Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1851: The look of truth in the hole

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! Restricted reading of full text of doomsday syndrome! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

Why did the Nazis still belong to the "human collective subconscious" circle? The file is incomprehensible and unacceptable. She even feels that the reason for the seemingly contradictory result is that the definition of "repeater" is wrong. At least in terms of the basic constitution of the body and the results of psychoanalysis, "Nazis" do not belong to the category of human beings. There is full evidence, but there is no convincing explanation for what a "repeater" is. .

"What the heck is a repeater?" The file asked, thinking now, that there is a "repeater" in the collective subconsciousness of human beings that doesn't sound "ideological" at all, isn't it strange? No, from the beginning, the predecessor of the repeater "Night of Valpus" is recognized as a kind of "different space". In the understanding of the Mageweave messenger, there is also a fairly mathematical and physical name called "conscious temporary "Data hedging space", these descriptions can not be connected with the words "human collective subconscious", they are more like words outside the concept of "human". Today's repeaters are all transformed from these abnormal existences that sound like "outsiders", full of artificial atmosphere, it is also difficult for people to produce "repeaters are subconscious of the human body. Product "idea.

At what time, when recognizing the repeater, was it regarded as a product of "human collective subconsciousness"? Is it just because the repeater shows greater potential and power in the collective subconscious? Does the phenomenon it causes have an extraordinary effect in the collective subconsciousness of mankind? But, conversely, think of something like "repeater" which has the breath of "foreign objects" and "artificial objects", but it shows unparalleled effectiveness in the collective subconsciousness of human beings. Is this the weirdest? From this angle alone, it is even more reckless to think that the essence of the repeater belongs to the human collective subconscious.

Who put forward this concept or this connection? And how does it disperse this connected cognition and become recognized common sense?

The file only felt as if it had uncovered an incredible shady scene, just the corner of the shady screen, and it made his thinking confused again. What I believed in all the time, what I thought I knew suddenly became strange, just like what I have seen in the past is only one side of this thing, but in fact, its true side has many sides, but I do n’t Knowing how many sides there are-the gloomy fear once again emerged from the corner that I didn't know, and the file's breath stopped for a few seconds.

"Tell me! Omi, what the **** is going on with the repeater?" When the file realized it, her voice had become sharp, and it almost became screaming.

Omi shook her head at her. The file saw Jin Jiang's expression, which was clearly looking at a lunatic lunatic, as if she had never lied and could not accept, but thinking of herself in so many strange situations, she was mentally wrong. Omi ’s expression is so serious that the file ca n’t see any jokes and jokes, but there must be something wrong between herself and her. The file is very clear. His recent spirit and thinking are subject to the collective subconsciousness of human beings. Shocked, and became somewhat abnormal, but she still didn't feel that she had completely lost her ability to judge common sense, and she was indeed forced to become a "stupid", unable to think too deeply, but thinking logically like instinct There should be no problem with your own logic.

Since it was n’t her own problem, it was that Jinjiang had a problem. However, in addition to being resolute and cruel in the “time machine” plan, Jinjiang ’s plan was crazy and inexplicable, but she was right Something went wrong with the understanding of things and the understanding of mystery, but it was unacceptable-Omi was so calm and professional, even the crazy plans were executed soberly and rationally, combing every element in order , And this is the necessary condition for the success of this crazy plan.

So, who is the problem? When did something go wrong? Whose perception is deviating? Who made this deviation? Let the people who have almost understood the repeater, the Nazis, and the collective subconsciousness of human beings indulge in a contradictory cognition, but can't detect it?

There is such a voice in the file's mind: among the mysterious experts, there is really no one who has carefully thought about the problems of the Nazis, human collective subconsciousness and repeaters? The origin of these problems can all be attributed to the "Apocalyptic Truth". So, the network ball that has always struggled with the "Apocalyptic Truth" has never really thought about these problems, and has never considered the things and Has the cognition of phenomena been sorted out?

The more the files think, the more they are engulfed by the deep darkness. It is clear that the shelter is full of light, and the solid floor is also stepped on, but the deep darkness that emerged in this thought stripped them off, making the files seem like Being in a huge dark environment where the sky and the earth are not on the ground. Looking down is an abyss, looking up is also an abyss. Then, she feels that she has started to fall, and the fall seems to have no end at all-if any, When she produced this consciousness, she really felt something underneath herself, in the endless abyss. That thing is so anomalous, horrible, incomprehensible, and unable to describe its outline. It makes one wonder how one ’s future will become when facing it, but one can clearly know that it is there, and, always It ’s all there, the reason why I have n’t been able to see it, just because—

Just because you are lucky.

The file couldn't help but scream, and the scream made her wake up after a few seconds, and she sweated all over her body, like she was awakened from a nightmare that could not recall the details. The solid touch coming from the sole of the foot is also an illusion at this moment, as if the feeling of "there is a place to stand" is just an illusion, and I feel that the "solid ground" is also an illusion, that materialized The formation of the ground is an illusion, and the concept of space included in the term "containment" where one is located is also an illusion.

All these physical representations that are recognized and judged through senses and common sense are false things. The most essential form of the universe is being drilled out of their own ignorance, as if separated by a veil, as long as they lift up, they can see- —However, the file did not dare to move, her body seemed to be tightly bound by an invisible chain called “Fear”. She couldn't help thinking: if she really opened the veil, what would she see? Is it true truth? Is it something else?

Just because there is no way to understand, to know, or to judge, but instinctively feel that "that is by no means the right choice", so I feel boundless fear. And the luck of his past is that he didn't even realize these things dullly, nor did he have the opportunity to face these terrors. The file hugged her head, and she wanted to put away all the crazy thoughts and make herself a ignorant self.

She no longer screamed because screaming had no effect. One thing she knows very well is that when she starts to think like this, she has to face the results of this kind of thinking. Human beings are dominated by their own thinking, but human thinking cannot cover the essence and overall appearance of things. In that limited cognition, people often ignore the parts that they cannot perceive. Therefore, thinking-driven behaviors are also often It's just a tiny possibility to show things-this is the reason why "God laughs at humanity", it is the foolish embodiment of humanity, but from another perspective, it is also human luck.

However, no matter how lucky a person is, he does not dare to claim that his life is composed of luck at the end of his life. In the group of "humans", there are also people who are relatively ignorant and able to receive more information than others. These "smart people" are envied and considered smart in human's limited cognition , Or even placed in a closed environment, within the limits of the "unknown limited", it is lucky.

However, when these people realize that their environment is not a closed structure as they know it, and the unknown has never been limited, when they find this evidence and have such a feeling, their luck Will turn into misfortune.

The universe is so far-reaching. Science believes that "the universe is a closed system. In this closed system, everything will be explained, but only a matter of time." And this conclusion will eventually be overturned by science itself.

The file involuntarily understands this in a way that it can understand, using the thinking that it is most familiar with, and using the cognitive structure that it is most used to. And I understand that I did touch the edge of "truth", however, this "truth" is full of taste of the end. Then, once again, I deeply understood the question "Why do so many mysterious experts become believers in the doomsday truth".

The file did n’t want to think anymore, she wanted to be an idiot immediately, she did n’t know what she looked like in the eyes of Omi at this time, but it was imaginable-just visit those who were mysterious in the mysterious events with the past. Like those mental patients who have deprived themselves of their strength, they kept their saliva in dementia and muttered insane words that others could not hear, understand, or could not understand.

"... Is luck coming to an end?" The file heard Jin Jiang say so.

She faintly realized that Jin Jiang seemed to be squatting down, looking straight into her eyes. That was obviously normal ... No, obviously it had different eyes from ordinary people, and it was not quite the same as usual. At this time, staring at the eyes of Jin Jiang, I just thought it was a huge black hole: pulling everything in, Crush in a terrible way.

The file only felt that her soul had also been sucked in, and then her consciousness began to blur-the file did not resist, or that she did not want to resist at all. If she could be comatose, it was an undesirable thing.

So the file fell to the ground. Omi resisted the woman's body on her shoulders and walked through the "door" that had been created.

When the file had a sense of self, she felt that she was floating in that endless darkness. There was no feeling of time passing here, making her feel that she had been here since birth, no, more specifically, it was herself As "the thing that exists", it already exists here. Perhaps at the beginning, it was not a person, but something else. The so-called "human" is just a solid understanding of the self-form. This cognition does not have any substantial and correct evidence, but only a cognition of a certain stage of the self-essential structure in the process of change-the self-essential structure has been changing from the concept of not belonging to "human" to the The concept of "humanity" then changes all the time, and then becomes a concept that does not belong to "humanity".

The "human" stage is just a small and insignificant stage in the entire process of change. When oneself exists, the change never stops, and the death of common sense is nothing more than a transition from the stage of human concepts to the stage of non-human concepts.

When the file realized that she was thinking ~ ~ she began to fall, the familiar sense of falling, and the fear of what was faintly present under the fall, suddenly awakened her.

When the file opened her eyes, she felt that she had had a nightmare just now. When she thought it was a nightmare, she felt a little vague about what happened to her before the nightmare. An instinctive resistance that made her unwilling to recall those things. She subconsciously observed, listened, and grasped where she was at this moment, and immediately realized that she was staying in a room like an observation room, surrounded by white snow, The bed is also white and clean, but there are no other tools except the bed. When sitting up, you can look directly at the front wall. In fact, a huge glass is inlaid for others to observe the situation in the room from the outside. Like the patient being observed.

However, even the file itself felt strange, and he didn't even have any annoyance. Even, he didn't even have any mood swings. It's like admitting that you are a patient.

During listening, some fine sounds came from outside the room, but it was impossible to judge what the sound was.

When she got out of bed, the door was pushed open from the outside. The man came in, it was Omi --- the muscles of the whole body of the file relaxed, and she felt that this was the most ideal situation.

Because the door was opened, the sound passed into the room was louder. The file was heard clearly this time. It was a soft and awkward female voice chanting something. By virtue of its timbre, it could be judged as a female high school student The age, however, what is being recited is still unclear, only strange and abnormal.

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