When the decimal point is eight, the Senjutsu Chakra is stabilized for about half an hour.

At this point, Kimura Takuye's control can no longer go any further.

But it doesn't matter.

Because this is the time to start practicing the Sage Mode.

As long as the chakra of the whole body is replaced within half an hour, it can enter the Sage Mode as the Senjutsu Chakra.

How long you can fight depends on the speed of replacement.

If the replacement is completed within one minute, you can fight for 29 minutes.

Of course, this is obviously unlikely.

After a night of proficiency, Kimura Takuye can control the replacement within 29 minutes.

That is to open the Sage Mode for one minute!

Don't think it's rubbish, this is just one night's effort.

Early in the morning, Kimura Takuye was in the woods and couldn't wait to experiment.

"Sage Mode on!"

Kimura Takuye's body showed obvious energy, which was different from the blue chakra color of opening the eight gates.

It was a natural color, representing the tender green of life.

This is also the true color of the Sage Chakra.

"Sage Technique: Long-range Spiral Cannon!"

Takuya Kimura, who had entered Sage Mode, used the long-range spiral cannon without any nonsense.

The tender green spiral energy shell flew out at high speed.

It instantly hit a big tree in the distance.


The huge explosion even affected Takuya Kimura's own position.

He instantly retreated dozens of meters, and then the ground where he was standing was overturned half a meter deep.

The killing range of this spiral cannon is probably as large as 50 meters in radius.

The killing range is about half a football field!

This is still the effective killing range, not the explosion range.

The actual explosion range is much wider.

"Ah, did this guy put a tailed beast ball? This is too outrageous, isn't it?"

Takuya Kimura released Sage Mode, looked at the attack he had just caused, and cursed excitedly.

This is the real Sage Mode. I originally thought that the Sage Mode would only improve Ninjutsu by several times, but I didn't expect it to improve by more than dozens of times!

It's simply outrageous!

As long as we increase the chakra output a little more and use the super-large Rasengan as a cannonball.

Then its lethality will be close to the Tailed Beast Ball, and may even exceed it.

"Fortunately, we are not near the village city. This is still far from the city. Let's restore the terrain first. Anyway, the trees in the center have been blown into pieces. It's just that there is a piece of forest missing, which is not a big problem."

Kimura Takuya immediately took action and directly used a few earth escape ninjutsu to repair the ground. He had no way to deal with other flowers, plants, and trees.

After that, he slipped away.

However, the explosion here will not affect the village.

But the surrounding area will be affected.

A certain Anbu who was chasing Orochimaru couldn't help but come to the Death Forest to steal the three-color dumplings while chasing him.

Not long after Kimura Takuya left, a purple-haired woman wearing a khaki windbreaker came here.

"The explosion just now was here. Strange, I didn't sense anyone else? And there were no traces of explosion on the ground, but where did such a large open space come from?"

Mitarashi Anko looked around and found the signs of the explosion on the surrounding trees.

All the tree trunks near the open space had traces of explosions, except in the middle of the open space.

"Is it covered up?"

She took out a kunai and dug a little bit of the ground in the open space under her feet.

She found tiny wood chips inside, and then dug a few more places.

It was finally confirmed that there was indeed an explosion here, and this open space was actually created by the explosion!

All the trees in the open space were blown into powder!

What a powerful explosion.

Could it be Orochimaru?

No, his ninjutsu is not of this style.

Who is it then?

He also deliberately used earth escape to cover up the explosion. This person must be hiding in Konoha, right?

But this person is hiding well, why would he have a big explosion?

Is it to cover up some problem!

Hongdou immediately went to the Hokage Building and reported the matter to Tsunade.

Inside the Hokage Building.

Tsunade had just arrived at the office today.

As soon as she entered the door, she found Hongdou waiting for her.

"Hongdou, did you find anything?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama.

A large-scale explosion trace was found in the Death Forest. I felt the explosion in the morning. After approaching the explosion point, I did not find anyone else.

Only one explosion trace covered by earth escape was found, with a range of more than 50 meters in radius, and the explosion power was amazing.

It is speculated that there may be unknown strong people hiding in Konoha, and the purpose is unknown."

"Soga! I know, I will deal with this matter. You continue to lead people to investigate the village and must find Orochimaru.

This guy has never stopped until he achieves his goal. This time, his goal of seizing the Sharingan has not been achieved, and he will definitely sneak into the village again.

You have worked hard."


Hongdou bowed and retreated.

But Tsunade sighed.

She has only been in power for more than half a month, and so many things have happened in succession.

First there was the Danzo scandal, and the Root was disbanded.

Then Orochimaru came back to snatch the Sharingan.

Now there is another hidden strong man, hiding in Konoha for unknown purposes.

How come she has to run into all these things.


I have to find someone to take the blame.


Hmm? Where is Shizune? Why didn't she go home yesterday? Did she find a boyfriend?

Tsunade muttered to herself with a smile on her face.

"That's right, Shizune is also old enough to get married."

"Huh? What do you mean by getting married? Tsunade-sama, who do you think is getting married?"

Shizune's voice suddenly came from the pile of documents in the corner. She stuck her head out and crawled out of the pile of documents.

While asking Tsunade who is getting married, she stretched her body.

Tsunade was startled by Shizune's appearance.

"Wow! Shizune, did you sleep here yesterday?"

"Haa~! Well, I processed the documents too late yesterday and felt a little sleepy. I just lay on the pile of papers for a while. It was so comfortable that I fell asleep."

Shizune rubbed her eyes, yawned, and turned to look at the documents behind her.

"Huh? Everything is messed up. It's over. I have to sort it out again!"

"Ah, kid, I thought you were mature and wanted to find a boyfriend. I didn't expect you to be like this. I can't imagine how you will live without me."

Tsunade looked helpless and started to sort it out with Shizune.

But Shizune, who was always good-tempered in front of Tsunade, got angry.

"What? Tsunade-sama, I am the nanny, right? Tsunade-sama can't live without me, right? And you suddenly asked me to get married, it's too much."

"Uh, hahaha. Women always have to get married. How can a girl not have spring in her heart? I'm an experienced person. Speaking of which, you are also of marriageable age. Don't you really have someone you like? You have been wandering outside before. You don't like people in small places. Do you also look down on the good boys in Konoha?"

Tsunade opened her broad mind and took the angry Shizune into her arms and stroked her hair.

Being comforted, Shizune flashed through countless images of men she had seen before, except for those stinky men who stared at Tsunade with lustful eyes in various casinos with Tsunade.

There was only one Kimura Takuya, and the child rested on her thighs. When she was treating him, she looked at his sickly brother's face and blushed a little.

When she carried him back, she didn't feel tired at all.

Thinking of this, Shizune blushed again.

She shook her head.

"No, no, the age gap is too big!"

"Oh? Is it true? Is the age gap still big? Please tell me in detail, Shizune, I really am not gossiping, I just care about you."

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