Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1921: Face the fear

Explosion, a series of explosions, the explosion produced light, sound, wind and many kinds of materials. The complex vibration is like weaving a beautiful and suggestive melody. The particles intersect in the melody, creating a simple structure, and then This structure was copied in a very short time and extended to a wider space. When the scope of the structure was expanded to a certain extent, the structure became complicated. It was like a certain pattern, a certain totem, and it was rich in life. Powerful, but also like a toxin that destroys the structure of life at any time. Many things that contain positive meanings such as "promote" and "growth", and those that contain negative meanings such as "depletion" and "impediment" are wrapped up by an invisible force to produce each other A more complex, incalculable, and difficult to observe the interaction of every detail. As a result, more specific changes have occurred, which constitute some peculiar phenomena and produce some results that can be experienced personally.

Father Sisen glides in the air less than one meter from the ground. His body lies flat, his neck bent toward his chest, as if he is looking at something, but he does not see the female monster in the direction of his gaze. Father Sisen's feet gradually sagged and almost dragged to the ground, but there was an invisible force supporting his body, making him fly back as if gliding without resistance. The phenomena produced by the ritual have spread beyond 50 meters in diameter in less than a second. The strong aggression can be felt even by an ordinary person, and will certainly produce goose bumps for it, and Such a change is far from over. With the passage of time, the effectiveness of this ritual will be further enhanced, and due to the impact of the bracelet-shaped critical weapon, it is toward a kind of collapse, which is not friendly to Father Sissen himself and the female monster. Twisted direction.

This is not a simple ritual. It was impossible for Father Sisen to go to that seemingly phantom room and listen to Father Edward's last words in the last trance. Even, less than a second ago, he still has doubts about whether he can complete this ritual. More strictly speaking, to perform such a ritual is just like a flash of light in less than a second. Decision.

That was a very strong intuition. The trap set by Father Sissen had a much lower expected effect than the one displayed at this time, but just at the moment when the female monster was about to break the air pressure cube, a rush came This kind of impulse made Father Sisen seem to become an existing puppet at that moment, and was led to complete the present ritual-the moment Father Sisen took action, he felt that it was not just It was made by "self", but it was driven by an extremely complex will, and from it, he felt Father Edward.

At that moment, Father Sissen's thinking, emotions in his heart, body movements, and the voice in that meditation reached agreement. To let him describe it, he would say that it was like a mission, a call, a great cause of heaven, and an essential plot, which came upon him. It was a difficult situation to describe, but it was very harmonious, and he did n’t need to hesitate at all, or he did n’t think too much of what he did when he put it into action, and everything was following that guiding feeling go.

www # qiuxiaoshuo # com ?? С ??? also when he intuitively put into action, a word suddenly appeared in his mind: hero.

Therefore, he felt that only the meaning contained in the word "hero" could explain his impulse-a group of strong wills, very unified, strong, like diamonds-no matter what color diamonds are, there are Black, pink, white, and other chromatographic colors-from the perspective of Father Sissen, what can be described as "heroic will" completely pushed him from the level of consciousness.

Is like calling a hero. After feeling his impulse, after understanding the decision he made when he gave up his rational thoughts and changed from a doomsday Truth cultist identity to being a human identity, Xi Father Mori also had a feeling that may be an illusion: he really became a hero.

It would be a ridiculous thing to switch to being in the past, because, in terms of his values, what he is doing because of impulse is by no means a heroic thing. His position and starting point are very different from what he understood as the meaning of "hero", but even if he judged it rationally, Father Sisen could not suppress his passionate heart.

The weight of that excitement can only be described by this sentence: When there is as much fear in one's heart, the degree of excitement is as high. Two intense emotions grow in direct proportion.

Father felt that he seemed to be crazy. He was not fighting soberly, not strictly fighting from the "self-will" he had admitted, but he was undeniable. He felt strong at this moment. It is far beyond the strength of imagination. Those parts that were thought to be weaknesses in the past are flaws that will only be exposed under irrational circumstances. It seems that at this moment, they are all irrelevant, because this strength is overshadowed on another level. These weaknesses and flaws.

In terms of rationality, Father Sisen felt that he was inflating. He admits that there is no conflict between the self as a doomsday truth believer and the self as a person, but there is indeed a contradiction in the thoughts and actions of the two. In his observations, most doomsday apostles will abandon the standpoint of being a person, through some means, from material to ideological, abandon those contradictory factors, and transform themselves into the purest "believers". He had also thought about it, even, approaching a little bit in the direction of inhumanity, and the righteousness is the concrete manifestation of this tendency. However, Father Edward, who exists in a seemingly real trance, did not give it at all. He chose to break this change, just like a tough father using his own methods, his own ideas, and his most unreasonable violent means to force his son back to what he thinks is the "right way." "on.

It ’s so unreasonable-even if Father Sissen has been middle-aged, he still has the same idea as a child. He does n’t want to complain, and feels that it ’s all too sudden, too incredible. Such emotions remain. Apparently, Father Edward himself was using the power of disguise to transform himself from human to non-human, to practice his own ideas, which is certainly hopeless in the eyes of others, but now he uses that non-human The force of his own, forcibly pulled his godson back from the inhuman road.

w # ww @ qiuxiaoshuo ~ com ????? С? Father Sisen even considered, did Father Edward regret his choice? However, the next time he gave birth to this idea, he rejected it. Father Sisen felt contradictory. He had no idea what his godfather thought. At the last moment as if leaving a last word, Father Edward ’s words and decisions were full of contradictions with his own life course in the past, as if he wanted to leave this contradiction deliberately and let Father Sisen himself change It must be contradictory.

Even so, Father Sisen can still feel the love of the godfather for himself from this contradiction, and he did not hesitate when the other party made this decision.

This happened between Father Edward and Father Sissen, as if it was buried in the earth for a long time, and it blossomed at the last moment of life.

That strong sense of destiny always emerged in the emotions of Father Sisen.

Father Edward's contradiction, just like the inheritance between father and son, came to Father Sissen and made Father Sissen feel that behind Father Edward's contradiction, there are also more contradictions, but these "contradictions" It is not derogatory, nor is it being spurned by those who contradict themselves. On the contrary, they chose this "contradiction" themselves, just like at the last moment of life, they agreed that this "contradiction" is the most Precious heritage.

One pass two, two pass four, four pass eight ... On the boundary between man and non-human, once stepped into the realm of non-human, but at the last moment of life, with a terrible will, tortured by superhuman self, Back to the human side-this process continued on Father Sissen, and he felt it very clearly, intensely, and impulsively.

Father Sisen's back finally hit the ground, as if there was a sharp stone hitting his spine, the violent pain and paralysis spread along the nerve to the limb. He swung his body forcibly and rolled on the ground. As he tried to get up, the burning sensation from the magic pattern on his right wrist went up to the next level, just like igniting something in his body. Every corner of the body, as if every pore is breathing fire.

Father Sisen felt like he was burning like firewood, but this burning brought both pain and strength. Since it is different from the power at the time of righteousness, it is not the power that I have contacted or possessed in the past. This burning power is echoing the magic pattern, critical weapon, his consciousness, his impulse, and his own side, the huge matrix-like ritual circuit composed of air pressure cube .

All of this is harmony, a harmony born from contradiction, and a harmony based on irrational things. This harmony allowed Fr. Sisen to feel fearless at the same time as she was fearless-yes, the contradiction between fear and fearlessness, at this moment, harmony was born.

Where is that monster called "Jiang"? Father Sisen lost his trace at the moment the trap exploded, although, logically, this should not be the case. The power of Witch VV and the Three Couriers materialized the monster, and on a certain level, it was unable to show the weirdness that might make people helpless. Simply put, it is to change a "monster that no one can handle" into a "monster that may be defeated", which is a conceptual change of "strong and weak". Father Sisen felt that after being affected by this change, the monster should not still be able to "actually be unobservable" in action.

W @ W @ w.qiuxiaoshuo $ com In other words, no matter whether the female monster is injured in the trap or not, when it acts, even if it cannot be directly observed, it should be intuitively felt by the mysterious expert.

However, Father Sissen neither saw a certain change of this monster hidden behind the explosion, nor had a clear feeling, as if the monster did not exist in that position from the beginning-does it not exist? When this thought flashed through Father Sisen's mind, his body was already moving in a terrible cold.

Numerous chains are intertwined in the surface of Father Sissen, among which are obviously material and obviously not material. These intertwined chains are woven into armor that envelopes the body, and are then subjected to violent shocks ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Father Sissen felt the chain break and the power like a fast-turning drill bit, and he slammed into the body. Every one of his muscles is trying to reduce this shock, but it is impossible to be completely harmless. Father Sissen ’s body has been suspended, and before the second blow, a spider-like thread is small. The thread is already glued to his belt, and the other is glued to the corner of the sand in the distance.

The elasticity of the spider silk dragged him backwards, and the position where he was beaten in the air before appeared an annihilating material reaction. A visible and distorted and hollow phenomenon tore the ritual matrix.

Father Sissen only felt pain, but, as Father Edward said, this physical pain did not cause more harm than putting his spirit in a state of trance like heaven. On the contrary, the continuation of this pain is at the same time becoming the force that pulls him back from the heavens to the world, and continues to amplify in the body-perhaps an illusion, but Father Sisen really feels that when he is suffering, Moments are stronger than moments.

Father Sisen endured the pain of being hit, and the pain like spontaneous combustion, and the little bit of pain accumulated, just like the little bit of power accumulated. The more painful, the more powerful, the boiling emotion and the strong impulse, interrupting the self-emerging, unconscious thinking every moment, so that the thinking cannot form a link, cannot continue to go deeper, cannot become A clearer idea.

All this is like dreaming, inexplicable contests in the dream-in this dream, the enemy is so powerful, and he is not a weak person, should be afraid, but not afraid, because, this is In his own dream.

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