Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1856: Last message

Chang Huaien was killed, Ms. Mayn did say so, Catwoman opened her mouth, although from the experience of mystery experts, anything imaginable may be more imaginable in a mysterious event Something is killed, but, emotionally, Catwoman subconsciously rejects such things. As one of the three pillars of the London repeater, Chang Waien is undoubtedly the most important core. His own state is also very ambiguous, which makes it difficult to understand. When an existence is "alive", let It is difficult for people to understand how and in what form it lives, and when it is declared dead, it is also difficult to understand and unacceptable.

Chang Huaian always jokingly calls himself "the philosophical ghost". This is a self-made word. No philosophical readings have relevant concepts. When others view this term, they can only understand it literally: only in philosophy The ghost of existence. Viewing things from a philosophical point of view will always sublimate things to the essence of a concept, and from a metaphysical point of view, try to understand the connections and laws that others have never thought of. Philosophically, the concept of "ghost" also exists, and is not occult in nature.

However, no one can really understand what Chang Huaien wants to express. What kind of ghost is "the ghost that exists only in philosophy"? What kind of philosophical system is it? Chang Huaien has never described it carefully, or, it makes people think that even Chang Huaien cannot describe his cognition of self-existence with the existing language structure of human beings, just like many philosophy in the past The family has never been complete and unbiased. It writes its own meaning in words and language, but only leaves some readings to guide future generations to study and think. All the thinking about philosophy, once proclaimed to the mouth, There will be deviations due to the embarrassment of the expression. The human language structure and vocabulary are not enough to accommodate what one gets after thinking deeply.

The above insights were not drawn by Catwoman, but by Ms. Mayn herself, and Catwoman was actually in contact with mysterious events, and when thinking about philosophy from the mystery, she thought Ms. Mayn ’s statement was correct. ——She can't really understand the nature and concrete state of Chang Huaien's "philosophical ghost", but she can feel that, in the meaning of this vocabulary, the common sense includes, for Catwoman, Chang Huien, who became one of the three pillars of the repeater, is both familiar and unfamiliar, and the concept of "philosophical ghost" highlights its powerful and unreasonable side.

Every time, when Catwoman enters and exits the London Repeater, her memories of Chang Huaien will also disappear from time to time, just like there is a switch that she cannot control, observe, or touch, which affects her consciousness all the time. This is a force that really makes people feel terrified, as if their own thinking is no longer their own. Even so, the two are still colleagues and comrades, and Catwoman never thought of herself. Because of this fear, he will attack Chang Huaien and destroy his form of existence at this time. Conversely, it is difficult to imagine that someone will be able to kill Chang Huaien.

"Chang Huai'en was killed?" Catwoman confirmed suspiciously that she remembered that she had called Chang Huaien before, but received no response. Although it was emotionally difficult to accept, it seemed to be a conclusive proof. Catwoman feels that the situation inside the repeater is becoming tricky. A thick darkness, some desperate situations, some fearful things are exuding a resisting and disgusting smell. Spread inside the entire repeater.

It was this huge fear, the deep darkness, and the stimulation that caused Catwoman to get rid of the sensibility that made her feel at a loss.

"Ms. Mayn, you must be treated." Catwoman interrupted her when Prophet Mayn was about to say something. "No matter what the situation becomes, the situation is already alive, you become like this. , I do n’t think it makes much sense to hurry up. If a new situation will appear soon, then we will definitely be too late to deal with it. If the new situation will not happen immediately, then, I think we still have some time to think about this The ins and outs of this incident. "

"... Maybe you're right, Ms. Cat." Ms. Mayn's deep momentum declined from that tragic appearance, making her look pitiful, but without the weird and sad feeling she had before. In Catwoman's eyes, it was like the line that Ms. Mayn had been tensing, and she finally relaxed. Now that the situation is unclear, it is not a good thing to relax, but only for Ms. Mayn ’s situation, Catwoman thinks she is better to relax. Ms. Mayn is a prophet, not a warrior. Her ability is only useful for predicting the end. Perhaps this narrow ability is the reason why she survived.

"I'll take you to the medical room." Catwoman said so, and stepped forward to pick up the miserable Ms. Mayn from the sand. Through direct contact, Catwoman realized that Ms. Mayn ’s condition was worse than her appearance. Not only did she lose her eyes and feet, other parts of her limbs that appeared to be complete were also interrupted, and her muscles were also torn. Department, just like being tortured, maybe even the internal organs are not intact.

Who actually did this kind of thing? If it is really a traitor inside the cyber ball, the status of this traitor must also be very high. You can often contact core figures like Ms. Mayn. In so many years of getting along and working together, is there no point of humiliation of your former companions? Heart? Thinking from this angle, Catwoman felt that Ms. Mayn's description of the other party as a "monster" really made sense-it was like a cold-blooded monster with no heart and no emotion.

It is assumed that the other party is such a cold-blooded monster, and it is assumed that, including the Prophet Mayn, all core personnel who can lead the operation of the network ball are attacked or isolated by it, and the network ball mechanism inside the repeater is split from a whole into impossible The individuals connected immediately, and then have been broken one by one, so what is the purpose of the other party to do so? Is it just to ruin the cyber ball?

No, Catwoman doesn't think so, because from the perspective of Ms. Mayn, the internal structure of the repeater and the missing person, the attack on the cyber ball is just a process to achieve her goal. The other party attacked the network ball not to disintegrate the network ball, but to control the entire London repeater without any worries-and the other party obviously has completed the control of the London repeater, or is still Attempt to control, the result of this behavior gave rise to all kinds of abnormal changes inside the repeater.

This abnormal change is not quiet and is not the final result. Catwoman can use the intuition of the mysterious expert and observe the details of the change to confirm that the current change is actually in a "gradual" state. This change must have a final result, but it is clear that the other party has not yet reached this result and is still in a state of progress.

Since the opponent hasn't got a result yet, he has a chance to turn over with a certain probability. To seize this opportunity, you need to be resolute, but you ca n’t act recklessly. Catwoman herself has n’t figured out the course of action afterwards. In short, if you can confirm the situation of the two of the three pillars other than Chang Huain.

The situation outside the room became more complicated. When Catwoman walked out of the room holding Ms. Meyn, she saw more roads and doorways that she had never seen before. The interior of the London repeater is more and more like a maze. It's like the entire building structure has an autonomous soul, and this soul is crazy, and it has added itself without planning. From the perspective of topography and landform, Catwoman feels that the landscape atmosphere here is faintly close to the ruins of the ruling bureau.

This ever-increasing and irregular internal structure has always been avoided by Chang Huien. Catwoman has seen it. With the increase of rooms and roads, some inexplicable signs will also appear in a corner of the field of vision. . Catwoman knows very well that these signs did n’t exist originally, just like they existed in the last second, and the next second was realized by themselves, saying that it was inexplicable, not only because of its appearance, but also because of The instructions above it seem to be piled up with typos and seem to be understandable, but in fact they are confusing and can only be guessed.

In these huge changes that make me feel unfamiliar, there are still some impressions of no change. Catwoman follows this route of increasing familiarity with unknown changes, and finds the place of the medical center. When she saw the house number, the medical room closest to the two was already surrounded by completely strange rooms and corridors. Originally there were more rooms for familiar purposes besides the medical room, but nowadays, it ’s like It was the space that was forcibly enlarged, those familiar rooms were squeezed out.

Catwoman didn't hesitate, maybe there are many enemies inside the repeater today, but she did not feel a clear sense of hostility. Rather, not only did the enemies not jump out, even her own people did not know where they were missing. Too. Ms. Mayn is already the only human being confirmed to exist.

If it is a sudden event that is relatively close to common sense, it is absolutely impossible for so many staff members in the network ball to leave only two in the blink of an eye. If the missing person did n’t leave the repeater, then their ending would either be as lost as they were, or they would have been caught by the enemy-if others were just caught, then why are they and Ms. Meyn Was it released?

The word "let go", Catwoman doesn't find it useful or wrong. If the enemy really has a way to grab so many workers inside the repeater in a very short time, then he actually does not have the ability to resist-because, maybe other people think Catwoman can fight, but She has never been a mysterious expert in any type of combat, and even has little direct combat experience. Even if there is no level, her ability will lose the power that is impressive and cannot be ignored.

In some ways, Catwoman and Ms. Mayn are both "logistics"-is that why the enemy let them go? Catwoman doesn't think so.

"Have you seen Marceau? Ms. Mayn." Catwoman asked as she pushed open the door of the medical room.

"After getting the last message from Chang Huaien, I have lost contact with Marceau and the grade system." Ms. Mayn's voice was no longer as violent as before, and her emotions seemed to have calmed down, although she was A well-known psychologist, but in addition to the prophetic ability of prophecy, it is just an ordinary person-ordinary people's strength and ordinary people's mental strength, in the face of sudden mysterious events, can not be in the first place Compared with the first-line mysterious experts, it is understandable.

"... You got the last message from Chang Huaien?" This is what Catwoman cares about most. In her imagination, even in the past, she did all the various crises in a way of brainstorming. In the preparatory measures for the situation, the chance that Chang Huaien will give Ms. Mayn the "last message" is very low. There are many reasons, but the most important reason is that although Ms. Mayn is the creator of the network ball, it is the core The character is a soul character, but it is more embodied as a spiritual leader than a person who actually deals with affairs. This means that in the process of processing intelligence to executing actions, Ms. Mayn at most acts as a relay for information.

However, Catwoman was also more aware of the precarious situation that Chang Huaien was facing at the time-he did n’t even dare, or had no way to notify the fire escape and other people with more practical action ~ ~ can only use Mei The identity of Ms. En ’s prophet is a bit of a trick, indirectly conveying information.

"That is to say, your injury was not due to the enemy's attack, but something went wrong while receiving the information?" Catwoman was also aware of this.

"Yes, that information is really terrible. It's not literal information that can be expressed completely in words, but information that comes with the impact of consciousness. Or, Chang Huaien hid the information in the impact of consciousness. Ms. Mayn said with a lingering fear: "My injury was not only brought by the impact of consciousness, but also because the message contained Chang Huaien's observation and understanding of the enemy's body. That was too indescribable, it was a monster It ca n’t be described in words at all, just the retelling of the observation information, it almost killed my old life. "

The catwoman reviewed the entire medical room, and did not feel the fatal danger, so she placed Ms. Mayn on the medical table and operated it graffitily. It would be nice if there were professionals, but the current situation can have a temporary The safe medical room is also a matter of luck. Afterwards, the changes inside the repeater may become more and more dangerous.

"So, tell me, Ms. Mayn, who is the enemy? Even if it is a monster, there must be an official identity among us?" Catwoman asked directly, although this question is very important, but also to prevent May Ms. En fell asleep during the treatment-she ca n’t guarantee that if Ms. Mayn sleeps, she can still wake up. The patient status given by the treatment device is really too bad, and it looks better than her appearance. It is estimated that it is much worse.

"It's Omi." Ms. Mayn spoke out, guessing in Catwoman's heart, but she always refused to recognize the name. 8

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the restricted-level doomsday syndrome, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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