Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1724: Dream Story Three

I do n’t care at all to admit my failure and death, because I have done my best, because I have also seen more latecomers go to succeed, I only regret that everything in this tragedy did not end in my own hands, and had to let the later Gaochuan and others suffered more suffering. However, I am only a high school student. Even if the world has prayed to me, how much can I pray to myself? I have tried my best. I have seen my limitations within my limits. This limitation will not change because of how strong or weak I am in the eyes of others. Everything comes from me and ends with me. . So, I reached my limit, I died, and this is the end.

I am over, my rebirth is not a return after the end, no one has experienced the same experience as me, so no one can understand my thoughts and emotions, and attitudes towards all of them. Whether it is a person who loves me, a person who hates me, or a non-person, I cannot estimate every context from my contradictory thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and countless complicated things constitute a stand here. Of me.

I am not stingy about telling Dr. Ruan Li everything about me, but I am also very clear that even myself, I can not sort out everything about myself, because the elements that make up me standing here are no longer unique. What belongs to self. That "virus" and "jiang" deeply branded my existence.

I chose to use it only as part of the conceptual "Gao Chuan". This is not due to emotions such as inferiority or self-confidence, but only a recognition of my name "Gao Chuan". I used to die, and now I will choose to die. After all, there is only one "Gaochuan". This is what I firmly believe. The possibility of ending this tragedy. For others, this is not their limit, but, This is already my limit, no matter whether I admit it willfully, the fact is so, there is not enough time, not enough conditions to break this fact. The people I love deeply, the people in my eyes, have been suffering in this desperate cycle for too long.

I am not a saint, but since I think I have the possibility to end all this, then, I choose to end all this.

I told Dr. Ruan Li about my death, my regret, my pain, the dream before death, the dying consciousness, the peace after death and the joy of rebirth. I do n’t expect her to understand. This is a dream. I can say nothing. Dr. Ruan Li in front of me is not the doctor Dr. Ruan Li in my memory. She is independent in this dream, so I can talk to her freely. I can see that even when she is expressing her worries, her eyes are calm, understanding, and loving, just as I hoped, as if she has already been psychologically prepared.

I don't know what kind of attitude Dr. Ruan Li had in my memory after hearing all of what I said, but I don't think it will be like her. However, because of this difference, I wouldn't think that Dr. Ruan Li was a fake. No, rather, it is my luck to see her again in my dream.

Yes, I think I am very lucky. In my short life, I have had more than ten years of calmness and a year of magnificent grandeur. This year alone is enough to resist the unbridled imagination of my childhood. The reality encountered is crazier, more mysterious than any fantasies, and it makes people feel incredible. I was lying on the hospital bed, imprisoned, talking to people, and thinking back to myself, if it was just subjective feelings, I think my life is more valuable than anyone, including those of the great men I know. This is not to pretend to be self-proclaimed, but just a summary of one's life.

Once again I seemed to hear Zuo Jiang humming in his ear.

I followed the feeling and gently chanted:

"The first word is dream,

From a deep sleep,

Bring my inner secret quietly out.

The second word is wind,

Let me swing my wings and fly towards God ’s arms,

Counting the sad past that has passed away,

Another golden apple fell ... "

Dr. Ruan Li didn't know when it disappeared. I was lying alone on the hospital bed in a small white room with no sense of temperature or time. My body couldn't move. I hummed the song repeatedly, and I saw the familiar illusion. A lot of figures were walking around in this room like ghosts. They passed me by one by one, but didn't see me one by one, but just walked around. I ca n’t see them clearly, but I feel that, including them, this pale, forbidding and terrifying everything has gradually become a beautiful landscape painting, and my own figure is also there. In this picture.

I closed my eyes and I decided to sleep in this dream. I was pretty sure that when I opened my eyes again, the other one would stand in front of me. Because this is the promise of Gaochuan, and it is the decision of Gaochuan.

I heard the wind-like sound, as if it was echoing my song:

I am here ... I am here ... it says so.

Yes, you are here, in this body, in this soul, always watching everything.

I am here ... and you will never return ... never return ...

Listening to this dreamy song, darkness surrounded me.

Prostitute Gao Chuan was in Mercedes-Benz. He planned to rush to the dock where Sanxian Island docked within 20 minutes. However, he fell over halfway. This fall was so strange and so natural that with his body balance and observation, he would never make such a mistake, but he just fell. His head hit the ground, his hands and feet that he could immediately react to, but no matter how quickly he moved, he failed to support his body before the impact.

Gao Chuan's eyes were black, and the infinitely dark and distant abyss engulfed him in one gulp, which was so familiar, because the same scene had been repeated in Gao Chuan's dreams many times. Gao Chuan, who has become a conscious walker, already knows that this is the depth of his own soul, and is the transfer station for conscious walkers to the collective subconscious of human beings. Here, there will always be some incredible things that break out and even dare not dare Believe in the potential, but will also encounter terror that even he can't bear. This is not just about yourself, there is something else, that is not friendly, but there may be something to remind yourself. The information here is so ambiguous that you cannot use your common sense and logic to determine whether it is good or bad, and there are situations where it will be very dangerous once you touch it.

If you continue to fall into the abyss, but only fall, then there is nothing bad. The most frightening thing is hidden under the abyss. I do n’t know how deep it is, no matter how long I have fallen, and how long, It seems to have been "underneath", and the distance between itself and it that seems inaccessible is the best protection for oneself. Although I have also worried about whether there will be an end to the fall, and whether I will be in contact with that terrible thing at the end, it turns out that I have never really shortened this distance.

Now, Gao Chuan looked down, and really saw it again. Just beneath the depths, I do n’t know how far away, the faint and huge outline, obviously without any shape, and no organs such as "eyes", but it can make people feel that it is staring. Yourself. The familiar, unstoppable sense of fear sprang up, and then the change came suddenly.

When Gao Chuan realized, he was already standing in an infinite space full of white light. In this space, there was a spiral rising staircase. He realized that he was constantly going upward. When he realized, he was already It's a "walk up" posture. The upward step seems to be mechanical. In his heart that should be suppressed by the brain hardware, leaving only the rational heart, the partiality has such an impulse to keep himself up like this.

There was a voice saying to him, it was like his own voice:

I had a dream. When I went up the stairs, I saw a faceless person standing there, but could not walk to his side. I talked to him, but he just stood there and smiled silently at me. . I want to know who he is, so I went up the stairs again today ...

When the voice said so, Gao Chuan saw the man. The other party stood just behind the thirteen steps and smiled silently at him.

"Who are you?" Gao Chuan heard his own voice, just that kind of familiarity, which made him feel that it was not his own voice, at least, not his own voice now.

This is the voice of a certain Gaochuan. He thought, Is he in the consciousness of a certain Gaochuan? No, perhaps it should be said that the information left by a dead Gaochuan among the information left by a certain Gaochuan cannot be regarded as a memory, even if the color center and Super Dorothy were at that time, they were unable to remove all the dead. Gao Chuan's personality information is completely preserved, and he cannot integrate all the information before the brain hardware is fully activated. This residual information is stored in Gaochuan's brain hardware in a manner similar to "impressions", but it is undeniable that even just "impressions", it is possible to drag your consciousness into a once Gaochuan's "dream" In addition, let's say that Gaochuan is already a conscious walker. "Into the dream" is just the instinct of the conscious walker.

Which is Gaochuan's dream? Prostitute Gao Chuan thought, while the man standing on the top of the stairs could not see his face clearly, but various factors pointed to the result of "the other party is also a certain Gao Chuan". Moreover, that figure is really too much to care about, the prosthetic body Gaochuan vaguely feels that he is that Gaochuan, he can't help but think: In the past, there was Gaochuan, have you seen this Gaochuan?

The person standing on the top of the stairs is of the shape of "Junior Gaochuan".

When the prostitute Gaochuan thought so, he heard his voice: "Are you me? Gaochuan?"

"Yes, I'm Gao Chuan. Glad to meet you, Gao Chuan." The smiling teenager above the stairs gradually became clear, as if a layer of veil was covering him.

The gaze of the prostitute Gao Chuan crossed the body of the young Gaochuan. When the young Gaochuan's figure became clear, he felt that there was something else behind the young Gaochuan. When he glanced at it, he was immediately caught in the heart by an extremely terrifying sense of fear. He couldn't describe what it was, and he couldn't even say it was something that can be watched with his eyes. When he looked at it, he knew it It exists, but it can't be described, because, in fact, I don't see anything at all, just know that it is there. Its presence is so strong, so horrible, it suffocates, and one can't wait to see it.

However, it is also attractive, the more frightening, the more people can't wait to see it, the more people can't help staring at it.

"Did you see her?" The young Gaochuan asked, he was smiling, his voice was gentle, and in the sense of the prostitute Gaochuan, it was like chatting with himself, in more detail, it was a calm A gentle self chats with a hard and cold self, a sensual self and a rational self. But no matter how relative, it should always be you.

"Yes, I saw it." The prostitute Gao Chuan is very clear, he said "it", and the young Gaochuan said "she". This decisive difference made the prostitute Gao Chuan know what "it" is.

"That's Jiang?" The prosthetic body Gao Chuan suffered from the fear of looking directly at "it" ~ ~ asked with confirmation.

"Yes, it's Jiang." The teenager Gao Chuan smiled and said, "I know that what you see is different from what I see, but no matter how different she is, she is her."

"Yes, it's all it." The prosthetic body Gao Chuan put his hands on his waist, as he thought, he grabbed a hard object, it was a weapon, and the conscious walker in this dream, always can Grab a weapon. General weapons are ineffective against Jiang, and he has no idea why "Jiang" is here, and will this "Jiang" come with malicious intent, so he desperately needs a great power Weapons. For example, critical weapons ... No, just critical weapons are not enough, something more than critical weapons is needed, and it is not something with common sense and normal logic that can define its lethality, it must be any one that has been used in the past. All weapons are mysterious weapons.

However, such a mysterious thing is simply unimaginable. Therefore, when the prosthetic body Gao Chuan pulled out his weapon, the weapon that appeared to be a "knife" or "gun" was as unclear as a mosaic. It collapsed, leaving no slag.

"It's finished." Gao Chuan, the prostitute, thought that he would encounter monsters of this specification in such a place. If the other party is malicious, he can't do anything about it. (To be continued.)

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