Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1855: May May and Catwoman

Rooms, different rooms, more rooms, the corridors that don't know where to go, the lights flash in different places, but they can't make people feel bright. ?? What exactly is happening inside the London repeater, no one knows, but it can make people in it feel an inexplicable fear. No matter how many mysterious events have been experienced in the past, it is impossible to adapt to this unknown fear. A person walking on a familiar road suddenly realizes that this is no longer a familiar landscape.

The unpredictable, dangerous, but do not know what kind of dangerous breath, has infiltrated into every corner, hidden in every shadow, with every breath into his body . The woman, code-named "Catwoman", as the core manager of the online ball, has been able to speculate about the dangers that the online ball is facing from the abnormal feeling released by this atmosphere.

As a capable and mysterious expert, her instinct has been sounding the alarm from the moment she realized the abnormality. To solve the problem, we must first understand what went wrong. However, Catwoman cannot answer this question at this moment. Just a few minutes ago, the huge impact and the repeater passed by. From the form of data, it can be imagined as a huge wave hitting the reef, although the huge wave was smashed, it seems that there is no The damaged reef is actually under tremendous pressure-the siren has not stopped since.

First, the various values ​​marked as "dangerous" are displayed on the screen, followed by the abnormal communication method, and then even the operation of the device becomes abnormal. The simplest example is the opening of the door: Catwoman knows very well that the interior of the repeater is a complex and changeable state. However, since the repeater was built, it has always appeared under the management of the three pillars with Chang Wyan Make a certain order, so that people can live and live here without problems. The door is like a door in common sense. The way to open the door is exactly the same as in common sense. What you see after pushing the door will not be casual. Then it becomes different. However, when Catwoman couldn't turn off the impact alarm completely anyway, and tried to walk out of the room to notify others without being able to contact others, she opened the door and realized the abnormal invasion.

The door was not pushed open, nor was it any way of opening the door in common sense. Catwoman instinctively opened the door according to common sense from the beginning, but before that, the door was already open when I didn't know when. It was like a memory fragment, she did n’t remember that she had seen the process of “opening the door,” and she did n’t think it was really a problem with her memory.

Just in a blink of an eye, the room that has been sealed has become a room with an open door. When the catwoman turns her head subconsciously, all the staff who have been staying in the room with her are gone, as if they have always been only themselves. A person, standing in this monitoring room that seemed to be abandoned, faced the red alarm flashing alone.

Although it was shocking at first, it was not totally unacceptable to think carefully-logically, all the information points to the possibility of observing the 51th repeater and Russ in the London repeater When the Vegas repeater collided, it was also suffering from the impact of the two repeaters colliding with each other, and the London repeater was not as strong as the network ball imagined, although there was no damage in appearance, but The actual damage is already happening. Any incredible situation experienced at this moment is a sign of damage to the London repeater.

Yes, logically, this possibility is completely understandable. Despite being the core manager of the network ball, Catwoman ca n’t really understand how strong the London repeater is, which means that when faced with a far-estimated impact, will the London repeater be affected or not? , Is ambiguous in cognition.

Assuming that the London repeater has been affected, it may not be the best way to stay in place. Catwoman took this idea and left the room where she was. Then, when the scene outside the room was within the observable range, an abnormal situation appeared in all aspects, which was deeply imprinted in her feelings.

The rooms and corridors, as well as other structures that make up the internal world of the repeater, are all soaked in a chilling atmosphere, which is not just described as "eerie". In such an environment, Catwoman cannot rely on past memories and directional tools such as "maps" to find a "correct" path. Although every place I saw was full of familiar feelings, my instinct as a mystery expert told her that it had become a paradoxical place.

How serious is this situation? Chang Huaien, what are they doing? Catwoman was complaining in her heart while being vigilant. The strong sense of crisis will not be weakened by the pretense and easy complaining. She sorts out her own thoughts to select the people who are most likely to complete the contact and can observe the situation as a whole-no doubt, often Wyan was the first choice, and then Ms. Mayn. The fire escape was also one of the candidates. However, before observing the impact of the repeater, he had entered the state of adjustment for the battle of all command affairs. It should still be in a container at this moment, and make the final adjustments to the adaptive connection of the London repeater.

Because it is not known when the Doomsday Religious Repeater will appear, on the premise of confirming its inevitable appearance, the fire escape must maintain 120,000 points of concentration to ensure that it can react in the first place. Seizing the opportunity is always the key to successful sniping.

It ’s just that I probably did n’t even think of a fire escape. Even before he was relieved of his duties, the London repeater itself appeared abnormal. Catwoman felt that if the fire escape can be adjusted, it can pass The change in the connection data, he noticed the abnormality of the repeater, he should be able to respond in time, but the uneasy instinct gushing from the bottom of her heart made her feel that it may not be that simple-in other words, although it is difficult Accepted, but, in my intuition as a mysterious expert, the chance of "the fire escape is not clear that the London repeater has changed" is actually very high, so I will feel uneasy when I consider the fire escape as my own consideration.

"Chang Huai'en!" Catwoman walked cautiously in those aisles that she had met, but they were not quite the same as her memories. The feeling that she seemed to jump out of the shadows at any time was strange and familiar. Catwoman knows very well that this is because she has not been on the front line for quite some time for work. This kind of feeling is full of maliciousness everywhere, incredible everywhere, unexpected things may appear at any time, and the feeling that you may be killed in some kind of unpredictable phenomenon at any time has always been the first to be solved by mysterious events. The pressure that the first-line mysterious experts can feel.

Although I have mysterious power that cannot be evaluated with common sense, although mysterious experts are as powerful as "humans" compared to ordinary people, mystery is mysterious. Under this concept, there will always be some At that time, it was impossible to react, or to be able to make a correct response. Any mistake will suddenly put yourself in danger of being killed. The originally seemingly powerful ability is also targeted and even ignored. The same, it becomes useless.

"A mysterious expert without weaknesses suddenly and inexplicably died" such a dog blood plot is not a rare thing in a mysterious event. In fact, the death of the mysterious expert sometimes seems to have a logic to follow, which can be regarded as encountering a danger beyond his ability to solve at a certain time, and naturally embraces the death. But in fact, the situation of "most mysterious experts will encounter their own inability to solve at a certain moment, and there is no danger of any external assistance to help solve it, and eventually die" is not a case at all. It is enough to be regarded as purely in terms of quantity. Some kind of curse-like inevitable event.

Therefore, there will be a saying that "only luck can keep mysterious experts alive".

The unknown is infinite, and the environment you are in is not a closed system, so there will always be some inexplicable and terrible things, there is no end in the macro, no end in the micro, which means that there is no "source", " Concepts such as "end point" and "origin", and a basic perspective such as "the foundation that everything must follow" are actually meaningless-such a philosophical concept will always be accompanied by the activities of mysterious experts and penetrate into his Cognitive.

Such a helpless unknown always makes people feel scared and tired. No matter how strong they become, they will suddenly die. What a boring end.

For a long time no catwoman on the front line, once again tasted this familiar and strange fear.

"Chang Huai'en!" She hit the wall with her fist and shouted again, but the voice echoed and became more lonely, like there was only one person left inside the repeater-but this is absolutely impossible.

The conclusion that "there is no response from the three pillars inside the London repeater" has been repeatedly emphasized among the personnel inside the repeater. In addition, everybody has been given a preventive shot: once such a situation has really occurred, and the three pillars have not responded, then it should be given priority to what is wrong with the repeater, and What's wrong with me.

"What's wrong with me?" Catwoman couldn't help thinking. "Is it really sober at this time? Do other people like me have similar problems? Everything I see now is also Did others see it? Where are the others? In what state? "

"Masuo! Grade system!" Catwoman called other people's names again: "Come on fire! Omi! Dorothy! Ms. Mayn!"

When she called "Ms. Mayn," she vaguely heard something. It is impossible to judge whether it is a human voice or something from other things, but it is indeed a "sound", something that made some movement. Catwoman couldn't even tell where the voice was from the faint voice, but the instinct of the mysterious expert pointed her in a direction-she subconsciously rushed in the direction of the faint feeling.

On the road, there was still a gloomy and strange atmosphere, except for yourself, no one could even see a figure. Catwoman deliberately aggravated her footsteps and used her own sense of presence to defeat the fear that pounced on her from the unknown and the silence. On the other hand, she also hoped for her movement to wake up other colleagues who do not know where We, though, from the past experience of handling mysterious events, this approach is not all a benign result.

Once the situation "only hear the sound but can't see the person, and even the sound is maliciously degraded", it will cause the other party to fall into greater chaos and passiveness-it is impossible to confirm what comes from the movement, this kind of Unknown will continue to strengthen people's sense of fear.

However, Catwoman has no choice.

She stopped in front of a room. From the surrounding pattern, it seemed to be "the room that Ms. Mayn used to receive guests", but at this time, it seemed to be cast a shadow on the surface, especially Deep and unknown. The door of this room was opened sometime.

Maybe the people inside have already gone out. In Catwoman's mind, such a thought could not help but flash, in her feeling, this thought was like dissuading herself not to enter the room.

Even so, she still went in.

There is no weird attack expected, and even so, Catwoman can't relax herself. Before running in a plausible, familiar environment, the familiar and unfamiliar fear is awakening her qualities as a powerful mysterious expert. Like instinct, like accumulated experience with life, every cell, every nerve, every muscle of her seemed to recover from a short drowsiness.

Then, in front of her eyes, a figure appeared-a female silhouette like Ms. Mayn, sitting in the sand under the flashing lights and in the shadow of a veil, always facing this side, as if in Staring at something, as if waiting for something. Catwoman thought she was looking at herself.

"Ms. Mayn?" Catwoman froze slightly for two or three seconds before asking.

"Is it Catwoman?" The opposite female silhouette responded. Catwoman heard clearly. It was indeed Ms. Mayn's voice, but the scene of her sitting there was a bit creepy and not quite right.

"What are you doing?" Catwoman asked again.

"... I see the future." The female silhouette paused, saying so.

"What?" Catwoman stepped forward a little bit, through the change of visual angle ~ ~ to eliminate the shadow of the shadow of the human figure. Then, she saw the man sitting on the sand-indeed Ms. Mayn, from the facial features to the body, from the dress to the temperament, and the seemingly natural affinity and mystery, are all most familiar thing.

However, there were only two black holes left in Ms. Mayn ’s eyes, bleeding — her eyes were as if they had been dug away, and there were no more. Her feet also seemed to be hidden in the skirt, and she could not see the part of the skirt that was exposed outside the skirt and placed on the ground. There was only a large pool of blood that had not dried up.

Catwoman's heart pulled back and could not help but take a step back.

"It, it's here! I saw it, I saw it ..." Ms. Mayn made a hoarse voice, which sounded like a wailing whisper.

"It? Who is it?" Catwoman couldn't help but ask, she was really taken aback by Ms. Mayn's appearance, but it was just taken aback. In such a weird situation, Ms. Mayn will become like this, and it is not impossible. More importantly, she seems to know more clues.

"We are wrong, we are all wrong." Ms. Mayn muttered to herself.

"What's wrong? Make it clear! Ms. Mayn, sober!" Catwoman shouted. Even so, she curbed her urge to check on the other's injury.

"The real monster is among us, in the netball, here, in this repeater." Ms. Mayn seemed really awake, raised her head, and used the two black holes in the **** forest Staring at Catwoman, he said in a very affirmative tone, "There is unfortunate news that Chang Huai'en was killed."

Catwoman only felt that there was something wrong with her ears. 8

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the restricted-level doomsday syndrome, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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