Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1849: The Madman 2

The price that Omi has to pay for the operation of the time machine is really unacceptable. Even in the current situation, the file is reluctant to accept it, even if Omi said that the "world line" and "world" are conceptually different, but From the perspective of the file, there is not much difference between the two in the actual situation. It is difficult for her to imagine that when the world line that she exists is destroyed, when all the human beings she knows are burned like firewood in front of her, at the end of everything that disappears, what will happen? Is it really hope as Omi said, or is it the most thorough rest?

The file also doesn't think that those who have a religious belief and believe that things will reincarnate after they perish, can still remain indifferent with their firm beliefs when they truly face this devastating scene. Does n’t the situation fit the truth of the end to a certain extent?

The file feels that his thinking is beginning to be confused. The future he has to face has never been confirmed by others. What he is thinking and watching is also something that he cannot think and watch. In front of himself, he is dark. Under the unknown, is there anything you want there? Or is there really nothing? These problems can only be known if you really walk into it. However, the fear of “do n’t know what will be ahead” makes people feel soft legs more than ever. At some point, people can choose not to go forward, not to break into the cold, dark and unknown that scares their instinct. In the world, however, in other worlds, it seems that I have no choice.

The rasp knows that he has no choice. Oe River is like a trap, putting all the people in contact with her on a noose, but the prey has lost its strength to fight back. It is like now, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to shake Jin Jiang's plan.

Even so, she still wanted to struggle, even if she knew she could not escape.

"... You mean, in today's situation, without using the time machine and taking the initiative to destroy the world, will we be 100% destroyed along with the world?" The file said a little reluctantly: "You have no evidence."

"Yes, there is no evidence, and there is no need. Because when the evidence is the fact that 'everyone is finished'. When it becomes a fact, then it does not have any positive meaning as evidence." Omi said calmly: "We need to gamble, file, maybe your luck will add us a chance."

"Gambling?" The file couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said to himself: "I didn't expect to save the world by relying on gambling." Although I said that, before that, the ups and downs of the mood were finally in front of the facts that I had to face She gradually calmed down in the face of her quality as a mysterious expert with many battles.

Feelings of fear, despair, bad hunches, inappropriateness, doubts, etc., undeniably exist in her mind, but like the bad things that faced in the past, today ’s situation is also equivalent to a "mystery" "The critical moment of the incident", in such an analogy, calms the reason beyond reason.

In addition to the worst result that can be calculated, seeking a result that is not the worst is something that every mysterious expert will try to do.

"I see." The file took a few deep breaths and asked, "That is to say, it's okay for me to participate in the time machine project, right? But, if possible, I still don't want to change everyone here. Is n’t it strange that the operation of Chengchai ’s time machine needs to destroy the world? ”

"It's not the world, it's the world line," Jin Jiang argued in this way, but he paused and said, "Well, maybe, it's not too much to say that it's the world, after all ..." After all, she didn't say anything, but more Disturbing. The file only feels that its instincts have come true. There is only a literal difference between the so-called "world line" and "world", but in reality, for people in this world, the two are almost equal of.

this means

In the Third World War, it did not make a difference whether the Doomsday Truth Church won, the Nazis won, or the United Nations won. No, it should be said that all but non-humans are losers, except that Doomsday Truth may still be a victor in a certain sense.

This is because the trap of "Jinjiang" is likely to destroy the world faster than anyone and non-humans, or any conspirators, in accordance with its ideas and methods.

This is really ridiculous for all those who are interested in preventing the end of the world, who are interested in fighting all the evils that hurt this world, and those who are interested in saving the world, especially the cyber ball itself, and the mysterious experts who have always been fighting the doomsday truth. ending. Many people will burn it like firewood. This is not the end of the world guessed by mysterious experts, nor the end of the world conceived by the doomsday truth, nor is it predicted by the network ball after several evaluations. The appearance of the end of the world is also not the way the world enters the end in the course of natural development.

And the ultimate goal of Jinjiang and the accomplices who have achieved this point is "to deal with a terrible monster and save the world?"

From the point of view of the file, this argument is so contradictory, and it is impossible to understand who is ultimately saved and what kind of world it is. But if Jin Jiang didn't lie, what exactly did the "monster" in her mouth look like? How powerful will it be? It would be nice if there were smart people here. When she thought that way, she immediately denied herself, because, before, her own personal experience had proved that the "smart people" who were not protected by the repeater were facing the relay. How fragile the devices are when they strike each other, the smarter you are, the more dangerous the situation will be.

Even now, the files dare not allow themselves to think deeply about the problem and make themselves "smart".

"What is our enemy, the monster in your mouth, what is it?" The file calmed down, and from the information she had access to, there might be some "monsters" that were described by Omi, the indescribably powerful, the inexplicable The contradiction and mystery made her still unable to guess.

"Monsters lurking deep in the collective subconscious of humans ..." Omi said what every mysterious expert knows now, but then she continued: "It's just a representation of it."

The monster lurking deep in the collective subconscious of human beings is just an appearance of "it". This "it" is something that the time machine has to deal with, but no one knows so far, what kind of thing is this? This is the only thing the file knows at this moment.

"Is it so?" Although saying so, the feeling of the file is not something like "that's it". It's just that she couldn't even imagine what a "monster in the collective subconscious mind of mankind" looks like, let alone the deeper nature that exists behind this description.

However, it is precisely because for mysterious experts like her that "monsters in the collective subconscious of humans" are not new information, the description of "monsters in the collective subconscious of humans is just an appearance of it" also makes She felt that the essential monster was not far away from her.

"Even if the monster in the collective subconscious of human beings is just an appearance, but as long as a certain degree of attack is made against this appearance, it is also possible to pull out more essential things?" Although the file knows that its statement is not worth pondering, it still can't help but say To: "As long as we observe it, we have a chance to defeat it, but is it really necessary to destroy the world today?"

"You don't understand, it's a very weird and terrible thing. Like a Dragon Quest game, it hits the bosses one after the other, and then fights against the behind-the-scenes demon who reveals his real body. This can't be done." Any irritable emotion, as always, calmly responded to the file struggle: "According to the plan of the network ball, hitting the monster in the collective subconscious of humans is equivalent to destroying the biggest conspiracy of the doomsday truth religion and saving the world from fire and water. This It is very simple, and the wrong estimation of the true face of the enemy, resulting in the wrong idea. Even if the plan of the online ball is successful, in a limited time, the human collective subconsciousness awakened by the doomsday truth religion is destroyed in a positive way, and it cannot prevent the end of the world. . The network ball that has lost this ultimate goal, in the face of the end of the world as always, will even collapse itself. "

"You can tell them and tell the fire! Let everyone know that the monsters in the collective subconscious of humans are not the ultimate enemies." The file said with some begging: "Everyone will unite, even if they still have to die in the end, they will always It makes more sense than just being burned. "

"... It's a pity." Omi stared at the file with a look of embarrassment for a while, and then said: "If you die that way, the world will still be destroyed. All the sensibility has no meaning in the world of repeated destruction. meaningful."

The uneasy expression of the file melted into a bitter smile again, and she still couldn't understand what Jin Jiang was talking about. Every word spoken by Jin Jiang is very clear and she can understand it, but when they become such a long list, although they can still understand the literal meaning, they still feel a deeper meaning behind, and This deeper meaning is the true meaning of this sentence. Unable to understand this true self, Jin Jiang's current incomprehension is simply incomprehensible.

The file covered her face in silence, silent for a long time, she had tried to save the world and the people she saw in the past, but in the end, she could do nothing. She could not communicate with anyone, nor with anyone in front of her. In this huge and deep space, she felt extremely lonely and helpless.

For a while, she mumbled and said: "Finally, tell me that if you don't use the time machine, you will knock down the monster in the collective subconscious of humans. Will that more terrifying monster appear?"

"No." Omi's answer did not hesitate, "because, even if the monster in the collective subconscious of human beings is just an appearance of it, even if defeated by humans, the end of the world will not come as scheduled. What is more terrible is that maybe humans and This apparent battle, regardless of victory or defeat, is already in its script. It is not necessary to appear at all. "

"That is to say, the fight between us now is only part of its script?" The file seems to understand a little: "It can't be refuted ... Many mysterious experts can feel it, this kind of action like its own, Whether it is out of good intentions or maliciousness, no matter how you choose, it feels like it is pushing the end of the world. In this stage play, the script writer really does not need to play. Then, how do you determine that the time machine is not its script? a part of?"

"Because, through the time machine, we will turn the world into what we expect, not a perfect world ~ ~ but a cage against it, this huge change is a conspiracy, forcing it to be Enter this cage in person and have a death fight with us. "Jin Jiang explained in this way:" Since today's world is driven by its script, then it means that it hopes that the world is as it is today. The world is like this, and now the world is like this, then destroy it and start from the beginning with a world different from what it expected. We have a contradiction with it, the time machine will expose this contradiction to the sun, The time machine allows us to challenge it in a fair and honest manner. "

"Challenge, provocation?" The file raised her head inconceivably, and Omi drove the time machine at the expense of destroying the world and destroying humanity, just to complete a provocation?

"Yes, strictly speaking, in essence, our approach is to provoke and make a cage in front of it unabashedly, biting it like a ant, letting it catch fire, letting it catch up, entering this is actually very incomparable Fragile cage. Whether this cage can trap it is not important at all. The important thing is that it really stands in front of us and gives us the opportunity to attack it. The brave face the evil dragon, maybe the win rate is very low, but, If the dragon is so powerful that it can kill the brave without appearing, letting the dragon appear is the only key to winning. "

The description of Jin Jiang made the file feel that an indescribable horror struck from the underworld. The "monster" in the mouth of Jinjiang seemed to penetrate the void and existed beside himself, but in a way that he could not observe. The posture has been staring at myself and only at this moment did I feel the terrible creeping sight. u

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the restricted-level doomsday syndrome, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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