Knock, knock, knock.

There was a knock on the door outside the office, interrupting the conversation between Tsunade and Shizune, and the two quickly separated and went about their own business.

"Come in."

"Master, what do you want me for?"

"Ah, Takuya, wait a minute. There's a mission for you, and there are others later."

Kimura Takuya, who was a little guilty, heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, went straight to the office reception area, and threw himself on the sofa with a snap.

Seeing Kimura Takuya's exhausted look, Tsunade was annoyed and disgusted.

"Eh! Young people should be restrained. Young people don't know the value of gold. When they are old, um!"

"Tsunade-sama, what strange things are you teaching Takuya again?"

Shizune was quick-witted and blocked Tsunade's mouth before he could say anything shocking.

Seeing Takuya didn't react, Shizune withdrew her hand and looked over.

"Falling asleep?"

"Baga, this kid must have done something bad last night. Hey kid, I asked you to come here for a mission, not to sleep."

Tsunade was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and was about to hit him.

Unexpectedly, just as she stretched out her fist, she was stopped by Shizune with both hands.

"Tsunade-sama, please let Takuya rest.

Since he learned the shadow clone, he would send clones to the hospital every day, staying all day, and even at night there were clones in the hospital.

Since his clones were stationed in the hospital, the mortality rate of all accidental serious injuries immediately dropped to zero!

Even terminal illnesses that were previously incurable were cured by him. ˜"*°•.˜˜.•°*"˜

The word "immortal miracle doctor" began to spread in the hospital!

I'm afraid his name is destined to surpass yours!"

Tsunade was stunned when she heard it, and remembered that she dared not treat bleeding patients because of her hemophobia, and then compared it with her disciple's medical ninjutsu.

That medical ninjutsu - the art of blood and flesh replacement.

What a genius ninjutsu, this is a universal ninjutsu that can cure any physical illness.

It's a pity that neither she nor Shizune can learn it.

Thinking of this, Tsunade couldn't help but autistic.

How could he be so good? Even I can't learn it!

What kind of monster is this guy?

Not only did he develop a universal medical ninjutsu.

In the past half a month, he also learned more than a dozen forbidden techniques in the Sealed Book.

And he also learned all her ninjutsu by the way.

Yes, by the way.

"Ah, I'm really sorry, Master. It took me three days to learn the ninjutsu on the small scroll. All the time was spent on the ninjutsu in the Sealed Book. I can only learn this small scroll by the way."

Thinking of the original words of this kid, Tsunade was discouraged.

What happened to the ninja talent that was promised?

Tsunade looked at Kimura Takuya, and seeing him enjoying it with his eyes closed, she knew he was pretending to sleep.

Shizune's medical ninjutsu is relaxing.

Baka, I haven't enjoyed it many times.

A greeting came from outside the door, interrupting Tsunade's jealousy.

"Hokage, you are looking for our third team. Do you have any special tasks for us? Xiao Li, did you see it? Only hard-working men will be reused!"

Might Guy greeted Tsunade loudly, turned around and taught Xiao Li behind him.

He also raised his thumb and showed a dazzling smile.

Xiao Li was instantly encouraged and showed the same expression.

"Hi! Teacher Kai, I will work harder!"

"Oh, here it comes again."

Tenten, who was behind, held his forehead with one hand and moved a few steps to the side, indicating that he didn't want these two people to be related.

Ningci looked at him coldly, not surprised.

But he caught a glimpse of Kimura Takuya receiving treatment from Hokage's entourage on the sofa in the reception area.

Ningci was so scared that he immediately rolled his eyes and checked Kimura Takuya's "injury".

As a result, he naturally saw nothing after looking for a long time.

He was just surprised that Kimura Takuya's chakra amount was much more than last time.

Tenten was also attracted by Neji's gaze. It was Kimura Takuno, who was still receiving treatment.

"Takuno, are you okay? Lady Shizune, how could this happen?"

"Don't worry, Takuno is fine, just a little tired."

"Yeah. I'm fine, I just took a nap."

Kimura Takuno, who felt the attention of the whole audience, was too embarrassed to continue sleeping. He turned over and greeted everyone, and then waited for Tsunade to issue the task.

"Well, now that everyone is here, I will announce the mission.

In recent days, there have been a series of major events in the village.

The former Hokage advisor Shimura Danzo died, and the Root was disbanded. I am the new Hokage again, and the Anbu has not yet been formed.

All countries are ready to make a move against Konoha, and they discovered that Konoha's S-level rebel Orochimaru sneaked into the village to take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Just this morning, another Anbu came to report that there are other mysterious strong men hiding in the village, and their purpose is unknown.

All of the above made me want to recall many elite ninjas who are on missions outside to defend Konoha.

Others are easy to say, the mission location is clear, and a team of Anbu can be sent to find them.

But there are two special people whose whereabouts are uncertain and need people to find them specifically.

And persuade them to return to Konoha."


Gai asked doubtfully. This is the order of the Hokage. Lady Tsunade actually used the word "persuade". Could it be that these two people will refuse the order of the Hokage?

"That's right, it's persuasion! These two people not only have special identities, but also have strong strength, and they both shoulder important tasks.

However, their missions were decided by themselves, not by the Hokage.

So whether my order can make them return to Konoha depends on how you persuade them. ”

Then Tsunade handed the information of Jiraiya and Uchiha Itachi to everyone and explained the mission.

“Soga. Jiraiya-sama is going to track down Orochimaru. Orochimaru suddenly returned to the village, so it should be easy to persuade this sama to return to the village.

And Uchiha Itachi, is he an undercover in a mysterious organization?

Originally, he didn’t need to be recalled, but because of Orochimaru’s infiltration into the village, Itachi’s identity might be exposed? So he must be recalled before it is really exposed?

I understand, Hokage-sama. ”

Might Guy nodded, indicating that he understood the mission goal.

Then he gave a thumbs up.

“Don’t worry, Hokage-sama, our elite team 3 can definitely complete the mission!”

“Wait, I haven’t finished talking yet! Kimura Takuno will accompany you. Your team does not have a medical ninja, so this mission may be very dangerous. "

"Ha! Great, Takuno, I finally have you to accompany me on my youthful and passionate journey!"

Others were fine, but when Lee heard Tsunade's words, he ran over and hugged Kimura Takuno.

The latter struggled to break free and held down the restless Lee, making him unable to move.

"If there is no problem, then I'll leave it to you! Go early and come back early."

"Hi! "

After everyone agreed, they left and went home to pack up and set off in the morning.

Kimura Takuya's original plan was disrupted by this sudden mission.

Orochimaru and Sasori were near Konoha Village. Originally, he could study ninjutsu and monitor them when he was free.

But now a mission suddenly came, and it was a mission to find people all over the world.

Not only did his original training plan get interrupted, but it was also difficult for him to continue to control the research progress of Orochimaru and Sasori.

Once these two people made any unusual movements, Kimura Takuya would not be able to respond quickly.

"We have to drive these two away first!"

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