Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 831: Strong insertion

Fire escape into the room full of monitors. Responsible for the safety of this mansion is not only the ordinary security measures on the surface, but also another security department based on "mystery". Surveillance of the entire area of ​​the mansion is an indispensable security act. Under normal circumstances, it does not involve the guests. Of course, the mysterious organization who comes here as a guest cannot allow itself to be completely exposed to this imaginable And known monitoring. The necessary anti-monitoring means and security monitoring have been colliding since the guests stayed. In the past, even if the security monitoring was countered, the cyber ball would not deliberately turn on a higher level of monitoring power, but now they have guessed that the murders that occurred in the mansion involve the period of the year that is now little known. The story, even if it escaped, had to increase the safety factor by pressurization.

The pressure on him was far greater than what appeared on his face. The high-level monitoring mode was opened before the temporary meeting was held earlier. He is here now not to harvest results, but only to examine the gap between the actual application and the theory. No matter how much a security system can be expected, the actual effect is still limited to the environment at that time, and the objects to be monitored this time are obviously higher in level than the objects in the past.

It is also expected that the actual effect will not reach the ideal state, but it is still necessary to determine how big this difference is, and then indirectly confirm the strength ratio of oneself and the other.

"What's the situation?" The fire escaped to a young man sitting in front of the monitor and fiddled with the device.

All the equipment in this room can not reflect the "mystery", compared with the normal level of science and technology, it is only out of the ranks of middle and upper ranks. But the look and feel brought about by this appearance is nothing more than a cover up. Even if someone is found here, you can use this kind of equipment that is only in the upper middle level as an excuse to block the other party's question. In fact, the deeper "mystery" comes from a more complex structure. It is the effect brought about by the interrelation of the three elements of technology products, people and mysteries. These devices on the surface, with their shells cut open, can only be known to the insider. The internal structure of these devices exists in addition to the normal mechanical structure. The second "invisible" network. This "network" uses unobservable channels. Wrap the entire mansion tightly, including the space where Hou Lin is located.

It includes the space where the mansion and dense forest are located. Nor is it an ordinary temporary data hedge space, space and monitoring network, or even the conscious defense structure "conscious mansion" that exists only within the scope of the mansion, which directly or indirectly depends on the research and use of the repeater, thus There is already a deep connection between each other at the core. This is why Cybersphere believes that the defensive nature of this area is solid.

Admittedly. Once the construction of the repeater is completed, the temporary data hedging space actually constructed is not the mansion. However, it can also be said that the technology currently used in this mansion is precisely the further practice of theoretical technology before the repeater is completely completed. The problems reflected from this mansion will be regarded as the highest priority to overcome. In fact, this practice started before the 51st district completed their repeaters, and the technology of the network ball in the 51st district came from this practice.

Both the mansion and the 51st district are the two proving grounds that the network ball focuses on in order to improve its repeater as much as possible. And the effect is naturally needless to say, the online ball believes that it can fight against the doomsday truth and the Nazis. The feedback of these two test fields is their confidence. They believe that once the repeaters organized by themselves are built, the effect will be stronger than the repeaters of the 51st district, and not weaker than the repeaters of the Doomsday Truth and the Nazis.

It can be said that although the reproduction is somewhat unexpected, on the other level, it is an excellent object for further testing the theory of network ball repeater technology. Despite the great importance of the ability of the fire escape, it is also under considerable pressure. However, neither his own knowledge of his own strength nor the prophecy ’s predictions will allow him to put this thing that once put great pressure on the mysterious organization in Europe and America. Seen as the most critical and important enemy.

In the prophecy's prophecy, there is nothing about it, there must be something that weakens its influence. Fire escape thought in my heart. Although it is not clear how the situation will evolve so that such a powerful cannot become a key link in determining the direction of destiny in the future, but the prophecy's predictions will never go wrong.

The young man who was playing with the device pulled the data disk out of the case and silently continued his work. The fire escapes the companion's temperament and does not take this impolite silence to heart. In mysterious organizations, guys with strange personality like this young man can be said to be everywhere. After exposure to "mystery", no matter what the original character is, there will be some subtle changes, which will evolve into a "morbid" on the psychological level. Therefore, as long as it is not really a lunatic, there is no need to entangle too much on this kind of problem. What's more, the expression "madman is stronger" is also established in the mysterious world. In many mysterious organizations, it is not uncommon to deliberately enable "madmen" in order to maintain frontline combat effectiveness.

The people in charge of security work are not lunatics, just freaks, which is already a good situation.

The fire took the data cable from the back of the neck and connected it to the data disk. This kind of safety terminal directly integrated into the body was obtained after the reorganization operation of the ruling bureau, and for the time being, it was only in the ruling bureau. The materials and equipment required for the operation can only be completed by the relevant technical personnel there. In the mysterious world, there are very few people who have the opportunity to complete this transformation in the ruling bureau. At least, as far as the fire is known, only myself, Father Sissen, Rasp and Gao Chuan have this kind of built-in safety terminal, and all of them are the opportunities obtained in the same joint adventure.

In the 33rd district of the Reign Bureau, the independent maintainer of the An District system at this time, the researcher of the Reign Bureau named "Sha", was the key person in charge of the transformation operation.

It can be said that it was completely lucky. However, this kind of good luck can only be felt temporarily. When I think deeply, I built a thing in my body that can directly input data, and the transmission end point of this data is directly connected to the brain. Moreover, this technology has no choice but to understand things, it is a matter of course that there will be scruples. No one likes other people to do things on their own consciousness, and naturally no one likes their brains, and they are transformed by technology that does not know the specific situation. During this process. Will something like a "bomb" be implanted synchronously? This problem, even if the person in charge of the operation has repeatedly said that it is clean and safe. Nor can it be completely relieved.

Moreover, in the impression of fire, "Sha" is not a scientific researcher who is only interested in technology. She can separate 33 areas from the security system that is like one in the ruling bureau, by herself. It is impossible to do it, it is the result of using each other with these outsiders. A person who can use the power of others to accomplish what he cannot do. Of course it cannot be as clean as a blank sheet.

The loss and gain of that adventure is an extremely impressive example in the adventure career of the doomed rule. It was at that time that the whisperer formally stepped onto the table, and Gao Chuan ’s personal ability, which was deeply valued, was also officially confirmed by the network ball represented by the fire. Before these people had the safety terminal reconstruction surgery, Gao Chu himself said that he was the first to enter the ruling bureau, but he already had a special type of safety terminal higher than them.

This situation is enough for the online ball to raise twelve points of spirit to study, but if the other party does not lie, then only one answer can be obtained: there are whisperers who are familiar with the situation of the ruling bureau, and, long ago, they were already in Research on technologies in related fields. Although there are only three or two kittens on the surface of the whisperer, there is a more complete personnel department hidden inside. It can be said that even if the number of real people does not reach the level of a large mysterious organization such as a network ball, the organization structure The integrity is as complete as the online ball.

This answer has n’t been verified for a long time. No matter what method was used for temptation, the members of the whisperer were always the only ones on the table: Takagawa, Sakuya, Bajing, and Gray, who recently joined Geya and Cheka. Not to mention the original three people, even if extended to the present five people, it can't meet the online ball's guess about the real person of the whisperer.

It is not clear what kind of capabilities the special terminal of Gao Chuan has. However, as far as the performance of its built-in security terminal is concerned, it is enough to improve its ability by at least 50%. Fire closed his eyes, and a lot of information poured out from the data disk, bringing a feeling of electric shock. After these data are integrated and processed in the built-in security terminal, further information will be transmitted to the brain. If necessary, the brain can also be used to bear the baptism of the original information, but the load on the brain is too great, The processing quality of the security terminal is more accurate and faster than most people's heads. The information that has been preliminarily integrated will be presented in the brain as a phantom, in a more intimate and intuitive way of combining digital images.

As far as the experience of fire escape is concerned, this information is more similar to "thinking of myself" rather than "instilled from the outside."

After using this built-in security terminal, there is often a short time. When you open your eyes and observe the surrounding environment, there is a feeling of "human and machine integration" described in science fiction. A large amount of environmental information seems to be projected in On the retina, it is closely integrated with the physical objects, and during this short period of time, you will fall into a state of efficient action that is almost completely rational. And this situation, after testing, has proved not to be a simple illusion, but a special effect inherent in the built-in security terminal itself.

Fire escape quite likes this rational and efficient state, but this state can only be maintained for a maximum period of no more than five minutes. According to the complexity of the environment, this time will be further reduced. In the impression of fire, the past Gaochuan seems to be always in this state, which makes people feel the speciality of the "security terminal" owned by the strongest person on the whisperer's table.

However, Gaochuan now seems to have been out of that state. Theoretically, it should be a situation in which the power is declining, but the fire escape intuitively feels that Gaochuan is now more terrifying than before. It is because the absolute reason and the most efficient way of action are no longer completely adopted. So instead of making the mode of action and way of thinking elusive? Thinking of the fire, he adapts to the illusion of the digital figure that has unfolded in front of him.

"Nothing unusual?" Huohu seemed to speak to himself, but the tone of doubt was enough to explain his mood at this time. This is no abnormal manifestation. As far as the current situation is concerned, this is an anomaly. What is even more troublesome is that it is impossible to determine the details of this anomaly, and it is impossible to make targeted arrangements.

"This level of monitoring is such a level." The young man interjected: "I marked the other party's shielding ability evaluation in the data. Did you see it? Most people really have no action. But, those few People and organizations you care about before ... There are some doubts. "

"This data ..." Fire escape seemed to notice where it was deliberately marked by young people. "Is it human?"

"It looks like a ghost, right?" The young man's calm expression finally had a hint of interest. "After Gao Chuan talked with Mr. H, this ghost appeared, just flashed by. It's almost impossible to confirm, but, I still think it should exist. However, there is no matching data in the template data of existing guests. "

"That is to say, an unsolicited guy?" Zhao touched his chin. "Before he appeared, no one even noticed his existence ... I believe more than ghosts that he is a conscious walker." . "

"You mean, someone broke through the consciousness defense network of wheelchair people?" The young man was obviously stunned. "Isn't that not even possible? The deceased was just detonated before he arrived at the mansion. bomb."

"Although wheelchair people are very strong, not all conscious abilities are 100% defensive ..." The fire broke out and said: "Maybe this person is not so strong in terms of ability level, but the nature of ability is limited. The type that can deceive wheelchair people. "

"It's really anyone who wants to come and join in the fun." The young man's expression normalized and asked, "Will he be the holder?"

"I don't know." Xia Huo said very bluntly: "If he appears next time, can he be locked with his current data?"

"I don't know." The young man also replied the same, "Maybe the next time he appears, his data characteristics will be different from what he is now. It's like a freely changing ghost-Fire, I like this codename, you Say? "

"Follow you." The fire escape said indispensably: "Start at noon, and then increase the monitoring ability by one level."

"Is it okay?" The young man also asked irresistibly: "If you are a little stronger, maybe the guests will protest. Now this level can't be hidden anymore. Those who don't move, probably just take care of us. Face for the master, if there is no such murder, it will definitely not be allowed. "

"No problem." Unplug the data cable and return the data disk to the young man, saying: "The person who just received the message and the torchlight has arrived."

The young man's expression suddenly became richer: "Dada is here?"

"Yes, and among the people who came with them, the number of Asians is a bit of a concern." Said the fire.

"The light of the torch is also a behemoth that could once be called the second largest mysterious organization in Europe and America. Is it normal to have some Asian Americans of European and American origin?" I ’m not interested anymore, “In our cybersphere, there are also day-breakers in the league, do n’t we also have many Asians? Could it be that the light of the torch they brought another batch of Asian mysterious organizations, ready to compete with us How about it? Even if you take a ten thousand step back, those guys are really people of the Asian Mystery Organization ~ ~ It's too late to appear. To get approval from Europe and the United States, shake the position of the whisperer. What can be done in a short time. "

"Yes, the whisperer's status as the representative of Asia is unshakable, if only those Asians themselves ..." Huo Shi shook his head, "However, if these Asians appear, aren't they just invited by the torchlight?"

"You mean ... there is Asia, the Central Principality's acquiescence?" The young man froze for a moment, then turned to look at the fire, "Why should the Central Principality suddenly change his attitude at this time? Suddenly put a competitor in, and the whisperer Fighting against Taiwan? What kind of joke, do they still want to get two seats? This is really whimsical. What did I do earlier, I kept silent, and suddenly picked fruit? "

"Maybe ..." said Huo Shensheng: "The situation in the Sea of ​​Japan is very tense recently."

"That's the normal political issue of the Central Duchy and the United States. What does it have to do with us?" The young man shook his head.

"What if those two countries intend to use this opportunity to ease their hostile relationship with each other?" The sight of the fire was very deep.

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