Inside the Hokage's office.

"Danzo, do you have anything else to say?"

Tsunade looked at Danzo in front of her, wondering why he didn't resist at all.

But she didn't say much, after all, the perception ninja of the Anbu had checked the chakra, and it wouldn't be a substitute.

A person's appearance can be disguised, but the chakra attribute cannot be disguised. Everyone has different attributes.

This is something that ordinary ninjas can't recognize, but in the eyes of perception ninjas, it can't be faked.

The reason why Tsunade asked this question was just a routine inquiry.

"There's nothing to say, everything I do is for Konoha."

"Let the female ninja sell her body, is it also for Konoha?"


Tsunade picked up the criminal information on the desk and smashed it on the latter's face.

The latter didn't dodge, and blood came out of his forehead.

"That was a necessary sacrifice. The strength of the Root was enhanced, and Konoha was better protected."

Tsunade was furious after hearing this. She rushed to Danzo, grabbed his collar, and angrily questioned him.

"What if they killed each other? What if there were others who killed their own bonded people? What if the orphan director who raised orphans assassinated the children she raised? Is this all for Konoha? You bastard!"


Tsunade punched directly, and "Danzo" lay on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

Takuya Kimura on the other side was also shaken, and almost disconnected, and quickly reconnected.

"Danzo" then got up from the ground.

"Yes, of course, it's also for Konoha!

The best tools are the ones that have no ties and no emotions.

And such tools will not be selfish. They are all ninjas who are dedicated to Konoha. They are the best tools!"

"Asshole, I'll kill you!"

"Enough, Tsunade."

Sarutobi Hiruzen flashed to stop Tsunade. He stopped in front of Danzo and grabbed Tsunade's fist.

"He can't die in your hands."

"Heh, Hiruzen, you are still so weak and incompetent!"

The fake "Danzo" continued to act, and secretly opened the seal on his right arm.

Of course, he was discovered by the Anbu and was knocked unconscious.

But I didn't expect that "Danzo" was actually a fake fainting, and then fainted and lay on the ground and was still unsealing.

Although he really unsealed him, he was still discovered. There was another fight. In the end, "Danzo" was outnumbered and died in the last step of unsealing his arm.

Tsunade and the third generation sighed, thinking that he wanted to rely on the sealed arm to kill everyone present and then take the throne.

The third generation had some guesses about this, so he didn't want the truth about the sealed arm to be revealed.

He wanted to stop everyone from checking, but Tsunade opened the last seal first.

"How is it possible, what is this?"

"Sharingan, so many Sharingans?"

"And this arm? Hiruzen, what's going on?"

"Old man! Why is there my grandfather's face on this arm? What's going on?"


Then Sarutobi Hiruzen had no choice but to tell the truth.

He told about the Uchiha clan's extermination and the use of the first generation's cells in the arm.

And the secret contact between the root and Orochimaru over the years, he also told everything.

He didn't publicly explain Itachi's undercover identity, only saying that he was deceived by Danzo and became a traitor.

"I didn't expect it! Sarutobi teacher, you know everything! Then why did you turn a blind eye to the evil deeds of the root? Why do you do this? "

Tsunade was a little confused. She tried her best to restrain herself and questioned Sarutobi Hiruzen loudly.

"I did condone some things in the Root, but I didn't expect that Danzo would go so far and do so many things without telling me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the angry Tsunade, shook his head bitterly, and continued.

"From now on, my Anbu will be disbanded directly, and I am no longer qualified to interfere with your decision.

Tsunade, you make the decision in the future. "

After that, Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned his Anbu captain and disbanded his Anbu on the spot.

Seeing this, Tsunade took over some people directly and reorganized them into her own Anbu, saying that she still trusted the third generation.

It was a comfort to Sarutobi Hiruzen, who looked much older in an instant.

From then on, the core of Konoha's power began to truly shift to Tsunade's hands.

The next day, Tsunade announced the results of the trial of Shimura Danzo.

Danzo's crimes were made public, and it was stated that Danzo committed suicide out of fear of crime.

Public opinion was in an uproar for a while.

"It's terrible, the Root doesn't treat ninjas as human beings at all!"

"It's terrible, the orphans of the heroes have become Danzo's tools, and he killed them at will."

"And there are more crimes than just those written in the notice, have you heard about it?

Even the tragedy of the Uchiha clan was done by him!

He used this to collect a whole arm of Sharingan, no wonder his arm was sealed for many years? It turns out that he was afraid of being discovered by others! "

"What? There is such a thing? "

The crowd was noisy again.

A black-haired and blue-clothed boy in the crowd was also looking at the announcement of the Hokage Building.

After hearing the news about Uchiha, he looked incredulous.

"How is it possible? It was Danzo who did it. What was the intention of that man, the man I swore to kill? Why did he say that he killed everyone?"

"Uchiha Sasuke, the Fifth Hokage wants to see you."

An Anbu took Sasuke to the Hokage's office.


In the Hokage's office.

Tsunade looked at the child in front of her and didn't know how to start for a moment.

"Uchiha Sasuke, you already know about the extermination of the Uchiha clan, right?

It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it.

The extinction of the Uchiha clan is related to your clan's rebellion, but it has not really rebelled, but was wiped out by Danzo.

And Danzo's purpose is for your clan's Sharingan.

The S-level ninja Uchiha Itachi actually wanted to atone for his sins and protect you.

So Uchiha Itachi even killed your parents himself, pretended to be a traitor, and went undercover in a mysterious organization.

I didn't intend to make this public, but the so-called truth spread throughout the village overnight.

So now I will tell you the real truth.

It is to give these Sharingans to you for safekeeping.

This is the power of your clan, and you should decide its fate."

After that, Tsunade handed all the Sharingans on Danzo's arm to Sasuke.

"You are lying, it's all a lie! I will ask him in person!"

Sasuke numbly took over the Sharingans soaked in nutrient solution.

He suddenly shouted, wanting to question Uchiha Itachi in person.

He turned and ran out.

"Hokage-sama, is it really okay to give the Sharingan to this child?"

"If not, how can we lead out the people hiding in the dark?

I only learned about the Uchiha news yesterday.

This morning, the news spread that a rat had sneaked into Konoha, and I will never give up until I catch it!

Send someone to follow closely!"


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