Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1972: Unjust old

No weapons, no mysterious power, no strong body, only calm enough thoughts and self-proclaimed strong will, these conditions are far worse than the beast across the door, who does not know what the substance is. Far. The dull breath and low growl, the indescribable "taste", and the fear that grew from the senses all outlined a terrifying and vague outline in Gao Chuan's mind. In less than a second, he subconsciously came to a conclusion about what the opposite thing was—Gray Mist Demon.

A gray fog demon in the form of a beast.

However, when subconsciously judging that it was a gray fog demon, the fear and tension in Gao Chuan's heart relaxed. Speaking of which, before becoming a mystery expert, when I first came into contact with mysterious doom, most people were just ordinary people, and they didn't even have strong and calm qualities. Only under such absolutely unfavorable conditions, because of the outbreak of survival instincts, because of luck, because of certain decisive factors, such as a decisive factor, seemingly survived by chance, and then experienced many more such underground under adverse circumstances, and even The survival journey in desperate circumstances can eventually become a "mysterious expert".

In the final analysis, a name like "mysterious expert" is not a name for a profession, but only for this type of person who can survive a mysterious crisis and has accumulated enough experience and strength to seem comparable. Ordinary people are better able to deal with this kind of dilemma.

The situation in front of me is certainly not good, but compared to the first time I survived in a mysterious event; compared to being in a desperate dilemma, relying on luck to accidentally break away; compared to searching for but I ca n’t find the correct one anyway The answer; compared to giving everything but unable to stop the coming of the end; compared to the embarrassment that you can only use "strong will" to relieve yourself; compared to the helplessness that did a lot of things but eventually led to a worse result ——The difficulties in front of me are relatively difficult.

Of course, if you don't handle well, you still have to die.

Gao Chuan didn't want to die here, all the clues were pointing to "Jiang", and all the things that were happening hinted to him that he was not far from "Jiang", or even actually got in touch, the problem was "contact" What should I do afterwards? "

Dorothy or Omi did not give an answer in advance. Because this is something that no one can know in advance, other than "Gao Chuan" himself, no one else has experience, so that there is really a way to deal with it, among the "Gao Chuan" may be only "Junior Gao Chuan" .

Therefore, whether it is "what to do", "what can be done", or "what should be done" can only be explored and decided by the person who is experiencing it all.

Before that, he had to live-Gao Chuan took a deep breath, and he immediately realized that his seemingly weak movement had been noticed by the "grey mist demon" behind the door. The other party's breath began to change, and now all qualities are reduced to the level of ordinary people. The capture of this kind of breath change is very subtle, although it can be detected, but it cannot reach a level that can be carefully analyzed. There is only a dangerous omen that spreads continuously in my heart.

From a certain point of view, all the exits of the old toilets-all the places that can become exits such as doors and windows-are blocked by the breath of this monster. I can't break through the wall. This means that the head-on gray fog demon is a must.

Gao Chuan's gaze started to wander from the corner of his eyes, and all the debris that he could get was dirty, and shelved it for some reason. The stains on it did not know whether it was feces, fungi, or mud. Objects are: bricks, broken glass, broom, mop and aluminum bucket. If you can, you really do n’t want to touch it with your hands, but you have no choice.

In the face of mysterious events, "no choice" is a very common situation.

Gao Chuan smoked two cigarettes vigorously, and moved his pace incessantly. He could feel that, across the door, something like a beast was staring at himself. He walked over to the "weapon", picked up the aluminum bucket and mop, threw the bricks into the aluminum bucket to act as a counterweight, and made a "bang" sound. There was no second person except him and it. In the old toilet, it was so clear. It was almost like a signal, almost letting the monster behind the door rush out.

Gao Chuan made a noise, but in the end, the temptation was unsuccessful. The beast was very vigilant and did not know how it judged whether the prey was strong or not. Its breathing sound suddenly reached the next compartment, closer to Gaochuan, and the walls between the compartment and the compartment could not stop it.

——So, can it pass directly through a certain density of matter? Perhaps, the "weapon" that he got can't hurt it either. However, there may be more restrictions when it exercises such a mystery. The worst possibility is that the mystery of this shuttled substance continues to operate just like its ubiquitous instinct.

Gao Chuan thought that most of the fluctuating emotions were fears, but as he was used to, half of them were still calm. At this time, he did not particularly hope that other people would come suddenly—although these sudden people often brought opportunities for the mysterious expert's survival, those who became the opportunities often became victims. Gao Chuan didn't want other students to get involved, which would result in larger deaths and injuries. Even if he couldn't tell at this time, whether everything in front of him was an illusion or a fact that was happening as it was.

However, it was like "because he thought so, so things went against the wish", Gao Chuan heard the voice of the girl, perhaps because more attention was paid to the monster across the door, the girl's voice in the end I didn't hear clearly what was said, but I could feel it when the other party was approaching. Moreover, more than one, after getting closer, a male voice was inserted. In addition, all of these sounds were brought into Gaochuan's ears, as always, giving him the feeling of deja vu.

Are you an acquaintance of Gaochuan again?

Gao Chuan couldn't help thinking. At this time, the monster behind the door had a new movement. Before judging what it would do, Gao Chuan tapped the bucket again with a mop handle, making a louder sound. The movement of the monster came to a halt, and the voice outside the toilet stopped suddenly. The atmosphere calmed down, and only Gao Chuan felt the tight tension like a bowstring.

"Don't come in!" Gao Chuan just shouted so loudly. He can use the name of the student cadre to stop the other party, but since the other party will come to such a remote place, only "poor students" will come to this meeting place, the name of the student cadre does not make people look forward to, from the psychological level In other words, it is common to violate too detailed orders for puberty.

To be too detailed, it is easier to make these students restless than vaguely speaking-Gao Chuan is so judged, he is not sure, even if he persuades, the other party will not obey.

Therefore, before the other party responded, Gao Chuan leaned over his body, swept past the door of the compartment where the monster was, and kicked the door of the deepest compartment of the toilet. He did not remember clearly, but the situation in the compartment The same as what he needs most. The window of this compartment has been damaged, and it happens to be a hole for people to drill. Of course, no one usually does this because everything here is too dirty.

Although this window hole exists, as it was originally felt, the breath of the beast-like monster also covers this-it is a situation that can be perceived as long as you have the heart, and you ca n’t pull it out from here. Open the distance, you can't really escape from the hunting range of monsters.

However, if no one tries to do something to attract the monster's attention, the students outside the toilet will become the monster's ration. If you do n’t make some movements yourself, then the students outside the toilet may choose to enter the toilet because of various reasons.

Conversely, as long as you take risks, you can attract the attention of monsters and scare away students outside the toilet.

Gao Chuan doesn't think this is a "loss-making" thing, but rather, it is his self-esteem as a mysterious expert, which is a matter of course he must do.

"What are you doing here?" Gao Chuan continued to disturb the clues of the students outside the toilet.

"... Who's there?" The bolder male voice asked back.

At the same time, Gao Chuan also felt that the monster used the toilet aisle as a dividing line, shuttled through the opposite compartment, and came to the opposite side of where he was in the blink of an eye. It was still blocked by the door, and it did not cross the aisle like a dividing line at all. Although it is unclear why it did not launch an attack at all, but only maintained a "hunting" posture, Gaochuan did have the opportunity to do more. He quickly checked the cubicle he broke into, while answering the student outside the toilet: "I am Gaochuan in second grade. Someone reported that some classmates are smoking here, so the teacher asked me to take a look-you are not coming Smoking? "Such words are of course casual, but the deterrent is greater than expected.

The girls seemed a little flustered, and the male voice paused and said, "No, we just heard some rumors, so let's just take a look." It seemed a bit mean to retreat.

——It seems to be just ordinary students.

Gao Chuan thought so, his eyes fell on the squat toilet, and there were a few cigarette butts that had just been thrown away. The wet ground left a stain of rubber spiked shoes, but because of the different styles of cigarette butts, no one would normally be with them. Carrying two packs of cigarettes of different brands, so it is roughly certain that there have been at least two people who have stayed here not long ago. On a tiled wall close to the ground, a red oil-based pen was used to write a line of distortion: Do not look up.

And beside this line, if you don't look closely, you can't see the scribbled handwriting covered by moss: don't put your hand into the dog's mouth.

Judging from the handwriting and the estimated time, it should be written by two people, and the time between them is very long.

These messages may or may not be useful. Gao Chuan couldn't understand it, and there was too little information. However, the current situation was also strange and dangerous enough that anything could happen. These two seemingly inconsistent reminders may not be ridiculously made, but really suggest a response to some unusual circumstances.

——Is it a warning? The object is the current situation? Did the gray fog demon cause the student to disappear?

These speculations turned around in Gao Chuan's mind, and only a second passed. The monster, which can only be felt but cannot be seen directly, became more irritable than before, and its actions still did not make a noise. Even the breathing sound he heard, the gradually strong breath, is not something that everyone can hear and feel.

Perhaps those students outside the toilet did not even notice these things.

Even so, the monster still has no further action. why? What is it waiting for? Or are there any conditions restricting it?

"Did you see other students when you came?" Gao Chuan asked the students outside the toilet.

"No, no." Ai Ai said when she was a girl. "We will tell them what we see."

"What's your name?" Gao Chuan said in a slightly harsh tone, trying to force them psychologically.

"White well." Said the boy.

"Morino." One of the girls answered.

The air paused. These two names gave Gao Chuan some emotional shocks, but they calmed down instantly. In all the weird and mysterious events, the current situation is still not too shocking. Even if these names are acquaintances, it does not mean ~ ~ That is who they know. In the final analysis, whether all of this is an illusion, or something else, cannot be confirmed for the time being.

"Then go back. If you see other students, please tell me. The teacher is not allowed to come here. Someone is already managing here." Gao Chuan said.

"Oh, okay, got it." The students outside the toilet hesitated and seemed to finally decide to turn around and leave. Gao Chuan was relieved.

The sound of footsteps was moving away, and Gao Chuan didn't feel that the monsters across the compartment had made any drastic changes due to the movement of these students. After a few breaths, the old toilet was quiet again.

Just as Gao Chuan decided to violate the warning of eccentric handwriting and glanced up, a new familiar voice came from the toilet:

"Classmate Gao Chuan, are you inside?" Said the female voice, as if she hadn't said anything, just waiting for this moment.

Gao Chuan instantly knew who the speaker was-Eight Scenes, someone she could never escape from. In the strange situation now, she was still the "squad leader" in her class as in the past. Because of the existence of the "Eight Scenes", the three acquaintances that existed before will not shock Gao Chuan at all.

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