Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1671: In the night of sleep

The power spreading in the room is like breaking down the invisible wall between the hospital reality and the illusion of the end. Such an approach is not ineffective. The weakness that Gao Chuan produced in his bones cannot be achieved by any means of conquering the will, just as the terminally ill patient cannot overcome the pain purely by the mental victory method. Everything from the weakness in the hospital realm to the room is trying to make Gao Chuan think of himself in the hospital realm, just like trying to connect the doomsday illusion and the hospitality reality to the strong end of the illusion. This is undoubtedly One of the most amazing combat styles that Gao Chuan has ever seen is even unique.

To say that under such absolutely unfavorable conditions, what else is fortunate, it is probably the Goth girl, or the witch vv. This method is limited by her own cognition, and she cannot fully complete the hospital. Let's pass the information in reality. For Gao Chuan, except for the "weakness of the patient" who has no resistance, all other phenomena can be resisted by cognitive discomfort and mental hypnosis because, compared with the hospitals known by Gao Chuan The reality is extremely unreal.

Gao Chuan did not know what kind of power the witch vv used to obtain this information about the reality of the hospital. It undoubtedly manifested as a nightmare in this doomsday illusion. However, since it is a nightmare, then there is only a small part of the real irresistible truth, and most of it is based on this small part of the real information. The result of dissemination is like the unrealistic component of the novel, even if it is biased to documentary The novel will also add more or less modification to the author's own reasons, showing the author's personal ideological tendency. And the more the story deviates from reality, the more modification and fiction is made to improve the drama. On the other hand, no matter how fictional elements are, even purely fantasy novels, the authors are still limited to "humans" For the sake of, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of real parts based on the author's own knowledge and based on human common sense.

Gao Chuan also has her own understanding of writing, so she can imagine her current experience and how the mysterious power of witch vv works. She is like making up based on some vague information about the reality of the hospital that she vaguely saw in her dream. The special environment right now.

Gao Chuan has no specific enemies here. On the contrary, there are enemies everywhere. The entire environment, from the air to breath, to the sound of listening, the phenomena seen by the eyes, and even every dialogue, will directly hit his spiritual world, trying to change him from "the powerhouse of the last illusion" to "the reality of the hospital The weak. "

Gao Chuan thought that the Gothic girl just saw that when she used this mysterious power, all the people in front of her were weakened, and even died like this, so this mysterious power became her unique Attack method. She may not know it. The reason why her power will play a role is based on the "patients of doomsday syndrome" itself.

Gao Chuan felt that she was lucky that she did not first turn herself into a "weak patient" because of this mysterious power. Perhaps there is a special reason for this, and when this mysterious force is brought into effect, it has a greater impact on others than on herself.

However, no matter what the truth is, Gao Chuan must set aside for the time being and focus only on the situation at hand.

Gao Chuan can still act even when he is weak. So, what kind of response will one of the three giants of Doomsday Truth follow?

For Gao Chuan, these battles are unnecessary. Gao Chuan couldn't guess what the Goth girl thought. He didn't completely reject the request made by the other party. If this means that the negotiation was reached, then the situation in Li was supposed to be what he thought at the time: sleep, and then he can leave. So, there are no twists and turns.

Even so, Gao Chuan did well in the worst case: that is, the current situation. For some reason, the Gothic girl still uses mysterious power. In this case, it is difficult to make people feel that one of the three giants of doomsday truth is not hostile.

But how deep is this hostility? For what purpose did she launch the attack? What kind of result do you want to achieve in the end? What is the best result she envisioned? What is the lowest result she can accept?

All these problems are unknown.

Gao Chuan braced his weak body and came to the front door. He leaned against the facade, his body's weakness was increasing, and for a few moments, he felt that his bones and muscles had melted. Fortunately, this righteous body in the illusion of the end has not yet melted.

He is not sure what will happen after opening the door: maybe opening the door can break the current unfavorable environment, maybe opening the door will only fall from one nightmare to another nightmare, maybe after opening the door, more unexpected things will flow in, Take yourself away. He envisioned many, but the only thing he could do was to open the door.

So he pushed open the door. It was not as difficult as he expected, and the thick and heavy door, matching this weak and strong body, could not feel any resistance. It was like pushing a feather lightly with your finger, and the feather flew away.

Outside the door is a corridor with a rose-textured red carpet. It is four meters wide. Gao Chuan heard footsteps moving in the corridor, but he could not see a half figure. This is no longer a strange scene in this western pavilion. . He ignored these invisible "ghosts", he heard the singing, accompanied by instrumental music, the sound was hazy, the singer's voice was not the main body, more like a consonant in the melody, in order to set off against the instrumental music when it was created artistic conception. Hearing in Gaochuan, it seems to be guiding himself to that place.

Gao Chuan did not violate his intuition. Although, he is well aware that these sounds and phenomena cannot really be used to guide him away. However, without the permission of the Gothic girl, to find an exit, one can only trust oneself.

Gao Chuan recovered his strength in the corridor and walked through the corridor to the room where the song came. He felt that his body had been penetrated by several "ghosts", and a chilling sensation permeated his bones, and the more before The heavy feeling of weakness now seemed to press a few tons of rock.

Gao Chuan pushed open the door of this room, but did not see the instrument he had just discerned. He looked around and confirmed that he was back in the hall where he and the driver met the Goth girl when they first entered the Western Pavilion. . The body of the Goth girl was still sitting in the old position, and there was no sign of movement during the period. The body was lying in a large chair, and it became thin and petite.

The only difference is that he feels that her soul is coming back just as it was at the end of the previous meeting. With a rhythmic voice, this reclining body is gradually filled with the spirit to "live".

About three seconds later, the Gothic girl's face turned rosy, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Sure enough, you are special, Mr. Gao Chuan, you have really seen that place." The voice of the Gothic girl came: "Only people who have really seen that place can distinguish the authenticity, because, what I depicted , Not really what the place looks like, but just what I imagined. "

"Just for confirmation?" Gao Chuan asked back, he naturally didn't believe, "The person who let me come here is you, the person who takes care of himself is you, and it is you who forcefully make the decision. As a result, you can only confirm me until now What kind of person? "

Although Gao Chuan's speech was thorny, the Gothic girl did not have any vacillating expression, and she never even thought about what Gao Chuan said.

"I am nervous and excited. I have been observing for so many years. I have seen many things that ordinary people cannot see, and I know there are other things that are observing us." The Gothic girl said: "We Not the only observer. "

Gao Chuan did not speak, because in the illusion of doomsday, there is no such thing as "only one or some people are the only observers". Things that are not human are lurking in the collective subconsciousness of human beings, paying attention to and interfering with people. However, the Gothic girl's words vaguely made him feel that she was referring to the color center and Super Dorothy.

"In order to escape from those sights as much as possible, I chose to live here in seclusion." The Gothic girl continued, the voice was melodious and rhythmic, "I am waiting, hoping to be in an environment that will not be concerned, and Fortune brought the person in front of me to talk. "She said this way:" All the three messengers are so found. "

Gao Chuan didn't speak, but quietly walked behind the Goth girl's chair and walked to the door on the other side.

I only heard the Goth girls saying: "When they were very young, they found me here, so I let them listen to the story of the witch, so that their feelings would be sensitive enough to those who meet my requirements. When they see a person, the instructions will instinctively take effect and bring them to me. When they bring someone to me for the first time, I will reward them. Mr. Gao Chuan, you are the third messenger Bring it, I hope you can understand this: our meeting is not my design, but fate, my actions are only clear and speed up the process. "

Gao Chuan has put his hand on the doorknob, turned back, and said to the Goth girl: "Maybe, maybe our meeting is a destiny, but, do you treat me as a prisoner or as a guest? What about? "

"You are my guest, Mr. Gao Chuan, as I said. I can't wait, but I feel that everything cannot be forced, and the destiny will send you to me, it also means that I will get what I want. "The Gothic girl's head suddenly twisted in the direction of Gao Chuan, but her body was motionless, as if an invisible person was manipulating the doll's head," But, just let Mr. Gao Chuan leave you, yes I also have some risks. I think that being fully prepared is good for us. "

"This is your full preparation?" Gao Chuan pointed to his body. "I feel that you are weakening me and want to kill me."

"It's convenient if you can achieve what you want by killing you." The Gothic girl's voice has no emotion. "But, you and I know that living Gaochuan is more important than dead Gaochuan. You become weak, just The side effects of completing the necessary preparations are the same as the necessary anesthesia for the patient before the operation. "

"Thank you for your anesthesia. If your operation is completed, can I leave?" Gao Chuan said: "I think you won't mind me telling others about you."

"Yes, what you do after you leave. Fate will bring you, and it will inevitably lead you to an inevitable path. I will not stop your path. Instead, it is the path you want to set foot on. It ’s my opportunity. All I did was just let me seize this opportunity. ”The Gothic girl said:“ From this perspective, it does n’t make sense to restrict you here. ”

"So, before I leave, I would like to ask." Gao Chuan thought about it, or asked: "That driver, your third messenger, what is happening now? What will happen in the future?"

"He is my messenger and will always be." The Gothic girl's voice became colder, but also clearer. Her voice was entwined with the song that lingered in the hall, as if she were not talking. And it was also singing, the sound lingered in Gao Chuan ’s ears, making him feel that even if he could no longer hear it, the melody would always echo in his mind: "People listen to my story, when the story becomes a legend The legend becomes time, people grow up in time, my story becomes a part of his life ~ ~ and I will become an indispensable part of his life. Courier, I am everywhere in their world. "

That being said, the Gothic girl who was lying motionless, full of presence and sense of life, but only had movements on her head and lips, suddenly burst into flames. The flame spread so quickly, climbed the curtain, climbed the table and chairs, spread on the carpet, engulfed the mural, turned the candlelight into a torch, and in a few seconds, burned everything in front of Gao Chuan.

The expansive heat and the breath of collapse spread in Gao Chuan's perception, forcing him to open the door immediately. Outside the door was indeed an endless wilderness. Half of his feet had stepped on the steps. Finally, he looked back, but he saw the head of the Gothic girl suddenly fell from the burnt body, burning half of his face and surviving. The intact half constitutes a strange look that is unforgettable.

Her lips are still muttering:

"... In that deep dream, when I opened my eyes, there was a yellow sea in front of me, and I also seemed to become a drop of water in the sea. I looked at the sea at the angle of a drop of water. The yellow sea was formed by the collapse of giants, and we were born from the corpses of giants that turned into seawater ... I am waiting quietly ... in the night of Yongmian ... "(Unfinished.) Mobile phone users, please visit Phone URL

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