Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1848: Madman

Time machine, the name appears frequently in countless science fiction works, but never has a time machine been opened at the cost of "destroying a world". ? The file understood the meaning of the "time machine" in this collapsed world at the first time. However, at the same time, because of common sense and intuition, she produced a weird thing about the "time machine" in the near river mouth Feel, is that really the "time machine" I know?

Omi ’s smile is full of confidence. It ’s like at this moment, the truth is in her hands, but behind this confidence, there is an unknown hunch that makes the file creepy. The file's eyes floated, looking around the huge spiral ladder and the wall of the container that could not be measured with the naked eye. The crazy and grotesque breath became more and more thick, making her feel dry. The file has many questions to ask, but I do n’t know where to start. The inside of the network ball, around the "Jiangjiang", is undergoing some kind of abnormal change, which makes her start to feel that it is a matter of being recycled by the network ball. A lucky thing-no, it should be said that when the fifty-one area repeater collides with the Las Vegas repeater, all this cannot be made better, although the destruction of the repeater is also In the expected situation, many people have made many estimates before this. Their impact on the war situation and the sequelae of human society have been tried to estimate. However, when things really happen, the file feels By that time, the kind of consequences that I thought I had overestimated as much as possible were actually greatly underestimated.

When the repeater collided, everyone lost a chance to save themselves in a sense. This is true not only for dead people, but also for survivors like themselves. In the combined disaster after the repeater collision and destruction, whether it can survive and whether it is contained by other forces, the result will become extremely dangerous.

The more clearly the file understands how dangerous its situation is, the more clearly it can understand how dangerous the situation is for other survivors, perhaps including others in the cybersphere. One of the key existence of this kind of danger is to face up to yourself. What kind of monster in the bone is this thing called "Jiangjiang" with beautiful female appearance? Even if she keeps saying "save the world", but to continue to believe in such a situation, is it a bit difficult for a strong man? The file thought so, the more she thought, the more doubtful, the more thoughtful, the more sticky and cold the horror, licking along her spine.

The file realized that she was shaking like a sheep facing a hungry lion. Obviously he is a three-level Mageweave messenger, and Jinjiang has never shown a direct destructive mysterious power, only exists as a "researcher", but the file suddenly has no confidence in being able to defeat Jinjiang here- Omi has a certain ability to dispatch London repeater power, which is the answer for rational thinking. However, even if the power of the repeater is excluded, the file does not have enough confidence to defeat Omi who is smiling at this moment.

"Does the cyber ball know your plan? Has the establishment of this shelter been approved by the cyber ball? The control of the repeater by the three pillars cannot be easily avoided ..." Inquiring Omi so much, the file suddenly Ji Ling, this logic seems to be suggesting a terrible possibility.

"The plan of the time machine was originally carried out with the full push of the cyber ball, but I was solely responsible for the process. It was this containment. As you think, except for me, only the relevant people will know ... even fire. It ’s impossible to know. ”Omi stared at the file turning pale, as if to uncover the secret of magic, and said softly to her:“ Two of the three columns, but people on our side, this is in This repeater was already doomed when it started construction. "

"... Ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhh-" The file felt like she was going to collapse. She knew it almost by inspiration. Omi was talking about facts and the two pillars that betrayed the netball. What are the two pillars, "How is it possible, how could you deceive Chang Huai'an!" It was precisely because her brain suddenly possessed the information of the person "Chang Huai'en", so she became more certain that this shelter was London A secret place inside the repeater, because Chang Wyan, as one of the three pillars supporting the repeater, calls himself a "philosophical ghost", he has "there is no way to know its existence without being inside the London repeater" ", And it is such a characteristic that everyone who knows his existence is very sure that his control of the repeater is absolutely tight enough, and his existence was originally intended to complete A coping hand to deal with the worst situation-that is, assuming that there is an inexplicable force that affects the world situation in a general direction, but it is secret enough to be undetectable by others. Secret of their own people, or in secret to be traced, this enemy will secrecy remain unaffected, or else you need in the most critical moment to turn the tide even in the case of the hidden forces that are unknown.

Therefore, as one of the three pillars, Chang Waien cannot be recognized by people outside the London Repeater. After people leave the London Repeater, they will also lose his information. It is this secret guarantee By the way, he is the insurance and killer for "a certain hostile secret power".

The file is inside the London repeater, knowing this information, but because it knows this information, it completes the comparison with the current situation, and thus draws a terrible conclusion: "the philosophical ghost" Chang Wyan ’s insurance and The killer has failed, because his secretiveness has not been able to escape the enemy ’s observations from the beginning, and this terrible secretive force was born inside the network ball, which is one of the keys to the network ’s prestige in the past.

Who can think of it from the beginning? Omi, which contributed to the formation of the London repeater in one hand, ended up being a monster acting backdoor.

Chang Huien's success as a "philosophical ghost" was due to the power of the repeater, and his failed primer was also buried at the beginning of the construction of the repeater. Logically, there is no accidental factor in Chang Wyan's failure.

The chief engineer of the London repeater "Jin Jiang", the two-column two "level system" and "Masuo", this combination has almost 100% of the London repeater in the file eyes that can understand the basic structure of the London repeater. Control. Even so, she still cannot avoid emotionally expecting Chang Huaien, who is also one of the three pillars, to create a miracle and catch the possibility of even one percent.

However, the greater the expectation, the greater the despair and fear will be in the face of that slim probability. Therefore, the file can only sigh and howl.

"Chang Huai'en will fail here, and it will be such a failure. It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be this way!" The file only felt the fear and despair in his heart, and he was about to crush his soul dam, which was finally rebuilt. "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, he shouldn't be defeated in his own hands ... He obviously can do more things, and there should be more terrible enemies that need him to face."

"Why, why do you become an enemy? Do you want to betray the cyber ball? Are you a doomsday sect of truth?" Rabbi said incoherently: "Are you ... crazy? Jinjiang."

"No, there was no betrayal from the beginning." Omi said: "The research, construction and use of the time machine are fully supported by the network ball, but its cost is higher than the network ball thinks. I just concealed this high price. This may be deceit, but it is definitely not a betrayal. As I said before, it is impossible to save this world without restarting a whole new world line. Any monster you have seen will be a terrifying monster. In today ’s world, our failures may seem to you that there are many opportunities for recovery, but in fact, we have long since failed on the starting line. "

"Starting line?" The file knocked **** her head while muttering to herself, she felt that her brain was about to be dried out by this desperate situation.

"Yes, the starting line, at the moment when the world exists, we lost." Omi said that the file can only be understood in a literal sense, but its true meaning is completely incomprehensible, " We have to restart the world line and let everything start from the beginning-no, specifically, not completely from the beginning, but to promote a specific world line, at a critical point in time, standing on the same starting line with the monster on."

"... sorry." The file sat slowly on the ground. She had given up the idea of ​​attacking the other party with her own strength, because it seemed to have little meaning. Judging from the performance of Omi, even if she was actually killed here, she could not prevent the execution of her plan, because she is only the key person, but she is not the only plan promoter, nor is it indispensable. The one-from the moment the time machine was created, it seems that Omi no longer is indispensable in the time machine plan. The file can only be judged in this way, and there are still many problems that she has not been able to figure out clearly. However, the current situation and her own situation do not allow her to think too deeply, and there is no time to think deeply.

The file was puzzled about why she was released by Omi, and she learned so many secret things from her mouth that even if she did n’t explain to herself, Omi ’s plan had been carried out in an orderly manner, which made her feel again, I was like "the black hand behind the scenes needs a listener to declare how subtle this conspiracy is" to survive.

"I can't do anything." The file seemed to Omi, to himself, to other survivors, and to other people in the Netball.

"Listen to me, the file, the time machine must be turned on, and the price we pay today is necessary, and there must be such a price to be able to defeat the terrible monster. However, this possibility is still too great It ’s low, so I have to fight for helpers as much as possible. ”Omi ’s tone became gentle.

"Helper? Here--everyone can be a helper! But they are all going to be fuel now!" The file shouted, pointing at countless containers. She felt her throat hoarse and her emotions were almost exhausted.

"Without fuel, even a helper will not help." Omi said calmly: "In a sense, fuel of sufficient weight and quality is more important than the helper."

"So, did you choose me? Why?" The file could only ask what she said, because she didn't think she could do anything other than ask questions.

"Because you were the first to wake up," Omi said: "Your luck has always been good, hasn't it? When every mysterious event occurs, your luck is good."

The file smiled bitterly, and she finally understood a bit deeper. The reason why she can question each other here-just like in every mysterious event in the past, she would use "gambling" to measure her luck , And the actual results will always prove that she is better than anybody's luck ~ ~ So, in many third-level Mageweave messengers, many mysterious experts, one by one in the strange and horrible time, She always survived, and has lived until now—and now, this luck has pulled her again.

From the expression of Omi, the file could not see any lies. The other party did not open the container at the moment she struggled because of factors such as human relations or strength. There may be many factors that prompted Jin Jiang to do this, but for the file itself, there is no other explanation besides "good luck".

"What if I say no?" The file said lowly: "I don't think I can help in such a" great "plan." She felt like she was mocking something, but she also felt that she was unnecessary To ridicule anything. The time machine plan around Omi is horrible and decisive in terms of scale, span, structure, and execution. The reason why these people, including the cyber ball, have ended up in the present is by no means "unlucky".

"This is not a great plan." Omi Masaru realized that her seriousness made the file feel "great" in that mocking tone, as if it was a boring cold joke, "This is just not Under the premise of the solution, the solution that can be found is not so much that it is correct, it is better to say that we expect it to be correct. Because, if it is not correct, then we are really finished. You see, today ’s In the world, if there is no time machine, our chance of completion is 100%, but with the time machine, our chance of completion will be 99%-from the result, it may be cold, but this is our limited condition The only chance you can get. "8

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the restricted-level doomsday syndrome, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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