Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1722: Dream story

"Am I dreaming?" I asked Dr. Ruan Li, who was sitting beside me. ??????? Hunting ?????????????? I have realized that my mental state is undergoing worse changes than before. I walked on the ground full of ashes, I fell into the abyss of infinite darkness, I was **** in the hospital bed, I listened to the long-dead doctor Ruan Li telling his story of being a core part of the repeater, all this Which one is true? Where is the real me? What kind of state is it? I can't tell clearly. I just think that everything that used to be a dream is so vivid.

From the information I see in front of me, I can of course come to various conclusions that prove that "this is true", but what is true where I have not seen it?

Dr. Ruan Li, who is sitting next to me and talking to me now, although there are many reasons to prove that it really exists, but who can be sure that she is not an illusion of mine? Because, I sincerely hope that she is still alive, just sitting beside me. I have a feeling that Dr. Ruan Li in the hospital reality is dead. This feeling is so impulsive, so affirmative, like I once witnessed her death in the hospital reality. Of course, I can't say how Dr. Ruan Li died in the hospital, but I can speculate. I can't tell the details, but there is a strong sadness that makes me believe this result.

Is this impulsive, heavy, sad, longing for everything, the reason why I can see Dr. Ruan Li in front of me? I actually don't care what she said, or whether the things I learned from her are true, just being able to talk to her like this, even in such a posture of a critically ill patient, is enough. I also want to talk to more people, and to talk to acquaintances, Dorothy, Sakuya, Bajing, Marceau, and more acquaintances, but they are not in front of me. In my memory, the world of repeaters has collapsed, and this is exactly the price I won for this Las Vegas repeater-I do n’t feel like I ’m not doing this. The world of relays will not collapse. The end is so obvious in the original Las Vegas repeater world, so inevitable, there are too many factors that determine its ending, but I ca n’t deny that I am too One of the factors.

I am guilty, even if I think this is something I must do, even if I believe that I have to do these things for a better future.

I am both guilty and painful. There is nothing more painful than sacrificing the existing present for an uncertain future.

"Yes, you are dreaming, Achuan." Dr. Ruan Li said to me, "But, this is the dream you want to dream."

"No, the dream I want to have should be sweeter than this." I wanted to say that in my heart.

"You just know how cruel reality is and can't accept too sweet dreams." Dr. Ruan Li said, "However, no matter whether the dream is sweet or bitter, it is not always a mess of information."

"I know, I know that my dream is not reality, but it is the reflection of reality." The more I understand this, the more sad I feel.

"No, what I want to say is that everything you should know is in this dream." Dr. Ruan Li reached out her hand, she wanted to touch my head, but when I was afraid to touch, her hand was not warm. , For fear of the cold, dreadful touch, I woke up from a dream. I didn't naturally tilt my head, but probably I still crave her contact, so I can't avoid it.

Dr. Ruan Li touched my head, and the slightly sweet temperature was transmitted to my skin, which made me unnaturally tremble.

"Good boy, good boy." Dr. Ruan Li gave his first smile after entering the room.

"What do I need to know?" I digressed. Although I asked so, I actually don't care what I can learn. I do n’t know how many times I have experienced this dream-like situation. If this is really a dream, I certainly know how to deal with it. Now, I just want to take a short break and immerse myself in at least one person. In the dream.

"You need to know that you are not alone." There was a voice outside the door again, a voice I would never forget.

I turned my head suddenly and really saw her as if we were meeting for the first time. She is like a college student, but also like a social person, is in the transition between the two, full of ambiguous age. Wearing a red sports jacket and black gym pants, the zipper of the jacket was not closed, revealing the white sports vest inside. Long ponytail, open top of the abdomen, large, smooth and elastic skin, youthful and healthy vitality all over the body.

"Fujiang ..." I muttered, she always did, as if rooted in the depths of my body and soul, whether it was true or unreal, whether it was an illusion or a dream, no matter where I was, even if I looked As if she shouldn't be there, she would appear in front of her so suddenly, and then leave suddenly. She is like the wind, the cloud, the thoughts in my heart, my desire, the unpredictable emotions and impulses. Of course, it is my love.

"Jiang", the fire of my soul, the light of my life, the person I love deeply, the inhuman thing I love deeply.

Just like I was never surprised that Dr. Ruan Li would be in my dream, I was never surprised, "Jiang" would walk into my dream. It has always been here, in the deepest dream, calling me, waiting for me to dream.

Dr. Ruan Li and Fu Jiang are not puzzled about their respective existence. The feelings between them are very strange. They cannot be acquaintances, but they are not strange. They did not greet each other, although the words were put together, but their eyes never stayed on each other. No, I feel it, maybe it is more appropriate to describe it as "they don't see each other". In reality, it is not the case that people are considered to be nothing, because it is done deliberately or deliberately on the basis of "consciousness of each other's existence", and the feeling they both gave me at this time, This is not the case. However, since it is in a dream, it is no surprise.

I have had even strange dreams.

"What are you looking at? Achuan." Dr. Ruan Li asked suddenly, as if implying something.

"... Nothing." I said smoothly.

"No, you said Fu Jiang, and you saw her again? I told you many times, she doesn't exist, Zhen Jiang is dead, Fu Jiang is only an illusion that you only miss her too much." Ruan Li What the doctor said made me miss it so much.

I just smiled silently.

Dr. Ruan Li shook his head and did not continue. I saw Fu Jiang smiling at me. She didn't know where to get a chair and sat beside Dr. Ruan Li.

I asked her with my eyes: Doctor Ruan Li can't see you?

I think her eyes answered this way: No, she just denied my existence.

I can only comfort her with my eyes, because I cannot simply love her, that is Dr. Ruan Li's fault. In my opinion, it is boring to distinguish right from wrong for this kind of thing.

"Look at me, Achuan." Dr. Ruan Li's words made me look back. She held my face and said to me, who couldn't move: "The paradise has already come into effect. But if you don't want to accept reality, you will never be able to escape the nightmare."

"Ruan Li ... mother ..." I stared at her eyes and smiled quietly, saying, "This is just a dream."

Dr. Ruan Li shook her head, but she could not see whether it was disappointment or other emotions. She let go of me and nodded and said, "Yes, this is just a dream after all."

"Don't do that, please smile in your dreams, mother." I begged.

Dr. Ruan Li raised his mouth slightly, showing a plain smile.

"If this makes you a little happier," she said.

"I'm very happy." I didn't lie. "So, what do you say I should know?"

"You should know that you are not alone." Dr. Ruan Li pointed to my heart and said, "I ... there are others, right here."

"I know." I wouldn't refute such sweet words.

"Also, you are not nothing." Dr. Ruan Li said.

"I also know." I'm so happy she can say that.

"I will help you." Dr. Ruan Li said again.

help me? How to help? In a dream? I think maybe I always hope that Dr. Ruan Li can help me, because, in the reality of the hospital, she has always been the attending doctor and psychologist of Gaochuan.

"I know." I know that Dr. Ruan Li has been helping me, trying to get me to overcome that terrible and terrible suffering and save my life and the lives of other patients with doomsday syndrome.

"I am dead." Dr. Ruan Li said suddenly.

I was a little stunned, because this is what I never wanted her to say ... I felt sad again, and her words were like persuading me to face the reality, making me more than any moment in the past I felt more strongly that Dr. Ruan Li was really dead.

"But, before I died, I left something for you. Maybe you will use it, maybe not ... But, I still think that if you continue to move forward, you will probably use it "" Said Dr. Ruan Li.

"What is it?" I held back the sadness in my heart and asked, "Mom, what did you do?"

"A secret door, a secret door that only you can find, can see, and can use." Dr. Ruan Li said as he lifted the bed that I was lying in half into a chair mode, and then pushed I walked to the window in front of the chair, so I could also look at the world outside the window: it was an infinitely deep universe, a huge gray planet, hanged and hung in front of it, although the colors were different, but I was Remember where I have seen a similar scene.

It was like standing on the moon and looking at the earth, but it was not the blue life earth in front, but the death earth covered by ash. It seems to use this gesture to tell me again that the Las Vegas repeater world has collapsed.

The place where I, Dr. Ruan Li and Fu Jiang are, is a tall tower that stands on the moon. Looking out from the window, I can't tell the overall appearance of the tower and the approximate number of floors, but I feel very tall and dry The dusty moon surface is like an arc that can be directly visualized, and it sinks slowly after reaching the front.

At the next moment, a flower in front of my eyes disappeared from the moon, the universe and the earth disappeared, the tower ’s room became a closed room, and such a closed room in a building, but Let me have a feeling of nostalgia. Looking out from the window, the sights also turned into cylindrical cultivation chambers. I can even see what's inside from the glass surface of those cultivation chambers: it is a familiar body. As many cylindrical cultivation chambers as there are as many bodies as can be reminiscent of "Gaochuan". To say that these are all "Gao Chuan" bodies, at least from the appearance that can be seen with the naked eye, people can't find a reason to refute.

"There will always be a year, you will use them." Dr. Ruan Li used "them" instead of "them", "I have hidden doors in their composition, if there is a day, I hope you will not Regret to use this secret door, or regret not to use it. "

"Gaochuan replica?" I asked.

"Yes." Dr. Ruan Li said: "I made thirteen, but the secret door is only in one of them. This secret door will not collapse due to the collapse of these Gaochuan replicas themselves, as long as they still If there is LcL, it will not disappear. If one day ... no, it should be said, I think there will be such a year, in order to move towards hope and distance, this secret door will help you, although, I also I don't know how you will use it. "

"What's the role of the secret door?" I asked.

"I don't know, but maybe when you use it ~ ~ you will know." Dr. Ruan Li said.

"It's very rare, mom, you finally made something that you don't even know what it is useful for." I understand what kind of person Dr. Ruan Li is, she prefers to do things that are sure and she has sorted her thoughts, And this kind of thing that is not even sure about herself is actually not loved by her. Even so, she did it, leaving me a possible help.

I twitched, and everything outside the window suddenly disappeared, and I did not know when to leave the window and lay back to the original position again, still bound and unable to move.

"Yes, I made that thing, but, I just want to tell you that I support you at all times, Achuan, my child." Dr. Ruan Li stroked my cheek, "Don't be afraid , I've always been by your side. "

I covered her palm with my palm and said sincerely: "I know, mom, I know ..."

Although this is just a dream, I am willing to believe what she said in the dream. I am willing to believe that the cause of this dream is not just that I want to have such a dream, but that they also hope to meet in the dream. I am willing to believe that this is the thought of connecting with each other, not just the illusion of self-consolation. (To be continued.)

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