Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 832: Wind sound

Huo Huo attaches great importance to the news he has just received-the veteran top mysterious organization "Torch Light" has arrived in London, and there are some Asians among their peers. Before the rise of the online ball, there were a total of five organizations occupying the top of the mysterious forces in the European and American areas. However, with the passage of time, three of them have disappeared, some of them lacked luck when taking risks in the ruins of the ruling bureau, or encountered some mystery. Unexpected sex, the more important reason, comes from the division and blow of the doomsday truth. The doomsday truth religion can occupy the current highest position, and it is not a one-off. In the process, it is inevitable to fight against those five mysterious organizations. Among the top five mysterious organizations, Europe occupies three places, and America has two. The "torchlight" is the native mysterious organization rooted in the United States. At that time, its status was equivalent to that of today's online ball to Britain.

Perhaps it was precisely because the local bases were operating very well that they avoided being selected as direct targets when the doomsday Truth was moved across the oceans and the opportunity of World War II was used to make waves. At that time, the power of the Doomsday Truth had not been fully revealed, and the power placed on the countertop was only regarded as a powerful newcomer. The relationship between the five mysterious organizations can be said to be in a state of cold war. In the process of the decline of the five major mysterious organizations and the successive rise of doomsday sect and netball, the combined game is like a violent storm, blowing all mysterious organizations in Europe and America at that time. The third of the five mysterious organizations that were directly hit by the latecomers was so unexpectedly disintegrated that the surviving "Torch Light" and "Daily Sun" were forced to cultivate their lives and gave up the title of top-level mysterious organization.

The confrontation spanning more than half a century has given birth to a variety of unbelievable mysteries, and it is only one of them. It is not the most terrifying mystery. Mysterious organizations and personnel who can withstand the storms of the time without falling down, no matter what means are used to avoid or confront, can be regarded as elites in the true sense, but such organizations and personnel are really too few Too. Three of the five mysterious organizations fell. The remaining two have to stop and lick the wound, and the lower-level mysterious tissue needs a lot of time to repair their trauma, thus leaving a window for the rise of doomsday religion and the online ball.

However, more strictly speaking, taking advantage of an empty window period to become the second largest mysterious organization's network ball, but also swallowed the part of the loot that the Doomsday Truth cannot digest.

The light of the torch retreated to the homeland of the United States of America, and it must continue to face the doomsday truth religion, which also focuses on the activities of the United States. The situation of the day-to-day person is slightly better. Because the activity center is in Europe, and there is no fixed base, it is better to avoid the edge of the doomsday truth. The online ball relies on Britain's strong rise in Europe. After signing an offensive and defensive alliance with the sun, the position in Europe has been consolidated, so that it can free up people to cross the ocean into the United States, and directly form a triangle with the torch light and the doomsday truth , Although in the face of the aggressive doomsday truth. Netball and Torchlight had to carry out some cooperation, however. As an outsider, he was also rejected by the torch light. The two are not complete enemies, but they are by no means allies. They compete with each other more often than cooperate. Especially in these years, relying on rich background. Both the light of the torch and the day-by-day person have gradually recovered from weakness. Although the cyber ball still occupies the title of the second largest mysterious organization, it has shown a trend of being pursued violently in the gap of overall strength.

As a high-level network ball. The pressure faced by the fire on the cyber ball is more profound and sensitive than almost anyone.

It is completely conceivable that the torchlight will launch targeted actions when trying to form a world mysterious organization alliance as the initiator. Despite the fact that it unites most of the mysterious organizations in the world, this concept has been recognized by most of the high-level mysterious organizations in Europe and America. However, there is always an irreconcilable disagreement as to who initiated it and who can gain more voice.

Just as in the same normal world political history, the establishment of the United Nations has been twists and turns, and this new institution that imitates the United Nations agency will naturally not be smooth sailing. As the second strongest country in the world, the United States and the Central Principality will not give up their seats. Although Britain is also one of the world's powers, it will also face tremendous pressure in the face of the United States and the Central Principality. Historically, during the establishment of the United Nations agency, Britain did not confront these two countries, and the final result was a slight loss, even though it also has the highest seat, but it still has not been able to recover its loss. The right to speak.

The struggle between the mysterious organizations is not exactly the same as the struggle between the countries in terms of details. However, the proportion of the mysterious organizations that cannot completely separate themselves from the normal social cycle will be affected by the state of the country. . To say that it is possible to ignore the pressure from the state during the construction of the joint organization of this worldwide mysterious organization is undoubtedly a fool. And the more mysterious organizations that have a close relationship with the country in terms of base operations, the more they cannot ignore the support of national forces on the issue of internationalization, even if this support is not directly reflected in the strengthening of the mysterious organization ’s own combat power on.

The position between the United States, Britain, and the Central Duchy—relying on the light of the torch of the United States, the network ball of Britain, and the mysterious organization of the sleepy Asian region—a subtlety is happening all the time Variety.

Despite the fact that Internet Ball has done a lot of work for this time, trying its best to walk around the world with its influence and goodness in the country, there is one thing that can never be changed, that is, Internet Ball has a lot of There is a strong British component, and it is difficult to completely eliminate it, making it more "international" and "neutral." And this kind of component is the side effect that the Internet ball must inevitably bear in order to quickly rise and seize time and space with the Doomsday Truth.

Considering the position of the torchlight, it is impossible to believe that the other party is coming with goodwill and full support. The actions that the other party will take can never be without the shadow of the United States. And such a mysterious organization that plays an important role in Europe and the United States, but there are visitors from Asia-no, not yet sure. It must have come from Asia, the messenger representing the will of the Central Principality. After all, the position of the whisperer has been consolidated, and the Central Principality has been silent from beginning to end. However, in the eyes of misfire. Ninety percent of the Asians who accompanied the torchlight team were not members of the torchlight.

The tricky issue is still that the Central Principality, which best reflects Asia's will, remains silent.

Over the past month, the confrontation between the Central Duchy and the United States over the situation in the Sea of ​​Japan and the East China Sea has become increasingly tense, and the smoky smell of war is coming out. But at this time, I have to consider the torch light based on the United States and the accompanying Asian visitors. The significance of the national political level behind this combination.

"If. Which two countries intend to use this opportunity to ease the hostile relationship between each other?" The eyes of the fire are very deep. "Our network ball is an organization with Britain as the development center, and the whisperers are biased towards us. So If the United States and the Central Principality intend to reconcile relations and want to be the strongest voice in the upcoming international alliance of mysterious organizations, as in the United Nations organization, it is not impossible to use the current situation to forcefully insert. And the Central Principality has never been No formal declaration of support has been issued. The whisperer is also acquiesced, and the acquiescence can be regarded as permission. It can also be regarded as disapproval, which is an extremely ambiguous attitude. The light of the torch was originally a force in the United States. "

"Want to use the combination of torchlight and the new Asian representative to replace the combination of cyberballs and whisperers to repair the tension between the two countries and kick Britain from the throne?" The young man could not help being dumbfounded. "It's really ..." He couldn't find words to describe his mood at this time. Strictly speaking, he didn't think this would be the case, but it was undeniable that there would be such a situation. Once this happens, the online ball will face the most severe test. Although the current situation is in hand, but relying on the support of the two superpowers, the fierce enemies are extremely powerful.

There was a good sign in the original good situation. Although it was only a sign, even if it did exist, there was still enough time and space to make up for it. However, the anxiety caused by the fire escape is still very strong.

"The Prophet didn't predict this situation." Fu Huo said.

"Isn't that great? At least, it's not a determined bad result." The young man gave up his expression of thinking about this complex problem, shrugged his shoulders, and comforted: "Relax, our advantage is not Anyone who comes here can equalize. At this time, instead of hurting their heads, how about expecting a whisperer? If it is really as you think, the light of the torch does bring some will at the national level, then those Asians We have to replace the whisperers. It is not us who are the first to be hit. As for whether those people can really replace the whisperers ... Fire, do you think our analysis and optimism of the whisperers in recent years have been in vain? "

The expression of fire escape stopped for a moment, and then a smile that cast aside his burden: "I didn't expect to be comforted by you. Indeed, if you want to defeat the whisperer ... Even if it is a netball, no, not even the doomsday truth, probably It can be done easily. I really ca n’t think of anyone else in Asia who can beat the pair of Takagawa and Sakuya. "

"Tao Chuan and Saki Ye don't need to worry, but if the other party is targeting Gregia, be careful." The young man thought for a while and said to the fire: "The whisperer's headquarters, it is best to pay more attention. . It ’s not easy for us to intervene directly, but there should be enough reasons for the mercenary association. "

He nodded and said: "It's time to pay attention, I will notify the file. As long as the whisperer is on our side, the mercenary association cannot escape. No, it should be said that they can no longer be escaped."

"Then, once the situation is the same as we expected, you should prepare a better attitude to face the whisperer." The young man said easily: "If you want to please both sides, it will make people feel that they don't pay enough attention. At this time, it was a little biased, and it was impossible to do something. Speaking of it, the timing of the torchlight was not right, and it always felt like a step on it. Gee, maybe something has something to do with them. "

"It's just a possibility. There is no direct evidence." The expression of Huohu calmed down. "Although. I guess so."

"However, this kind of conjecture can't fall on actual action, you just want to say this, right? Fire escape." The young man snatched the fire escape, but the fire escape just smiled. He patted the young man's shoulder. Say: "So, I'm leaving first. You need to spend more time on things here. I can feel that the ripples outside have spread into the inside of our network ball. Maybe the unrest factors will show signs at this time. Come."

"Relax, as long as they dare to move a little more. I can definitely pull them out." The young man replied confidently: "Now, haven't you found a ghost?"

Nodded and turned away from the secret surveillance room. The spark generated by the collision with the young man's thinking gradually turned into a careful outline of action in his mind. He decided to start implementing the plan to greet the upcoming storm. As a leader, at this time, there must not be a little flinching thoughts, the heart of the fire is calm and firm. If possible, he would strangle the storm in the cradle.

The strong will. As if igniting the air around him, the people who noticed this man along the way were shocked by the turbulent momentum. As if condensed into a substantial sense of oppression, the strange and quiet aisle seemed to be blocked in an instant.

"It's terrible, go fire." Somewhere. A member of the mysterious organization who felt this momentum personally, a dignified look appeared on his face, "If you engage in warfare at this time, I am afraid you will be killed in a blink of an eye?"

"After all, it was the guy who led the internet to the top in that chaotic era. In his other nicknames, there are also‘ the strongest mortals

What does it mean to be "human beings who can compete with monsters". "Someone answered.

"The strongest mortal? The second-level Mageweave messenger. Can it be called an ordinary person?" Some people snorted.

"The fire escape became the messenger of the moire, after the network ball reached the top." After the man's words stopped, the atmosphere fell into a suffocating silence for a while, and a strong unbelievable and pressure seemed to turn into fog. Generally, it makes the uninformed person feel some breathing difficulties.

"Really?" The sound of laughter and questioning broke the silence.

"Really." Someone answered immediately, very briefly, but also made the atmosphere strangely silent again.

"How did he do it?" Someone asked, "Does he fight against monsters, does he mean that he has fought against demons in his ordinary life?"

The insider didn't explain, just sneered "Hey", but the emotions contained in this sneer, in the end, it was quite complicated.

"I heard that the people of the torchlight have arrived, and they also brought some Asians." Someone said aside from the topic.

"The news spread so fast?" Someone was stunned.

"Is the torchlight deliberately releasing information?" Someone said with certainty: "I feel that this time, the situation of the online ball is not very good."

"I'm still optimistic about the online ball." Another said firmly, "What's more, even if those Asians have no purpose, they can't be the opponent of the whisperer. As long as the online ball and the whisperer are allies, this is almost impossible Variety."

"It's impossible for Asians to evaluate the whisperer, right? The so-called good people don't come, since they are here, they should still have some chance of winning." Someone said.

"In any case, that's their business. We can't intervene, and we shouldn't take the initiative." Someone said with a final tone: "Instead of worrying about them, let's worry about ourselves, this mansion, but It ’s not as safe as a cyber ball touts. "

"It's no problem at all. Only idiots will believe that it's absolutely safe. The atmosphere here is already weird. Shouldn't you not feel it? The online ball doesn't say that it's safe, only that it's more suitable for us than ordinary hotels "" Another person sneered ~ ~ The strange death is indeed very suitable for people like us. "

"It should be that the consciousness is at work." Some people said: "The network ball's consciousness defense arrangement in this mansion is already of a very solid level, and it can break through to kill, if it is not overwhelming strength, it is a loophole. I think it's likely that the man was calculated before he arrived here. "

"I think so." Someone responded: "So, no one here is being calculated in advance, right?"

"What do you mean by asking?" The other person asked back politely.

"Okay, there is no point in arguing about this kind of thing here. The dead are themselves conscious walkers. Since experts can't keep themselves, then we non-experts are even more powerless." Said another calmly.

"Are you saying that you should give up and do nothing?" You asked rudely.

"Yes, there is no way to do anything, no need to waste energy to do it." The man's voice was still calm. To be continued. .

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