The area of ​​the universe where the gray fog vortex traction platform is located does not leave a half piece of dust, its constituent matter and energy are completely transformed into the existence of another nature, and the information that cannot be carried after the original physical destruction is still spread, this is Sanxian Island What has been observed-in Gaochuan's retina screen, the garbled torrent did not stop because of the destruction of these enemies, but there is no doubt that judging only by what can be confirmed at present, your victory is undoubted. ▽ ◇ `` He felt the "rising" of the spherical core inside Sanxian Island, and the originally dark field of vision also gradually glowed with a warm glow. The picture of the dotted line structure still exists, in a grand and complicated way that cannot be understood It works, but the entire picture is gradually out of the range that can be observed by the naked eye.

Gao Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, a feeling of escape from dreams, countless real objects wrapped in his own nerves poured into the nerves, compared to the strange scene, the air passing through the respiratory tract, the light returned in the eyeballs, touching the skin and triggering nerve currents Dust, including the senses of taste and smell, are all fuller than the environment in which they were fighting.

The spherical core has returned to the bridge, and Gaochuan confirmed this with his naked eyes. Of course, even if the battle is over, he still ca n’t break away from the disc of the main control system of the twelve days of the Shensha system. The complex pipeline is like being permanently welded in his body. However, it is possible to reverse the disc through consciousness, so that you can get a posture equivalent to "upright".

As a result, Gao Chuan reversed his body connection disc together. He can see that the area under his feet is translucent, and the generals, adjutants, and political commissars who have been quiet after the connection with Sanxian Island are sleeping in the "coffin" under the translucent chassis. A metal-like and non-metallic substance covers, leaving only a rough human figure. Gao Chuan tried to contact them, but they were as silent as other surviving soldiers, like death and sleep. Fanga Novel Net `` -``-`

The huge Sanxian Island has enough space from the surface to the inside to hold hundreds of millions of people, but only 10 million people sleep in it. Even if Gaochuan can only see part of the bridge with the naked eye at this time, he can still feel the silent silence. Filled in every breath of his own. The people here are alive, but they are destined to die-unless there is a very powerful **** to reverse the end, everyone will die. This is not the end of several generations, but the present, fast Even the elderly can't normally reach the end of their lifespan, and it doesn't take a year or two at all.

No, the difficulty at the moment, if you don't include the sacrifice of these people, you can't get through. The attack of the life of the body can still be regarded as a hone. Let this branch enter the battlefield as soon as it is established, and it is too late to verify the reliability of the joint space fleet to complete the run-in at a very low damage rate. However, in the battle of the collective subconsciousness of human beings, in order for the Nazi relay to appear on the material moon, Sanxian Island had to ignite the life of a million soldiers in a cold way.

In a short period of less than one second, the million people permanently consumed are the proof that this war will be as brutal as expected, and even more brutal than expected.

The sacrifice of more than 1 million people is just an appetizer. I am afraid that in the battle against the moon, the number of dead will be the largest in the wars of all time. In this regard, even after he understood the operation mechanism of Sanxian Island, Gao Chuan was already mentally prepared, and he still felt the weight that made it difficult for him to breathe in the sensibility that he had recovered.

"It is expected to return to the central axis of the Earth-Moon system after twelve hours." The notice came from the internal communication network of the fleet.

The previous encounter caused the fleet ’s navigation direction and coordinates to deviate from the predetermined orbit, and this predetermined orbit is based on the straight line position between the earth and the moon. As the earth rotates and the moon revolves, this axis also In constant rotation, the fleet seems to have been moving towards the so-called "front of the moon", but its trajectory is actually a huge arc. ▽ `` -`Under normal circumstances, as long as you are fully prepared, it is not necessary to specify the course based on this linear axis, but in order to maintain a constant as possible as possible under the interference of mysterious forces such as repeaters The reference is only to determine this central axis-although Gao Chuan can't understand it, from the introduction in the data, it seems that the scientists of the United Nations have completed this reference system from theoretical mathematics rather than theoretical physics.

"From the mathematical system known to mankind, in a planetary system that does not exceed the Earth-Moon system, the reference system based on this central axis is the most stable of all operable reference systems."-This is The original words in the data, but to be honest, considering the authenticity of this sentence from the perspective of the reality of the hospital, people have to feel worried. The personality that exists in the illusion of doom today, including the personality of the patients with the end-of-life syndrome as the initial foundation, and the personality that has been split up afterwards, does it have the factor of "the most intelligent scientist on earth"?

In other words, if there are a variety of highly sophisticated scientific researchers in the people who become patients with Doomsday Syndrome, it is only after hearing these scientific judgments in the Doomsday Illusion that people feel credible. Conversely, the statement that "the scientific theory in the illusion of doomsday refers directly to the nature of the world" is more like a joke.

Even so, Gao Chuan still won't laugh at these scientific theories and people who work hard to follow them. Because under the premise of "existence is reasonable", any seemingly most illusory phenomenon that occurs in the illusion of doomsday must also be a manifestation of some truth. ☆ ◇ ▽ ☆☆ Tomato Novel Network-`` --- `In Gaochuan's cognition," false "is completely fictional, and there is no real basis at all." False "does not exist.

Therefore, no matter how ridiculous it is to look at the "science" in the illusion of doom from the perspective of the hospital's reality, Gao Chuan will still try to believe that these "sciences" may not be so omnipotent, but they must not be "incompetent." Just as he would in the unobservable horror of the "virus", when mysteriously surrounding the "world" he knew, he still believed in the seemingly more "scientific" plan led by Dorothy and the color Possibility.

Even his own cognition and knowledge can no longer tell him which part is "science" and which part is "mystery". In the eyes of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, from the end of the illusion to the reality of the hospital, there are unknown things everywhere. They are like viruses, like dust, like the dew in the morning and the sunset under the sunset, accompanied by every breath and In the blink of an eye, both exist in one's own observation. In this extremely large and complex unknown, "known" has become extremely fragile, with cracks and holes everywhere, as if as long as you think about it a little bit, these known will suddenly break up, armed with known things The ego will completely fall into the unknown, and there is no light at all.

Thinking is terrifying. When you realize the magnitude of the unknown, thinking based on the known is terrifying.

Gao Chuan has already experienced this kind of horror. In the face of this horror, he could not hide. Fear is trying to penetrate his self-cognition all the time, and he is forced to fill these vacancies from the philosophical level to ensure that the self can still exist.

Every thought is subconscious, every fear is like a maggot, and every kind of silence is to continue fighting.

Gao Chuan's body was fixed on the disk, just like the sacrificed object. His eyes were observing the moon through Sanxian Island. The huge and indescribable outline appeared on the back of the moon. ☆ Tomato Novel Network --- `` --` --- The fleet that has returned to the mid-axis of the earth and the moon cannot observe the side of the moon facing away from the earth forever, but in this fleet, not only Only Sanxian Island has unique observation capabilities, and the jadeite disc is specialized in positioning, which is itself a very mysterious observation device.

Even if a wave of enemy snipers has been repelled, the Enterprise still has not disconnected Sanxian Island from the Emerald Sky Plate. Gao Chuan reported from Sanxian Island to the data on the retina screen that the center of gravity of the internal activities of the enterprise was not placed on the mysterious device of the jadeite disc, and the right to use the jadeite disc was more like a secret. Taking cover for the action, of course, Gao Chuan can imagine that the Enterprise would rather give up the so-called "power unit" that the members of the ship would also have to take back.

Gao Chuan took an hour to confirm the details of the initial plan to connect with the Fenjin to the Six Ships. Originally, when we wanted to build a "seven ship joint", one-third of the structure used to connect each other was provided by Enterprise. Most of the original seven-ship joint structure that collapsed due to the error of the enterprise number also came from the concept of the enterprise number-perhaps it can be judged that the enterprise number has been wrong from the concept level, but from another perspective, perhaps The part of the structure originally provided by Enterprise was not used to complete the "Seven Ships Union", but tried to obtain something from the "Seven Ships Union".

As for whether or not the enterprise account is acquired, and what it is acquired, it is unknown to others.

However, even if there are doubts, the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet cannot use collective opinions to force the Enterprise to disclose its secrets. This is not only the bottom line for the formation of this fleet by the United Nations, but also recognized by other ships, because, No matter which ships are built by different countries, they all have untold secrets.

"There is no abnormal reaction in the one-hour standard speed universe." The regular report sounded on time. The so-called "one-hour standard speed" is actually a unit of length temporarily used in this battle, which represents the Space Joint Experiment Fleet traversing a straight line for an hour in a preset speed standard. Of course, the reason for the establishment of this unit of length is also similar to the reason for the establishment of the center axis of the Earth-Moon axis. In order to avoid the interference of mysterious forces as much as possible-it may not be effective forever, but it can be ensured that in most cases, most of the time Here, it can be trusted.

Human wisdom needs standards. Starting from the knotting of the ropes, people began to use the system of reference objects, and consciously divided the standards, not relying on these things, but completely relying on "something that is not based on the human body itself and what people recognize. "Intuition" to recognize things is like the most absurd lie.

Only by establishing references and standards can people theoretically expand their horizons through mathematics to recognize things that exceed the limits of the human body. However, in front of the repeater, these things that are "unshakable standards" in human impressions will also undergo changes that are theoretically impossible.

For humans, that is the most extreme and worst situation. If we fall into the unknown completely, all the foundations used to recognize things and all the footholds used to analyze the phenomena of things have been fundamentally overturned. "Human wisdom" can only be declared over.

Fortunately, the enemy does not seem to achieve this degree-although similar means of "interference in the world line" have been used to complete the attack that only exists in theory and can only be caught by another relay, but "interference The situation of the "World Line" is still within the scope of human understanding-people cannot understand how repeaters do it, but it does not prevent them from recognizing that "an attack can cause large-scale changes in time and space." This situation exists.

After all, people always imagine that they can manipulate history and change time and space, even the "worldline theory" is proposed by humans themselves.

What humans have to guard against is what humans can imagine, and they are helpless against situations that humans cannot imagine.

All around the fleet observation route, and Gaochuan's observation of the back of the moon, are to confirm the former situation as far as possible.

Every hour, a report on the status of the route will be broadcast on the internal communication network. However, the universe is so calm, so calm that it makes people feel depressed. If the enemy swarms in, it is understandable. However, after a sniping of the elemental life, there is no new sign of attack. Ca n’t think that this is the enemy ’s fear and retreat from the force displayed by the fleet, but must make the worst plan based on experience-

"The sacrifice ceremony may have begun." Gao Chuan said solemnly.

"How is it possible? Where?" Voices from other ships asked ~ ~ on earth. Gao Chuan hesitated and said the possibility: "The fleet leaves the earth, which means that there is probably no threat of the same degree on the earth-so when we move towards the moon, the enemy will increase Earth's attack strength. The previous attacks and interceptions on the fleet were all to confirm whether the fleet was strong or not. Probably the enemy will think that with the power currently represented by the fleet, there is no ability on the earth to establish a second branch in a short time. "

"Unfortunately, they guessed right." A voice responded: "That is to say, the reason why they continued to put pressure before and did not launch a global attack is because of the existence of our fleet."

"I knew that they have always been taboo on Sanxian Island, so they did not directly open up the Asian battlefield." Another voice said: "However, before boarding this ship, before I knew the existence of this fleet, I It is also thought that the enemy's strength is not enough to open up the Asian battlefield, and coupled with historical factors, it focuses on attacking other continents and reveals that it is forced to fall into a protracted war. "

"Then, the situation is now clear. They attacked them. We attacked us. Whoever first attacked the other's base camp will win." The internal communication network voices concluded. (To be continued.)

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