Takuye asked Itachi how he felt.

And Itachi had long been stunned by the shock of actively opening the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Since the Eternal Eye can be opened without the eyes of a loved one.

Even an outsider can open it through active control.

Then why does the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan described on the family stele require killing loved ones and friends to evolve into the Mangekyō?

When he opened the Mangekyō, he did not kill anyone, but it was opened when Shisui entrusted his eyes to him.

And his father's Mangekyō was not opened by killing.

And the Uchiha Clan's ultimate power - the Samsara Eye.

It must be opened by robbing the power of the Senju Clan.

Is this really accurate?

Or did the predecessors not know the Sharingan that well?

And the ninjutsu that brings infinite peace - the Infinite Tsukuyomi

What is its real purpose?

"Itachi, are you okay?"

Kimura Takuye waved his hand in front of Itachi, worried that he had absorbed too much energy just now.

Could it be that he got sick?

Fortunately, Itachi was just startled for a moment, then reacted.

"Oh, it's okay. I feel good, especially when you helped me stabilize my eyes, I felt my brain was much more relaxed."

Itachi shook his head to indicate that he was not feeling unwell, and then paused.


"But what?"

"I have some questions, and this involves the secret of my Uchiha clan. I couldn't tell you, but now that you have unlocked the secret of the Eternal Mangekyo, I'm afraid that secret can't be hidden from you for too long."

"What secret?"

Kimura Takuya asked knowingly, obviously it was nothing more than the ultimate power of the Uchiha clan.

But he still asked like a curious baby.

"Takuye, since you can help Sasuke open his eyes, you must know the conditions for opening the Sharingan, right?"

"Negative emotional fluctuations."

"Insightful. That's true, but there is an ancient stone tablet in the shrine of my Uchiha clan, which records the power of the Uchiha clan.

From the Sharingan, to the Mangekyō, to the Eternal Mangekyō, and even the Sage's Eye Samsara Eye.

These are the powers of my Uchiha clan.

But there is only one method recorded above - killing!

Kill the bond, kill friends, and even kill relatives!

Finally, kill the Senju clan and seize their power to open the Sage's Eye.

But I always felt that it was not accurate.

Now that you have helped me completely open the Eternal Mangekyō, I finally concluded that the stone tablet was wrong."

So that's it, did Itachi doubt what was engraved on the stone tablet?

Seeing this, Kimura Takuye wanted to expose all the secrets of Black Zetsu, but it would be too shocking to say it now.

"How about this, you take me to see it."

"Okay, let's go."

Itachi left the hospital without hesitation, taking Kimura Takuya with him.

He went to the Uchiha clan's land.

Several people pried open the tatami in the shrine and entered the hidden secret gathering place of the Uchiha clan.

"Nisan, it's understandable that Takuya came here, but how could this shark-faced person come here?"

Sasuke was also brought along, and he was wondering who this shark-faced person was?

Kisame Hoshigaki, who was called Shark Face, was not angry, but just looked at Sasuke kindly.

But he didn't expect that his face, no matter how kind his eyes were, was also fierce.

Sasuke, who hadn't graduated yet, was frightened and hid behind his brother, but saw Takuya on the side watching the joke.

He forced himself to come out again, grinning at Kisame, saying that he was not afraid of him at all, and that he was just tactically moving just now.

Itachi stretched out his finger and touched Sasuke's forehead.

The tap was so hard that a red mark was left.

"Don't be rude! It's my idea that Kisame should come with you. You can watch the ceremony together later."

"Watch the ceremony?"

Itachi ignored Sasuke's doubts.

He led everyone to the Uchiha clan's stone tablet.

"Kisame Hoshigaki, today I represent the Uchiha clan to form an alliance with you. From now on, the Uchiha clan and the Hoshigaki clan will advance and retreat together and share honor and disgrace. Are you willing?"

"Mr. Itachi, although it feels a bit strange, I am willing."

Itachi wanted to form an alliance with Kisame.

Before, Itachi used Kotoamatsukami to modify Kisame's thoughts, so that he rebelled with him and went to Konoha to protect Sasuke.

But based on his observation of Kisame, Kisame was not an evil person. He joined the Akatsuki organization because he really believed what Obito said.

Believing in the infinite moon reading can really bring infinite peace.

He really wanted to create such a beautiful world.

Kisame did his best for this, and Itachi saw it all.

So Itachi wanted to give Kisame a proper identity, instead of the unjustified protector of his younger brother as before.

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan turned, bursting out with a stronger power than before, covering the previous Kotoamatsukami.

Instead, he changed to identify with Konoha, nothing more.

When Kisame opened his eyes again, the look he gave Sasuke would no longer give Sasuke goose bumps.

And it was a very normal feeling.

"The alliance between the Uchiha clan and the Hoshigaki clan is witnessed by me, Kimura Takuno. The covenant has been established, and as long as I exist, both sides must not easily betray each other."

At this time, Kimura Takuno had a strange smile on his face, and I don't know what he was thinking of.

Seeing everyone looking at him, he cleared his throat and became serious.

"Well, the alliance has been formed. Next, let's look at the problem on this stone tablet, right?"

"Takuya, can you see it too? Can't this stone tablet only be seen by awakening the Sharingan?"

Sasuke turned to ask Kimura Takuya.

Kisame also looked puzzled.

"Are there words on this stone tablet?"

"Of course there are. There are not only words on this stone tablet, but also many secrets. People with different pupil powers can see different things. The stronger the pupil power, the more secrets you can see."

Kimura Takuya came to the stone tablet and reached out to touch it.

He smiled with disdain in his eyes.

"Itachi, do you doubt whether the content on this stone tablet is true or false? Yes, it is false and has been tampered with."

"How is it possible? Takuya, this is the stone tablet left by the ancestors of my Uchiha clan! It cannot be destroyed at all, let alone rewritten! How can it be false?"

Before Itachi responded, Sasuke refuted.

As Sasuke spoke, he took out his kunai and chopped at the stone tablet.

Sure enough, several heavy blows did not leave any scars on the stone tablet!

Itachi was also puzzled, and suddenly he thought of something.


A Susanoo skeleton arm appeared out of thin air.

Sasuke was startled.

Then Sasuke confirmed that this was actually the power of his brother.

Sasuke's eyes burned with admiration again, as if he had forgotten everything before, as if he had returned to the past.

But can he really go back to the past?

Sasuke looked at Kimura Takuno, who was looking forward to it, waiting for Itachi to use Susanoo to attack the stone tablet.


There was a loud noise.

The stone tablet was knocked away by Itachi's single-arm Susanoo and crashed into the wall behind it.

This is underground, and behind the surrounding walls are underground rocks and sand.

The stone tablet crashed into the depths of the wall.

Although Itachi did not use his full strength in this attack, it still created a sense of earth-shaking when it was launched underground.

"Si Guo Yi!"

Sasuke exclaimed.

But after the smoke and dust cleared, the stone tablet was only embedded deep in the wall, and the stone tablet itself was not damaged at all!

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