers have gathered for many years. It is a lie to say that nothing will happen. The only thing that Gao Chuan can be sure of is that before everything seemed to enter the final game, the last one of the three giants of Doomsday Truth finally began to take action.

Father Sissen had the man ’s name in Gao Chuan ’s mind. He thought that he must tell the internet ball about this matter. Once the Doomsday Truth ’s “New Century Gospel” became active, Father Sissen could never be just one The bystander, and the black nest organized by Father Sissen, is probably the predecessor of the "New Century Gospel".

Now think about it, even in the past doomsday illusion, "Black Nest" is also a mysterious organization that is large enough to be compared with the Doomsday Truth and the Netball, showing its own in the Doomsday Truth and the Netball In the case of particularity, the "Black Nest" sense of existence seems to have declined, and in today's doomsday illusion, it even becomes insignificant. However, in the past doomsday illusion, once such a powerful mysterious organization, in the new doomsday illusion, so naturally become a third-rate organization.

Gao Chuan has envisaged the situation of "black nest" re-growth countless times. However, he never thought that behind the black nest, it would be one of the three giants of doomsday truth. However, it is reasonable to link the two now, but do not feel any abruptness, or that "black nest" is the cover-up of the "New Century Gospel", one of the three giants of the doomsday truth.

The "Doomsday Truth" of the Mar Jones family, the "Apostle of the Dead Sea" by the Nazis, the "New Century Gospel" concealed by the "Black Nest" This is the complete original Doomsday Truth, is the largest and most mysterious in the world, The most energetic, representing the world trend, the mysterious organization that transcends any form of country in the sense of existence.

In the past doomsday illusions, if there were no "Dead Sea Apostles" or "Black Nest" obscurity, then only the cyber ball that was hostile to "The Doomsday Truth" won enough time and space.

However, this time, the true outline of the doomsday truth religion will rise to the surface.

It's a numbing situation. The only thing that can be fortunate is that the relationship between the three giants of the Doomsday faith is no longer what it was when it was originally established. There is also an opposition between them and a gap in philosophy, which prevents them from cooperating together. Mutually restraining each other and treating them as being hostile to each other is probably a more important and powerful enemy than the cyber ball, because they really know each other too well.

Thinking of this, Gao Chuan has already determined that this time, it is no longer possible to protect the driver. In this special temporary data hedging space, the Gothic girl occupies the right place, and he can't find the weakness at all, making him feel that unless the abnormal situation deep in his consciousness is really exploded, there is no way to defeat the other party. You ca n’t even get support.

Gao Chuan's weakness was not resolved, but he became more and more familiar with this kind of weakness. He propped the backrest of the chair, and looked at the groaning human figure, and landed on the floor mirror on one side. Although he looked down at his body, he saw the windbreaker style full of combat uniform, but in the mirror The self inside is wearing a pajama-like sick suit, the whole body is swollen so that it can no longer be seen, part of it is melting, and the other part seems to rise from the melted yellow pus and solidify into a specific outline .

Melted, solidified, semi-melted and semi-solidified, the melted part turned into a stream of water, and flowed into the unknown darkness, the part that wanted to solidify was just raised, and then sunk weakly.

What was reflected in the mirror was such a terrible and disgusting scene.

Gao Chuan knew what it was suggesting, and this weak sense of familiarity came from where he was as a patient with doomsday syndrome.

His true appearance is a patient, a terminally ill patient, an advanced terminally ill patient, not the pain and weirdness felt by a strong fighter, all suggesting this.

However, on the other hand, it was precisely because of the strange and painful look in the mirror that Gao Gao was convinced that all the feelings and impressions in front of him were not real. I am indeed a patient, but I have been working with hospitals for a long time, and I am very familiar with what a patient with doomsday syndrome will look like in the late stage of terminal illness.

The hint in the mirror is just like hearing the story of the patients with doomsday syndrome, but not seeing the actual situation with their own eyes. According to the other party's story, they use the imagination to process it.

Yes, you can only say "very similar", but for those who have seen it and experienced it, it is not true at all.

This is what the Goth girl did. There is no direct lethality, but it can make people feel sick and painful. For Gao Chuan, this matter is a proof of "caution."

However, this may be good news. This behavior also shows that the other party did not mean to kill himself here. Gao Chuan thought so, if he could go out, maybe he could just go out like this.

So, Gao Chuan packed his mood. He didn't reject the weak feeling any more. Although he felt that these scenes suggesting that he was a patient were very false after being seen through, but it wouldn't work if they were completely regarded as hallucinations. Because, it is indeed based on the reality of the hospital as "I am a patient with a late-breaking doomsday syndrome". The truth of this part makes it impossible for me to completely escape the influence of this force ~ ~ and being weak is the most true manifestation.

While he felt this strong sense of weakness, he thought that the past "Gaochuan" people could find a way to temporarily suppress this weakness, so that he could gain more ability to act, and completed in a state that seemed to collapse at any time I feel very admired by the actual actions of the hospital.

Especially the young Gaochuan, it seems that he has completed a "battle", right? It seems almost to find Dorothy's hiding place. The prosperous Gaochuan remembered the story that Dorothy once told him: because of the perception of "Jiang", he made various precautions against the young Gaochuan. Even so, Dorothy was almost exposed, and finally he was a teenager Gao Chuan's condition recovered and his body collapsed, only to fall short of it.

When Gao Chuan of the prostitute felt the current weakness, it was difficult to imagine how the young Gao Chuan at that time made such a strong attack.

However, it is precisely because the young Gaochuan once did such a thing, so that the prostitute Gaochuan feels that if he loses himself to the frailty of this terminally ill, he will lose his face. There is such a stubborn power that even if he is going to die, he will never stop. (To be continued.) 8 mobile phone users please visit the mobile phone website

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