Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 975: Solomon

11:32 UTC.

The crater of the moon has once again undergone a strong change. Prior to this, most of the aberrations could not be observed through normal technological creations. However, this time the space distortion is felt by all those who pay attention to the moon. Even if you only use the naked eye to see, you can see a black spot on the surface of the moon. These black spots continue to expand and become one, completely eroding the moon, and then the moon disappears in people's eyes.

In the core base of London, the network ball is specially used to monitor the changes of the moon, and the instruments that collect the changing data emit a harsh scream. The members of the department stared at the drastically changing data line, but no one can give an explanation. Because this is no longer within the scope of normal science, but an extremely rare large-scale mysterious phenomenon. After a while, someone broke out of the door and someone came in again. The action that was originally stopped because of the accident seemed to be heated to boiling in an instant, and the noise and footsteps were like heavy rain. At this time, the highest-ranking cadres of the internet ball were not here, but gathered in the laboratory of Omi. Only there, they could understand the changes on the moon in a more mysterious way and more intuitively.

Chang Huaian, who had been deeply immersed in the collective subconsciousness, suddenly twitched. If the restraint had been imprisoning his body, the violent movement would definitely make him hit the hatch. At this time, he floated in a special mechanical coffin with the help of Omi's technology. A large number of lines connected his brain and body. With his violent reaction, the data line in the status monitor began to change drastically. The sound and the red signal light made many people turn their attention, but they only saw an unknown blurring in the body of this powerful conscious walker, as if there was no longer an organic flesh, but some kind of The thin and brittle inorganic body, and the camera detected from the side can no longer observe the body, only the front and back are the images of Chang Huan ’s body-the whole person is like a sticker, which has become thin Piece of.

"Huh? Has existence dropped to two dimensions?" Jin Jiang muttered. However, it was very quiet in the laboratory. Everyone heard her and couldn't help looking at each other. After understanding what she meant, everyone's face became abnormal. Because it is explained by popular science knowledge, everyone here will soon come to understand it, and now often changes in Wyan. It is indeed like the change of the three-dimensional and two-dimensional physical states in scientific theory-only Chang Huien can be observed from the plane, what is happening in the science fiction story is happening, but the process is necessarily brought by "mystery" However, it is obviously Chang Hui, who acts in ideology, why does the body in the physical state change like this? The members of the network ball who cannot observe the world from the essence of the world only feel extremely dazed and horrified. So that for a while it was dumbfounded.

In the quiet air, only the sound of Jin Jiang's typing on the keyboard and the sound of the machine's high-load work were left. Even if these people focused their eyes on her, Jin Jiang did not have any meaning to explain. There was only one expression on her face, as if she saw something interesting and then thought of something interesting. She is working hard at this time, not just to save Chang Huien-the state of this man now. No one knows how good it is-anyone who knows her understands that she just treats Chang Huaien as a mutant and rare sample.

"Two-way foil? Well, is this okay?" Omi muttered to himself: "However, although the result is the same, the process and principle are not the same. Where did the released energy go?"

"Jianjiang!" Said with a deep voice: "How is Chang Huaien's condition?"

"It's just a two-dimensional drop." Jin Jiang said with interest: "However, all the changes in life-supporting data are within the normal range, and it seems to be only a change in existence. I think he can in this state. Dive into a deeper collective subconscious. "She pointed to a series of changing data. But everyone has only a blank face. "Even if there is a change in existence, energy should be released, but I have not monitored the change in energy. I can only guess that maybe this energy has changed into ideology, if you can directly observe his walking in ideology Okay. But now, we can only guess. "

"Isn't it dangerous?" The fire continued to ask. He understood about it, but even Jiang could only guess. Without a definite conclusion, it is impossible for others here to come to any answer.

"I don't know, but as long as his existence does not continue to fall, my life-support system can maintain his physiological state. If his consciousness is destroyed in the deep dive, then the rest is a living Body only. "

Cyber ​​cadres, including fire escape, are silent. Even though they have encountered many mysterious phenomena, the reason why the mystery is mysterious is because it can never be understood, it can never be observed, and there can never be a solution. means. Today, the change in Chang Huai'en is a mysterious phenomenon observed only on him, and it is most likely because of his deep diving behavior. Unless someone dives into the same position, otherwise, it is impossible to intuitively understand his experience at this time, and judging from the seriousness of Chang Wyan ’s abnormality, even if there is a second dive person, it is impossible to take a deep dive The method of submarine observation is used to judge the situation, because it is likely that the second deep dive will be caught in the same dilemma as Chang Huaian.

"It should be because of the Nazi action that caused a huge change in the subconscious mind?" A cadre said: "They have enabled the repeater, and it is inevitable to have an impact on the collective subconscious. If our repeater does not Once completed, you can never confront it head-on. Omi, how is the progress of the repeater? "

"You can use it for the first time." Omi snapped his fingers, and in front of everyone, a figure from blurry to clear, quickly appeared in their vision. The projection form of Marceau has been further changed than the last time. She has lost the texture of living organisms. She is more like a statue with a scepter in her hand and a crown on her head, which looks like a sacrifice. Creation. Her lips didn't move, but everyone heard her voice. This voice was not heard through the ears, but directly communicated to everyone's mind.

"According to the plan, priority is given to the construction of the defense system, and the 99th-tier defense system is currently being built," she said.

"Can you capture Chang Huaien's position?" Fu Zhan asked immediately.

"Yes, but all the temporary activity resources have been allocated to the monitoring of the moon. Should we adjust them? Fire," Marceau asked.

"After the adjustment. How much impact will it have on the current activities?" Huo asked.

"Only Nazi surface activities can be observed, but according to current trends, they seem to want to move from the inner space to the surface and attack directly from the physical level." Marceau said: "If you can accept this prediction , Then, it does not matter to transfer the activity resources to Chang Huaien. "

"Descent directly from the physical universe?" The fire escape could not help but looked at each other. In their initial judgment, they always thought that the Nazis would use two repeaters to jump, so as to avoid hits during the advent.

"Yes, I think they have realized that our repeater has been completed." Marceau said in a weird voice full of electronic sounds: "If we put the construction plan on the attack system, there is a chance The repeater of Unicom 51. Directly intercepted the Nazis coming through the repeater transition channel. Moreover, the attitude of the doomsday truth is still unclear. The Nazis are likely to consider these possibilities and thus give up the direct Jump. "

"If they come out of the inner layer, it means that there is a chance for a nuclear bomb attack?" The cadres on the side exclaimed.

"Yes, it does not rule out that the overall strategic department of the United Nations has pre-judgmented the Nazi strategic thinking." Masuo paused, adding: "Just received the latest news, the nuclear strike entered the countdown after one minute. According to the current Judging by the scale of the Nazi activities, they happened to transfer most of the troops to the surface. The probability of a nuclear bomb attacking the inner layer through the channel they opened was 30%. "

"Sounds good." The cadres looked at each other, and thought the decision of the United Nations was too crazy to be effective, but from Marsol's explanation, it seemed that it was really possible to hit the other party in one fell swoop. The cooperation between Netball and the United Nations is very deep, and the information obtained by Netball. Ninety percent will be provided to the UN for free, and intelligence including repeaters is also included in the transaction, so, as Marceau said, the UN ’s seemingly crazy plan may be through Thoughtful. And, at the strategic level, it goes further than the online ball.

So, the question now is whether to believe this judgment. Abandoning the in-depth observation of the Nazis and investing the non-construction resources of the repeater on Chang Huaien's side. It didn't take too long to make this decision. The fire escaped only hesitated for three seconds, and then said to Marceau definitively, "We will do our best to save Chang Huan."

"Understood." As soon as Marceau's words fell, the projection disappeared into everyone's gaze as if erased by the rubber.

Everyone could only wait in silence, and the atmosphere in the experiment fell into silence again, and Omi completely ignored the interaction between the netball guys and Marceau and devoted himself to his work. Rescue Chang Huaien, a deep-diver, through a repeater. To a certain extent, it is also the first time that the network ball actively used a repeater to intervene in the collective subconscious. For Jinjiang, the data that can be collected is extremely precious of.

The cadres of the network sphere cannot observe the rescue of Chang Wyan by the repeater, and can only refocus their attention on the monitoring of the moon. As Marceau said before, the moon that disappeared in the naked eye can still be clearly observed by conventional technological means. The craters on the moon are collapsing, as if there is something as huge as that. They are squeezed up from the inside of the ring body. The huge smoke and dust make the observation field very blurred, but the computer has referenced each movement point to a certain law. Outlined together, on the data graph, there is a huge "卐" after another.

Countless "卐" are coming out of the ground, and they are flying into the sky. There are more "卐" from scratch, and no signs appear on the moon's low-Earth orbit. These "卐" are all made up of huge airships and steel floating cities. Although they lack the dynamics of future technology, the gritty and rigid appearance especially highlights a crazy thick. Its shape is full of the ordnance style of the World War II period, as if old The war of Japan was spliced ​​into the new century with a rhythm across the times, which made people feel ridiculous and shudder.

Everyone who saw this scene had a very gloomy expression. Among them, there were many "old guys" who had lived through World War I and World War II, and lived to modern times, far exceeding the life span of ordinary people, making them more understandable. How dangerous is this feeling of crossing the times.

"The communication was interrupted," Omi said suddenly.

"What?" Someone never recovered.

"Normal space has just encountered a wave of electromagnetic shock, the source is the moon." Omi said: "Now the communication on the ground has been completely cut off, the impact is expected to spread to the world within thirty seconds, but the impact of the impact will not affect the electronic The devastating effect of the equipment can be restarted after the electromagnetic effect is weakened. Just. It will take at least one minute to wait until this shock passes. "

"That is to say, the Nazis are also prepared for the UN's nuclear strike plan?" Said a cadre.

"It should be like this, but I don't think that the UN plan will be affected just because of electromagnetic shock." Nodded and nodded, saying: "There should be no problem with the firing of the nuclear warhead. The problem is the adjustment after the lift, the Nazis should continue Interfere with the trajectory. From the point that they can release such large-scale electromagnetic shocks, we must pray that the nuclear bomb will not detonate in the troposphere. "

Hearing the argument of the fire, although I had already thought about it, I still couldn't help feeling a bit of toothache. Everyone was air-conditioned, but we could only wait with a wry smile. The United Nations has clearly been preparing for a long time. There is absolutely no reason to abandon your plan just because of the Nazi demonstrations. Like London, other major cities around the world have completed the migration of people. In order to keep their preventive measures as confidential as possible, basically, all migration work is only started when things are about to come. ready. So it seems to be relatively smooth. Even so, there are still many people who stay on the ground. In such a short period of less than ten hours, it is impossible to transfer everyone to the shelter, and the area of ​​the shelter is not enough to accommodate all the population. The township area was abandoned from the beginning. This choice is undoubtedly cold-blooded and crazy, but just as the United Nations can make plans to bombard the moon with six thousand nuclear bombs, the United Nations insists on the need for such large-scale asylum that was only taken at the last minute. And it is strictly forbidden to participate in the online ball-the online ball is only aware of the measures in this regard through the eye line placed in the government, but only the right to know.

Although the strength of the cyber ball is one of the best in the mysterious organization, braving the anger of the United Nations, the cooperation relationship between the two sides deliberately maintained has been reduced to a freezing point to prevent the resolution of the United Nations. It is completely impossible. Even if it is tried, it will have no effect other than worsening the relationship between the two parties. The organization that manages the majority of people in the world is a government agency of various countries, not a mysterious organization. When the United Nations unanimously passes a resolution, no one can stop it, including the doomsday truth at this time.

What's more, the decision of the United Nations is probably what the Doomsday Truth Church would like to see.

In the eyes of Prophet Mayn, these crazy decisions that should not have happened are the signs that the end is coming. If everyone can work together and use the most appropriate way to address every change in the end, it may be possible to lift the disaster of the end. But the problem is that although most people do not want the end to come, their consciousness is abnormal first, and it is the abnormal consciousness that caused the abnormal action and the terrible chain reaction. From the perspective of the macro structure of human society, this conscious change is extremely sudden and extremely strong. The importance of the cyber ball in this macro structure is simply not enough to prevent or even delay this change. Change outbreak.

"The countdown began." Jin Jiang said suddenly.

"Isn't communication interrupted?" Someone asked.

"Electromagnetic effects cannot interfere with the activities of the repeater." Omi said: "Although Marceau has transferred non-construction resources to Chang Waien, the remaining fractions are enough for us to construct a one-way channel to connect nuclear bomb The launch base is now. "

One of the monitors in the laboratory adjusted the picture to the countdown of the number ~ ~ When everyone looked at it, the number had jumped to "8". However, it was obviously a historical event that changed the world, but it was present. People do n’t feel much, as if all the tensions have already been exhausted in the previous estimates of the changes in the world. For everyone, what is currently happening is irretrievable. They feel that at this moment, they seem to have jumped out of the occasion of time and experienced this historical event that will change the world from the perspective of looking through historical books.

At this time, a steel city that was larger than all airships and steel floating cities tore the surface of the moon and lifted up in a very heavy gesture. The "卐" character number of the city dome is equivalent to the formation of the five "卐" characters in the surroundings.

In the city, the TV, which is obviously undergoing electromagnetic shock and completely failed, suddenly restarted in a rustle and played the same video:

In a huge auditorium, the man standing on the huge "卐" flag like a curtain gave a passionate speech to a black crushed head under the podium. At the end, the nuclear bomb counted down to "0", and at the same time saw the man's eyes lifted up, with a deep and no lack of passionate voice, as if to the people of the world: "Solomon, we have returned! "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.)

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