Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 70 Research on the Same Frequency Adjustment of the Eternal Kaleidoscope

"Itachi, try opening the Sharingan.

Kimura Takuno rubbed his palms. He forgot to block the pain just now, and it hurt to cut his hand directly.

Turning around, he put down the scalpel and asked Itachi to open his eyes.


I saw that one of Itachi's eyes was the more complicated Eternal Sharingan, and the other eye was an ordinary Sharingan.

Itachi could also feel the difference in pupil power between the two eyes.

One is extremely powerful, while the other is not only weak now, but even in his prime, he cannot compare with the former.

Is this the power of eternal eye power?

Not only will it not be depleted and blinded, but the illusion contained in it will not have such a long cooldown time.

If we talk about the other gods of the previous ordinary kaleidoscope, the cooling time was ten years.

Then the other gods of the eternal kaleidoscope now have a cooldown time of zero!

There is no cooling time!

This is the infinite eternal eye power!

In other words, this eye now has no blue stripe!

This is not infinite energy, but endless energy.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Madarano fought for 300 rounds with Senju Hashirama, who had activated the perfect sage mode and possessed unlimited senjutsu chakra.

Because both sides are heroes without blue bars.

This also explains the reason why Sasuke can fight infinitely with Naruto who carries a power bank with him in the later period.

Kimura Takuno could also clearly feel the difference in the soul energy of Itachi, and after observing it for a while, he spoke.

"Itachi, I feel that there is a subtle difference in the energy frequency of your two eyes. Maybe this difference is the secret of the power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope. Do you mind if I study it?"


Itachi was silent for a moment, the Sharingan is the blood successor limit of the Uchiha clan, and the blood successor limit is the foundation of any blood successor ninja clan.

If outsiders were to study it, no blood successor ninja would agree to it.

Even making such a request can be regarded as enmity.

In the Warring States Period, I'm afraid there would not be a direct war.

Even if a ninja from the same village said this now, it would be extremely rude.

But the person in front of him was different. He not only saved himself.

He also helped Sasuke officially open his eyes.

He also helped to treat his own blood disease.

All of the above made Itachi think for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Besides, if we can really unlock the mystery of the Eternal Sharingan.

Not only Itachi's own strength can take a step further.

Sasuke will also benefit from this in the future.

Don't forget that Itachi left only one eye for Sasuke.

Itachi thought that he couldn't have both Eternal Sharingan, but felt wronged that his brother only had a single Eternal Sharingan, right?

Itachi, who had always loved his brother as a demon, would certainly not allow this to happen.

"Okay, then Itachi, relax your mind, don't resist my will, keep the Eternal Kaleidoscope open, and let me control the other eye."

Seeing Itachi nod, Takuno closed his eyes and began to use the soul energy residing in Itachi to take over the ordinary kaleidoscope he had just replaced.

Then he felt the eye controlled by Itachi. The energy frequency was extremely fast and the negative energy was extremely high.

Then he instilled the negative energy in his own soul energy into the eyes he controlled.

Making it the same as the eye energy controlled by Itachi is too simple for Takuno, who has strong energy control.

It's done in the blink of an eye.

Itachi only felt that for a moment, the eyes he had given Takuno to control were also full of energy.

But this is just to allow this ordinary Sharingan to restore its CD and release other gods again.

It did not evolve into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Itachi, leave both eyes to me and don't interfere."


Along with Itachi, he also handed over the Eternal Eye to Takuno.

Tuoye used his soul energy to connect the two eyes.

Let the negative energies of the two resonate through the connection.

Gradually, the frequencies of the two were assimilated into the frequency of the Eternal Eye.

At the moment when the frequency is assimilated to the ordinary eye.

The pattern of the ordinary eye has changed drastically and become more complicated!

The ordinary kaleidoscope evolved into the eternal kaleidoscope!

In an instant, the energy between the two exploded, amplifying each other!

Itachi felt his eyes heat up.

He knew instantly, it was successful!

Itachi could clearly feel that his Susanoo could open his complete body!

"Itachi, don't move, you haven't stabilized yet."

Hearing this, Itachi suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to cooperate attentively.

Kimura Takuno, on the other hand, is absorbing negative energy.

The current situation is a bit like the infinite water source in MC.

Tuoye's soul energy was entrenched between Itachi's eyes.

And these two eyes are like two sources of water.

Kimura Takuno is in the middle.

It's like having unlimited water.

Absorb negative energy without limit.

It's just not very efficient, but the water flows smoothly and doesn't affect Itachi's body at all.

Itachi's use of pupil power will cause harm to his body.

Although the current Eternal Kaleidoscope has low consumption, it is not impossible.

However, if it only produces pupil power, it will not harm the body.

After all, pupil power equals negative energy, and negative energy comes from the Sharingan's transformation of one's own negative emotions.

Negative emotions come from negative memories.

The emotions generated by memory can be infinite, which is the source of infinite power.

Ordinary Mangekyo has low conversion efficiency and causes great loss to itself.

The Eternal Mangekyo can convert with high efficiency and will not damage itself during the conversion.

Just like a rough gear, it not only has poor transmission effect, but also causes serious wear between gears and will break down in a short time.

The Eternal Mangekyo is a perfect gear, which not only has much better transmission effect, but also does not wear itself out and can be used forever.

So the Eternal Mangekyo will not go blind.

So the Eternal Mangekyo has infinite pupil power!

So that's it. Is my own soul energy infinitely generated, also based on my memory?

When the soul energy is increased, it is because the negative energy generated by the memory of others is absorbed, which can increase the upper limit of one's soul energy.

No wonder last time, when absorbing Yakumo's monster, she also absorbed part of her memory, but her own memory did not decrease.

It turns out that negative energy itself comes from negative memory.

Now when absorbing Itachi's negative energy, he can also feel Itachi's negative memory.


After absorbing for a long time, Takuya finally felt that his soul energy upper limit was no longer increasing.

This time it was increased by about one third again.

It used to take more than six hours for a scar to heal on its own.

It only takes four hours.

And the energy control ability has also been greatly improved!

After that, the stability of the fairy chakra will also increase greatly.

This time it was a big win!

Not only did he crack the mystery of the Eternal Mangekyo, but he also figured out the source of the negative energy that had been bothering him.

It's just a pity that the energy of Itachi can't be absorbed infinitely, because Itachi has only so many negative memories, and the negative energy generated by these memories can only increase Takuye's soul energy limit to a certain extent.

There is no way to keep absorbing and getting stronger.

Only the negative energy generated by different negative memories can increase the upper limit of one's soul energy again.

The energy generated by the same memory can only be increased once, and it will be useless to absorb it again? So you have to find negative energy from different people to continue to improve yourself.

Kimura Takuye understood in his heart, opened his eyes and asked Itachi.

"Okay, Itachi, you don't feel uncomfortable anywhere, right?"

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