Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 976: Death Star Fall

When the moon reappeared, only a black outline could be seen with the naked eye, just like a big mouth that spit out war weapons. All the people who are concerned about the changes of the lunar surface have seen the torrent of "卐", the airships and floating cities inlaid with huge rivets are descending, and the battle group is spread out, just like a full bloom in the deep universe. Flower of death. How many enemies are there? Every organization that pays attention to changes in the situation is doing statistics, even the online ball is no exception. However, the enemy has not completely entered the normal space, and the observable enemy has exceeded tens of thousands of airships and hundreds of floating cities, especially the super huge empty city at the core of the troops, which makes people feel trembling and despair. It is not impossible to create such a huge number of weapons with normal technology alone, but the war potential of the United Nations has just been unleashed, and the output in all aspects cannot keep up. The enemy ’s power has been accumulated for a long time, and it seems to be released in one breath, using an overwhelming offensive to attempt to directly destroy most of the United Nations war potential.

"Is it really Blitzkrieg? Do you only know how to play this set when you come and go?" Those who witnessed this scene already understood the strategy of the Nazis, but they had to bear the blow. The internal relations of the United Nations are too complicated, and even considering that the enemy will really use this strategy again, there is no way to transform one ’s own strategy against the other.

"The nuclear bomb has been lifted off!" The person reporting reported the information in time.

Before the Nazis' lunar war weapons began to decline, the nuclear silos hidden in the unmanned belt of the world were all in place. When global television broadcasts were invaded by inexplicable signals to convey the declaration of war by men suspected of being under Nazi command, six thousand arrow-loaded nuclear bombs accelerated up in the blazing fireworks, like a huge fishing net, and went straight to the moon.

"Interceptors are already in place." Another reporter shouted loudly, followed by reports from various combat departments in the temporary unified command post specially set up by the United Nations for this battle. People who were shocked by the scale of the enemy and the appearance of the scene quickly recovered. They understand that any excitement has no effect on winning this battle. The enemy's huge army and the strange way of coming are actually already expected, but the surprise is only because of looking at the data and reports. I didn't directly see the impact of the actual scene.

During World War II, the Nazis had already used blitz to perfection. However, this tactical tactic and strategic planning were completely based on the domestic and international situation of Germany at that time. They were confined to one place at the time. There are not enough resources, and the current Nazis, although successfully hiding for half a century, are not very different from their situation in the past. With limited resources, to seize the greater fruits of victory, to support the war. You must maximize your own war potential, and send your opponent to **** before the opponent's war potential is realized.

This is a gambling strategy, but when the internal structure of the enemy is too bloated, it is at least unsolved in the early stage. The United Nations is such a bloated behemoth. It is as easy as cutting a huge piece of cheese with the enemy's long-planned main force to cut through the United Nations defense line. Early failures are already expected. Although cruel, the United Nations believes that in order to win, space must be exchanged for time. This is the best answer obtained by summing up the experience of past wars.

Every country still remembers the victory of World War II. After repeated research countless times, none of the battles that can win the final victory in the face of blitz can withstand the offensive of the opponent at the beginning. Use the huge land area and harsh environment to take a brutal war of attrition. Is the only way to win. When the United States used the geographical environment of the Straits, it successfully avoided the most acute period of the Nazi forces. This time, the Nazis who landed from the outer universe have the ability to choose targets around the world. The ocean is no longer a barrier, and the air power is the only one. is the most important.

Six thousand nuclear bombs were aimed at the moon, but they must first collide with the descending Nazi forces. Choosing to hit the moon directly is undoubtedly also considering the Nazi's strategy of action. In any case, six thousand nuclear bombs will not be missed. Even if the enemy has mystery, but in the face of six thousand nuclear bombs, the Nazis want to completely defend, it should not be one. An easy thing. This is the idea of ​​the United Nations. Although the cyber ball repeatedly mentioned repeaters, thinking that the Nazis would directly enter the ground by way of space jumping, but the staff system of the United Nations Unified Command has made different suggestions, at least from the current Judging from the situation, the UN's judgment is correct.

"How does the nuclear bomb strike really come into effect, even if the enemy cannot be thoroughly attacked, the UN's right to speak will be strengthened." The cadres of the cyber ball frowned, staring at the nuclear bomb that was getting closer and closer to the display And Nazi troops. He certainly does not want the momentum of the United Nations to be overwhelmed. A large mysterious organization trying to escape control is not welcomed by the United Nations at all, but it meets the expectations of most mysterious organizations. The mystery circle has been dissociated from government control, and only the online ball has broken this unspoken rule to a certain extent, and has become a giant in the middle. Once it is caught in a state of substantial suppression by the United Nations, the online ball may not be a person inside or outside.

The reason why the mysterious organization formed the alliance is not to be controlled by people, but to give itself more authority to act autonomously. If you want to be more shackled when you join, then, the collapse is close at hand. In order to invest a lot of energy in the network ball, you will undoubtedly be historically hit, from the second largest mysterious organization to the largest. joke. This is definitely not what the members of the cyber ball want to see, and the command of the fire and Prophet Mayn will also be strongly questioned.

However, if the nuclear bomb really played a huge role, it could indeed greatly weaken the war power of the Nazis and make the next battle even more likely. For those who must join the battlefield, they can also reduce their losses relatively. In the face of the upcoming victory and defeat, it is not only the members of the network ball, all those who are concerned about the results, and even those who are not neutral, but it is difficult to explain what they expect from the results.

Just when most people struggled, the fire escaped, as always, looking at the picture unchanged. No one knows what he thinks, but his Jaeger-LeCoultre makes him seem to be full of unexpected composure, as if everything is under control, but what exactly makes him difficult to decide for others . When still tortured, still have such a mentality? Everyone who understands fire escape and knows its record knows that the decision to fire escape has never been missed, but this kind of error-free will inevitably have a foundation. Then. This time, what is the basis for full confidence in the fire escape?

Moreover, in the knowledge of the insiders, the record of never mistakes in the past has been broken. In these three days, the center of gravity and the goal of the online ball have fundamentally changed, even if it is not clear about the details and the reasons. people. As long as you have a certain amount of emotion and analytical ability, you can judge that this is because the fire has to make a major decision to make up for your mistakes. In this way, the myth that the fire never fails has been declared over. So, even if he looks calm at this time, is it actually as he thought?

As the helm of the network ball. The damage to the organization caused by the mistake of fire escape is completely different from the damage caused by the mistake of an ordinary cadre. Some people began to worry, but at this time it was impossible to imagine, only to wait for the result.

While everyone is watching the upcoming collision, Omi ’s attention is still on her own research, and her responsibilities and necessary work for the network ball have been completed. Whether the result is good or bad, for her, there is no decisive significance-the online ball may be greatly injured by failure, but. To make today's online ball disappear, no, just let the online ball fall into the circle of top mysterious organizations, it is already impossible. Before the power of the repeater was actually exerted, except for her and Marceau, probably only the persons responsible for the doomsday truth religion and the Nazi repeaters. In the network ball, even high-level executives such as Fire, Prophet Chang, and Prophet Mayn can't really understand the problems before they deeply contact the repeater.

This world is always the world of human beings. All the forces that change the world, whether technology or mystery, depend on human beings to develop. The root of human behavior lies in consciousness and instinct. A relay that has a huge influence on the collective subconscious, to defend and attack from the source, is a direct force. Few people can intuitively have a clear understanding of this power, unless they consciously realize the moment when this essential power comes into play. The problem is that this force that directly changes from the collective subconscious can even produce additional phenomena, which in turn have an impact on the world line. Omi is not clear about the reason, but the study of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan made her aware of something strange but possibly the truth.

Omi felt that if someone could really understand the power of a repeater, then that person must be his own Gaochuan—even Gao Gao, even the one who made this repeater, was not one of them.

With repeaters, no matter what the effectiveness of the nuclear strike plan is, it makes no sense. The real significance of this huge force may not lie in their own combat power, but the standard of victory or defeat, or whether the Nazis can take root in the earth, even if this huge force, or even the lunar base all Destroyed, as long as the Nazi repeaters are still in operation, it is impossible for the war to truly distinguish the outcome. Even all sacrifices may be sacrificed as the energy to operate the repeaters. In this sense, whether the enemy or his own large-scale death and destruction is what the Nazis' ultimate strategy aspires to. Both the destruction of the flesh and the will can produce energy, and the repeater can make the most of this energy. Referring to the mysterious technology of gray fog in the heritage of the ruling bureau, this power based on the death of life, and the mystery brought about by it, are related to the repeater manufactured by the Tianmen project.

From the perspective of the history of repeaters, this relationship is almost inevitable, because the Doomsday Truth Mar Jones family who originally formulated the "Tianmen Project" acquired the legacy of the ruling bureau in order to carry out research and development.

A war solely for the purpose of "death" will never decide the ultimate victory or defeat because of the death of one party.

Therefore, the essence of this war was doomed from the beginning, trying to kill the enemy and killing the enemy completely, there is no inevitable victory.

Omi raised his head and looked around everyone concerned about the nuclear strike. A sneer sneered. Whether the online ball will be the ultimate winner, she is not clear, but she believes that she will definitely be the ultimate winner.

In full view, six thousand nuclear bombs reached the constant temperature layer one after another and plunged into the oncoming Nazi forces, although the Nazi forces had been scattered. The distance between each airship and each floating city is at least hundreds of kilometers, but precisely guided nuclear bombs still collide with them accurately. The global electromagnetic effects and signal invasions made by the Nazis have proved their high level in telecommunications technology, and. It is absolutely mysterious technology, it is impossible to crack through normal technology. However, in the end, the United Nations did not completely refuse the help. Before the final launch deadline, it had temporarily provided considerable mystery to ensure that the nuclear bomb can accurately hit the target.

The emergency technology is very reliable, with huge flashes. With the terrible shock wave blooming in the space above the constant temperature layer, not all 6,000 nuclear bombs were detonated in one attack. The mystery of precision guidance allows the front row of nuclear bombs to successfully pass through the Nazi department and go straight to the moon. In the display, there is a considerable part of the red dots representing the enemy and the green dots representing the nuclear bomb, although it is not clear why the Nazis did not directly attack. In order to detonate the nuclear bomb before the impact, but the nuclear bomb that can cross the front line did successfully escape the chain detonation, part of it went straight into the twisted space, and part of it plunged into the moon, causing a second terrible explosion.

The data department keeps statistics. Calculate to determine the effect of nuclear bomb detonation. All the instruments that can monitor the Nazi forces did not leave their posts because of the successful explosion of the nuclear bomb. The inaction of the Nazis is really weird. Moreover, even in the best predictions in advance, the impact of nuclear explosions on the atmosphere is equally dangerous. Before the changes in the atmosphere affect the ground, the relevant research department must come up with a more reliable estimate report to allow the United Nations to make detailed adjustments to the next steps.

The ground must be subject to considerable disasters, and the key is to what extent such disasters will reach.

Looking up at the night sky from the ground, the heavy dark curtain suddenly became bright, followed by a terrifying roar, as if even the sky had shattered, and the clouds seemed to be suddenly swept by a burning giant hand, immediately Torn to pieces, even heavy rain and thunder were swallowed up in this unimaginable change. The storm descended from the sky, bringing a heavy, devastating feeling. When the trees on the ground swayed, broken, and pulled up in the hurricane, all the changes in the constant temperature layer that obscure the field of vision gradually calmed down. The space and smoke distorted by the impact seemed to expand to the limit, and were then metallic The solid pierced from the inside.

Surrounded by flames and conical clouds, the airship group and the floating city continued to fall. They have experienced the baptism of nuclear bombs on their bodies, and they are not as fresh and bright as they were when they started, but they are all covered with bruises, which adds even more to them. It seems that after the **** fight, instead of feeling tired, instead of getting **** and traumatized, it becomes more violent and fierce.

"Report, report--" The reporter's voice was a little dry, "The battle damage statistics are out."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The listener inquired angrily, so eloquently, that should not appear in this place at this time.

"Yes, yes, sir!" The reporter settled and said: "Totally destroy 500 airships and hit 300, which is expected to be disintegrated in the atmosphere. In addition, 849 were slightly injured. It wo n’t hinder the landing. There is no damage to the floating city. "

The audience could not help being dumbfounded, the nuclear bomb exploded violently, even in the underground base can clearly feel ~ ~ However, the Nazi forces that directly collided with the nuclear bomb had only this little damage, even its scale was very large None of them arrived. It's no wonder that the reporter's voice was trembling. It was because of the power of the nuclear bomb that he felt unbelievable about the unexpected results.

"Count again." The listener spoke, and the voice was still cold, without any shaking.

"Yes, sir." The reporter withdrew, and there was a sudden disturbance in the entire hall, but gradually calmed down in the listener's cold eyes. It didn't take long for further detailed reports to be presented again, but there was not much discrepancy with the previous results. The explosion on the surface of the moon caused huge damage to the moon itself. Even the moon's orbit seems to be slightly offset. However, the Nazi forces destroyed in the explosion are far from imagination. As for the nuclear bombs that entered the different space of the Nazi airship forces, the effect cannot be counted, but probably not much different. The space itself also has no collapse instability due to a violent explosion.

The atmosphere began to become hot and suffocating. Someone pulled the tie hard and stared round the eyes, staring at the airships and floating cities that broke through the smoke.

In the night sky, it seems that the stars are falling. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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