Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1850: Deeper

The sight that can't be seen, but can be felt faintly, penetrates the time and penetrates the space, and it seems to emerge from inside the body and from the soul, in every imagination and thinking of oneself, the file is in After seeing many weird and scary mysterious events, I still can't resist this indescribable fear. This fear was like a substantive impression, deeply imprinted in her mind. However, when she wanted to carefully grasp the outline of the impression, she found it to be like a mist of mist and creeping. Water, or loose layers of sand, will look different depending on the container in which it is loaded, but it is therefore impossible to describe its original outline.

The body of the file is like being shocked, and the body of the reinforced three-level Mageweave messenger cannot avoid numbness. As soon as her legs and feet are soft, she almost sits on the ground. Until the file came back from this indescribable strong sense of fear, it was impossible to determine how long it had been. She dares to swear that this sense of fear is unusual, and what brings fear is also unusual. From the perspective of human science, the so-called fear is only a physiological response caused by nerve information transmission, but it is just what it has just suffered. Fear is definitely not something that can be explained-perhaps I was wrong, but, undoubtedly, it is this indescribable yet extremely intense fear, which brings this kind of fearful gaze, I can't doubt Jin Jiang's remarks.

——There is really such a terrible thing, looking at myself from beginning to end ... maybe there are others, everyone.

"... It's terrible, then, what is that?" The file muttered to herself. Jin Jiang's voice seemed to reach her ears from a very distant place, she heard faintly, Jin Jiang said this way: "That's a 'virus'."

The term "virus?" Is very common, and its meaning in common sense is also very clear, but the fear of the file makes her dare not believe the meaning of "virus" in common sense. She felt that Omi called that thing a "virus", and perhaps it was not simply describing the characteristics of that thing, because that thing was never such a simple existence.

However, since Jin Jiang spent so much time and self-report, and he can produce such a strong reaction to such things at this time, at least from the perspective of mysterious experts, it makes sense to believe in Jin Jiang . Looking at Jin Jiang's behavior from this angle, the file feels that her mentality is calmer. As a mystery expert, she always has to take some seemingly impersonal feelings and break when faced with near-unsolvable mysteries and strangeness. She didn't think she was "clean" in the actions of moral restraint, but the behaviors that she had done in the past also looked very cruel to others, when compared with what Omi has done now, it was obviously a piece of cake.

Today, what Omi has done, but almost all human beings have been put on the bargaining table, and no matter whether they win or lose, at least these chips cannot be recovered.

The file wiped his forehead subconsciously. After that strong fear subsided, the feeling of being watched was like an illusion, and it was difficult to find at this time. However, the file felt that it was like a bird with a startled bow. Everyday, treat it as a secret everyday.

"I, I get it." The file said that, when she said that, she felt that the resistance in her heart was much smaller than before. She tried to rearrange Omi ’s position and think from the other ’s standpoint. However, from the known information or existing means, this approach seemed to be in vain. The file still felt that her own Thinking is like knotting.

"You mean, have you decided to assist us?" Omi further confirmed.

"Assist ... It should be, anyway, I don't want to die now, I don't want to die, and I don't want to become a firewood salary. Without your consent, I can't go out of this place, can I?" The file's eyes turned around, she did Anything like an "exit" can be found, and, since this mysterious shelter is located inside a London repeater, whether or not there is an exit is basically Zuo Jiang's decision.

"If you agree, I will of course let you go out, but if you pretend to agree and do what you do after going out, although I don't think it will be useful, it will also waste my time and energy." Jin Jiang said matter-of-factly.

"So, what do you want? Even if I promise to assist you, with my ability and identity, there are not many things I can do." The file said frankly, there is nothing to hide from the matter to this day, and the other party is not a fool. . Or it should be said that Omi was originally a genius-like person, and he used to be an experienced, lucky, and not stupid person, but at this time, in order to resist the mysterious fear that constantly eroded his consciousness, he had to let himself become more than The past was even more stupid. Plus or minus, the file doesn't feel like it can take advantage of it.

On the other hand, the file is very clear that although he is in a London repeater, and the London repeater is theoretically a public asset of NOG, the status of the network ball is obviously much higher than that of the mercenary association to which he belongs. . No, from the current situation, NOG is probably finished, only the network ball is left, and only the core part of the network ball sheltered by the London repeater, its own identity and status must be recalculated- If you can get better treatment, it is also a blessing to human relations. To interfere in the affairs of the Internet ball with such identity, status and ability is simply a fool.

In terms of credibility alone, before the conspiracy is exposed, Omi must be higher than himself. The file really feels that in Omi's plan, he is simply dispensable.

"What you can do ..." Jin Jiang tilted his head and said uncertainly: "Anyway, I have no idea for the time being. It's just accidental to let you out ... No, maybe not accidentally, but a part of the script, I This kind of thinking will definitely come out at this time, this is a matter set by them ... "The whisper of Omi is very fresh in the eyes of the file. Although he does not understand it, but to understand its meaning literally, it is to let The file thinks that Jinjiang may still not be "the last shady".

The file is a little bit concerned. In the previous conversation, Omi mentioned "we" several times. Previously, the file believed that among the group of people represented by "we", Jin Jiang should occupy the core position, but from the point of view of Jin Jiang's whisper, it is not exactly that way. At least, the importance of Jin Jiang may be unique. , But may not be the highest priority.

The file is a bit curious, who among the "us", besides Jinjiang, is there anybody else? She faintly felt that she was familiar with these people. These people have been lurking around themselves, but when they are not aware, these people are always like "like-minded people" ... No, no, the file shakes his head in his heart. Before the contact with Jinjiang, the actions of these people are certain To the extent, it is consistent with the action of the network ball, only that after the deepening of the same action, it evolves into different purposes and results.

Probably like, everyone is playing for the championship of the basketball game, each has a different purpose, but they need to stay united in action, have the same passion for winning and superb technology. But after winning the final championship, everyone will part ways.

"Anyway, I still hope that if possible, I can put the option of" using these people as firewood "at the end." The file again proposed hard. Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is a hypocritical performance, but she does not doubt the purity of her thoughts at this moment-she simply does not want so many people, just in front of her eyes, simply She could not be dealt with irresistibly, even if so many people, most of them, were not known by her.

"If there is a choice, I have no opinion." Omi shrugged. "So, let's go out, and hope that the power generated by this repeater collision will activate the time machine as scheduled."

"Has the time machine not been activated yet?" The file was a little stunned. She had always thought that the time machine was already operating.

"It's not that simple." Omi said: "Simple things can't achieve a profound goal. Although I made a time machine, in the end, it's still a mysterious thing-I don't even know it myself, I am How was it done at that time. You know? It ’s like an illusion-a pop, trance, it ’s already formed in front of my eyes, and I just know that it ’s made by me, and I It must be made. Its appearance is like a part of the script, there is no reason, no reason. "

"Script?" The file has not only heard Jin Jiang describe it, but she doesn't want to refute or in-depth inquiries. When she thought about it, she was keenly feeling the cold, just like telling her, this is not What you should be in contact with now. She could vaguely understand the literal meaning of the word "script", but the defensive instinct prevented her from further association.

The file vaguely realized that Omi not only did not have that unique and indispensable position among us, but also that her situation might have some similarities with her own situation. Conversely, with such a powerful mind and patience, it is simply a monster with a human skin. It is just a chess piece. So, what is the terrible existence of what is happening today? Think about it, it makes people feel unacceptable.

She looked closely at Omi, and this beautiful humanoid face did not shake because of the "script". The file thinks that Jin Jiang must know a lot and certainly know more than herself, but since she has no signs of resistance, does it mean that what happened to her makes her act like this, and she is happy What about it? In the file's mind, I could not help but make such a comment: This monster ... is just like a fanatic.

Omi said to the empty place: "Open the door, Marceau."

In front of that empty, a door suddenly appeared. The file can't describe the size and appearance of the door. It can only be said that "this is a door". The impression of a door, including the material, does not have the characteristics that can be described. If you want to describe it, it is like seeing a door in a dream, but after waking up, you only have the cognition of "you dreamed of a door", but you don't have the memory of the details of the door.

The file wondered if there was a problem with her eyes, but she stared at it anyway, and the "door" stood there, but she could not describe it anyway.

"Get out from here?" The file asked.

"Ah, yes. Do you still remember this place?" Jin Jiang asked back.

Just as Omi pushed open the "door" and was about to go out, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in the file's mind. This inspiration made her suddenly feel a heavy feeling. She was unable to delve deeper between urgency, but asked subconsciously One question: "The war on earth has ended, isn't it?"

"Yes." Jin Jiang stopped and looked back at her with calm eyes.

"As I said before, the impact of the repeater collision interfered with the collective subconsciousness of human beings, so that both sides of the war stopped action, right?" The file gradually sorted out a clear question in the mind ~ www. ~ It's not just that humans on our side have stopped acting, even the Nazis are not immune, so the war has ceased, is that true? "

"Yes." Jin Jiang still answered quietly.

"But is this an impact in the collective subconsciousness of human beings?" The file took a deep breath and asked, "Why did the Nazis stop their activities?"

Yes, in her and most mysterious experts' minds, in the perception of almost everyone, today's "Nazis" are no longer the human lunatics of the past World War II, but from the heart In the end, they were completely different, and they transformed themselves into "monsters". By dissecting the corpses of Nazi soldiers, observing their basic constitutions, and psychologically analyzing the reluctantly captured captives, this conclusion can be proved: the other party has no human characteristics in terms of mental form to physical form. .

However, is it not strange that the Nazis were still "shocked at the level of the collective subconsciousness of humanity"? Monsters that are not humans have suffered the same damage as humans.

"The Nazis ... are humans?" The file finally asked the question that made her very concerned.

"Yes." Omi replied calmly and surely, "In a sense, the Nazis are inseparable from the collective subconscious of the human race."

"How ... maybe?" The heart of the file seemed to be punched hard, and Omi's definite answer disturbed her thoughts. It wasn't that the Nazis were bad or good, but only, The Nazis, who proved to be "not human" from all aspects, were still "humans". This contradictory logic made her unacceptable for a while. .


Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the restricted-level doomsday syndrome, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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