Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1755: Thinking sniper

After the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet was projected into the universe, it lost contact with the ground, although in theory Sanxian Island has several ways to get in touch with the Central Duchy, only in terms of the collective subconscious level of humans, Sanxian Island is completely You can distribute your own information, or you can obtain information about the subconscious range of relevant personnel in the Central Principality. ☆ Tomato ○ △ Fiction Net-However, Gao Chuan realized after trying it out that these theoretically feasible contact methods have probabilities, and a certain force in the nether world makes the probability of making the connection between the two parties tend to zero. It's like being able to meet someone by walking around the corner, but passing by because of some thoughts and actions of oneself and the other.

It is an indisputable fact that it is impossible to directly contact the earth. Even if the current information can be used to infer the development of the battle on the ground, it cannot be verified by actual information, and it cannot go back to help. At the same time, the experimental fleet has been sufficiently vigilant of the chain reaction caused by the situation that the "universal joint experimental fleet left the earth", so that it has prepared as much as possible.

It is hoped that the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet will break the Nazis' stronghold of the moon, and it may be considered some gambling calculation. Now that everyone understands this, the United Nations has so many talented people, and of course it is not unclear. In this way, on the premise of clearing the negative impact of an incident, it still insists on doing it, and the principal is not a fool, nor a gambler, can only think that the principal has changed from psychological to Objective conditions fall into a brutal status quo that must be done-although doing so may lead to extremely bad consequences, it will only be worse if you don't do it.

If the UN's judgment on the situation has reached such a tragic state, then indeed, only one of the "bad" and "worse" results can be selected. ☆ □ Tomato Small ☆ ○ △ said the net `` ----- No one wants to fall into this choice, if possible, even the emergence of this multiple choice question should be stopped in advance, however, the reality is cruel.

Gao Chuan knew this very well, as did everyone in the Joint Space Experiment Fleet. In this world, there are disasters beyond the reach of human wisdom and human cognition. In the face of such disasters beyond human intelligence, human beings can only find ways to break the situation, and cannot expect an ideal outcome.

Do your best and try your best to find out, is this not the fundamental reason why the Joint Experimental Fleet has risen into the universe?

In the internal communication network of the fleet, the silence of the battle against the water is conveyed. Everyone wants to break out of the silence, but they are not sure whether they will be suffocated before the unimaginable disaster and unpredictable enemy. In silence.

Did we do our best? What other things can we think of and can do without doing? Do we have to stick to our secrets that we cannot tell our companions? Even if this action is so stupid in the eyes of others, it is even a betrayal? Each of our decisions, placed on the overall situation of the war, is a lurking last resort, or is it self-destructing the Great Wall? These issues must be considered by every ship with a secret.

Because they know exactly what they are doing and what they are going to do. A fixed and real enemy stands in front of them. No matter what they do, the ultimate goal must be to first defeat the enemy. However, without any constraints, in his limited intelligence, the judgment made immediately after the current situation, once it conflicts with the judgment already made before entering the universe, then, should he believe his own Judging, or do you believe in the deduction of the UN's brainstorming?

The admonishment of "putting outside and not giving your life" has its correct side in the past, but, in this world full of mystery, in this moment of human life in the future, it How correct is it? No, it should be said that if this sentence is truth, as long as you follow it, you can seize the opportunity, it is really good. ▽ ◇ `` However, history has proved that it is not such a truth, it is also probable.

A group of responsible people who try to bear the destiny of all mankind, when they know clearly that their decision may determine the life or death of human beings, the pressure they must bear is only known to them. There is absolutely no selfishness for those who can be selected into the space joint experimental fleet, because if selfishness is the guideline, then it is the right choice not to participate in this fleet. Just like the 10 million people who entered Sanxian Island, in a fierce battle, they didn't even have the opportunity to send out an opinion, and they would be burned in a second as "firewood."

Sanxian Island is so cruel, and although the mystery carried by other ships is different, but since it has considerable mystery, and even its performance in certain characteristics is extremely excellent, then these mysteries are definitely not free. From this point of view, what has been done before Enterprise Number is undoubtedly a price.

Even if the victory of a contact battle has just been achieved, in the face of increasingly harsh situation judgments and harsh inner torture, the atmosphere in the space united fleet is not relaxed, and there is no feeling of joy at all.

The closer you are to the moon, the more terrible you are to think carefully. No one can not think, no one can be careless, and the "thinking activity" here is no longer "subjective initiative", but "forced passiveness". Gao Chuan has a very strong feeling: even if a pig is in this place, he will start to think, which has nothing to do with how his brain is structured, or whether it has such needs. ☆ □ Tomato small ☆ ○ △ said net `` ----- When this pig begins to think, it will feel fear, and the ubiquitous, unspeakable fear is the result of thinking. Needless to say, in this cosmic space that gradually appears strange and mysterious, thinking is not about letting wisdom overcome fear, but about letting wisdom produce fear. Of course, this kind of thinking may also bring strength, but it is more inevitable to produce fear. .

From interfering with human consciousness, from interfering with human behavior, from interfering with human thoughts, from interfering with human decisions, from interfering with human thinking, to interfering with human emotions, there is such a power that completely deviates from human physical structure, from A level that cannot be directly observed has the most essential impact on people. What ’s more terrible is that humans have no way of knowing whether there is an objective and active source of this influence-in other words, this thing that does not know how to describe it is not the subjective will of the human being. The behavior, but only the divergence of its objective existence, has caused the end of mankind.

It is like a "virus".

No, even at this level, it is something that is felt based on the illusion of doomsday. Gao Chuan can still be sure that it is a "virus". Whether it is reality in a hospital, or in an illusion of doomsday, whether it is in the reality of the seeming, or in the illusion of the impossible, whether it is deep thinking from the scientific perspective, or from the philosophical perspective, it exists.

The more you think, the more desperate you are, and the more desperate you are, the more you cannot stop thinking. It seems that only by the act of thinking can you realize its existence, but when you realize its existence, you want to give up thinking You can't do it if you cut off this kind of cognition. ▽ ◇ Tomato ☆ Fiction ☆ Net-```--This is the most fundamental feeling that human beings produce when facing it.

Gao Chuan felt dizzy. When he came back to God, a kind of unprecedented discomfort penetrated the imperial system composed of the prosthetic body, brain hardware and Sanxian Island, as if from the deep heart, from the subconscious In the depths of the room, it suddenly poured out. It's like vomiting, it's like coughing up blood. If it really vomits out, if it really vomits bleeding, would it be better? However, Gao Chuan opened his mouth, but could not do the corresponding physiological response at all.

However, it was this unspeakable uncomfortable feeling that made him suddenly recover from the unstoppable forced thinking. Several warning windows have popped up on the retina screen, and phenomena related to these warnings have been seen by the naked eye. That's the direction of the moon that is still far away in front of the fleet. On the back of the moon that can't be directly observed, a huge outline that seems to have exceeded the volume of the moon is forming. And the stars spewing out of the silhouette were approaching the fleet at a very fast speed.

How can we describe the movement of these little things? At least in the retina screen, there is no linear trajectory and no description of their physical image. They are like a light spot that can be seen clearly at a distance of more than 100,000 kilometers, just like stars on the earth looking at other galaxies, just like a part of the galaxy's starlights pierced the night sky.

They are rushing towards the fleet, with an overwhelming momentum, people feel that at the current speed of the fleet, they can never leave the range they cover.

They are getting denser.

"Enemy attack!" Gao Chuan yelled in the internal communication network. He was very clear that his deep thoughts were definitely not an exception. The mysterious forces full of maliciousness were always interfering with the entire fleet. The attack may begin when you and others have defeated a small wave of body life. That is a trap that people who have the ability to think will fall into as long as they are willing to think. This is not the first time he has encountered it, so he can wake up so quickly, but the words of others may continue to "think dead".

The integration of Sanxian Island to other ships finally played a normal role when Gaochuan woke up, and the mysterious power spread through the systemic connection within each ship, just like a mandatory excitement to everyone Agent. In fact, Gao Chuan has also activated several prepared wake-up mechanisms given by Sanxian Island, among which is the option of injecting "imitation paradise medicine" to everyone. The harm of "paradise" is difficult for the United Nations to accept. However, nog and the United Nations have not completely abandoned "paradise". The so-called "paradise-like pharmacy" does not have an official name and is not a finished product of mass production.

The theoretical effect of this potion is that when people cannot extricate themselves from deep self-consciousness activities—whether this self-consciousness activity is based on illusion or reality—the potion will force people to feel an illusion that is nearly real, to Cover all kinds of cognition produced by that deep self-conscious activity. In short, it can force people to feel that they are dreaming, thus giving people a strong desire to "wake up from a dream."

When people realize that they are dreaming and want to wake up from the dream, it is much easier to cooperate with other means to achieve the result of this dream wake up.

Within ten seconds of the injection of "Fantasy Paradise Elixir", all ships responded to Sanxian Island's call again. The silence that once spread in the internal communication network is so disintegrated. However, this cannot change the fact that everyone falls behind again. It can be observed with the naked eye that its movement gives people a strong sense of attack, and it has reached a point where it cannot be avoided.

i "Damn, what the **** is going on with us?" The voices from other ships were agitated. Although the difficulties were overcome several times before the fleet was able to march, it was always in a passive state. When it thought that it could get the initiative, it was found that it was still in a state of being too passive, which was really unbearable.

"What are those things? Sanxian Island." A voice asked.

"No body was observed, and its arrival time could not be estimated." Gao Chuan said aloud, "All members are ready for collision!"

"What about defense? Is there a way to defend?" The voice asked.

"I don't know, Sanxian Island can't complete the observation and cannot determine its aggressiveness." Gao Chuan said.

"What can't be determined is offensiveness, and those things know that they are attacking us at a glance!" The voice of the inquiry could not help raising it.

The six-ship joint optical film and the fiery seven-fold circle were launched in the first time, and Gao Chuan was ready to start swift sweeping on time ~ ~ The internal communication network of the fleet is still full of people, but When the stars suddenly appeared at a very close distance, all the sounds were as if they were cut off. The small bits and pieces that are visible to the naked eye are not matter. They are more like a flash phenomenon. What is the cause of the flash? It is temporarily impossible to judge. However, when these flashes are in contact with the seven circles of the sky The petals disappeared as if the snow had melted.

There is no feeling of being shocked, nor is it a feeling of collapse, that is, it disappears, as if the plus and minus are added, and the result is zero. As a matter of course, it is no longer there.

It was just a breath, and there were only three layers left in the defense layer covering the seven circles.

"Antimatter annihilation?" Asked a voice in amazement.

"What a stupid question! The phenomenon of overwhelming the Sevenfold Circle has no positive or negative materiality!" The ship carrying the mysterious ship replied coldly.

At the same time, an Armstrong cyclotron-type Armstrong gun was fired from the front of the fleet, and the destructive force caused by the product of its mass and kinetic energy even caused some instability in the direct observation space. The volume of this shell was still increasing after it was fired, and reached the size of a ship in the blink of an eye. (To be continued.)

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