Tsunade sent someone to follow Uchiha Sasuke.

On the other side.

"Lord Orochimaru, it seems that the Fifth Hokage has discovered us."

"Hehe, what can we do if he has discovered us? I don't like those Sharingan eyes. They are not as good as Itachi's eyes. They are no different from garbage. I personally installed them for Danzo."

"So what do you mean? Do you want that child?"

"Hahaha, Kabuto, I feel a little angry that you always see through me.

That child has the same blood as Itachi, and he will definitely not disappoint me.

He can be my next container.

Observe him first, and then I will personally influence him and cultivate him into the most perfect container."

Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi followed Uchiha Sasuke together.

Kabuto split a shadow clone and deliberately appeared after using the transformation technique to lure away the Anbu who were protecting Sasuke.

And Orochimaru appeared in front of Sasuke with interest.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Ah!"

Sasuke, who was on guard, took out his kunai, but was frightened by Orochimaru's look and collapsed on the spot.

After falling to the ground, he even retched.

"Oh, you are so weak and pitiful? Let me help you."

As he said that, Orochimaru stretched out his snake head and wanted to plant a curse seal on Sasuke.

A few kunai were shot from the side, but Orochimaru easily dodged them.


"Orochimaru! You dare to come back?"

"Haha, Tsunade, even you can be Hokage, why can't I come back?"

Orochimaru made fun of Tsunade's being Hokage, and dodged Tsunade's attack again.

More and more Anbu arrived.

"Lord Orochimaru, retreat."

"Damn it, retreat!"

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade unwillingly, and then he and Kabuto released a smoke bomb and ran away directly.

"Ha hey!"

Tsunade reacted and kicked the smoke bombs released by the two with a painful kick.

But it was too late, the people had already run away.

"Qikexiu! These two bastards, what do you think I am in Konoha? They come and go as they please. Search for them with all your strength. Once you find them, give the alarm immediately, and I will be there immediately!"


For a while, the core city of Konoha was full of Anbu figures, searching for Orochimaru and Kabuto with all their strength.

The two people who were being searched were also forced to the suburbs and were about to slip away.

But they found something strange.

In a pig farm in the suburbs.

A group of medical ninjas from the Anbu were actually treating a sow. After the treatment, they caught the sow and locked it in the pigsty.

Although the sow tried her best to escape.

But her limbs were injured, and her vocal cords were removed, so she couldn't make any sound at all.

Then this group of medical ninjas gave the boar in the pigsty aphrodisiac.

Then a group of medical ninjas watched the boar rape the sow until the sow fainted.

They revived the sow and threw it into another pigsty.

"Baga, how can there be such a boring medical ninja?"

Kabuto was confused. When he first found this group of Anbu, he thought they were chasing him and was about to sneak attack them.

But he saw them entering the pig farm with a sow, and then this scene happened.



"That's not a pig, interesting! Hahaha, what an evil genius, that's a person! Someone who was made into a sow by others!"

"What? A person?"

"That's right, look at the eyes of that pig, those are human eyes. What a genius, he can do such a thing. How did he ensure that the person didn't die?"

As the two stood on the roof and talked, Kabuto spoke in a low voice.

And Orochimaru looked at the scene in front of him and laughed, not afraid of being discovered at all.

The people from the Spark Society below also immediately found Orochimaru on the roof.

"Who is it?"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The kunai of several people were shot into the air, and they were about to catch people.

Unexpectedly, Kabuto had come down earlier, taking advantage of Orochimaru attracting the attention of several people.

He directly used a series of chakra scalpel slashes to knock all the people present to the ground.

Orochimaru also appeared in the pigpen, and stunned all the estrus boars with a look.

Then he asked Kabuto to perform medical ninjutsu to treat the sow that had experienced another round of suffering, and restored its vocal cords by the way.

The sow that was awakened by the medical ninjutsu still had a strange blush in her eyes.

Kabuto was even more speechless. The nervous system of this sow was actually tampered with by someone, and the sow's body sensation was obviously amplified!

So much so that his own medical ninjutsu could make it scream.

Kabuto was speechless. While adjusting the sensory system of this sow, he complained to Orochimaru beside him.

"Baga, pervert, too perverted! What kind of person did this pig man offend? He even increased his sensitivity by at least ten times. This feeling will appear when receiving medical ninjutsu treatment. Ugh!"

"Hahaha, evil genius, I like that man!"

Finally, the sow was cured by Kabuto.

The moment the pig was cured, it rushed to the wall, wanting to hit its head against it and die.

But it was caught by Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru? Let me go, you let me die. Let me die!"


When Orochimaru heard this familiar voice, he stood there in shock.

But he saw with his own eyes that Danzo died in the Hokage's office?

Who is this person?

The voice is so similar, and he can recognize himself.

"Are you Danzo? Then who is the person who died in the Hokage's office?"

Under Orochimaru's questioning.

Danzo humiliatingly accused Kimura Takuno and told Orochimaru everything he saw in the Root.

"The art of resurrection from the dead? The art of consuming flesh and blood can revive the human body. You can perform such a art right after graduation. Genius! Haha, such a genius is really too tempting."

After listening to what Danzo said, Orochimaru couldn't help but lick his lips with his slender tongue.

"I wonder if such a genius can withstand the power of the curse seal? I really want to try it."

Suddenly Orochimaru was alert and looked around.

"Well, when did I get here? I was surrounded?"

Orochimaru looked around. He didn't know when the surroundings were surrounded by Anbu, and the body shapes of these Anbu were a little strange.

They are all very strong, and the skin on their arms looks like tiger skin.

The few people who were just dealt with by Kabuto are among them. I don’t know when they all recovered and became stronger.

They originally only had the aura of Chunin, but after the transformation, they all had the aura of Jonin.

The only person in the crowd who didn’t transform spoke up.

“Orochimaru, put down that pig, or I’ll eat snake soup tonight!”

“Hahaha, arrogant junior? I hope your strength can match your words.”

Orochimaru raised his hand and attacked with a sneak snake hand.

Kimura Takuya had been on guard against him for a long time, so he naturally wouldn’t be hit.

His figure flashed and burst out at high speed.

His speed was no less than that of the beastman form of the Spark members present.

Kimura Takuya, who avoided the sneak attack, raised his hand and fired a long-range spiral cannon in return!


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