Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 27: Open the door, isn't it just opening it directly?

"Teacher Kai, please teach me the technique called the Eight Door Armor Formation!"

"Nani? Tuoye, do you also know this technique?"

"Yes, I want to learn this technique. Please Ye Yan."

Kimura Takuno looked at Metkai and bowed to request again with firm eyes.

Seeing this, the latter nodded solemnly.

"I understand, this technique sounds like a technique, but it is actually a method of body control.

Just like our body will limit muscle strength in order to protect itself so that we will not strain ourselves.

Our meridians also limit the flow of chakra to protect the body from being harmed by powerful chakra.

The nodes in these meridians that restrict the flow of chakra are called gates.

There are eight major channels in the human body.

The way to open these eight major veins is the secret of physical skills called the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation.

The eight gates are the opening gate, the rest gate, the life gate, the injury gate, the Du gate, the scene gate, the shock gate, and the death gate. Every time a gate is opened, the chakra in the body will increase dramatically.

When the eighth door of death is opened, it is also the complete form of the eight-door armor formation.

At that time, the amount of chakra erupted from the human body will be more than ten times the Kage level!

But the price is also the highest. "

"At what cost?"

Xiao Li and the other three couldn't help but come over and asked Metkai curiously.

Metkai took a deep breath and told the story.


At the time of the Third War.

During a mission, I encountered seven members of Kirigakure's Ninja Swordsmen. All seven of them were elite jounin who used special Ninja Swords.

At that time, my teammates and I were just a few chunin, just when we thought we were certain to die.

My father, Matt Dai, arrived. As a genin, he fully activated the Eight Gate Armor Formation.

He exploded with super-shadow-level strength, one person fighting seven people alone.

Destroy the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in one battle!

But in the end, he died because the powerful chakra that opened the eight gates shattered the meridians and bones in his body. "

Several genin were shocked to hear that a genin was fighting seven elite jounin alone.

Can we destroy them in one battle?

They all looked incredulous.

"So, Tuoye, do you still want to study?

Although there is no problem with the first three doors, starting from the fourth injured door, each time you open a door, the burden on the body becomes greater.

And the burden of the eighth door of death is even more heavy than the human body can bear! Do you still want to study? "


Kimura Takuno remains steadfast.

Seeing this, Metkai stopped talking and started directly explaining to everyone how to practice the Eight Gate Armor Formation.

After listening to Kai's explanation, Kimura Takuno felt that it was similar to what he had thought before.

There are just a few more precautions when opening the door, as well as the skills of each of the eight doors.

“In short, if you want to open the Eight Gates, you have to make unremitting efforts, build physical strength, and temper mental endurance, so that you can withstand the huge burden of opening the Eight Gates.

For those who have not gone through cruel training, even if they want to open the eighth door of death, they will fail because they cannot bear the pain of the first seven doors.

Therefore, Li, I have high hopes for you, high hopes that you can open the door to death! "

"Wow! Teacher Kai, I will try my best!"

"Xiao Li!"

Master Xiao Li and Kai started to cry holding each other's hands.

Tenten and Neji both held their foreheads and muttered, "Here we go again, this is the seventh time today, twice more than yesterday."

Suddenly, a powerful chakra burst out around them.


Everyone took a closer look.

But it comes from Kimura Takuno.

At this moment, a powerful chakra rushed out of Kimura Takuno's body.

The strength of chakra is already visible to the naked eye!

You must know that the intensity of ordinary chakra is invisible to the naked eye, only the Byakugan can see it.

For example, the Puppet Master's chakra lines are invisible to ordinary people.

Being able to make chakra visible to the naked eye means that the intensity of chakra has reached another level.

For example, when Kakashi faced off against the novice boss Momochi Zabuza, he used a ninjutsu that changes the nature of chakra thunder - Raikiri.

As an elite Jonin, Zabuza was greatly shocked to see Raikiri who could make chakra visible to the naked eye.

It can be seen that making chakra intensity to a level visible to the naked eye is something that few people can achieve, even among elite jounin.

As for the chakra erupted from the Eight Door Dunjia Formation, even if it does not increase any attribute changes.

But it also enhanced the quality of chakra to a level visible to the naked eye.

"The Eight Gate Dunjia Formation is truly worthy of being the most powerful physical art secret!"

Kimura Takuno clenched his fists excitedly, finally learning the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation that he had been thinking about for a long time.

Although I couldn't open too many doors, I could only open the fourth injury door, and my body couldn't bear it anymore.

But I also expected this, knowing that it was a bit reluctant to open the injury door.

This is the result of the body breathing through the skin and absorbing natural energy in the past few days, which has been strengthened.

Kimura Takuno felt the powerful chakra in his body at this moment. As the quality of chakra increased, the difficulty of controlling chakra also increased greatly.

With my own chakra control ability, I actually feel a little uncontrollable.

You can only allow chakra to explode in every cell in the body, increasing the body's strength.

Speed ​​and strength are greatly improved.

But if the number of gates opened is not large, it may not be much stronger than the Konoha-ryu Ninjutsu that everyone just named.

Come to think of it, the combat power shown by the Cloud Hidden Lightning Body Technique is not inferior to the combat power of the first seven gates.

The potential of Konoha-ryu Ninjutsu is not inferior to the Lightning Body Technique.

Moreover, Ninjutsu is not as harmful to the body as the Eight Gates Ninjutsu.

From this point of view, the practical value of the Eight Gates Ninjutsu for oneself does not seem to be as high as imagined.

Kimura Takuye was a little disappointed. If the Eight Gates Ninjutsu could not be combined with Konoha-ryu Ninjutsu.

Then, in addition to opening the Death Gate, it is better to use Ninjutsu.

When using Ninjutsu, you can also use Ninjutsu.

It is difficult to control chakra when opening the eight gates, let alone using Ninjutsu, which is impossible.

However, Kimura Takuye thought about it and thought that this might be related to proficiency. Isn't Ninjutsu himself unable to use it proficiently?

After Kai and Xiao Li opened the door, they could also tread water.

Thinking of this, Kimura Takuya was satisfied. He nodded and put his hands behind his back.

"Not bad."

Little did he know that as soon as these words came out.

The four people around him were instantly hit hard.

"Takuya, don't keep thinking about things with the wound gate open like this. It's very harmful to your body. Young people, you can't ruin your body like this!"

"Takuya, you opened the wound gate directly the first time you opened the gate. Is it just good? Why can't I feel any gate?"

"Li, don't be discouraged. Teacher, I couldn't feel the existence of the pulse gate the first time. Opening the eight gates is actually a very difficult thing. Don't be misled by some geniuses. You have to work hard!"

"Hi! Teacher Kai!"

Hyuga Neji, who is also a genius, felt offended. He asked Kimura Takuya how he opened the door?

"How to open the door? Isn't opening the door just opening it directly? Is it difficult?"

A genius is autistic. .

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