Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1920: ceremony

"Wind" is spinning, one spiral, two spirals, three spirals ... cyclones with a diameter from one hundred meters to one centimeter are all around Father Sisson, and large-scale discharges are generated in each vortex, visible The electric light is like a string of threads connecting these vortices in series, forming a complex and huge three-dimensional network. The fastest update of the ritual trap that Father Sisen once laid in this area of ​​the ruling bureau has long been invalidated. He is very clear that his current location is not exactly the same as the original foggy security network node area, even from The physical address looks like the same coordinate, but there are certain differences between the normal space and the temporary data hedge space, as well as the temporary data hedge space and the temporary data hedge space.

Father Sisson could n’t understand the essence of this difference, nor could he fully describe the difference. If he replaced it with some science fiction, he could only think of an explanation such as “parallel space”, but no matter which kind Explanation, there are obviously unexplainable places here. Father Sisen could not analyze the mystery here rationally and logically, but his intuition as a mystery expert allowed him to produce a rough and obscure outline, so that he would not walk into a dead end in thinking.

From a scientific point of view, as long as you understand the principles and have the ability to apply these principles, you can crack any known thing. However, from the mysterious point of view, the known things must be explained, but on the other hand, the unknown cannot be explained. To face these unexplainable dangers, all the methods of trying to explain will not be too big. On the contrary, those methods that are also unexplainable are the most timely way to fight the unsolvable danger at the juncture.

Father Sissen is not a scientist, accustomed to thinking rationally and logically, but is not limited to these most common means for normal people. His philosophy, his truth, and all his means for mystery exist. In the unknown he could not understand. For him, survival and power are also extremely simple. It is a matter of course that people can solve known problems. For many people, it is the safest and most convenient way to only focus on the known field and use the known power. Therefore, it is common for these people to use known thoughts to deny unknown things, and it is also natural. It is a passive and effective way of self-protection. However, for mysterious experts, if they want to survive, they must look directly at the unknown mist, whether they use known power or unknown power, as long as they can survive in the unknown, they must admit their existence.

The principle of the sacrificial ritual is unknown, the power level of the fourth-level magic pattern is unknown, and the magic pattern itself is also an unknown thing. Similarly, the critical weapon from the effect to the principle, to the history of its existence, are all in the mist. In the past, the legacy left by Father Edward is also full of unpredictable possibilities, and then to the witch vv and other messengers, all the things they have done are covered up by death. And all these unknowns are all aimed at the monster in front of him who can't imagine its terrible degree.

This seemingly ordinary monster of a beautiful woman

Father Sisen's "wind" and "electricity" formed a huge force field, and this force field was twisted by the bracelet-shaped critical weapon at the moment of formation. On his body, around him, the air pressure in each cubic meter is different. He put himself and the monster in front of him into an invisible and huge Rubik's Cube, and through the power of the fourth-level magic pattern, he reversed the Rubik's Cube as disorderly as possible, so that he and the monster were all caught in this cruel and rapidly changing illusion. in.

He knows exactly where his strengths and weaknesses are. Whether it is a Mageweave superpower or a critical weapon, both of them have great deficiencies in direct attack ability, or that this is not a force that can directly damage the enemy, but must pass both The mobilization of the indirect phenomenon produces an indirect phenomenon full of destructive power. All along, Father Sissen used known knowledge to understand how "air pressure control" was completed, and estimated the various destructive phenomena that "air pressure control" can cause. He has already delved into the means of "controlling atmospheric particles". Pushing "particles" through "force" to form violent particle movements, thereby releasing a lot of energy, and compressing "particles" through "force", forming extremely strong substances from the most common electrical energy to even he does not know what it is Energy, from visible to intangible, from single metal properties to composite metal properties, to non-metallic materials, from organic substances to extract beneficial chemical reactions for organisms, extracted from inorganic substances can resist a variety of chemistry The inert structure of the reaction, or the catalyst that can accelerate the chemical reaction, etc.

From energy to matter, Father Sissen has tried many unknown attempts to find out his best response. These reactions can be calculated by scientific methods, and can also be observed by scientific methods. However, this does not mean that they are not powerful. Normal world science can explain, but the reactions that science and technology cannot control. It ’s just a question of “how many times did you exercise”.

The drastic changes that are stimulated from the micro level, causing various phenomena at the macro level through a chain reaction, will not only affect what is known to humans, but also affect what is unknown to humans. Father Sisen has personally proved this in every mysterious incident in the past.

He hoped that the power he had gained from the past, what he had learned from enemies and relatives, and the legacy left by the deceased, would be effective on the female monster named "Jiang" in front of him.

Father Sisen has deeply understood that every attack and every thought at this time is not a matter of his own. It is with the foreshadowing of many things in the past, the sacrifices and gifts of many people, that you have the possibility of yourself at this moment, and the basis for your thinking and fighting at this moment. If you ca n’t solve this monster by doing your best, it means that in this world, the possibility of killing it is extremely small, and you must do something like Father Edward, take the last line. I hope to put pressure on someone else, let everything I have, and put everything that others put on me, into that person's food.

And such an act was not for the truth from the beginning, but only for being able to convey an emotion: an emotion that is determined to pursue the truth; a more narrow and short-lived than the grand ideal, But it makes people feel that they must pass on from the heart; a proof that proves the existence of the self, the existence of the self in others, the proof of the personality and commonality of human beings, it directly proves that when human beings separate from others and exist simply At that time, it was no longer human, because the definition of "human" was narrow from the beginning, and this narrow meaning is just a stupid cognition and consciousness of oneself.

The humility of "human" lies in the narrow definition of "human" and in the recognition that humans must restrain themselves. Words like "Human beings laugh when they think" are not human beings mocking their own stupidity, but candidness of their own existence. One cannot imagine the great shore of "omniscience and omnipotence", one cannot imagine something greater than "omnipotence and omnipotence", and it is impossible to imagine a more profound existence than "omniscience and omnipotence", even though people have coined the term "omnipotence and omnipotence". Therefore, "Almighty Almighty" and something greater than "Almighty Almighty" can't make people progress. For people, "Almighty Almighty" is already a limitation of thinking, so once people define themselves as "Almighty Almighty", or close to "Almighty Almighty", or accepting this "Almighty Almighty" with a false idea, can no longer make progress.

Conversely, just by acknowledging these narrowness and stupidity, and defining "person" on a narrow surface, "person" can better see his own growth, thereby gaining the courage to face the unknown fear. I do n’t know how far back in ancient times, some people understood this, so they began to tell people how small the "man" is, thus leaving a profound concept in human reason: the smaller Things, the more growth, the narrower things, the more room for development.

Is a creature that advances towards the fearful unknown with such cognition and consciousness, but this is by no means for the truth, but is more plain and emphasizes the impulse of self-existence.

As long as they are humans, they cannot give up this impulse, because the narrowness and ignorance of human beings make people unable to grow and survive after giving up this impulse. Conversely, as long as it is not a human being, it is of course possible to look at and understand the word "human" casually.

Question one: Abandoning the narrow and ignorant self-definition, and transcending this human definition, is the definition of "human" in its eyes beneficial to human itself?

Question 2: Do you admit that you are human? Acknowledge your narrowness and ignorance as a human being? Acknowledge this narrow and ignorant definition of self?

For these two questions, Father Sissen in the past had very different answers from the present. But now, Father Sissen is not making decisions and actions at this moment based on past answers, but is completely rebuilding the basis of his thinking and behavior with answers that are now completely different from the past.

For him, doomsday truth is still very important. It is also very important to let yourself survive until the end of the doomsday truth is fully revealed, but these importances are by no means overriding. Although there is no conviction that the end is bound to come, it is no longer based on this belief.

Belief in the doomsday truth and pursue the doomsday truth is the pursuit of a believer, but at this moment, Father Sisen has a very strong idea that he is not only a believer, but also a human being. Pursuing the truth purely as a believer may be called a "holy man". If it can be so simple, then, what kind of attributes do you have besides being a "believer"? Are you a human? , It's actually not important anymore. Conversely, because I never give up my thoughts and identity as a person, and consciously or subconsciously, understand things from the perspective of human beings, look at the mystery, and pursue the end, so it seems contradictory and weird .

After all, your own consciousness and acceptance of the narrow definition of "human" is the source that makes you most impulsive, and, "I don't think there is anything wrong with it." Father Sisen said to himself At the same time, the monster of the female body broke through the layers of obstacles, and the harsh environment of the magic mode created by the combined effect of the magic pattern super power and the critical weapon did not see any effect on it. What's more, when Father Sissen has already obeyed the crisis instinct and drifted in the first place ~ ~ the power that was intended to be exerted to hinder his actions has become a force to push it.

At the moment when Father Sisen ’s thinking activities changed, the female monster was close at hand. He can even see directly in the depth of the red light in his right eye, the dark pupil like the abyss, his face reflected without a look, but more vivid than ever before. To be like a human, so full of stupid face.

Father Sisen's air pressure block expanded at the first time. Heavy pressure, bursting shock, violent sparks and splattered electric current interweave together, whipping Father Sisen out. Father Sisen did not resist, and the condensed particles had already built an inert defensive structure on his body, resisting most of the destructive power generated by these riots. In this case, this pneumatic block became a trap bait from the beginning, Father Sisen himself.

The attack did not end. When Father Xisen flew outwards, the air pressure blocks on the trajectory he began to expand and explode, producing a chain reaction that was too complicated for even Father Xisen. This trajectory reversed into the air pressure block that exploded first.

All explosions, all light phenomena, all visible traces and fluctuations are not irregular. Perhaps the explosion generated in an air pressure block is chaotic, but looking at all the air pressure blocks that exploded during the throwing of Father Sissen, it is full of rhythm in time and space. The light visible to the naked eye, the flying substances, the scent of scent, and the sounds spreading at different frequencies constitute a huge ritual matrix. rw

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