Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1971: The day after the toilet talk

The old toilet in the school ... Gao Chuan remembered it, as if the memory that never existed came to my mind, but when I remembered it, I felt that I should not have forgotten it. It was an indescribable feeling, saying that nostalgia and familiarity were not the same. His body suddenly tightened, with a sense of tension and anticipation, as if searching for long-term clues finally showed a hint. From the point of view, this "old toilet" is certainly not simple, but from the information in the memory, for the school and the teachers and students here, it is just a toilet to be demolished.

There are many reasons for demolition. First of all, after the school has been rebuilt many times, the location of the old toilets has become remote and inconvenient to use, and because of the age, some of the toilet cleaning facilities have become outdated, and users often complain. Of course, the more important reason is that the newly built classroom building of the school has toilets on each floor, and it also intends to spend 200,000 yuan to build a more modern new toilet by the stadium.

In this way, the old toilet is superfluous-in fact, there are very few people who choose to use the old toilet when they really want to use the toilet. Some "poor students" for school education: poor academic performance, self-sufficiency, laziness, and the habit of smoking and fighting.

Located in a remote place, although the old toilets that are rarely used are not clean places, they are regarded by these "poor students" as a place to pass the time-why must we choose a place that emits such a smell? No one can say that it is like a habit. As far as Gao Chuan knows, students who originally smoked habitually went there, and later, more students who smoked also went there, and it seemed to become a habit over time. What a "secret base" looks like.

Of course, the "secret base" has not reached the level of the "mysterious organization" known to Gao Chuan. In fact, most school administrators know this, but no one has deliberately controlled it in the past. It is unavoidable that these "poor students" have not been rectified. In a word, the reasons for the demolition of old toilets can be found to some extent. The positive and negative ones will inevitably lead to the result of "demolition of old toilets".

If you put it on other people's daily life, the "old toilet" will certainly not cause you too much concern. However, for Gao Chuan, at this time, in such a place, in such a way, as if hiding some kind of secret message, all calling his soul as a mysterious expert.

Especially this old toilet has new rumors.

The rumors were brought by the "good friends" at the back table: "I heard that there were several cases of disappearance in the old toilet." However, if the questioning continues, the other party is unclear, so it's just gossip. Even so, it is enough to make Gao Chuan decided to take a look. As a student cadre, he did not hear the relevant clues from the school management. If there is a disappearance case, no matter how the school hides the negative news, there will certainly be some unusual movements. However, in Gaochuan ’s vision There are no signs of such movement.

There is no particularly active action, and no police involvement, as if the rumors of the disappearance case existed only among some students-in Gaochuan's view, it was like a deliberately leaked smell used to lure prey.

Do you want more students to go to the old toilet? Or is it just for yourself? Gao Chuan thought for a moment, but did not continue. Of course, he will never forget that he came to this strange and familiar place. Being in such a situation is strange in itself. Everywhere has something to do with his action goal "Jiang"-he does n’t quite understand that after the program runs Is it certain that this situation will happen now, but one thing is clear: I am very close to "Jiang", this sense of distance is different from all previous attempts to contact, it is likely that further contact is hidden here The clue of "Jiang".

Gao Chuan is an excellent student in high school here, but he is not here to learn. Any clues that may bring him closer to his goal are attracting him. Conversely, it may be that the enemy deliberately set traps. However, if this is a trap, it also means that the enemy chose the trap instead of a positive offense and defense for some reason. Gao Chuan was also curious about this reason, because that might be the enemy's weakness.

Does "Jiang" have weaknesses? Gao Chuan didn't know and could not judge. From the past deeds, because he was too terrible, he tended to feel "no weakness", but hoped that it had weaknesses.

With such a complicated mood, Gao Chuan went to the old toilet during school.

The old toilet is located at the rear of the teaching building. The vegetation is lush along the way, as if it is deserted. It takes ten minutes to walk, but rarely see other students. The green-brown stone slabs are exposed in the weeds, which are not well-laid, weather-beaten, and walked by countless people. The soil has covered one-third of the stone surface, so it is easy to slip when it rains. As Gao Chuan understands, there is a breath that no one can enter. After two bends along the stone road, you can see two stone table tennis tables hidden in the bamboo forest. Then, Gao Chuan again Somehow I remembered that when I was a primary school student, I often ran into this school with my friends to compete for these two table tennis tables-the sound of laughter, footsteps, the feeling of pushing the shoulders, the table tennis is in When the stone table and the racket jumped, it didn't look like the sound of a formal wooden table. It was like walking through time and space, surrounding him in a hallucinatory illusion.

It ’s like, I really have those days, a happy and peaceful childhood ... Unfortunately, Gao Chuan thought that he did n’t own these. "Gao Chuan" grew up in an orphanage from an early age. From physical to mental, they have become serious patients. The healthy, happy, wanton running of childhood ... just an enviable imagination.

Gao Chuan's heart was throbbing, but the cold nerve quickly pulled his thoughts back into silence. Although in his ears, he could still hear the carefree happy voice, and his shoulders seemed to also The temperature and touch of the friends still came, and even my fingers seemed to follow the swing of the table tennis and racket.

It wasn't until I moved closer and saw clearly that the illusion surrounding the table tennis table disappeared, and Gao Chuan saw that the stone table was already covered with moss, which became daunting and so dirty that he didn't want to get close.

Suddenly there was a melancholy and bitterness that grew out of his emotions, and he quickly circumvented there.

Bypassing the abandoned table tennis table, you can quickly see the old toilet, the dirty appearance as expected, the red brick structure, the cement powder pavement, the white slogan on the wall with white lime, but there are more Color strokes, graffiti around these slogans and large characters, can be understood, unintelligible fonts and patterns are crowded on the wall like garbage dumps.

The smell of ammonia can be smelled from afar, one can imagine how rich it should be if it is close. Even so, in memory, this is still a holy place for students to smoke-few people would want to fight here, if you don't light a cigarette, it seems that even breathing is difficult. As if it were a physical instinct, Gao Chuan put his hands in the pockets of his school uniform and touched the soft carton with his fingertips. He pulled out and looked at the half pack of cigarettes in his pocket sometime.

Of course, camel brand.

The lighter was also found, in the trouser pocket on the other side, with the key.

Along the way, as always, few students were seen. Gao Chuan just has a feeling of "closer", but it cannot be said clearly as "close to Jiang" if it is "close to what". Some kind of sudden change that greets oneself in the front may not be caused by "Jiang", but it is absolutely inseparable from "Jiang".

Habitually, Gao Chuan lit cigarettes with a lighter, and the crackling sound was particularly loud in an environment where he seemed to be alone. He remembered it again. "Prime student" was just an appearance of "Gaochuan" deliberately drilling the camp. Needless to say, the signboard of "excellent student" is more popular in the social circle of the school, and has many advantages in action and subjectivity in many aspects, so it is the "excellent student". Of course, good study is true, good interpersonal relationships are true, it is true to use some means to seek public interests, and smoking is also true.

"Well, it's just a little clever guy." Gao Chuan said of himself in this school's memory, and he spit out a smoke ring slowly.

When he walked into the toilet, he saw a few undimmed cigarette butts on the floor full of yellow urine spots and moss in the open toilet compartment. There was a "as always" feeling. It seems that some people have been here not long ago, it should be students, the question is, where are these guys now? I didn't see any other people on the way when I arrived. It's unlikely if I got to the back of the toilet, because there was only a gutter, and it was totally unsuitable for activities.

The odor in the toilet can't bother Gao Chuan at all. Although it is unpleasant and physiologically repellent, in mysterious events, conditions that are much worse than these odors and vision occur from time to time, just "smelly", just " "Dirty", if you don't feel deeply, you won't lose a few lives. Although here, Gao Chuan no longer has a prosthetic body and a magic pattern, as if he has completely changed back to the most common human being, but he uses absolute will to suppress inner irritability and physical rejection, and mobilizes the whole senses with experience. If you feel the surrounding environment, the information you get is more detailed than most people.

However, there is no clue that anyone remains in the toilet or stays around the toilet.

At this moment, there was only himself within ten meters of the old toilet, and there was no figure when he came over. So, it seems that there is nothing wrong with judging that the person who dropped the cigarette **** in the compartment is "missing".

Gao Chuan smiled, and this kind of careful thinking would feel that something was wrong, exactly what he wanted. Conversely, if this is just a blind eye, it will be disappointing.

Just when he wanted to continue to dig deeper, a voice came from the window, like someone sneaking on the ground, but accidentally stepped on the stone, making a fine sound, which would be missed if he didn't pay attention. However, for Gao Chuan, this voice could not be clearer, but he still didn't instinctively think it was a "person".

The sound will not come out for no reason. Something does pass, but it is not necessarily a person, it may be something else. Needless to say, hope is something else. The thing was very agile, and it passed through at once. Gao Chuan predicted the trajectory, and looked at the entrance of the toilet. Sure enough, he saw a shadow passing by quickly, and he couldn't see clearly at all. He didn't catch up immediately because the speed of the thing was so fast that it is impossible to catch up with his current physical fitness. If the other party wants to hide, it may be difficult to find out.

The question is, since that thing appears here, will it really leave like this? And will the movements made by that thing be a plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain? Gao Chuan thought calmly, reaching for the door of the other compartment, intending to thoroughly explore it one by one.

However, in the third room, just before the inspection, the door of the compartment where no special clues were found was suddenly closed with a bang, just like someone intentionally closed the door with force. Gao Chuan turned around subconsciously, his eyes drooping, and he saw a shadow seeping out of the door crack, and, from the perspective of light, the direction of the shadow should not be in this direction.

There is something unnatural behind the door-it is almost inevitable to come to this conclusion ~ ~ When Gao Chuan ’s heart came up with such an idea, he immediately heard a beast-like deep breathing sound, The beast seemed to be watching his side through the door panel. It started to move, and the size of the compartment could not restrain its range of action. It was like the walls disappeared in places where he could not see it. This beast, who did not know how it looked, was in a wider space. Drooling, pacing back and forth anxiously.

In Gao Chuan's mind, there is a vague guess about the outline of this beast, which is huge and dangerous. According to common sense, this body can't confront it at all.

Therefore, Gao Chuan did not immediately open the door.

He sweated a bit on his forehead. He felt that it was not a fear and tension, but a purely physiological reaction. There is no doubt that the situation you want has already appeared, but you must find a way to seize this dangerous opportunity.

Gao Chuan's eyes wandered and tried to find weapons, but the keen feeling still remained on the beast behind the door, and he still had a feeling of familiarity with it. The breath, the pace, the low rolling roar, just like coming out of the past.

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