Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1723: Dream Story 2

I was lying on the hospital bed and was **** tightly from the neck to the ankles. Even when I went to the window, Dr. Ruan Li did not loosen these restraints. She seemed completely meaningless. Liewen ????????? She looked at me with compassion and love in a calm, touching me, and Fu Jiang was sitting beside her, but she seemed like she could not see her .

"This is a dream, you need to wake up." Dr. Ruan Li said to me.

But how do you wake up? Is n’t she who has become the core of the Las Vegas repeater? I felt tired when I started thinking about these things. There was an impulse that prevented me from continuing to think. It made me feel that there was nothing wrong with staying here. I still remember clearly, just a while ago, I used the power of the Las Vegas repeater to put power from the moon to the earth, of course, not to the earth of this repeater world, but in the illusion of doomsday. Earth-I helped another me, even if his plan turned to me to the left, but I still think he is also "Gaochuan", which is the same as me.

What happened after that, I ca n’t remember clearly. The interference of the Las Vegas repeater to the world line will inevitably be resisted and attacked by other repeaters. I can guess that the existing relay in the Doomsday Realm The device is in a state of mutual involvement, maintaining the operation of a certain world line with this dynamic game. The Las Vegas repeater does not use my power. I occupy the repeater, but I am not the owner of the repeater. The key to decide how to operate is the doctor Ruan Li who is in front of me. However, I also did not know how she operated the repeater.

How many connections are there between Dr. Ruan Li, who I saw in this dream, and Dr. Ruan Li, the core component of the repeater? I have many unclear points, I want to think, but the strong fatigue and inertia prevent me from thinking deeply, and even want to give up thinking. I was immersed in this ward. Dr. Ruan Li and Fu Jiang were here. They made me feel calm, so that I could not care about what I look like as a seriously ill patient.

"Achuan, you have to wake up, you have more things to do." Dr. Ruan Li said to me for the second time.

"I know, I know, I just ... I want to stay a little longer. With you ..." My eyes turned to Fu Jiang, and extremely strong emotions came out of my heart. I knew that it was more than love, "Jiang. Hey, Jiang, how are you? I do n’t think I ’ve seen you for a long time. "

Dr. Ruan Li did not speak. She seemed not to have heard me, but just touched my cheek quietly—no, I think, I wanted her to treat me as softly as my mother.

"In fact, we have always been together." Fu Jiang leaned forward slightly, and the full-bodied **** chest was like a flesh-colored jelly, showing a part from the tight neckline. Her hand stretched out from under the sheet, inserted into my patient's gown, and slid slowly and gently. The temperature from her palm seemed to be true. No, based on my knowledge of Fu Jiang, I don't think she is just a character in this dream. Her mystery is the way of existence that I know, as she said, she has always been by my side, but, I do n’t always observe her existence every time.

She is more like a dream than anyone in the Doomsday Realm, but I just think she is real.

She is the ultimate weapon 999, and also my wife, Jiang.

"For a while, I didn't feel you. You always leave me when it matters most." When I said this, I suddenly realized I was complaining.

"You can, I'm by your side, in your soul." Fu Jiang's hand slid up my thigh and came to my chest. She suddenly switched positions with Dr. Ruan Li. Dr. Ruan Li gazed at me in the position before Fu Jiang, while Fu Jiang touched me in Dr. Ruan Li's position. All this is natural and calm, just like this is the original scene.

Fu Jiang's voice is like whispering in my ear: "You can feel me better, as long as we are one ..." Her voice is full of emotion, like warmed wine, people have not yet When I tasted it, I felt slightly boring.

"If you have always been in my soul, then we have always been one." I was intoxicated by her smell, her voice, her touch, her temperature, her softness and hardness. Her chest is rubbing against my chest. Her eyes are not as scary as the scarlet red of Zhenjiang, but a drunken red. The crystal-clear red reflects my face. It is very vague. You can still see the outline without the expression.

"Deeper, deeper, just like when we just decided to be together. Full of enthusiasm, full of love, full of ..." Fu Jiang said: "You enter me deeply, I enter you deeply, The more you stare at me, the more I stare at you. Sensibility and reason melt in the sunset at dusk, leaving only you and my emotions like magma, like gold, shining in the sun. I remember you saying After that, your expression, the touch of your skin ... "she said, unbuttoning the buttons of the patient's clothes one by one, leaving my body bare in front of her eyes, she was stroking like a treasure, Tongue sticking out, skin rubbing against skin, "Look, you are burning, you are eager, and I am the same. I stay there all the time, in your deepest memory."

"Love? Or fear?" I asked subconsciously, the deepest memory, is love or fear?

"Both." Fu Jiang climbed into my bed and sat on my body, and beside the bed, Dr. Ruan Li was motionless. Apart from the emotion in her eyes, no information was conveyed from her sitting posture. It seems that I can't see Fu Jiang, but just stares at me. Unexpectedly, I didn't feel any uneasiness, without any exclusion and shyness, I was like melting in Fu Jiang's hug.

Fu Jiang opened his clothes, and his body wriggled gently, and I felt that I had entered her body. The feeling was not intense at first, just like the ripples gently swaying on the surface of the water. The ripples formed waves, and the waves started to surge, and then turned from hot springs to magma. I feel like I am melting, my body, my soul, everything about myself, are melting in Fu Jiang's body. I can't tell whether it is comfortable or uncomfortable. It's just a strong feeling, touch, emotion, the sum of all perceptions, turned into a campfire, burned my existence into ashes, and made me born in ashes.

I only know that I am not dead, no matter how strong that feeling is, it can only make me feel the existence of the self more strongly, just like this self is beyond the constraints of the existence form, floating in the absence of light, but neither Dark void. It can also make me feel her presence strongly. How strong is the sense of union, it makes me feel her presence as strongly.

"Look, I'm here, right inside Achuan. Don't forget whatever you produce." Fu Jiang is like a surging magma, wriggling in a complex and strong way, I can't see her anymore, I just think She became something else, so huge, and swallowed me completely, I was among her, so I could not see her full picture. Only her voice penetrated all these feelings, like a red hot iron printed in my heart.

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here ... I've never been anywhere, I won't go anywhere.

"Jiang!" I couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

I obviously didn't close my eyes, but I felt I suddenly opened my eyes. I can't hold my breath and swing my body hard. My body is yes, but it is still **** in the hospital bed, and there is no change in the ward in front of me, but Fu Jiang is gone, and only Dr. Ruan Li is staring with the calm, compassionate, tender and loving eyes as always I.

"What's wrong? Achuan, have you had a nightmare?" She asked.

"No, no ... nothing." I said, "not a nightmare."

"... Liar," she said affirmatively: "I saw fear in your eyes.

"Fujiang is here." I paused and decided to be honest: "We did it once, how could it be fear?"

"Fujiang? No, there is no Fujiang." Dr. Ruan Li emphasized once again: "There has never been any Fujiang, maybe you have a spring dream? But I will not be wrong, you have only fear in your eyes. The loved ones only get fear, that is not a spring dream. "

"Nuan ... mum, I love her." I also emphasized.

"Really? I feel that you are ill with blindness ... that feeling is too strong, and it makes you unable to distinguish between love and fear." Dr. Ruan Li suddenly came up, less than ten centimeters between our eyes , "Do you know? Too deep love and too deep horror are chaotic. As of now, I don't want to talk about that Fujiang thing, but you must be clear, Achuan, love and fear should be bounded It ’s like water in a measuring cup. Everyone ’s measuring cup is different, but overflowing the boundary will cause terrible things. ”

She said it very seriously and I nodded. She just sat back on the chair again.

"I don't want to scare you. Achuan, you know, the person I care about most is you." Dr. Ruan Li said softly.

"Mom, I want to tell you too." I looked directly at Dr. Ruan Li's eyes and said, "My love for her is just like my love for you. I don't want to measure with a limited amount of examples such as measuring cups."

"I can hear you saying that, I'm very happy, but ..." Dr. Ruan Li wanted to say something, but he still shook his head and didn't say anything. I know that she will only persuade me to repeat the same words. I don't feel any impatience about this. Instead, she cares so much that makes me feel happy.

"Can you loosen me? I want to look around ... although in a dream." I asked to change the subject.

"No, you should wake up." Dr. Ruan Li said seriously, "You can't stay here because you can see Fujiang here."

"I didn't stay in this dream because she was here." I said.

"Really? Why is that?" Dr. Ruan Li asked back.

"I ... I don't know, maybe I'm just tired and want to rest for a while." I said: "I haven't dreamed for a long time, nor have I slept so deeply, I don't know I'm asleep. But, I I promise you, mom, I will wake up. Before that, I want to go around here. "

"If you can wake up, you can get up on your own." Dr. Ruan Li just said: "I didn't bind you, you tied yourself."

"Me?" I looked at my body. The thickest restraint band that bound the waist and abdomen had disappeared, and the neck was already free to move, but the restraint on the wrist and ankle had not been released.

"Maybe you say you want to turn around, but in fact, you just want to stay in the room on this bed." Dr. Ruan Li said quietly: "You always realize that you are a patient, the patient should rest."

"But I feel like I want to go out." I no longer struggled, and my body fell back onto the bed sheet.

"People's subjective feelings and instinct feelings are in conflict. If you can't unify them, in the upcoming battlefield, you have no chance of winning." Dr. Ruan Li said this, nodded his forehead, then pointed Your own heart, said: "Your place, and here, must be consistent. You must understand what you most desire in your life. Remember, it is measured by your life, not Your expectations, yours, and any ideological and philosophical thinking. "

"Are you talking about the instinct of life? Mom." I heard her words and couldn't help thinking of Fu Jiang's engulfing enthusiasm and melting touch, and she was gone, but as long as the aftermath remained, I would always I feel that she is here. Although she can't see it, she can feel it, just like the instinct of life.

"No, the pursuit measured by life is the meeting point between your subjective needs and objective needs." Dr. Ruan Li said: "You must find this meeting point in order to maintain the existence of self-understanding under any conditions. .Who are you? Decided, what is the meeting point. And what is the meeting point, also reflects who you are. "

"I am Gao Chuan." I said.

"Yes, but even if it's all Gaochuan, Gaochuan is different. You can't deny the difference in personality." Dr. Ruan Li said.

"No, I deny it." I said firmly: "I will not refine my self-awareness in Gao Chuan. This is not my plan ~ ~ will not change because of how bad my situation is. . Gaochuan is Gaochuan, and eventually there will be only one Gaochuan. "

"You will die!" Dr. Ruan Li's tone rose again.

"Yes, I know. There is only one Gaochuan. I have been a special case, but the special case must disappear." I said firmly and without hesitation: "I will die, I will already die, you think Will I regret it? No, I have never regretted it. That summer, that battle, the pursuit of no results that time left a lot of regrets. But I never regretted it. "I looked back without retreat. Dr. Ruan Li ’s eyes said, “At that time, I was already dead, I completely burned myself, my, my soul, I decided to leave everything to Gaochuan, I am serious, even now The same is true. Mom, Gao Chuan is me, and I am Gao Chuan. Although I am dead, as long as Gao Chuan still exists, I will continue to exist. This is inheritance. Because of this, you can see me now ... you No need to grieve for this. "

"How could it not be sad?" Dr. Ruan Li asked me back.

This is a question that I cannot answer.

"As long as Gao Chuan is still there, I've been in Gao Chuan." I just smiled and comforted her. (To be continued.)

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